83 ratings
The VRDF's Guide To VRChat
By TECHNO504 and 4 collaborators
Hey hey people, Shep here returning with yet ANOTHER guide for this strange strange game.
Today i will be creating what could possibly be my final guide however do not worry because i will be updating this one throughout time with new content, so check back once in a while to see what's new.
Here we are once more. You, me, and this Steam guide. It's nice seeing you once again, I've missed you.
Today i, along with other members of the VRDF (but mostly me since i will be doing all the typing) will be creating our own guide to the strange yet wonderful world of VRChat.
So buckle up, this one is gonna be long...real long.
Who We Are
Now you may be asking yourself who in the hell are the VRDF and why are they making a guide.

Well we are a military force based in this part of the universe of VRChat yet we have operations all over the multiverse doing different things for different people.

Back then we used to be a bunch of mercs defending weddings and conducting raids on suspicious area's in parts of VRChat but we've organized into a full militaristic force protecting the citizens of
VRChat and maintaining peace no matter the cost.

We aren't like other groups however such as the cringe LPD, no we don't force you into any training or that crap, we're just having fun and defending VRChat from those who'd want to ruin the fun of others.

(Out of this RP crap we're just a bunch of dudes that made a group to have fun and share avatars creations)
Mirror Dwellers
(Quick little PSA before we really get into the guide, a few of the topics i will be talking about have been covered in previous guides so I'll just give a condensed summary for each and leave the full guide link at the end)

Basic/Common types of people you see nowadays in this game.
Mirror Dwellers are people who sit around mirrors all day doing nothing but staring and talking, many of these people will try to defend being one by saying they want to admire the avatar they worked oh so hard on and other things, others will just mute/block you for interrupting their staring session and if so just buzz off, these ain't the type of people you'd want to associate with anyway.
Now most of these people are trusted users (NOT ALL TRUSTED USERS JUST SOME) and many have full body.
Now this is my own opinion but these people are the reason VRChat is slowly dying and from the looks of my full Mirror Dweller guide they won't be going away anytime soon...unfortunately.

Full details on Mirror Dwellers here: https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1743411418
Virtual Introverts
These people are somewhat more uncommon in the world of VRChat do exist.
Virtual Introverts are people who exclusively keep to themselves in private worlds and hardly ever go to a public world, and if so it's probably to tell a friend to join them with their introverts in a private world.
Now at least these people mainly keep to themselves so they aren't all that much of a bother but who knows what ultimate evils are going on in those private lobby's.
Like Mirror Dwellers these people might block/mute you if you interrupt them whatsoever but there's a lower chance for them to do so.

Full information on Virtual Introverts here: https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1886038741
These types are a bit rarer thankfully and usually are Virtual Introverts but there are some that indulge themselves in their lustful desires in public lobbies.
Now these folks are a little too kind, kind enough where you need to run the hell out of a place if you see one approach you. Most of these people are in anime girl avatars (i mean go figure) .
These guys can trace their origins all the way back to the start of VRChat's popularity so they've been around for a while. Luckily these people won't really block or mute you, they'll just keep to themselves however they do use those loud annoying rap avatars and will just be blocked.

Full meme guide here: https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1958014083
Floor Huggers
(Now we're onto what would have been this guide if we here at the VRDF and Shephard Productions hadn't change our mind at the start of this guide. Now all other groups talked about after this part will be like my other guides with the same depth and detail unlike the summary's I've wrote before this part.)

Floor Huggers are what we here at the VRDF and Shephard Productions have named those who sleep in the various worlds of VRChat.
To avoid misconception we have to state that people who fall asleep in VRChat due to fatigue and tiredness randomly DO NOT fall under this category since they are not willingly falling asleep, this will primarily discuss those who do it willingly and even plan to sleep.

Onto the guide...

First off i need to say it is not healthy nor safe to sleep in VR or VRChat for that matter and i do not advise anyone to do this. Floor Huggers are a somewhat common group you'd find in VRChat, these are the people who will be sleeping in worlds willingly (usually private/friends) with their VR headset on and ''snuggle'' with friends. These people are sometimes Mirror Dwellers or LERPers (Jesus i swear every group i meet they have some similarity with Mirror Dwellers) and they fall asleep in front of mirrors or random private worlds and stay there until they wake up or someone wakes them up.

Personally i have no clue what has to happen in your life where you make the decision to sleep in VR but hey that's none of my business... or is it?

Here's the part where i explain things you can do to mess with Floor Huggers.
1. Invite them to a presentation room for a ''sleep session'' and once they have fallen asleep just draw random crap all over them because yes we still do that.
2. Wake them up in a horror themed avatar and scare the piss outta them.
3. Lecture them on why they shouldn't sleep in VR for the safety of their hea....wait a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ minute.
Note: This and many other photo's in this guide has been provided by members of the VRDF so i am unsure if this person is sleeping or not in the photo but it'll do for now.
The Loli Police Department
The Loli Police Department, or LPD for short, was one of the largest police groups in VRChat some time ago with a dozen or so worlds and avatars.

When the LPD had just started out we at the VRDF met a few of their members and went on raids with them before they got big and would go to the original airfield many times to talk with others and plan things.
However once the LPD started to gain traction we stopped affiliating with them since we know what happens with large groups in a game like VRChat. Corruption, Overpopulation, and Overestimation.
Eventually as with all large groups a lot of children joined and started to act like fools, shooting all over the place and even attacking VRDF members.

Now our leader may tell you that he himself had destroyed the LPD when in reality it was a VRDF effort and we were only a catalyst to the troubles that were building up in the group.
Nowadays if you ask ex members of the LPD they'll talk about how bad and corrupt and how many others were on a power trip, from all of our experiences this all checked off as true.

From a internal discussion with a high ranking LPD member i got some neat info about how bad it was in the group, especially with Sarma. Apparently from my source the ranking system was based entirely on favoritism and who they liked (which all i have to say is, no, no man, ♥♥♥♥ no man, i bet you get your ass kicked for doing something like that man) this person also came back and was demoted and had his work stolen by other members.

TLDR: LPD is cringe and you shouldn't trust them or this new MPD.
Also Sarma is a simp
Wallet Burners
(This is currently being written during the beginning/testing phases of VRC+)
Wow... it sure has been long since I've written one of these, do you guys even get updates on if i add anything? If so please let me know down in the comments. Anyways onto the guide.

Wallet Burners or AKA people who actually buy VRC+. These are the types of people who you really do not want to associate with if you're looking for a fun time on this game. They think they ''support'' the devs by buying this outrageous subscription service (Like seriously, $100 for a year subscription?). By doing this they are engaging the feature creep tendencies of the developers instead of pushing for the game to be fixed. Unsurprisingly the type's of people that would probably buy this service are mirror dwellers and generally people who don't really play this game but jump on and do nothing in it, thus as the nickname I've given to them reveals, "Wallet Burners''. Please i truly beg you, do not buy this or support the VRChat devs whatsoever, VRC+ is a scummy practice and downright a scam.
(Placeholder since i don't have any images currently, plus i feel it perfectly encapsulates how i feel about VRC+)
Combine Universal Union
(Oh BOY I'm finally covering THESE weirdo's)

The Combine Universal Union are a group you've probably seen roaming around VRChat, coming into worlds in large groups, going around and asking for "CID's" and try to force the users of a world into Nova Prospekt (their crappy GMOD map rips converted to a VRChat world) if they do not comply.

The group has slowly gotten larger over the last year, with people often joining because they're kids who want easy access to avatars with guns or are power hungry and such, although a few are in there just because they enjoy the RP aspect which i can respect, jk screw the combine, human supremacy baby.
I've been told by some original members that the group wasn't always as bad and cringey as it is now, but after a certain change in leadership it went downhill; big surprise i know. What is up with all these groups and having a leadership that goes to hell because of a chick? One who lied about their age for that matter too.

Anyway, as the group grew, more kids and overall annoying people started to appear in it etc etc you've heard this all before with the LPD you know where I'm going with this.
After talking with a veteran member of the group and discussing how it became the way it is, he told me that before the new leadership, the combine were rather mature and went about without many problems. And while i can't entirely verify these claims, Since I've never seen them back then going around annoying people before, them I'm fairly certain he's not all that far off.
Good thing the VRDF and we here at Shephard productions don't really let edgy kids like these change our ways

Full disclosure, this small part of the section will be my personal opinion and experience with this group and therefore all thoughts shared here are my own
For a short while i had decided to see what was all the fuss with this group myself, i had joined them under another name. My god was it the cringiest, most annoying experience of my time in VRChat thus far, and I've had the unpleasant experience of witnessing active ERP's. It seems that what i was told about it mostly being annoying children wasn't actually far off and hoh boy was it bad. Hell, even the leaders were kids, and as i told a friend of mine who was active in the group that if i wanted to be bossed around by some kid while RPing, I'd join a Arma unit. One funny thing i noticed was that many of the people there were furries, but there were also kids saying they hate furries, and the fact that they rag on people who play Fortnite yet also at the same time drool over Among Us. Also a lot of mentally ill people there, and i don't mean the depressed kind if you catch my drift

Overall reader i think you can understand how i feel about this group, hell if you didn't already from the header. As always I appreciate you for reading because you took time out of your day to read the ramblings of a guy like me. I hope we meet again, on another section of this guide as i update it and talk about my discoveries in this horrible, horrible metaverse. See you next time.
Welcome to hell

P.O.O.O (People Obsessing Over Optimization)
People obsessing over optimization or P.O.O.O as we call them here at Shephard productions, are people (more annoying than not) who are insanely obsessive over optimization of avatars. Now let me clarify we aren't talking about people who enjoy optimization and optimized avatars and hate unoptimized ones, we get it they are pretty terrible because there's the chance of your PC exploding because of them. Whom we're referring to are the types of people that don't entirely understand optimization and tell you that you need to optimize your avatar in ways that won't really optimize it. The others we're discussing are people who will walk up to your face, and tell you in a annoying manner that you need to swap to a optimized avatar or optimize your own avatar. More often than not these people will probably block you or your avatar

We've come to a conclusion that these people probably don't have the best of PC's and try to force everyone else to their level of graphical worth. Course this isn't always the case but it's assumed often that it is (Doesn't help that the devs of this game are lazy SOB's who can't be bothered to fix it). Now while these type's of people may be rare, they're still around; hiding in plain sight. But they're probably lurking in the pug or black cat or some dumb "chill" world.

First and most common types
Now this will be mostly about our main experiences that we've dealt with, course this will be on a case by case basis.
The ones you will probably see the most are those who are ignorant of what avatar optimization means, they may tell you to optimize your avatar by not having so many skinned meshes, material slots or dynamic bones when none of these will actually optimize your avatar, well at least enough to make any sort of major difference. The best thing you could do with these people is to properly inform and educate them that they're incorrect; even then they probably won't listen and spout their crap to someone else.

Second types
These type of people are the ones who'll yell at you in your face about not having a optimized avatar. They're the type to block you for these reasons and tell you off about it. Pray that you never get to meet these people because by GOD are they unrelentingly annoying and will just get on your nerves. Now there's also a special variant of these people who will act all smug and mighty about making optimized avatars that look pretty terrible often and will put you under them if you don't have a optimized avatar or make them. These types of people will also try to act intelligent about optimization but honestly have no clue what they're talking about and just try to sound smarter than they are.

So, valued reader. You are now better informed about these types of people and i pray that you don't get to meet them because boy are they a doozey. Once again i thank you for taking time out of your day to read my ramblings once more. I hope you have better days ahead of you in VRChat and as always, hope we meet again in the next content section of this guide. See you when i see you.

Pictured:optimized avatar according to their standards
It's not actually optimized
SCP Groups
Today in this section of the guide. I'll be covering the topic of SCP groups, or more specifically Site 67 because they're the biggest thorn in our side here at Shephard productions and probably one of the most annoying ones we've encountered.
Now of course i generalized with "SCP groups" so let me clarify that the main ones i will be talking about are Site 67 and The SCP Foundation of VRChat or whatever the hell they're called. I'll be separating them into different mini sections so it doesn't get cluttered up.

The SCP Foundation of VRChat
Now these guys are on the cooler spectrum of SCP groups and on the spectrum in general, a few of us here at the VRDF and Shephard productions know some of the members in it well and have come to find them as cool guys to hang out and RP with. A good bit of them too actually know SCP lore too which you figure should be important when you're in a group about them but you'd be surprised how many don't. They're pretty casual and don't over saturate themselves when it comes to their avatars and what they use. I guess if you're looking for a cool SCP group to hang with I'd recommend these boys. Especially cause they know how to groove.

Site 67
Onto the cringe worthy and more child infested side in terms of SCP groups. You've already probably seen their horrible avatars (or haven't because at the time of writing this the leader has been temporarily banned from VRChat and a majority of their avatars are no longer accessible which is quite the meme i must admit). These guys love taking literally any remotely tactical looking model and slapping their logo on it and retexturing it to be black, even on avatars where it doesn't fit whatsoever. Like come on, the MTF boys actually had some variety in their colors smh i swear, but I'm getting off track. From what it seems, primarily children join this group and it's probably because they just want easy access to avatars with working guns. These guys practically don't know anything about SCP other than memes and that crappy secret lab game. Some of them call themselves alpha 1......despite those guys becoming the chaos insurgency but go off i guess.Here's a little tidbit reader, one of our members, Aurora Dazzle, was being annoyed by some kid from them that tried to act like he knew about guns. This kid tried calling a Ithaca M37 a trench gun even though it just had a trench barrel. Short story short he put the kid in his place and simplified guns with the simple terms of "gun go bang. gun kill person". Basically i think you already understand reader that these guys are super cringe.
Disgusting use of Ready Or Not's great models.

Once again am i pleased that you've sat through another section of my guide. Many thanks and i wish you pleasant travels in the metaverse. Cause i sure haven't had many but hey, maybe you will. Catch you later alligators.

A new day, a new topic. For today's topic I'll be covering 3.0 elitists or "threetards" as we call them here. I'll be going over who they are, how annoying they are, and overall how they make VRChat worse. So get your seat belt strapped in for this.

Who They Are
You may be wondering to yourself, "what the hell is a threetard" and "what falls under being a 3.0 elitist" well I'll tell you. 3.0 elitists are usually people who will always talk about how "great" 3.0 is and anyone who uses 2.0 is "inferior" to them like some damn white supremacy crap. They'll berate you if you're using 2.0 avatars or still use the 2.0 SDK and act as if they're some higher power. Of course most of these types of people will be in anime or furry avatars but usually the obvious ERPing type ones, they can deny it all they want but you and me both know it's true.

How Annoying They Can Be
This part is a little unnecessary but I'll add it so you know how bad it can be with these people and you know who to avoid becoming friends/hanging out with. Now you can see from the previous part that i went into some detail in how annoying they are but I'll elaborate a bit more. Threetards will harass you no matter what type of 2.0 avatar you're in, if it's 2.0 then to them you might as well be a subhuman (seriously, it's weird how racial it can feel sometimes). God forbid you're still a avatar creator on 2.0 as well because you'll probably get the most insults from them because you don't have the fancy new emote/inventory system they have. Basically this can pretty much be summarized to, 3.0 elitists will just harass you for having differing avatar choices.

How They Make VRChat worse
Now to be specific, this is VRChat's fault as they segregated the community (as always) with this system and not allowing creators to have a way to migrate from 2.0 to 3.0, thanks a lot you this text portion has been removed for insulting VRChat devs severely from annoyance. I digress, so how these 3.0 elitists make VRChat worse is quite simple. They annoy and harass users for not being on 3.0 and peer pressure new creators into using the 3.0 system which is more difficult to learn than 2.0 instead of leading them from starting off at 2.0 and guiding them into 3.0, which would be a much better and more respectful way to get people into 3.0.

Lets be honest, 3.0 is just a glorified inventory system for emotes, it's nothing special and quit claiming that it is. Stop being annoying pricks about it and learn to cooperate with people in a healthy fashion, and if they don't want to move to 3.0 then don't be a douchebag and berate them for it. Plus, we all know the people who are 3.0 elitists are just ERPing edgelords who use it to make their breast size larger or whatever, HA WHAT A BUNCH OF LOSERS AM I RIGHT FELLAS. 2.0 GANG WOOOOO 2.0 2.0 2.0 YEAHHHH BABY WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Till we meet again dear reader.
Conclusion (For now)
Wow I'm amazed you're still here.
Thanks for taking time of our your day to read this, i really appreciate it.
I hope you stick around for the future updates to this guide cause there will indeed be updates as i encounter more and more groups throughout my time in this strange yet ''wonderful'' game.
Who knows dear reader, maybe I'll bump into you one day and you can compliment the way i breathe and look angry at almost all times.
Until we meet again in future updates.. or maybe even the comment section because always, that place will be a doozy.
JosephMeowlin 6 Mar, 2024 @ 7:54pm 
cant believe I haven't seen this guide before haha. you didn't have to go on me that hard man xD I would appreciate constructive criticism, I'm sorry if I made things distasteful for you I just enjoy creating stuff.
Briggsby 5 Mar, 2022 @ 10:42am 
Based as fuck.

I don't agree with all of it of course, mainly because I am a Mirror Dweller who comes to hang out with friends and meet people from all over the world, but you have excellent points and I would be a moron to disagree with all of them.

Keep up the interesting work dude.
Teg 3 Feb, 2022 @ 1:22pm 
the kids are much more common now
send help
God of Why 30 Jan, 2022 @ 9:15am 
this guide is still extremely based
Plusheen 16 Sep, 2021 @ 7:44am 
Lol, I am in this.

Clearly I'm like four of these in these groups.

But, overall, this is how it is sadly. Either you're in or just become sin. There's no inbetween.
Hypno 10 Jul, 2021 @ 1:43am 
wait so what type of introvert am i if i go around in VrChat worlds but never talk?
BrodyGamer7000 5 Jul, 2021 @ 9:21am 
░░░░█▐▓▓░████▄▄▄█▀▄▓▓▓▌█ Help
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vinnie :3 17 Jun, 2021 @ 6:50am 
lol i think im a virtual introvert
StellaNauta3109 25 Apr, 2021 @ 8:44am 
hi, i'm new to vrchat. you guys at VRDF and Shepard productions seem nice. (:
CyberLance 26 Mar, 2021 @ 4:46am 
Good to know that there is actually people still in VRChat using it in a good way rather than just staring into mirrors like its the abyss or just being public nuisances.

I loved back when it was just a game to mess about in, make new friends and have harmless fun instead of the e-boy and e-girl infestation it now is.