Maximum Action

Maximum Action

122 ratings
The Ducky Locations (outdated)
By RottenWitch
New and "Improved"! (updated to 0.7.5)
The Ducky is the most powerful entity in all of NewBlood games. This omnipresent creature can be located throughout every scene in Maximum Action and is secretly absorbing the power of the enemies you kill. I estimate by the full release of Maximum Action that the Ducky will have engulfed half of the universe.

Oh yeah and maybe you'd like to know where these Duckies are, so here we go.
Even in the tutorial level you are not safe. Inside one of the electrical boxes, the Ducky is hiding away and observing you in silence.
The Small Enemies cheat is unlocked from this Ducky, allowing you to crush your foes even more easily.
Thank you to I-Hate-Hyphens-and-Irony for providing this screenshot.

The Mean Streets
Ducky is sneaking around behind the container on the left when you descend the stairs towards the end of the level. Watch your wallets now.
The Big Punch cheat is unlocked from this Ducky, infusing your fists with an otherworldly power. You punch harder is what I'm getting at.

Good Luck Parking
Ducky has decided to move into an easier location now, watching over the cars in the garage in the wall pillar next to the 'D4' on the wall and making sure nobody parks for longer than they paid. He hates it when people do that.
The Quick Gun Handling cheat is unlocked from this Ducky, heightening your reflexes to allow faster shooting, reloading, and other gun related activities.

Over Easy Hospital
The Ducky has stowed away in the crates atop the stairs after the gang shows up. The Ducky has stolen crucial medical supplies, he is a monster.
The Infinite Slow-mo cheat is unlocked from this Ducky, allowing the flow of time to be manipulated for an endless period.

Tea For Woo
In the room lit by a blue light before the exit, the Ducky is waiting. You have uncovered his secret bird seed project and cannot be spared now. Run while you can.
The Flying cheat is unlocked from this Ducky, letting you float in the air using crouch and jump controls to change height. Ducks can fly, so why shouldn't you?

Hell's Kitchen
This time, the Ducky is sitting more in the open than usual. He is behind a set of glass panes on the right side of the room with the long table. Ducky is here because Chef John's restaurant is his favorite.
The Big Kick cheat is unlocked from this Ducky, giving your kick and extra kick. Ducks may not be known for their powerful kicks, but neither are you, so who am I to complain?

Ducky has been sent to assassinate you and lurks within one of the bushes behind you at the spawn.
The Tiny Mode/i] cheat is unlocked from this Ducky. You get small. Now you can be a vicious ankle-biter with guns!

Ducky is behind the bar after you first drop down from the second floor. Do not share alcohol with Ducky, he's not old enough.
The Big Heads cheat is unlocked from this Ducky, and now you'll never miss another headshot!

In the right corner behind the second green door, the Ducky sits generating immense endothermic energy which has caused the area to be frozen over.
The Mega Dive Kick cheat is unlocked from this Ducky, giving your diving kick a powerful boost that will send you further towards that out of bounds area over there.

Hiding between the two large vents near the rooftop stairs, sits the Ducky once more. Legend has it that staring at the Ducky for 1883 seconds exactly will cause the buildings to collapse.
The Guns With Force cheat is unlocked from this Ducky, imbuing your bullets with the power to push back enemies further than before. If your shot didn't kill them, the fall might.
Up the ramp is a wooden bust of the all powerful Ducky. Though it may look like a simple model, this is actually the Ducky's second cousin George.
The Infinite Mags cheat is unlocked from George, allowing one last bullet to always be present in your gun. Worry no more about ammo conservation thanks to George.

White Room
Behind the seemingly out of place shelves towards the back is the Ducky's secret room. This is actually a purgatory he has created, and he watches over it from here. Only some impressive acrobatics will grant you access.
The Low Grav cheat is unlocked from this Ducky, which actually shrinks the world to weaken the gravitational pull on everything. Just trust me on this.

In one of the shipping crates near the spawn, there is not only a secret cache of medkits but the Ducky who controls them. Watch your back around him.
The Third Person cheat is unlocked from this Ducky, which pushes your eyes really far back behind you. It looks cool but hurts a lot.

When you're spawned into the room, the Ducky is observing your proficiency from behind the set of chairs you start with your back turned to. Don't disappoint him now.
The Invincibility cheat is unlocked from this Ducky, granting you eternal life. Well, as long as you don't fall into a reset zone.

This canyon was created by one cough of the Ducky. He is present behind the largest rock across from you when you spawn.
The No Enemy Guns cheat is unlocked from this Ducky. Using fantastical powers, Ducky has made everyone forget their guns today.

The only trace of the Ducky in this arena is one of the signs. The Ducky may have digitized himself in order to gain even more power.
The Clown Guns cheat is unlocked from this Ducky. It makes guns look very good.

Ducky was the true final antagonist of Dusk. There he is, on the roof you spawn under. You live and die by the Ducky's hand.
The Fast Player cheat is unlocked from this Ducky, allowing you to zoom around the maps. It's not very good for your bones though, so be careful.

Ducky is extra hidden, because he knows you are on to him. On the second floor, up the stairs there is a breakaway wall that leads to more stairs. Proceed to encounter the ultimate being
The Big Gun Effects cheat is unlocked from this Ducky, making bullet impacts have a bit more glamour to them.
Shooting Range
Tucked away near a crate on the left shelf is the Ducky, waiting to steal the entire arsenal from nations all over the world and deposit them here.
The Letter Learner cheat is unlocked from this Ducky, granting you a special weapon at the beginning of a level that will fire out words from text you write, or copypastas.

Thanks for reading. What started out as a half-joke guide has evolved into something that I actually feel motivated to come back to and improve. A very big thanks to everyone who has helped discover Duckies that had moved or not yet been discovered. Version as of writing is 0.7.5.
zack.i.morrison 25 Jul, 2024 @ 4:23am 
the letter learner is now in the sandbox menu for the people who dont know
Th3TopMuglet 31 Mar, 2023 @ 9:28am 
to all the new players here: ducky is replaced with a golden statue
Son Of A Dead Meme 21 Sep, 2021 @ 7:47pm 
did they remove the letter learner
d00bie 3 May, 2021 @ 11:55am 
how do i reach the second floor of lobby?
SkullTrauma 14 Feb, 2021 @ 12:55pm 
the ones for the restaurant and shooting range don't seem to be there
C-Festival 11 Feb, 2021 @ 7:27pm 
For the current ver they are now statues RIP ducky the only place you can now find him is the sign that says ducky.
Stormdog 6 Jan, 2021 @ 5:51pm 
Was the shooting range one removed?
RottenWitch  [author] 15 Nov, 2020 @ 5:28pm 
that's cool man don't know why you felt the need to say it here but pop off I guess
skyland2511 15 Nov, 2020 @ 5:13pm 
Id Software and George Mandell > New Blood
SuSGrefrieter 28 Oct, 2020 @ 10:03am 