Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

219 rating
[TTT] Thomas The Tank Engine REMAKE
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Weapon
Addon Tags: Fun, Roleplay
Ukuran File
10.433 MB
16 Mar 2020 @ 7:10pm
25 Mar 2020 @ 4:56pm
3 Catatan Perubahan ( lihat )

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[TTT] Thomas The Tank Engine REMAKE

Dalam koleksi 1 dari AllDangerInc
ADI TTT Server 2020
Item 81

Only for TTT or TTT2 Gamemode
This is a "Remake"
I changed a lot but not all -> aka "Remake"
  • Fixed "Hitbox" not just a Box but a Mesh. with correct rotation!
  • 3D Model created by me
    - More detailed & accurate
    - Less tries yes! more detail with less tries
    - Wheels are animated
    - Eyes will follow you
  • Gameplay each can be turned OFF! see "ConVar"
    - Detective hit will stop Thomas
    - Detective will notify the stop in chat
    - Detective survives Thomas
    - You and the detective are immune against Thomas
    - BUT the explosion can kill you and the detective
  • Music
    - Uses .ogg instead off .mp3 mp3 loses sooo much
    - changed Music for more dank Remixes :P see "Music used"
  • LUA
    - optimised ENT:Think() uses proper SetLocalVelocity! not setPos every Think()!
    - correct "Hitbox" rotation before that Hitbox would always face the same world direction
    - optimised what runs on Server or Client
    - and all that LUA to achieve the changes already mentioned
Use these in your server.cfg to change Thomas gameplay
You can also change these in a running Game!
via Console or under TTT2 ULX (tab "Addons" -> list "Thomas Remake")

ttt_thomas_det_stop --(def.1) Detective stops Thomas
ttt_thomas_det_stop_say --(def.1) Detective tells chat if he stoped Thomas
ttt_thomas_det_survive --(def.1) Detective survives Thomas
ttt_thomas_speed --(def.350) How fast should Thomas go?
ttt_thomas_explode_time --(def.15) Seconds till Thomas explodes
ttt_thomas_explode_magnitude --(def.256) Magnitude of explosion
ttt_thomas_explode_radius --( def.512) Radius of explosion

Music used
please listen to all of them! xD
  1. Don-t Copy That Floppy -Thomas the Dank Engine remix
  2. Thomas the Dank Engine - SFM Animated Music Video
  3. Waka Flocka the Tank Engine!
  5. Thomas the Tank Engine™: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (Remix) (V2)
  6. Thomas the Tank Remix - Back in Black

Credit goes to Mr. Funk for the Original Version > Addon Link <
to Alf21 for the TTT2 compatible Version > Addon Link <
and to Mineotopia for the Icon > github Link < []
Stian Ervik Wahlvåg for a 3D Model i used as a reference/inspiration (well i only used the face mesh) > YouTube Link <
T(h)ank you <3

> Get the Source Code and the Blender File < []
You can use the 3D Model and Code for your unique and diffrent Addon! (just send me a link and mention me in The Credits <3 )
BUT I dont want to see slightly modified Versions of this Addon on the Workshop! I can provide Custom ConVars for any small changes you need, or you just edit the Lua on your Server
However if you think your modifications are big enough for a separate Workshop upload: ask me for permission, like i did asking the original TTT Thomas Autor. And tell me what is so diffrent that we cant include it in this addons Code. I am likely to say yes don't worry <3

  • more ConVars
  • ConVar changes Update T-Shop Description
  • Map ban

You Are looking for this Addons file? In your garrysmod/addons folder ? Garry's Mod changed the location for new Addons in Jan/2020 .
Its now in:
steamapps/workshop/content/4000/<addon ID>
And for Server:
gmod/steam_cache/content/4000/<addon ID>

This is my first Gmod Addon. And my first time with Source Engine. Over 2 Weeks of work xO
Wow you have read it all to the End :o Give yourself a pat on your shoulder you deserve it <3. Now go and Subscribe. Have Fun! Ohh and please come back to rate this Addon
Diskusi Populer Lihat Semua (2)
20 Mar 2020 @ 11:55am
Feature Request and Feedback
17 Mar 2020 @ 2:52am
Bug Report [ ENG/GER ]
45 Komentar
MinesBoom 13 Feb 2024 @ 3:15pm 
Hey, while setting up a TTT server with a friend, i got the dumb idea of making a cologne dialect version of this addon with some voicelines known for cologne carnival (like "Kölle Alaaf, d'r Zoch kutt", meaning something like "Cologne Alaaf, the carnival procession is coming") and some music related to it

I hope, that completly different voicelines and chat-messages are enough for an indiviual Addon
(uploaded it a day ago: Koelsche Tommes so i could easilier test it with him, but got stuck with a renaming problem of the model/textures. I will delete it, if you are not ok with this)
pIGG_eGG 23 Okt 2023 @ 11:04am 
the eyes are broken ;-;
AllDangerInc  [pembuat] 22 Jan 2023 @ 5:26am 
you can chnage it in the via ConVar. I list them in the description above.
ttt_thomas_det_stop 0
ttt_thomas_det_survive 0
Arno Dübel 22 Jan 2023 @ 4:51am 
can you switch the option back on to make the detective hittable somehow? it kinda removes the whole purpose of this gun and is a really big nerf would be a better option kinda...
SuperLitLuigi 17 Nov 2022 @ 7:05pm 
Can you port this to SFM?
Tem 19 Jul 2021 @ 1:01pm 
Still the best thing to ever happen in TTT
wingman 13 Jun 2021 @ 2:32pm 
I am big into watching let's plays with these modded weapons and it might be easier to recommend to like r/Yogscast and the like if it came as a new version. They always need to refresh their weapon roster and the charge-up would distinguish it from the Doncannon.
AllDangerInc  [pembuat] 11 Jun 2021 @ 6:17am 
good idea :D i currently dont have time to implement that. But maybe soem day.
Should i make it a second Version or an optional ConVar for this Engine ? Tough it would be off on default.
wingman 9 Jun 2021 @ 10:22am 
Love this!

I have this idea and no skill to implement it though.

You know the calm section of Thomas the tank engine (oh "TTT", I get it now) theme at around 0:56 toward the "beat drop" at 1:05 (Also at 2:00 to 2:10).

It would be awesome and good for balance if you had a charge up time at 10 second where everyone server wide could hear the buildup and either hunt down the Traitor fast or flee. Maybe even the weapon could become more powerful as you "overcharge it". Maybe a size increase up until a ridiculous level after 30 seconds of buildup the theme would truly fill the server with dread for when TTTank engine will be released.
-\_Technotastic_/- 20 Feb 2021 @ 10:09am 
i really want it for sandbox mode pls!!!!