Space Haven
143 ψήφοι
Space Haven Basics
An introduction to the basics of Space Haven.
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Here are some basics that might help you.

- Build Mode
All of your building options are in the yellow box in the bottom right of the screen.

- Adjust wall view
This will allow you to lower or raise the height of the wall. This can help when a wall is blocking your view, or if you prefer the walls hidden or at full height.

- Toggle Roof View
This will allow you to see the roof of your station/ship.

- View Mode
Get used to accessing the view mode by either the R key or the button in the bottom right of the screen. This opens up the view mode, which allows you to see different views of your ship, including: O2, CO2, Comfort, etc.
After selecting this, you should see a small menu appear.
Simply select one of the ten options and it will show you that view.
User interface guide.

This shows your current location, as well as the whole system when you zoom out.
Here is my current location. You can also see the resources in my area.
And this is the full area with my area being the white star at the bottom

Crew Managment
Here you can see the priorities of each job. Left and right clicks on the job square will increase and decrease the priority of the job.

View Systems
This menu allows you to prepare for hyperjump, as well as manning certain systems of your station. Such as guns, shields, etc. Simply click which system you wish to turn on/off.

Attack Systems. You can "turn on" the turrets in the view system tabs.
Here you can see the turrets are manned and ready to shoot.
Tactical Map is used to see your ship/station's immediate area, and combined with the Attack systems tab, you will be able to attack in this area.
The turret has a few options available
Repair, Continuous fire, stop charging, remove target, select target. In that order, left to right.

Here you can see that I targeted the direlect ship.
And here is the bullet traveling in real time, and impacting the ship (green dot is bullet).

Data Logs
This is where your data logs will be stored. Nice.

This is a overview of your characters (top middle), selecting them with left click will open their menu up. Which will allow you to draft and access their other menus.

Sytem Resources
This area shows the resources in your system (top right). Selecting any of them will open a small interaction menu in the bottom right.

Game Dialogue Menu
This menu is in the top right and shows the game dialogue as events happen.

Time and Time control
Here you can see current time and have the controls to pause or speed up time.
View Modes
Simple guide for the view modes.

- Electricity
Power availability is color coded. Green being high availability, and red being no power.

- Temperature
Temperature is important in space, where the base temp is absolute zero.
Here we can see that the temperature can be anywhere from very hot to absolute zero.
This station is currently in the green, with a temperature of 19 Celcius.

- Comfort
Here you can see that most of this station is very negative comfort, with my barracks having slightly better conditions. It appears that the toilet adds a negative score to the room. Lets move that and try to improve room comfort.
Now the comfort level is better in the barracks.

- Atmosphere
This has multiple view option in one area.
O2 is essential for their survival. A high O2 is optimal with no O2 being in the void of space.

CO2 is for growing plant matterial, so a slightly higher CO2 level would be beneficial in a grow room. But higher CO2 can also be dangerous.

Smoke & Hazardous Gasses have ranges from safe to dangerous.
Character Menus
There are four menus for each character.
Skills, Status, Conditions, and Inventory.

Skills tell you about the stats of a specific person. Things like occupation, skills, attributes...

Status menu is going to hold the real time needs/emotions of the person. Here we can see this person is feeling a little hungry and is experiencing major discomfort.

Conditions menu has the detailed buffs/debuffs of any status, as well as medical issues.

Inventory is simply the inventory of the person. Equipped items will be found here.
Drafting is the first step to controlling your survivors.
All you have to do is select a person and then select the draft option.
After this they are now controlled by you.
You can make them walk by right clicking the tile you want them to go to.
You can attack items by right clicking a non-floor item/creature. (Here you can see he would attack the thermal regulator.)
Obtaining a weapon!
You have to first draft a person, then right click a storage device and select the grab option.
After this you can see the contents of the storage device. Simply drag and drop into your inventory.

Ship/Station Boarding
Make sure you have your space suit on! You can do this by selecting a space suit door, or a docking door on a hanger.

Enter your ship

Fly to your location by right clicking.
Find the docking station, or dock by a hull breech. (this ship has no docking port.)

Exit the craft and float into the ship.

Hostile Ship Boarding
You defeated your first pirate ship, Congrats!
Now onto the next step, board the ship and deal with them.
So first you have to get your crew drafted and into suits, then the shuttle. Fly on over to the ship and be prepared for combat, they usually have guns...
If you decide to let them die from "natural causes," simply wait for their supplies to run out. Or shoot their ship some more, maybe you can hit something/someone.
So something I noticed is that my crew had zero energy left after fighting them, so I let them sleep first.
Alright! After docking at the first thing I see is one dead pirate, and a pirate walking away from my crew. They instantly shot at him and he surrendered.
If they surrender there are two options: accept their cease fire, or decline.
Accepting the offer gives you whatever they offer, and declining takes them prisoner, and leaves their ship derelict.
Other factions may come and board the ship too. Be aware of this as they will steal ( ? ) your loot.
After you win a fight, you still have humans on the ship to deal with.
If you board and have a shootout, they usually surrender. If you fight with your ships cannons, you still have to board and fight. Sometimes it's better to just board first.

So you're on their ship, and they are surrendered. What can can you do.

Right click one of them while you have your recruited crew selected. You will be given two options.

Select talk to them, and this menu should appear.
You have two choices here.
Decline the offer and take them prisoner.
Right click your prisoners and select follow me.
Then select your shuttle and get in. The prisoner should follow you in.

Take them back to your ship. Make sure they have a prisoner area set. This can be done by going to the build menu and selecting the select prisoner area.

Now getting them to join you seems to take a while. I see that they have very low recruit chances, and higher revolt chance. They were .3% and 10.0% respectively.

It also seems that prisoners need access to a kitchen.
I'm certain that with a better prisoner room, and time, that they will eventually be recruited.
Ship to Ship Combat
Your ship's health is the red bar at the top right.
The more hull stabilizers you have on the ship, the more overall health you have.

If a hostile ship appears, make sure there is a person on at least the shield and turret terminals. Target the hostile ship within the attack system menu.
I've found that even when I had double the health of the pirate ship, same amount of shields, and the same amount of guns, I still lost.
Make sure you have someone able to resupply the guns on your ship because they do run out of ammo.

I then encountered another pirate while there was two other friendly ships in the sector. One of them took the gun fire, and my ship and the other guy destroyed him. So clearly that more ships in your fleet (or in the area to help), the better off you will be.
If you loose combat you can always rebuild. Start with the pod hangers so you can repair the hull of your ship.
Build hull over the destroyed areas.
Until they decide to board your ship and kill the crew...
Be prepared for this.

PS. You can watch them steal your loot :)

Salvage Time
After you clear a ship it's time to get to work. Salvage is an easy way to obtain resources.
Select the ship you want to salvage from the tactical map. Then select the salvage button in the bottom right menu.
Go ahead and select all that you want, and leave what you don't.
Wait, don't forget to transfer the items from the ship as well.

Crafting Resources
The resource tab is where all of your machine blueprints exist.
Chemical Refinery:
Produces refined chemicals. Hazardous gasses and Noisy.
Energy Refinery:
Transforms energy crystals into energy rods and raw hyperium into hyperfuel. Hazardous gasses and noisy.
Produces basic construction components. Soft blocks, hull blocks, infrablocks.
Creates fabric from fibers.
Metal Refinery:
Turns carbon and base metals into steel plates. Heat and noisy.
Item Fabricator:
Creates various items and weapons.
Turn scrap materials into usable resources. Heat and noisy.
Water Purifier:
Turn ice into water.
Tools Facility:
Builds tools.
Advanced Assembler:
Produces high tech construction components (tech blocks and energy blocks).
Optronics Fabricator:
Produces optronic (electronics and light) components.
Electronic Fabricator:
Turns noble metals and base metals to electronic parts. Hazardous gasses and noisy.
Cell Fuser:
Uses electronic components and energy rods to create energy cells.
Ship Building
This is left to you, so there won't be much here.

I'm moving this tip to the top because it could save your life. Remove extra hull if you run out of hull blocks.

Wanting to make a perfectly symmetrical ship is totally understandable. However, until you can afford to get fancy, all that really matters are the crew's needs. Keep living quarters comfortable and quiet.

Select the build button
click on the edit tab, and select build hull.
Click and drag you ship hull where you want it.
Wait until it is built. You now have a new ship.
Now you can begin working on the inside of the ship.

If you want to remove the hull of your ship watch out for this icon. I think it means there would be a hull breach.
A way to fix this is to first remove surrounding items/walls. This is because when you remove hulls the new wall gets placed one back. But when there is something blocking it no new hull is added.
After removing the two wall blocks you can re-remove the hull, and all should work.
Running out of supplies!
If you run out of supplies it doesn't hurt to remove non-essential items that are made of those resources. In the image below I am missing some items for my hyperdrive.
Now I will remove some items, and build the jumpdrive.
This wall power node only powers a small farm, which currently has no water to grow anyways. I'll dismantle the whole grow room until my jumpdrive is made.
I have to dismantle the tools facility for the rest of the resources.
And now we have a built jumpdrive.
Don't forget to rebuild what you deconstructed at a later time.
Ship Flying (First Time Leaving Abandoned Mining Station)
After the jumpdrive and navigation console are built on your ship, you're ready for travel!
But first you should prepare before you jump. Just a few things to check off before you go.
1. Make sure everyone is on the ship that is going to jump. For some reason they die if you leave them on the abandoned station (Scenario).
2. Get all ships and mining units back where they belong.
A good tip here would be to relocate the shuttle (and mining unit) from the abandoned station to your new ship. This is useful for when you need to leave the ship, or board a derelict ship, etc.
3. Bring any supplies you might need on the ship
Next enter the view system menu.
Select prepare for hyperjump, and wait for it to charge.
After it's charged select jump.
You should see a menu like this. Make sure everything looks alright then click jump.
The starmap will open up, this is where you select your location.
Double click your desired location. Your ship will begin the travel. You arrive at the location and should see a screen like this:
The will be a evasion attempt if you jump into a sector with enemies. Check out the ship combat tab (Will be made eventually).
Select where you want to place your ship by dragging and dropping the icon. After you pick the area select deploy. You are now in a new area.
If you return to your original station area you will see that the mining station can now be claimed or abandoned. If you claim it, it will go back to being a station you can use (same as before you left).
If however you select abandon, it will become a derelict ship, allowing you to scrap the station. I wouldn't recommend doing this because you lose a station with most resource benches already made. This is more recommended for when you are a bit better off.
Ship to Ship Interactions (Non-Combat)
You can communicate with ships in some form or another.
Simply scroll out to tactical view, or select the tactical view menu.
Select the ship and press the hail option in the bottom right area of your screen.
Here you can see a menu that appears for friendly ships.
You can negotiate with them to see the interior of the ship, or ask for permission to board. These have a percentage of success. Increasing their relationship with a gift should help.

This is where you can offer them a gift in order to increase relationships.

Declare War
It's obvious what this button does. There is a confirmation question at the next tab to prevent accidental wars. I guess this could be used for pirates, you could just ask for permission to board them, then open fire when you get on board. This still declares war if you attack them.

Here you can see their offers and their wants. My guess is that they will pay a bit more for the things they want.
Here is the trade menu. Their stuff is on the left, mine is on the right.
I'm going to trade for some water, so I trade some money and fiber.
After this your crew will prepare a shuttle with the resources, as will they. You can see their shuttle coming to my ship with the items.

When you are fighting a pirate ship, you can always surrender, or ask for cease fire.
Logistics start with the crew members and their skills. If your station ship is running out of materials or no one seems to be doing anything specific, it may be a logistics issue.


As we can see here each person has twelve skills, and these skills assist with the eleven different jobs in the crew management tab.
It appears that the game already has people set where they should be.

As you look through the jobs it may seem daunting, but it's actually quite simple when you figure it out.
I will set a more strict job system up. Where only one or two people can do a job. And for the four red jobs (Navigate, shield, guns, operations) I will set one.
So in this list Karlee would be the best navigator. Left click on her navigation arrow to increase it to high priority.
And for everyone else I will disallow the job. You can do this by right clicking the arrow.

Here is what it would look like after.
Their jobs are now set to where it may work the best. Of course testing this setup is important to see if it actually works.
It's smart to keep someone as backup for a specific job, for instance medical.

This is where you control when crew members do what they do. There are three different options: sleep, work and leisure. Their names are self explanatory.
This schedule can really effect your crew either positively or negatively.
In order to change this schedule click on one of the three tasks and select the hours.
Here you can see a modified schedule.
It wouldn't hurt to have at least one or two people up during the "night shift" simply to keep the ship running smoothly.
Here is an example of night work.
This allows work to be accomplished at almost all hours of the day.

This tab gives you control over how your crew uses the ships in your control.
This menu is useful for when you are currently building a ship, and you don't want the crew to be on that ship for anything other than building. This would be smart to use if the ship had low or no oxygen, as the suit gives a debuff. They will move to the safe ship/station and eat in comfort.

You can set where they sleep, eat and work. You can increase and decrease the locations with left and right clicks.
Jobs (Time to Work!)
Crew members will go about their day completing tasks on the ship, as well as any other workable areas.

You can force crew to do a specific job.
Select the job you want to be completed. For this example I wanted a lamp built.
If you click on this lamp blueprint we can see the menu open.
Select the jobs button and then select the assign option for the job.
All you have to do now is select someone to build it.

If your crew is focusing on one job, and forgetting others, there are a few solutions.

Custom Logistics Priorities
You can change the importance of a specific job. Power generators, water purifiers, and O2 generators are high importance jobs.
This is how you can control this.
Select the job you want to change. Then select overview, and then custom logistics priorities.
This will open a slider where you set the priority of the job.
For power generation I would recommend a lower number (10 being low, 1 being high priority).

IF you still have crew focusing on one job, and need them to stop. I would recommend turning off the job.
Transferring items from a derelict ship can take a long time. All you have to do is stop transferring items by going into the ship and lowering the transfer amount. This should stop it. Same for the salvaging of a ship. Simply disable the salvaging of resources.

1. Custom logistics priorities.
2. Assign workers to job.
3. Cancel other jobs, then do above steps.
Jump Fuel and Energy Rods
Running out of energy rods is not a fun situation.

Mining energium and refining it at a energy refiner is the only way to make energy rods (Confirmed?)

Mining hyperium and refining it at a energy refiner is the only way to make energy rods (Confirmed?).
The recycler is a very useful tool if you can get one on your ship/station. I highly recommend getting one.
I keep mine set to continuous for all of the block types, as scrap has no real purpose and the recycler turns it into useful blocks.
This item is useful for when you scrap down a whole ship and/or you have a ton of scrap sitting around.
I have the list of processes from most important to less (what I consider important).
Hull scrap > Infra scrap > Tech scrap > Energy scrap > Soft scrap
This could be changed with what is most important for you. And this order might not have any real effect.
Food is a necessity on a ship/station.
At first I tried filling my grow beds up to make as much food as I could. But now on my second attempt I realize I need to conserve water as much as possible. Try to find what works best for your needs. Balancing between conserving water, and using water to grow food.

So here are the foods you can grow.
Fruit and root vegetables give two resources for one water, where fibers and meat give one to one.
With this info fruit and root vegetables would be the most effecient source of food, albeit the least nutritious.
Water is so important I give it a whole section.

Water can be found in a few places. Mining, Loot, HUMAN WASTE.
The obvious one is mining the asteroids of their ice.This method gives ice quickly and in large quantities.

The second method is looting derelict ships after you clear them. This could give some water, apparently not always.
The other form is either from trading with ships, or....piracy.

The third method is from HUMAN WASTE. When your crew member uses the toilet it slowly adds up and eventually can be transformed into water. YUM.
I'm under the impression that if the crew eats fruits it causes them to bathroom more.
Electricity is essential for survival.
Your electricity comes from the power generator.
You create a power grid by using one of the four power node items.
Linking these nodes is simple after you figure it out.
You first select the node you wish to connect. You should see a green square near another node, or power generator.
All you do is select that green square and now you will see it become a red square. This is used to disconnect.
Remember to place nodes in areas where powered items are. The image below show a node providing power to the living quarters.
You may want to connect multiple nodes together to prevent power outages.
If one node breaks everything down the line goes. It could save someones life. (It appears floor nodes can have three connections.)
Power Capacity Nodes are useful when you need steady power. Which this can also keep production rates higher on machines.
I'm adding this section because I have died to asphyxiation. And it was a process to get it solved.
First make sure you have water stored somewhere you can access it.
Then make sure there is oxygen in the generator. This sounds overly simple, but it could save you.

If you no longer have water, get ice as soon as possible.
Here you can see I have no ship oxygen :(
But I just traveled to this new sector for the ice asteroid.
I sent out my miners to get the ice and bring it back. Here is the ice in storage.
I make sure the water purifier is set to continuous. And someone brings ice.
And finally water is made and added to the oxygen generator, which starts to output oxygen.
We will live another day!
Use air vents for more efficient air flow. This is useful when you have a lot of people in one small room using the oxygen faster than which it can come in.
CO2 can be a silent killer if you're not paying attention.
Here it seems everything is going well. My ship has a working O2 generator, so things are good right? Wrong!
Here you can see that the CO2 content in this bedroom is in the harmful range.
Now I planned for this to happen, but it can happen when you aren't planning on it.

A way this can be fixed is:
1. Make sure the room's door vent is open (an open hole at the bottom of the door).
2. Make sure to have a working gas scrubber.
3. Add vents on your walls to vent the room faster.
4. Set a schedule to prevent large amounts of people from sleeping at the same time. (staggered sleep schedule.
So it's bound to happen. Someone is gonna slip up and something is gonna go up in flames. Can you deal with it? Can you clean up the damages?
One small fire...
becomes an inferno.
You have two main issues when a fire occurs. Smoke and high temperatures, both can lead to death.
Here you can see a very high temperature (600 F)...
and a high amount of smoke (looks awesome in there).
You can usually get a fire put out, or just wait until the oxygen in the room gets consumed.
Now is the cleanup.
You might want to move a gas scrubber close to where the fire happened.
And after a hours of clean up we are back to normal. And I got some resources out of it.

Extra Tips/Other/Undefined Category
Free shuttles?
If you are unable to build a shuttle, you can always relocate it from a station with a shuttle.
Simply click the relocate button, then select a hangar.
If the needs are met, it should transfer over and be ready to go.
I recommend playing the platform start before you do the abandoned mining station start. It has a simple tutorial that walks you through the game (building the basics, and mining, combat, etc). I had to come to this scenario after failing for a second time on the mining station.

Finding Time for Work.
The Inevitability
You've done all that you could, but people still died in the process. No matter what was lost, you can go again. You can do better the second time around. Take what you learned, and apply it to your next game. Or reload and do it again.

How to deal with dead bodies.
Scroll out to the tactical map view (or select that view menu).
Click on remove body.
Someone will come to move the body.
And there they go. RIP
27 σχόλια
.pr0XY 6 Ιουλ 2024, 13:59 
yo man thanks a ton for this guide exactly what i was looking for to get motivated to try this game again
FriendlyFireOnly 8 Ιουν 2024, 12:05 
I miss the old energy system, man...
artisticmusicman 23 Μαρ 2023, 13:22 
You can also recycle the dead in your compost machine.
MasterBlaster 11 Μαρ 2023, 9:34 
just wow
Bin Ladin 24 Οκτ 2022, 2:28 
When you leave base mining station first time, jump, then go back, abandon it and salvage the mining station.
Hokkaido_Emi 9 Απρ 2021, 18:08 
kiitos, thanks
JohnC2308 16 Οκτ 2020, 4:04 
Nice, advice: if an enemy boards you, pause the game and get all your crew with guns drafted and in postion near to the airlock they used and save your game. Shotgun best gun for this sort of thing actually best gun in general. P.s, take them prisoners QUICKLY as they may bleed to death! :D
rzeim10 22 Ιουλ 2020, 15:19 
just open the airlock and vent the air out if there is a fire or smoke.
McSkumm 5 Ιουλ 2020, 9:07 
How do you salvage a derelict that doesn't have an airlock to dock with?
Khagar 9 Ιουν 2020, 5:34 
@Holty From the size of the ship. The larger the ship, the more points.