Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope

Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope

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Cheat codes
Por Daxank
In this guide I'll give you the cheat codes I could find for the game that will allow you, for example, to not be forced to play with that stupid bow on that trash first level.
What you'll always need to do first
Open up the console using ~ tilde (above TAB key)
(can't be seen in VR, you'll have to look at the game's window on your computer)

type :

to activate cheats OR

to activate cheats and cheats shortcuts ( O key for all weapons (said to be LGrip, RGrip, LGrip, RGrip on the vive controllers... but I've yet to get that to work), K to kill everything on the screen and G for godmode)
Cheats I know
will give you all the weapons with full mag

gam_strLevel=”Shaanti_02″ gamStart()
will make you start the second level of Shaanti (without having to play through the first level)

The text is pretty self explanatory but here's a few more examples

gam_strLevel=”Earth_03″ gamStart()
gam_strLevel=”Valtos_04″ gamStart()
gam_strLevel=”Pladeon_02″ gamStart()
gam_strLevel=”Arcadia_Minor_04″ gamStart()
2 comentarios
Daxank  [autor] 15 AGO 2023 a las 10:39 
Not that I remember
SecretAgentKiiN 特务健 14 AGO 2023 a las 7:47 
Will this disable steam achievement?