Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links

The pride of D-chan
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"Unlike other game forums which are about games, this one often seems to be about other things, in one of the worst cases, it's about trying to keep score of such how many players one can report and have banned, while hopefully avoiding bans youself. Or at least that seems to D-chan passion.

This is a screenshot sent was to me by D-chan after they sent me a friend-request after I asked D-chan to stop responding (stupidly) to my posts. D-chan apearently showed me this screenshot to "show off" that D-chan managed to get moderater(s) to put warnings and bans on many users, which D-chan seems to think is a good thing. D-chan also bragged about how D-chan managed to avoid getting banned themselves and how there aren't any bans against D-chan in the screenshot. (D-chan keeps changing their name, but despite claiming to be Canadian, D-chan can ussually be reconized by the persistant and false "Tokyo, Japan" address on the profile.

Before and after I asked D-chan to stop responding (compulsively) to my posts (with stupid things), D-chan had been intentionally responding to my posts with stupid things, probably to intentionally annoy me, but quite likely in the hopes trying to get me to post something that might get me banned via one of D-chan's reports (which D-chan is so proud of, and, I'm guessing, helps give D-chan some type of "validation".) D-chan also wanted to "prove" that despite trying to get people banned, D-chan allegedly hadn't been banned yet. In practice, the only time I was banned with regard to D-chan was when I was nice enough to essentially say "I guess it's ok to respond to [2 specific] posts of mine." The moderator considered that to be "baiting", maybe encouring D-chan to post more of topic-stuff than they do already. (I didn't try to refute the ban on the grounds that I didn't do anything wrong, but I did ask that the moderate suggest to D-chan that maybe neither of us should be replying to each other's posts.) w

Aside from wanting to warn people about D-chan's appearent hobby of appearently trying to get people warned and banned, my bigger concern is the stupid posts that are made in response to mine.

I admit sometimes impulsively post things that are kind-of pointless, (it's easy to get "sucked in" when this is discussion group is just about the worst I can think on steam with respect to that..)

But I often spend a lot of time trying to help players or emphasize-with players who are really upset with the game, or I'm trying to post things I think other people will like for some reason or another, like just trying to talk about the game seriously, or conversely, posting something that I think is really funny and might lead to a fun funny thread.

But D-chan compulsively replies to those posts to annoy me, (and almost certainly mostly just because I asked D-chan not to,) and those replies are ussually misleading, stupid, bring everything off-topic, or are otherwise seemingly malicious. At a minimum, it serves to partially nullify any benifit to community that I might be trying to make, as D-chan seems to mostly reply only to those types of posts. Then again, I guess if D-chan responded to something I posted that was stupid or frivilious, I might not have noticed because it's mostly when D-chan "stalks" the posts I care about that I get pretty upset of the resulting malicious "damage.""