The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

504 ψήφοι
Enchant Freedom LITE
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4.120 KB
2 Απρ 2012, 11:45
11 Μαρ 2014, 5:18
2 σημειώσεις αλλαγών ( προβολή )

Συνδρομή για λήψη
Enchant Freedom LITE

Tired of being limited to enchanting only boots with a certain enchantment? Or only being able to have the magic resist buffs on your shield? Well, No More! This simple, lightweight mod lets all armor enchantments to go on ANY armor, regardless of its worn slot.

What it does.
Allows all armor (Helm, Curaiss, Gauntlets, Boots, Jewelry and Shield) to recieve any of the buff enchantments regardless of the enchantments normal armor slot restrictions.

What it does NOT do.
This does not alter disenchanting in any way, so you will need another mod to disenchant your special items with those unique enchants to learn them for enchanting.
This mod only effects The original games enchantments. If any are added by DLC's or Mods, it will not change them.

V 1.0

-----What Buffs are effected-----
Carry Weight
Health Regen
Heavy Armor
Light Armor
Magicka Regen
One Handed
Resist Disease
Resist Fire
Resist Frost
Resist Magic
Resist Poison
Resist Shock
Stamina Regen
Two Handed
Unarmed Damage
Water Breathing

NOTE : After I uploaded this I actually discovered there is a similar Mod with a similar name (Seems we had the same idea, even when it comes to naming.). The other MOD however does a few more things I don't want my MOD to do, like add new enchants, etc, so I suppose its ok that both exist, since some people may not want to pull too far from the original game just to be able to have freedom in enchanting. I'm renaming my mod to "LITE", as his is superior in what it does.
106 σχόλια
Blue001  [Δημιουργός] 28 Νοε 2020, 9:21 
@ SirVivel You are welcome.
SirVivel 27 Νοε 2020, 19:29 
It's been a long time. Now 2020 is ending and I stll have your Mod in my load order. One of VERY few mods that made the journey with Skyrim since it existed. Maybe you read this comment, maybe you don't. Thank you anyways! THANK YOU for making one of the best mods out there! <3
Boon: Bees? 1 Δεκ 2016, 16:38 
I realize you made this forever ago, but THANK YOU!! Now I can finally make the boots & gauntlets I've always wanted to: The Gauntlets of HVAC (Resist Fire & Frost), and the Energizer Bunny's Boots (Resist Shock, Fortify Stamina Regen)!
Blue001  [Δημιουργός] 26 Οκτ 2016, 12:50 
From Mod Description :

What it does NOT do.
This does not alter disenchanting in any way,
Yozora 26 Οκτ 2016, 12:21 
Can I disenchant the Amulet of Talos with this mod?
I had a mod long time ago that allowed me to do this, but I can't remember what mod.
KARMAisART 25 Ιουλ 2016, 15:40 
Praise Blue001 ! :csgoglobe:
aulbryn 1 Ιουν 2016, 11:08 
Can I use this on clothing? Such as Blue Robes?
Malian 27 Δεκ 2015, 7:22 
Can I use this with dragonborn aswell??
WayBig 5 Ιουλ 2015, 21:19 
MasterGrix 28 Ιουν 2015, 7:35 
Agreed Hasty. Great mod!