Blacklight: Tango Down

Blacklight: Tango Down

48 ratings
Unlock Codes section
By Talint
This codes are for option>unlock code
They have not only cosmetic purpose, but also can boost your health, speed, attack etc a little
here you go
Alienware symbol - Al13nwa4re5acasE
Alienware black dog tags - Alienwarec8pestU
AMD VISION square tag (red) - AMD3afrUnap
AMD VISION square tag (blue) - 4MDB4quprex
ATi square tag - AT1hAqup7Su
E3 dog tags - E3F6crAS5u
Yellow teddy bear - Denek1Ju3aceH7
Famitsu Magazine dog tag - Fam1tsuprusWe2e
Unknown - Bl4ckl1ght2Ru7uS
Blacklight logo chip - Ch1pBLuS9PR
UTV Lightning logo chip - Ch1p1GN1u0S
Orange Scorpion logo chip - Ch1pMMRSc0rp
Order logo chip - Ch1p0RD3Ru02
Zombie Studios logo chip - Ch1pZ0MB1Et7
Pink brass knuckles - H4rtBr34kerio4u
Unknown - SKULLCLUB9rAVaZ2
Jace Hall Show logo - J4ceH4llstuFaCh4
Storm Lion Comics logo (shaped) - StormLion9rAVaZ2
Strom Lion Comics logo (rectangle) - St0rmLi0nB4qupre
Razer logo - R4z3erzu8habuC
Upper Playground logo - UPGr0undWupraf4u
Upper Playground logo - UPGr0undv2FUDame
Australian flag - AUS9eT5edru
Austrian flag - AUTF6crAS5u
Belgium flag - BELS7utHAsP
Canadian flag - CANfeprUtr5
Danish flag - DENdathe8HU
Finnish flag - FINw3uthEfe
French flag - FRApRUyUT4a
German flag - GERtRE4a4eS
Hong Kong flag - HOKYeQuKuw3
Indian flag - INDs4u8RApr
Irish flag - IRE8ruGejec
Italian flag - ITAQ7Swu9re
Japanese flag - JPNj7fazebR
Korean flag - KORpaphA9uK
Mexican flag - MEX5Usw2YAd
Dutch flag - HOLb8e6UWuh
New Zealand flag - NZLxut32eSA
Norwegian flag - NOR3Waga8wa
Portuguese flag - PORQ54aFrEY
Blacklight and crossed swords - R41nB0wu7p3
Russian flag - RUS7rusteXe
Singaporean flag - SINvuS8E2aC
Spanish flag - ESPChE4At5p
Swedish flag - SWEt2aPHutr
Swiss flag - SWIsTE8tafU
Taiwanese flag - TAW8udukUP2
United Kingdom flag - UKv4D3phed
United States flag - USAM3spudre
lllltepahhcs 10 Dec, 2018 @ 9:08pm 
Having a "Save Game" progress level would be greatly appreciated for those of us who play campaign style (semi-Solo/Singleplayer) using bots so we can move through the game world. This something many fans of this game have pursued since the drop off in MP/online support.

Multiplayer game modes don't really support save game except for those games where you do progress through a series of maps and bosses with teams that would support returning to the game as time allows for those of us who have real life things that have to be done "Mid-Game" like paying respects to mothernature.. Feeding the body and mind.. Or.. Earning the local real credits to keep the power on so we can keep playing the game..
satyreslym 24 Feb, 2016 @ 2:49am 
Thank you.
satyreslym 24 Feb, 2016 @ 2:43am 
For the most part this game only needs a save function, not makeup. A save progress would make trhis game great.Code writer write one or put it in the cost. Want another dollar? No save , what do they mean. Seems to me progress is stalking and harrassment in the game world and buying a new cpu or pc every 6 months, who Yall know bill freakin gates. Ok I can respect a health boost in english, simple english. Tell me how to do this.
xsleepyyx 18 Jun, 2015 @ 2:57pm 
thnx and i recomend swedish flag :)
ItsLionspear 11 Oct, 2014 @ 2:31pm 
Thank you :)
Tacospiff 26 Jul, 2014 @ 4:16pm 
where do you put them?
guidy 18 Jun, 2014 @ 9:25pm 
Thanks a ton m8 (((((:
[TNTKnight]Cuicui 20 Jan, 2014 @ 4:35am 
thanks a lots!¬ ¬
Talint  [author] 18 Jan, 2014 @ 7:40pm 
in main menu, go to help+options>unlock code>copy-paste your codes
[TNTKnight]Cuicui 18 Jan, 2014 @ 6:16am 
how to do it?