Castle of no Escape 2
Castle of no Escape 2 password ("ritual") system
โดย Xitilon
This is a full technical explanation of password system format used in Castle of no Escape 2 since its release on Steam, in December of 2016.
Symbol types

ConE2 password is made of 13 symbols, each with 8 possible types.

Types correspond to bits:
0 - 000 - circle
1 - 001 - triangle
2 - 010 - square
3 - 011 - diamond
4 - 100 - ||
5 - 101 - =
6 - 110 - X
7 - 111 - infinity
Game session data
So each symbol stores 3 bits, and full password of 13 symbols stores 13*3=39 bits, which are filled with this:

1-5 - false sword shards
6-10 - true sword shards
11-15 - gems
16 - bluefire
17 - goldsign
18-20 - hero class (only 1-6 are valid; 0 becomes 1, 7 becomes 6)
21-30 - random seed
31-33 - armor class
34-36 - always 0
37-39 - checksum (1+2+3+...+33) mod 8 (thanks to lulu40cdcross for pointing out)

This system is independent of any game platform and player profile.
Artificial example
So if I want to construct a password for the final boss, I would want: all true sword shards, all gems, bluefire, goldsign, hero class (let it be 1, so it's a guardian), any random seed (let it be just all 1 so it's simple), best armor, and then sum it up for the checksum.

In bits: 11111 11111 11111 1 1 001 1111111111 110 000 110
Symbols: 111 111 111 111 111 110 011 111 111 111 110 000 110 (just grouped by 3)
Those are: 5 infinity symbols, X, diamond, 3 infinity symbols, X, circle and X in the center.
9 ความเห็น
Xitilon  [ผู้สร้าง] 18 ก.ค. 2023 @ 8: 20am 
gegeIII, glad you liked to explore the game more and had fun with that! :cone_guardian:
gegeIII 18 ก.ค. 2023 @ 7: 36am 
This is an extension of the game ! I had some kind of fun with a pencil and a paper, placing bits and symbols in their columns :D

many thanks for the explanations !
Xitilon  [ผู้สร้าง] 1 ส.ค. 2022 @ 4: 30pm 
lulu40cdcross, you are right, for the checksum only 3 last bits are used, so if you get a checksum of 1 000, it will be just 000, and there's no way to differentiate between them. I know it's not a very effective system, but rebalancing it would require rethinking all the system in terms of how many characters would be used (I wanted to use exactly 13), or how many different characters could be in one place (already 8, didn't want to make it more difficult for the player to input), or how many different castles would be accessible with the ritual (didn't want to have only 256 and to write new code to limit this in the hero selection screen). So, it became what it is. :cone_guardian:
lulu40cdcross 30 ก.ค. 2022 @ 10: 35am 
Hello @Xitilon, first of all thank you very much for explaining the system of password and how it works.
The only question remaining for me is related to the checksum and this part works depending on what I want to input th amout of '1' can't always be brought to 32 just with the help of only 3 bits.
How is the sum calculated and which values are attended for it?
Thanking you by advance for your feedback :Shiryu:
Xitilon  [ผู้สร้าง] 8 ส.ค. 2021 @ 4: 48pm 
The hero class is here:
111 111 111 111 111 11_0 01_1 111 111 111 110 000 110

You change it to, say, 010:
111 111 111 111 111 11_0 10_1 111 111 111 110 000 110

So you should input:

5 infinity symbols, X, =, 3 infinity symbols, X, circle and X in the center.

And the checksum remains the same, because the amount of 1's did not change. It would change for the third class, though - just increase the checksum by 1 for that case).
DarkwingedTrumpeter 8 ส.ค. 2021 @ 10: 33am 
Can you give an example for another hero class. I struggle to fill the checksum, I guess.
entomberr 20 ก.พ. 2020 @ 2: 48am 
Sorry. I mismatch tread in my feed :D
Xitilon  [ผู้สร้าง] 19 ก.พ. 2020 @ 2: 47pm 
No? But good point there. XD
entomberr 19 ก.พ. 2020 @ 1: 05pm 
Are you guys friends with train simulator?