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Noobs and New Comer Guide
MrEvilPiggy 님이 작성
I play many games and learn many things. I can see and and learn what noob did every time inside every different kinda of games. I hate that and they always end up dieing in the end.

My guide will help you to learn what others don't and able to help you to stay alive and be strong.
즐겨찾기 해제
Rust: How to stay alive longer for Noobs
How to stay alive longer in Rust? Well this is how.

Rust is a MMO online survival games where you run, eat, fight zombie, and/or players. Depend where you are playing (PvP or no PvP) this guide will help you.

Many people go for stone hacket but if you did, you will end up dieing of hunger. Even though stone hacket is fast, it is useless if you die. You better off getting a weapon. The weapon you should get is a bow. A hunting bow will help you kill a larger games like deer, wolf, or bear since they are more common found in the game.

First, you need to look for smaller games to get cloths like killing a pig, rabbit, or chicken. Make sure you turn your grass off to find rabbit or chicken since grass will ruin you of finding them.

Second is find wood. Since you already get cloth(s), you are able to get wood from woodpile or from trees. Woodpile and stone are spawn near what ever you spawn at. They spawn near/at roads since they spawn at small chuck area only. Once you have enough woods, you should look for stone since they will help you make arrows. They are dark or light color rocks. If you don't know what they look like :

or in my youtube video:
since I show you how to make a bow first and show what color of rocks they look like.

Third is make a bow and arrows and go hunting. If you play in PvP, make sure you check your area to see if no player is near you since they could/might kill you.

Bow Can do 2 hit(s) on:

Bow can do 4 hit(s) on:

Bow sometime do one-hit kill. Few people use bow to kill zombie but if you did, make sure you hit them in the head for one-hit kill. Bow do higher damage then 9mm Handgun but I don't know why. 4 shot on a bear using 9mm handgun didn't kill a bear but a bow can. Once you cook food, you are able to live a little bit longer. (When I mean a little bit longer, you might die later on if you are not careful) Make your home and try to stay alive.
댓글 9
Carius 2014년 1월 19일 오전 8시 23분 
This helped my newbinesss.
MrEvilPiggy  [작성자] 2014년 1월 18일 오전 8시 34분 
There are chicken and rabbit since I found many of them
MrEvilPiggy  [작성자] 2014년 1월 18일 오전 8시 33분 
Yea my video is bad since I am trying not to get pvp
Frog 2014년 1월 17일 오후 6시 02분 
There aren't any chickens or rabbits in the game...
NastraDOOMus 2014년 1월 10일 오전 11시 50분 
you sound like a retard
RickJamesYies 2014년 1월 9일 오후 1시 20분 
video=deafening. nuff said.
The Vile 2014년 1월 9일 오전 10시 09분 
Bow can do hits? wut....
Saeed M 2014년 1월 9일 오전 2시 03분 
and avoid building near roads, try hiding your temporary shelter and remember its location..check your surroundings.
APerfectCircle 2014년 1월 3일 오후 6시 59분 
You need to add how to turn the grass off: Type "grass.on false" in the console window by pressing F1. Also no mention of what to do when night falls? Building a shack and a door, a sleeping bag, a campfire and a chest. These are all things a newbie needs to know and do when they first play, your guide needs some work but it's getting there.