Arma 3
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Freestyle's Nukes
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2020年2月19日 6時55分
2020年8月12日 8時25分
9 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Freestyle's Nukes

Finally my mod version of my Realistic Nuke Script is finished.

When using automatic AI nuke strikes you may experience lags and/or crashes, to fix this simply disable AI nuke usage in the addon settings! I will try to improve performance and stability in future updates. Thanks to @JustusLM for reporting this bug! This feature should be disabled by default at the moment, it's unstable in some situations (mainly when loading scenarios).

This mods adds five nuclear weapons with different explosive yields, additionally it adds a script to allow the AI to use those weapon son their own. All weapons are compatiple with almost all vanilla bomb and missile pylons. Their yields can be selected mid-flight by switching through the firemodes, current yield will be displayed on your aircraft's HUD. The five weapons are:

B61-12 Nuclear Bomb
a laser-guided bomb, with the selectable yield of 0.3/1.5/10/50 kT of TNT. Currently the only weapons compatible with my AI nuking script, detail further down.

a super-sonic missile with laser guidance, it can lock a laser target instantly up to 15 km range. It has a yield of 1/5/15/25 kT of TNT.

an Air-Launched-Cruise-Missile with 100 kT yield. It can lock on a laser target upto 32 km range (like the vanilla cruise missile) and flies slowly to enable the aircraft to escape the danger zone when firing at shorter ranges. Be advised that targeting range is impacted by your aircrafts sensors, a 32 km lock is not always possible. Also the model looks a bit weird, this might change in the future.

the big brother of the B-61, yield is selectable to be 50/150/350 kT or 1.2 MT.
At 1.2 MT a crater with a diameter of 400m will be created, everything within 2300m will be destroyed and the nuke will affect objects as far as 12500m away, covering an area of 491 km^2, equivalent to the combined land areas of Altis and 11 times Stratis.
This is a huge explosion which will likely cause lag and take its time! So be careful when using this!

Diamoandback Nuclear Sidewinder
a long-range radar guided air-to-air missile with a 0.75 kT nuclear warhead, capable to strike targets up to 32km away.

AI automatic nuke usage:
!!!This feature is experimental and may cause lags/crashes, disable it in the addon options if you experience problems!!!
The mod now contains a script which allows AI to use nukes on their own. Every 60 seconds it tests wether a plane has a B-61 loaded. If so it will count possible targets in its destructive range and decied, depending on 7 parameters, if it should use a nuke.
Once a target for nuking is selected the AI will send a message to the Side Chat and inform its allies about the position and yield of the strike. It will then fly away from the target, turn around and drop the bomb.
This behaviour can be disabled for all planes using the Addon Settings or for individual planes by using the command:
_unit setVariable ["FSN_No_Auto_Nuking", true];
where _unit is the plane which should not be using AI nukes.

Additionally you can edit the parameters used for choosing targets in the settings too. A short explainations follows:
  • Minimum Enemy in area: how many enemies have to be in the area to allow a nuclear strike, ranges from 1 to 500
  • Maximum Friendly units in area: how much friendly units are allowed within the nukes blast radius, if this number is exceeded the strike is cancelled, ranges from 0 to 500
  • Maximum Civilians in area: same like "Maximum Friendly units in area", but considering civilian units, ranges from 0 to 500
  • Maximum Frienlies per Enemy in area: calculates Frienlies / Enemies, strike is only allowed if the result is lower than this number, ranges from 0 to 50
  • Maximum Civilians per Enemy in area: same as above, but considering civilian units instead, ranges from 0 to 50
  • Maximum Civilians and Frienlies per Enemy in area: same as above, but considering civilian and friendlies, so its (Frienlies + Civilians) / Enemies, ranges from 0 to 100
  • Try yields order: if AI should try using larger or smaller yields first, either "Small to Large" or "Large to Small"

This settings are applied only if you set "AI Nuke Usage Template" to "Custom". You can also choose one of the following tamplates:
  • Standard: at least 25 enemies, only low civilian and friendly casulties allowed
  • Aggresive Use: only 20 enemies required, higher loses and colleteral acceptable
  • Destruction: 20 enemies and even higher acceptles loses/casulties, using the largest yield possible
  • Reckless: use the largest yield available, only 10 enemies required, loses/casulties are ignored
  • Sacrifice: similar to Standard, but allied loses are more acceptable
  • Acceptable Casualties: similar to Standard, but most civilian casulties are acceptable
  • No Casualties: At least 25 enemies, no loses/casulties at all
  • An Eye for an Eye: absolute number of loses/casulties is irrelevant, at least as much enemies are killed
  • Triggerhappy: only 10 enemies required, similar to Aggresive, but less friendly loses allowed
  • Overkill: like Triggerhappy, but large yields are preffered

Planned features:
  • compatability with other modded planes
  • other nuclear weaponary
  • updates to the script

  • FIR AWS: Now compatible with FIR AWS and its aircrafts
  • RHS: Compatible with RHS:USAF and RHS:AFRF planes
  • USAF (2019): Compatilble with all planes of the fighter pack
  • TIOW 5.1: Compatible with the new Thunderbolt aircraft
  • ACE Medical: Detects ACE Medical and applies damage using ACE functions accordingly

About the script:
I tried to create a nuke script which is more realistic then existing ones, by using data gathered from (made by Alex Wellerstein) and modelling functions to calculate the damage for a given explosive yield.
A test mission is available here:
Additionall information can be found here

  • selectable yield
  • 20 psi, 5 psi and 1 psi blastwaves (heavy, medium and light damage)
  • thermal and nuclear radioation (only direct effects, no fallout yet)
  • temporary malfunction of aviation instruments (radar, hud etc.)
  • mushroom cloud with condensation rings (depending on weather)
  • other effects (fireball, shockwave etc.)
  • simple fallout/radioactivity at the origin of the blast, you can protect yourself usign CBRN suits
  • simple fire mechanic which burns some houses down after the detonation
  • crater generation which destroys buildings inside it and creates a blockade
  • Air Mode to enable usage of high-altitude explosions (NOT air burst)

Known Issues:
  • extreme lag on hosted multiplayer sessions (not tested on dedicated yet)
  • effects start to glitch at large or very small yields (e.g when below 0.3 kT)
  • bug when position argument is called for the postion of a map marker (like "getPos Marker01"), use other objects instead

Feel free to use the script/mod for your missions/mods, but please credit me (e.g. link to this post) and send me a link to your creation, I would love to try it out.

Thanks to everyone who helped me develop the script by giving me suggestions and tips on how to improve my script.

Some of the bomb/missile functionality was inspired by Aristine's Advanced Ordnance Mod:


This work is licensed under the Public License Share Alike:
476 件のコメント
Reticuli 1月2日 13時12分 
Does this have flash-bang-like effects, flash whiteout and blindness if watching it?
PATOSO123 2024年12月28日 8時49分 
Nuclear explosions do not appear when I fire any of the munitions from any of the compatible planes
braydensmith.0720 2024年12月25日 20時57分 
░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ THIS IS BOB
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░░
▀█▌░░░▄░▀█▀░▀ ░░ COPY AND PASTE HIM,
░░░░░░░▄▄▐▌▄▄░░░ SO, HE CAN TAKE
░░░░░░░▀███▀█░▄░░ OVER THE WORKSHOP
zeksarer 2024年9月14日 8時39分 
как кинуть то еб твою мать
-ASHES- 2024年8月19日 14時40分 
schollebubi 2024年8月1日 2時50分 
I also cant find the mod
SevenM249 2024年7月5日 1時07分 
where tf is it
SevenM249 2024年7月5日 1時06分 
It says the yield is selectable but for the life of me I cannot find it
Above average femboy 2024年7月3日 17時40分 
░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ THIS IS BOB
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░░
▀█▌░░░▄░▀█▀░▀ ░░ COPY AND PASTE HIM,
░░░░░░░▄▄▐▌▄▄░░░ SO, HE CAN TAKE
░░░░░░░▀███▀█░▄░░ OVER THE WORKSHOP
your local mercenary 2024年5月16日 5時30分 
finally I can nuke chinese communists 10/10