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Render's Run a Subsistence Guide to Survival.
By RenderSilent
Welcome to Subsistence. This game is survival based and requires you to think about the long haul. Being conservative about what you use and how you use it will be the advantage when dealing with the element's, environment, Hunter's and Rogues.

If you are new to the game i really do advise you to play the easy mode, only because the game is a little overwhelming.. and you will not survive the first night. you can have the hunters and rogues active but make sure to turn your raids and revenge attack off. first time game play only.

if you feel like you deserve to play all your games in Hardcore. Then i agree. no i didn't just laugh.

CONTAMINATES: Blood on your hands too long. Animal bites. non boiled water.
SUPPLY CRATES: Crates offer many supplies needed to build your base and supply you with food and protection.
ANIMALS: Every animal will offer meat. Larger game offers items to construct or enhance your materials.
TREES: Each specie of tree offers different yields of logs. Big maple= 6 logs + 1 grub. Evergreens = 3 logs. small maple = 4 logs.
PLANTS: All plants contribute to your survival or construction. Kelp will be found along the banks of ponds or lakes. needed for antidote.
BASE: Building a base is mandatory for protection this will need many resources to complete. once created Hunters will enter the region
HUNTERS & ROGUES: Hunters will build many styles and sizes of bases. They are active and will seek revenge if you raid them.
Rogues will temporarily enter the region and will attack you if you are too close or leave your base unguarded.
SEASONAL CHANGES: Seasons are variable. Winter is harsh on you and you will need to bundle up and provide different sources of
heat. solar power suffers during winter season and wind turbines receive more power output.

1.) Find a river and follow it down to the lake. Harvest wood as you go but don't linger or you will be attacked
2.) seek out plants and supply crates. medical plants allow you to craft bio fuel used in the fire starter kit. small and deep in colour.
3.) once you have found water. craft a fire fuel it up and use the fire starting kit to light it. if the fire goes out you will need to get ALL of
the supplies to make the starter kit and wood to fuel it again.
4.) Seek out some plant fibers and harvest some wood to make a fishing rod. fish will give you a great meal and some oil for later on.
5.) Create a bow and arrows, if you don't have feathers crates provide them. Cant find a crate? kill a chicken.
6.) Craft a foundation using nails fiber for cordage and boards from the logs. make 4 foundations 7 walls 1 door way with door and 4 roof
pieces that will be perfect for now. You can move, Dismantle or even rotate all the pieces of your base except the BCU once placed.
7.) power is needed to craft item located in the base command unit. default is 100 power and 50 to 100 mass. i think.
8.) Craft garden bed's and start growing seeds. Keep away from your walls and other objects or they will not receive 100% light output.
9.) Always be on the hunt for Supplies and food. If you don't keep active you will die from hunger thirst or lack of supplies.
10.) mine the ores to make fragments used in gun upgrades refineries and other items such as ammo,reinforced walls and more.

* If you follow this simple guide, i assure you things will be okay. The rest is history my friend. enjoy the game when you are armed and dangerous make your attacks on Alpha base because they love when you take stuff. Remember what goes around comes back around.

D[n]A 16 May, 2020 @ 11:21pm 
Great Guide - RenderSilent