Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr

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Radical Magos Dominus of Inquisiton – Tech Adept 4x and 5x Kastelan Guide [2.3.1 WiP][Burn/Heat Vulnerability/Shock/Stun]
Vytvořil: NargothTheGrim
It’s the guide for a stressless experience. We are fulfilling the role of Magos Dominus of the Inquisition, commanding the Unstoppable Force of 4 Kastelan Robots upon our enemies… while drinking coffee or tea. This build easily allows you to deal with any difficulty even with tarot cards active.

4x Kastelan Robots with their damage pumped up by 300%+ , praise the Omnissiah. Super increased Data-flux regeneration thanks to Radical Path perk and reduced cooldowns grants us the ability to spam healing abilities for our Constructs all the time (average of 5 seconds)

For more active aproach I've added the Shocking Burnination build. While in core staying similar with 4x Kastelan Construct usage, we also focus on being the ultimate controller/debuffer increasing our construct damage sky high to enormous numbers (up to 34k dmg! single target and 5k AoE) and decent own damage [highest single hit 12.513 at lvl 90]
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1. Introduction: How to be a proper Radical Magos Dominus of Inquisition – leading from behind your 4xKastelan Robots.

It’s the guide for a stressless experience. We are fulfilling the role of Magos Dominus of the Inquisition, commanding the Unstoppable Force of 4 Kastelan Robots upon our enemies… while drinking coffee or tea.

4x Kastelan Robots with their damage pumped up by 300%+ , praise the Omnissiah. Super increased Data-flux regeneration thanks to Radical Path perk and reduced cooldowns grants us the ability to spam healing abilities for our Constructs all the time (average of 5 seconds)

  • Our Constructs are: 4x Kastelan Robot [1 melee, 1 hybrid melee/ranged, 2 ranged]
  • Our Constructs damage is: Average of ~3200 dmg per hit per Construct [2k-7k per hit at lvl 85. Highest single hit by construct was 9784 dmg]
  • Our skills used are: Kastelan Repair and Repair Constructs. Due to reduced cooldowns, skills and increased Data-flux regeneration we can spam it quite frequently keeping our Constructs healed and buffed. (5 seconds on average)
  • Our tactic is to: Stay behind the Constructs at all times while providing our support dmg/heals and NEVER EVER go into melee.
  • Our damage is: Rather minor. We can kill some stuff but don’t expect to do even half the damage that one of your Kastelan Robots makes.
  • Our survival is: Decent. Lots of regeneration and instant heals but quite squishy to heavy hits. Can get even get more damage reduction at cost of healing constructs less frequently.
Tech Adept Build [1: Attributes]

Logic – nothing – no use for us

Bionics – if Mindlink is maxed out than put here rest. At least 10, preferable 20.

  • +40 HP and Suppresion per point (decent for survival);
  • Milestones II,IV are very good.
  • Milestone I,III are good.
  • Milestone V is useless.

Mindlink – 25 points. We want all the milestones.

  • +2 Data-Flux and +1% HP to all Constructs per point (very good)
  • Milestone II,V are godly.
  • Milestones I,IV are very good.
  • Milestone III is mostly useless for us.

Do all the Heroic Deeds that give you additional Attribute points while leveling.
Tech Adept Build [2: Perks]
The disciples of the Omnissiah incant complex war-blessings, as much optimisation subroutines as they are expressions of faith in the Machine God.

===== CRUCIAL ONES =====

Archeotech Constructs
“Raising their voices in binharic praise, the Disciples of the Machine God bolster their spirits with the surety of iron.” - -20% the Reserve cost of Summoning Skills
– we need this to throw all 4 Kastelan Robots and be able to use Repair Constructs ability. [10/10]

Sanctified Data-Wafers
The Tech-Adept lead their flock in a hexadecimic prayer that sends miraculous strength surging through tendons, wires and pistons. - +15% Damage bonus to Kastelan Robots for each existing Kastelan Robot
– 60% more damage for our Kastelan Robots, must have (4x15%=60% damage bonus) [10/10]

Radical [Requires Radical path - 150 points]
“ In spitting out a staccato chant to the Motive Force, the faithful warriors of the Cult Mechanicus are filled with merciless surety as well as intent. “ - +1,5% Class resource regeneration per Radical morality point, Get a Berserk token for every 5% HP lost. [10/10]
– This is just massive. +450% increased regeneration! with 300 points in radical path. In my case it bumps it from +2 Data-flux Regeneration per second to +9 (!) Data-flux Regeneration per second. It basically means that you regenerate your full usable Data-flux bar in 4 seconds instead of 20. You could spam Repair Constructs and Kastelan Repair all the time. Plus it gives you Berserk tokens. Berserk token gives you +10% Movement speed and +1% damage and damage reduction bonus per active Berserk token. Those can give really good effects combined with your Gear stats. (for example +x% Damage Reduction in Berserk State)


If you didn’t go the Radical Path:

Artifical Organs - +50 HP regeneration per second, 1% Maximum Class Resource regenerated per second, -50% Inoculator effectiveness - Weaker Radical Perk. In my case gives 6 instead of 9 Data-flux regeneration per second but adds +50HP regenereration per second (might sound as a game changer but we can heal a ton while using our abilities to heal constructs). Inoculator penalty doesn't matter much. We rarely use it either way. [9/10]

Diversive Tactics – Hits increase the enemy’s resistance against that damage type by 5%, But also add Vulnerability to all other types. Stacks 10 times. – This is good combined with Radium Carabine Beta and support skill path that decreases enemy’s dmg for each vulnerability stack. Also it pumps you Constructs damage. ( enemies gain resistance to poison but your constructs do physical/heat) [Solid 8/10]

Defensor Augmetics – Bonus Damage Reduction equal to 10% of current Reserve – Should give you ~20-25% Damage Reduction. (+23% in my case) [Solid 7/10]

Offensor Bionics – Damage bonus equal to 50% of current reserve [Reserve should be ~80-85% of your Data-flux pool depending on item stats. Mine is currently at 232 meaning 116 bonus damage] – ok’ish. We don’t focus on our damage so it’s not viable for us that much but if you want to be more active feel free to grab it – [4/10]

Do all the Heroic Deeds that give you additional Perks while leveling.
Tech Adept Build [3: Skills]
==== CRUCIAL ONES =====

Construct Ability
Technoarcheology – Holy Canticles for enhancing the combat usefulness of the machine servants of the Holy Ordos:

  • Auxilary Module Alpha & Beta
  • Cybernetic Canticle - -5% Reserve
  • Electromantic Protocol
  • +3% Attack range for all constructs
  • +12% Movement Speed for all constructs
Points needed for absolute minimum: 9 points
  • Another +12% Attack range for all constructs
  • Another +3% Movement Speed for all constructs
  • Relentless Constructs - 30% cooldown to Construct Skills
=== Points needed: 16/17 ===

Construct Specialization
Forge Mastery - Holy Canticles for improving the versality of the machine servants of the Holy Ordos:

  • Kastelan Flamer Pattern – unlock the Kastelan Flamer
  • Kastelan Phosphor Pattern – unlock Phosphor Gun
  • Voltaic Communion – -20% to the Data-flux Reserve of all summon skills – must have
  • -25% cooldown reduction to all skills
  • -25% Data-flux cost to all summon skills
Points needed for absolute minimum: 15 points
Optional: nothing else

Construct Offence
Anathemas of Omniscience – Holy Canticles for enhancing the offensive capabilities of the machine servants of the Holy Ordos:

  • Offensor Module
  • Thermic Spike - +20% Heat Damage
  • Electro Kinetic Boost - +20% Physical Damage (not crucial on its own, but we need Binaric Sacrament)
  • Might of the Legio - +5% damage bonus for each existing construct (+20%)
  • Binaric Sacrament - +1 Damage Bonus for every 5% of current Reserve to Constructs (16-17%)
  • +25% Melee Damage Bonus to Constructs
  • +25 Ranged Damage Bonus to Constructs
Points needed for absolute minimum: 18 points
  • Last Stand Protocol - +20% Damage Bonus to Constructs that are below 50% HP (situational, rarely we will have them below half hp, but at later levels it’s always worth to drop here a point)
  • Hypnogogic Feedback - +5 hp gained on hit by Construct (you get more each second from other sources, waste of a point)
=== Points needed: 18/20 ===

Construct Defense
Benedictions of Omniscience - Holy Canticles for enhancing the defensive capabilities of the machine servants of the Holy Ordos:

  • Galvanic Booster – 1% HP regeneration per second to Constructs
  • Empyrean Resistors – 50% Warp Resistance for Constructs
  • Encased Machine Spirit – Constructs become immune to Knockdown effects – mandatory
  • +2% Damage Reduction to Constructs
Points needed for absolute minimum: 5 points
Good to have:
  • Reinforced Construct - +1% max HP for every 5% of current Reserve to Constructs (16-17%) – very good
  • Defensor Module
  • + 3% Damage Reduction to Constructs
  • +25% Construct HP
  • Refractor Field – Adds a shield with 500HP to Constructs
  • Regenerator Module
  • Warding Electoos - + 3% Damage Reduction to Constructs
=== Points needed : 19 ===

Hospitaler Curia Doctrines – Invigorating techno psalms and survival rites from the Order Hospitaller sisters of the Adepta Soraritas:

  • Invigoratin Faith – 0,5% HP gained per Data-flux point spent – this is a must have
  • -10% Coodlown Reduction for skills using Data-flux
Points needed for absolute minimum: 3 points
Good to have:
  • Perpetual Prayer - +0,25 Data-flux Regeneration
  • +8 Data Flux
Points needed for absolute minimum & good to have: 6 points
  • +8 Data-flux
  • -10% Coodlown Reduction for skills using Data-flux
=== Points needed: 10 ===

Sicarian Augmentics - Highly restricted, speed boosting cybernetics from the Skitarii Legions of the Adeptus Mechanicus:

Good to have:
  • Cardial Ovveride – Immunity to Slow,Stun,Shock and Freeze in Exposed state - better safe than sorry
  • +6% movement speed
  • Pain Stimulus - All movement skills Cooldown resets on entering Exposed state (useless but we need it for the rest of the tree)
  • -15% Cooldown Reduction for skills that have at least 1 secon Cooldown (further cooldown reduction for our Kastelan Heals. Take it!)
  • Cerebral Feedback -10% from the Remaining Cooldown on Critical Hit for skills that has at least 1 sec Cooldown (great with Plasma Caliver Alpha and x% of Current Reserve is converted to Critical Hit Chance - meaning ~20% remaining cooldown reduction each ~0.6 seconds)
  • Synaptic Rewiring - -10% Cooldown Reduction for skills that have at least 1 second Cooldown (great)
  • additional +4% movement speed
  • Blessed Ruination - Hits taken reduce the Remaining Cooldown of skills that have at least 1 second Cooldown by the % HP taken by that hit. (very good)
=== Points needed : 4/15 ===

Magos Biologis Secrets – The regenerate bio-implants and techno-rites provided by the Genetor division of Adeptus Mechanicus

  • Emergency Booster - +20 HP Regeneration per second when HP is below 50%
  • Field Surgery – this is good for us. Resets the cooldown on Inoculator on entering the exposed state.
  • +300 to Maximum HP
Points needed for absolute minimum: 4 points


Secutarii Siege Axioms – Damage mitigation and evasion protocols from the elite honour guard of the Colegia Titanica:
  • Skeletal Padding - +20% Damage Reduction from Armour ( it’s not much but at bit by bit we increase our survivability)
  • Shock Dampening - +2% Damage Reduction
  • Defense Stance – 20% of Damage Reduction is added to Dodge ( with Defensive Augmetics perk it can give up to 10-11% dodge)
  • +6 Warp resist
  • +12 Heat Resist
=== Points needed : 2/4/9 ===

Arbites Shock Tactics – The tactical knowledge accumulated by the Adeptus Arbites through enforcing Imperial law over millions of planets:
  • Demoralize - -3% Damage Dealt by enemies for every stack of Vulnerability on them – really good with Diverse Tactics perk and full-auto Radium Carabine Beta
  • +9% Suppression Damage bonus
  • Crippling Blows - +50% Suppression Damage Bonus to Armour Breaking,Armour Piercing and Shield Piercing attacks – again good if you use Radium Carabine Beta
  • Strikedown -20% Damage dealt by enemies affected by Knockback or Knockdown for 10 seconds ( needs testing if Constructs count)
=== Points needed : 3/7 ===

Tech Adept Build [4: Gear]

Important stats

  • -x% Data-flux Cost [Neural Implant, Main implant]
  • -x% reduced Data-flux Reserve [Armour] - This is Crucial to get 4x Kastelan Robot
  • + x Data Flux [Neural Implant, Eye Impant, Purity Seal]
=== IMPORTANT ====
  • + x Mindlink/Bionics [Main Implant, Inoculator]
  • +x to All Resistances [Neural Implant, Purity Seal, Armour, *Main Implant*]
  • +x to Flat Dmg Reduction/ Ranged Reduction [Main Implant, Armour]
  • +x% Dodge Chance against Ranged attacks [Purity Seal]
  • -x% Cooldown Reduction for all Skills [Purity Seal]


Main goal for us is to find gear with the crucial and important stats that I've selected and stick to it. Your Constructs damage is not tied to your gear as you are. Meaning you can be lvl 90 and still run with a lvl 60 gear if it has better stats for our build. Don't stress it out or waste your money on making gear. (at least below 85 or ideally 90) 90 is you endgame. When you hit 90 feel free to use your resources to get the best gear.

For our build we are using:

  • Technomartyr Girdle (for additional Construct slot)
  • Ranged Alpha Weapon(work in progress, need more testing) (Radium Carabine or Plasma Caliver – doesn’t matter much. Plasma Caliver can give negative statuses to enemies that can synergize with bonus damage from Constructs (eg. stun) but if want to go the optimal route than get the Radium Carabine, better at applying vulnerabilities to a single target and better chance to get +poison dmg synergy gear stats. Plasma Caliver can give negative statuses to enemies that can synergize with bonus damage from Constructs (eg. stun) and also synergises great with +x% of Current Reserve is converted to Critical Hit Chance. Up to 4 targets hitted with 50% crit chance, means further cooldown reductions from your abilities.
    • A great way to get more dmg from your character is to use +x% of Current Reserve is converted to Critical Hit Chance (it can easily give you 50% Crit chance.) [10/10]
    • use “ +x% Chance to deal double damage and gain HP equal to that amount ( currently using it on Plasma Caliver Alpha, great for back up heal for your Tech-Adept. Sometimes heal for over 1k.) [7/10]
    • Use +x Data-flux gained and 10% Remaining Cooldown Reduction on Kill when above 80% Reserve ( situational as we dont kill that much on our own. Good for trash.)
  • In secondary weapon slot Plasma Caliver Beta(work in progress, need more testing) for optimal dmg increase on elite/champion enemies, thanks to its secondary channeled attack
  • Necromechanic Rainment [mainly for +30% instant Construct Heal but also for +25% boost to attack power. (Bonus dmg is also good but you could get higher going the 5x Kastelan Robot route it you have perfect rolls and can get the Kastelan Data-flux Reserve to 20%)] [6/10]

NEW in Season of Inferno:
Found on Ancient voltaic_axe, radium_carbine, omnissian_axe, arc_rifle:

Robotics: "-15.0% reduced Data-flux Reserve"

Found on Ancient Omnissian Axe:

- Wisdom: "-15.0% reduced Data-flux Reserve"

Optional/Work in progress:

You could go for Technomatyr Vestment if you can get 5x Kastelan Robots. More dmg output and better damage reduction for our Tech Adept at the cost of no healing ability due to 100% Data-flux reserve. Destroyed Kastelan Robots regenerate in about 25-30 seconds so it’s not that crucial to keep them alive all the time, but surely it’s more optimal not to waste time on waiting for them.
- Not worth it at least if you are Radical. You get one additional Constructs at cost of no healing which might be a problem at higher difficulties as you have to waste time to wait for your constructs to heal. Another thing is that gettin the Kastelan Reserve to 20% requires perfect rolls on gear meaning lvl 90+

You could go the “apply vunerability route” with Radium Carabine Alpha/Beta or Plasma Caliver Alpha + change to Diversive Tactics perk
Tech Adept Build [5: Psalm Code Doctrines]
Psalm Code Doctrines

Our Kastelan Robots should get additional +100% HP and +100% dmg from:

  • Emanatus Psalm + Galvanic Psalm + Volkite Psalm = +50% Constructs HP [usable in: Main Implant, Inoculator]

  • Ordinatus Psalm + Transonic Psalm + Phosphoenic Psalm + Hermeticon Psalm = +50% Damage Bonus to Constructs [usable in: Two-Handed weapon, Armour]

Constructs Build [1: Introduction]
“The Kastelan Robot combines tremendous physical might with a rugged stamina that has seen it fight the Imperium’s foes for ten thousand years. Indeed, some of the relic robots have existed much longer still. As robotic technology stems from an age prior to the foundation of the Imperium, many forge worlds believe a number of their battle automata survive from those dark times. As damaged robot parts are cannibalised to make repairs upon machines that still function, such claims are doubtless at least partially correct. Standing nearly twice the height of a Space Marine, the Kastelan Robot is a nigh unstoppable force, for it is built of solid metal with a ceramite hide that allows it to stride through hails of fire without pause. In addition to thick armour, they are protected by a wonder from a bygone age – the repulsor grid. The invisible shield emanates outward from each robot with a deep thrumming sound, its force capable of stopping all but the most powerful of shots. Most incoming fire simply fizzles out against the unseen barrier, but should the deflection angle be just correct, the repulsor grid will send enemy shells or focused energy beams ricocheting back at the foe. Kastelan Robots fight in maniples – self-contained units that are sub-divisions of the Legion – composed of between two and six automata. The robots have a number of battle protocols that they follow, and every Kastelan must be carefully programmed for each new task, lest it simply continue ad infinitum with its existing orders. It is not unknown for a maniple of Kastelans to stride purposefully into a lake of lava, or slaughter its way through a city even after destroying the techno-insurrectionists it was sent to eliminate. Specialist Tech-Priests, such as Cybernetica Datasmiths, can adjust the Kastelans’ programs during the course of a battle, allowing the unthinking automata to respond to changing circumstances. When commanded with the Conqueror protocol, Kastelan Robots will advance and, as they near a target, their stomping stride turns into a loping run that shivers the tortured earth. Shrugging off incoming fire, they close with a foe, becoming battering machines. Each Kastelan uses its pair of barrel-sized power fists like wrecking balls to maul the enemy, the blows striking with force enough to crumple the thickest armour or tear holes in ferrocrete. Should the foe seek to overwhelm the metal goliaths with sheer numbers, the Protector protocol can be activated, allowing the Kastelan maniple to fire their carapace-mounted incendine combustors, spraying the area with sheets of triple-blessed promethium. The robots’ varied weapon load-outs make them even more versatile. Those Tech- Priests with a penchant for ranged firepower will often replace power fists with twin-linked phosphor blasters, ensuring that when a maniple’s ballistics subroutines trigger, the enemy is riddled with incandescent, glowing shot.”

Constructs we are using – 4x Kastelan Robots

  • 1x Melee
  • 1x Melee/Ranged Hybrid
  • 2x Ranged
Construct Build [2: Modules]
=Work in progress=

==== CRUCIAL ONES ====

  • Offensor Bionics – more damage = faster clearing ability, great for all Kastelans (up to 20%)[10/10]


  • Defensor Bionics – more resist at the cost of damage, good for our tanking Kastelan (up to 20) [7/10 - as we have lot of healing potential with our abilities]

Module stats that we like:
  • +x% Ranged/Heat Damage Bonus (For all ranged construct weapons)
  • +x% Melee/Physical Damage Bonus (Melee/Physical only for Power Fist)
  • +x% Damage Resistance /Heat Resistance /Warp Resistance

It’s always good also to keep an eye on Relic modules that give +x% of Current Reserve is converted to Damage bonus for the Construct. (up to 10%)
Construct Build [3: Weapon Modules]
Construct Weapons Modules

=Work in progress=

1x Melee Kastelan Robot – he is your main tank, should disrupt enemies with knockdowns.
  • Kastelan Power Fist – Knockdown and AoE damage; Close Range (very good for knocking down enemies and leaving them perma knocked or unable to attack properly)
  • Kastelan Flamer – good Suppression dmg; AoE clearing at Medium Range
  • 1/3x Defensor Bionics ; 0/2x Offensor Bionics – (depends how well it holds for you)

2x Ranged Kastelan Robot – those are your main damage dealers,
  • Kastelan Phosphor Gun – Single Target Heat Damage + burning DoT ; Long Range
  • Kastelan Phosphor Cannon – same as above
  • 3x Offensor Bionics – rarely targeted; easily healed

1x Hybrid Kastelan Robot – he either supports your melee Kastelan or stays at medium range meaning:
  • Kastelan Power Fist or Phosphor Cannon
  • Kastelan Flamer – good Suppression dmg; AoE clearing at Medium Range
  • 2x Offensor Bionics 1x Defensor Bionics – your “off-tank”

All of them also have:
  • Litany of Electromancer – good AoE Heat damage that also Shocks the enemy – great for trash clearing and combines good with weapons that have +x% dmg against Shocked Enemies
Weapon module stats that we like:
  • +x% Damage Bonus against Burning/Shocked/Champion/Regular/Elite enemies
  • +x% Damage Bonus against Bleeding/Poisoned Enemies - only if you use Radium Carabine and Diversive Tactics vulnerability route


It’s always good also to keep an eye on Relic weapon modules that give +x% of Current Reserve is converted to Damage bonus for the Construct (up to 10%); +x physical/ranged resistance (up to 50); immunity to Slow/Knockdown (for your melee Kastelan)

While setting up your Constructs, make the first one ranged. That way if you swap your weapon to Beta, you will lose the ability to heal on the least targeted Construct.
Build in Action [Screens/Info]
Bonuses for us (not counting gear):
  • +1,5% Class resource regeneration per Radical morality point, Get a Berserk token for every 5% HP lost
  • -45% the Reserve cost of Summoning Skills (with gear up to -60% - magic barier for 20% Reserve per Kastelan)
  • +0,25 Data-flux Regeneration
  • -65% Cooldown Reduction for our skills
  • -25% Data-flux cost to all summon skills
  • +1% from all remaining Cooldown per Data-flux point spent (usually 10-34%)
  • +0,5% HP gained per Data-flux point spent (usually 5-17%)
  • +0,5% HP and Supression gained per Data-flux point spent (usually 5-17%)
  • +66 Data Flux
  • Immunity to Slow,Stun,Shock and Freeze in Exposed state
  • +10% movement speed

Bonuses for Constructs (not counting gear):
  • + 251-252% more damage for our Kastelan Robots + 30-60% more from Offensor Bionics
  • +171-172% Construct HP
  • 1% HP regeneration per second to Constructs
  • +15% Attack range for all constructs
  • +15% Movement Speed for all constructs
  • - 30% cooldown to Construct Skills
  • 50% Warp Resistance for Constructs
  • Constructs become immune to Knockdown effects
  • +8-18% Damage Reduction to Constructs +20-40 more with Defensor Bionics
  • shield with 500HP to Constructs

So as you can see we decreased Data-flux reserve,cost and cooldowns for our skills by a lot. That way its entirely possible to spam Construct Abilities all the time. Each time you use one of your Abilities it also reduces (by 10% each time you use Kastelan Repair and 34% each time you use Repair Construct) the remaining cooldown of other ones. That means that usually you can use Repair Constructs on average every ~9 seconds and Kastelan Repair every ~8 seconds.

You can reduce it even furher by using
  • Cerebral Feedback -10% from the Remaining Cooldown on Critical Hit for skills that has at least 1 sec Cooldown (great with Plasma Caliver Alpha and x% of Current Reserve is converted to Critical Hit Chance - meaning ~20% remaining cooldown reduction each ~0.6 seconds) It allows you to use your ability heals on average every 4-5 seconds.

    What Items to Use:

    As to the gear. Don't freak out with changing the gear to be up to your level. If your lvling through the campaing or you are still far from endgame (that starts at lvl 85+) than just stick to your previous gear as long as a new one won't drop. Don't waste your money on modifying or making gear on your own. The only case to disregard is to make sockets for psalms. Most of my gear before reaching lvl 85 was from levels 56-67.

    Below I Give you some gear pictures with the most important stats to look at:

    Construct Items:

Endgame Build [Shocking Burnination]

Shocking Burnination Tech Adept – Immortal 4x Kastelan Robot Build [2.2.3]

1. What do we get compared to the base build:

  • more hands on approach, you are engaged in the gameplay
  • ability to control the battlefield with super-efficient debuffs: stun locking, shocking, slowing, burning, fearing and making whole groups of enemies vulnerable
  • better dmg for our Tech Priest [highest single hit 12.513 at lvl 90]
  • crazy dmg synergy for our constructs due to vulnerability and all the debuffs [highest single hit: 33.612 at lvl 90 ; highest AoE: 5236 at lvl 90]

  • requires specific gear and additional points for Phosphoenic Rites passives tree
  • hard to drink tea/coffee with the other hand as we are engaged in the gameplay all the time
  • your murder tempo can please Khorne the Blood God

2. Changes in Passive tree:

For this build to be at it's maximum peak we take the Phosphoenic Rites passive skill tree up to the top. Now every time we crit we burn our enemies (and we crit 50% of time) + we add Heat Vulnerability on crit.

3. Gear Guide - Debuffs:

Our gear will focus on shown debuffs:

click on image to enlarge

Our weapon of choice is 99% of time Plasma Caliver Alpha (which is a godly weapon for this build). Our goal is to debuff our enemies as much as possible increasing our constructs damage even further.

  • Slow - we get it from our weapon, and on crit from our gear (up to 30%)
  • Heat Vulnerability + Burn - we get it from crits with our weapon (meaning 50% of time) We also get Heat Vulnerability from gear
  • Shock - we have up to 15% chance to gain it from hitting our enemy, 28% on Crit and 2x30% + 1x13% + 1x10% from burning our enemy (from our gear).
  • Stun - 10% to stun a Shocked enemy (from our gear)
  • Fear - 15% chance on crit (from gear)
  • General Vulnerability - 24% chance when another debuff hits the enemy (from gear)
  • Knockback - on hit (from gear)

We also increase the duration and efficiency of debuffs by a ton.

Hint: Gameplay wise, we always slow most of our enemies and keep them burning and shocked. If you focus on primary targets you can also keep 1-2 of them perma stunned due to extended duration of debuffs.

4. Gear Guide:

As for gear for the debuffs to work we need to focus on extending them and making them hit as many times as possible. Below my current gear with marked important mods.

What we get from gear in addition:
  • we abuse the shock status to increase enemies chance to miss (up to 10%)
  • Dodge Chance against Ranged Attacks (up to ~18%)
  • Damage Reduction (Ranged) (up to ~18%)
  • further Damage Reduction and Resistances
  • Cooldown Reduction for all Skills (up to ~14%)
  • increased Mindlink and Bionics (up to 12 each)

click on image to enlarge

5. Construct Guide:

We stick to the basic build with a small tweak.

As for weapon modules:
We want on our guns mods that give bonus dmg against enemies in order: Slowed, Burning, Shocked, flat Damage Bonus, Stuned

As for modules we are using on all Constructs offensor modules:
  • ranged Constructs get in order: + Heat Dmg +Ranged Dmg +Damage Resist +Damage Bonus +Hp%
  • melee Construct gets in order: +Physical Dmg +Damage Resist +Damage Bonus + Heat Dmg + Melee Dmg +Hp%
  • hybrid Construct gets in order +Heat Dmg + Physical Dmg + Damage Resist + Ranged Dmg + Damage Bonus

If you have a relic module go for:
  • ranged Constructs + Hybrind in order: x% of Current Reserve is converted to Damage Bonus for the Construct; Immune to Stun; +x% Damage Bonus
  • melee Construct: Physical Resistance; Immune to Slow/Stun;

click on image to enlarge

6. Stats & Abilities:

In battle healing abilities cooldown times are between 4-7 seconds on average. Our survivability is increased due to resists, more hp and debuffs on enemies almopst excluding the most threatening enemies from fight due to stunlock. We also have our defensive stats pumped if targeted by ranged enemies + if shocked they have up to 10% chance to miss their attacks.

With this build every mission should be between a breeze and medium difficulty. Intel missions easy with tarot cards. Void crusade might be at best medium difficulty with tarot cards and difficulty up to+10. I've just compleated Warzone lvl 110 (+10 lvl's above mine ) with Heavy Armor on enemies and additional -64% heat resist if I remember correctly and It was a medium difficulty experience with painfully boring fights due to extended clearance time.

click on image to enlarge

7: Build in Action and some damage numbers:

click on image to enlarge
Endgame Build [5x Kastelan Setup]
For now build guide is on youtube:

Endgame Build [Videos]
Quick random run

Here is a quick video that I've made after 3months of not playing the game just to show you how the build looks in action. I might update the section if there will be a need for it or if I'll find back the passios to play the game.

Quick run showing how to use Construct skills: Kastelan Repair and Repair Constructs +30% heal AoE/+25% dmg buff aura:

Quick hint how to rotate:
1. Use Repair Constructs
2. Use Kastelan Repair to decrase cooldown on all other skills (Using Data Flux decreases cooldown).
3. Shoot your enemies to further cooldown on all other skills (Cerebral Feedback - from Movement skill tree)
4. Repeat

Showcase of a Difficulty +8 Mission - Hardcore Ebony Crusade Run. Full Crusade clear will be uploaded in the upcomming days.

Guide to Missions
=Work in progress=

What we hate:
  • All enemies are Armoured/Heavy Armoured
  • Enemies gain +x% Heat Resistance (Physical is also not ideal but it’s not crucial)
  • Enemies gain +x% ranged damage
Try to avoid at higher difficulties:
  • Khorne
  • Eldars
What we like:
  • Tyranids – super easy
  • Plague Vanguard - as above but a bit more health = slower clearance
  • Black Legion Vanguard

Enemies to be aware of at higher difficulties (6+) or Increased enemy dmg missions:

  • Voidrippers Berserkers/Possesed/Talons – they hit like trucks with AOE/melee
  • Prism Tank - first ranged charged attack – can 1 shot you
  • Wraithguard / Wraithblade – watch for AOE attacks
  • <placeholder for name> - Chaos Sorcerer Psionic that spawns minefield - currently looks like the minefield is bugged and spawns 2x the amount of mines clustered on each other. Can hit for over 5k dmg as it lands on you, insta killing.

Usual Mission Times / Enemies Choice / Tarot Cards Guide:

Missions at you lvl:
Time to finish: 3- 5min
Avoid: nothing, should be a breeze no matter what enemy/mission type

Missions up to lvl 4+:
Time to finish: 5-10min
Avoid: nothing, should be a breeze no matter what enemy/mission type

Missions from lvl 4-6+

Time to finish: 8-15min
Avoid: Khorne, should be easy no matter what other enemy/mission type

Missions above level 6+
Time to finish: 10-20 min
Avoid: Khorne,

Mission above level 10+
Time to finish: up to 25 min
Avoid: Khorne, some tarot cards
Leveling Guide
=Work in progress=

For now you can use this great guide:

Počet komentářů: 107
Sneak0r 20. čvn. 2023 v 10.08 
Voltaic Communion has been reduced to -15% I'm current only able to have 3 Bots but can't heal them.
Neuromancer 11. úno. 2023 v 1.29 
Build is working now !!!
Madness 18. led. 2023 v 13.29 
If you start playing again, pls update. Your build has a lot of fans!!
NargothTheGrim  [autor] 18. led. 2023 v 11.54 
The guide was last updated for 2.3.1 and I haven't played the game since, so I can't say how up to date it is.
GrungeBro 9. led. 2023 v 17.33 
@Madness dunno build writer wont respond at all
Madness 9. led. 2023 v 17.28 
Is this build still viable/working??
Neuromancer 14. lis. 2022 v 0.24 
You need gears with:
-x% Data-flux Cost [Neural Implant, Main implant]
-x% reduced Data-flux Reserve [Armour] - This is Crucial to get 4x Kastelan Robot
Darth Ball 4. čvc. 2022 v 10.49 
I'm level 70 and at best I can get 2 robots -- who are 30% reserved. No way I can get 4 or 3. There is a change in Construct Specialization (25% reduction to now 20%), but I don't know if that is the reason for the huge disconnect.
BaoNA 2. lis. 2021 v 21.33 
@Mara80 does the armor piece still exist? I'm stucking with 3 robots
Caramio 4. říj. 2021 v 14.41 
Bumping it for following