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Spoiler free hints for VirtuaVerse - Nice Game Hints
作者: juho.rutila
I have written a Nice Game Hints VirtuaVerse guide. It is in the idea of UHS. So, there are just enough hints for you to get forward.
If you want just enough spoiler free hints to get past that one blocker, head to:
8 件のコメント
polymanictaz 2024年5月8日 1時27分 
:Rex:If you are also wondering why you cant fire the Lazer kannon & yr determination is getting fatigue from blindly fighting nothing,:wd_DeadSec: My advice is simple GIVE UP! in times of stressful thought you should temporarily walk away from the problem & seek out a mystic GURU :shaka: and take like a metric shit ton of drugs! :re0greenherb::CatNip::pandashocked::se::whfpill: shhhh.. its a secret hint!!
juho.rutila  [作成者] 2022年10月24日 10時47分 
@Thorn, thanks! I wrote the hints before the story mode was introduced but good to hear they work in that mode, too.
Thorn 2022年10月15日 17時54分 
Hey, just wanted to say thanks heaps for these hints! I used your guide to see me through the story mode version, and I'm glad I didn't have to wade through all the other puzzles to finish the game. Appreciate the assist!
juho.rutila  [作成者] 2020年11月21日 6時34分 
Okay, sorry. I stand corrected and now remember the puzzle, also. I forgot it already.
juho.rutila  [作成者] 2020年11月20日 2時31分 
Golden Doom, that sounds awfully like a Night of the Rabbit puzzle. This is a VirtuaVerse guide. What game are you playing?
Maxs Mead 2020年7月6日 16時30分 
This sounds very useful, thank you
Wake 2020年7月1日 0時17分 
Thank u so much b
Fruits 2020年6月18日 10時10分 
That's an incredible idea, thank you for doing this.