Remnant: From the Ashes

Remnant: From the Ashes

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Compendium Of The Ashes
Vytvořil: Stabby choppy says countdown
The ultimate guide that compiles information from various sources for all your game play needs!
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This is my first guide so please be kind to me! This guide is created based on my experience and also information obtained from sources like fextralife and reddit. I hope it acts as a useful way to obtain information regarding the game from the steam overlay.
Hopefully you would find the guide useful and have fun playing the game!

*Take note that there are spoilers in this guide!

This guide is broken down into different sections, just scroll to whichever you find relevant!

P.S: As there are always constant updates and patches, it would extremely hard for me to keep track of all details and changes. So, please pardon me if some of the values and status does not reflect the latest changes.

Last updated: 04/Nov//2019 (Hardcore update)

Big thanks and credits to:
  • /*Kintaro (Steam)
  • Grim Reaper #1925 (Discord)
  • Rigge #0491 (Discord)
  • Vexis #8631 (Discord)

Bosses on Earth
World bosses are bosses that you would encounter as you progresses through the story. There are usually a few which would spawn alternatively, hence it is likely you have to re-roll at least a few times to be able to obtain all available drops from them.

Dungeon bosses are bosses that you would encounter in dungeons as you progresses through the map. They are semi-optional as not all dungeon bosses are needed to progress through the story. However, it is recommended one explore the map to hunt these bosses for the unique rewards and experience.

  • Singe (World Boss)
    A root dragon that releases fire-based attacks. Try to aim for his weak spot, his chest

    Throw Fireball: When at range, it will throw a fireball from its mouth two consecutive times
    You can easily dodge it by walking or running to either side. Try to avoid flames in the ground while doing it
    Fire Breath: It will spread fire forward from its mouth.
    Try to jump backwards. If you are too close, try to run behind it
    Charge: It will make a roaring sound and charge to your location
    Wait for the charge to start and then dodge either side
    Fire Strike: It will fly upwards and come down sending a fire strike towards your location
    Wait until its diving, then dodge to either side
    Three hit combo: It can perform a three hit combo with its claws
    Try to dodge backwards or run behind it
    Drops: Blazing Heart for crafting Spitfire (A smg-like secondary weapon that uses hand gun ammo)

    Or drop: Dragon Links for crafting Smoulder, a melee blade that sears your enemy! (This item requires you to destroy singe's tail before defeating the boss)

  • The Ent (World Boss)
    A mighty colussus root. Weak spot on its back.
    Feet Slam: It will slam the earth with its feet causing AOE Damage
    When you see the attack, run on the opposite direction to a safe distance
    Hands Slam: It will slam the earth with its hands sending a shock wave at your location
    Dodge to either side. You can use the opportunity to fire at the weak spot
    Launch explosive bombs: It will lean forward opening the neck area and throwing explosives at your location
    Run to either side until the attack finishes.
    Scream and cast ads: It will scream staggering you and spawning ads
    Try to first deal with the ad s and then focus on the boss

    Reward:Spore Gland

    Alternate kill: Start off by finishing off its legs first for the Twisted Heart.
    Below are attacks that Ent uses when the legs are gone.
    Launch explosive bombs: It will lean forward opening the neck area and throwing explosives at your location
    Run to either side until the attack finishes.
    Melee Attack: It will crouch to your location and attack with its hands
    Run backwards to dodge the attacks

  • Shroud (Dungeon Boss)
    The best strategy is to keep moving and looking out for where Shroud is going to appear.
    Reward: Shadewood
    Weakspot: Head
    Charged Arrow: It will charge its arrow and fire a three shoot volley
    There is a delay before the arrows are released, try to dodge after they are fired or run in circles.
    Teleport: After he has performed his attack, it will teleport to a new location
    You can see the shadow of where it will appear. If you are close, you can run to that location and shoot when it appears. The sound moves from the old location of the Shroud to the new one. Use that to track it better.
    Bombardment: It will remain still and conjure a bombardment at your location. After a short delay three consecutive explosions will appear on your location
    Try to run next to it as it can't move or attack when its conjuring the bombardment, then run away until the attack finishes.
  • Brabus (Dungeon Boss)
    Brabus loves to move around the map taking cover and cheap shots at you whenever. Try to follow him and dodge his attacks best to hit him when he reloads.
    Weakspot: Head
    Reward: Sharpnel Shard, Bandit Armour Set (If you give him a pocket watch obtained from old mudtooth.

    Fire Shotgun: It will fire its shotgun and move to a new place to take cover
    Try to dodge to either side when he fires. Follow him and flank him
    Spawn Ads: It will spawn ads that will fire at you
    Deal with the ads as soon as they appear

  • The Mangler (Dungeon Boss)
    Reward: Hollow Seed
    Weakspot: ??
    Hide underground: It will hide underground and spawn ads
    Dodge to either side
    Roll attack: It will roll on the ground and strike you dealing damage
    Try to dodge to either side.
    Leap and combo: It can leap at you and perform a melee combo
    Try to dodge backwards and use the opportunity to attack him.

    The boss starts out small and more passive. The boss can roll to you dealing damage. It will also burrow underground while spawning ads. Try to deal with the ads before the boss comes out.0
    When the boss has 50% health it will transform into a bigger monster. It will become more aggressive and maintain its old abilities. It will also be able to leap at you and perform a melee combo. Try to dodge backwards and attack him.

  • Gorefist (Dungeon Boss)
    Take note that spore boomers spawn in waves so be on a look out for them whenever you take a shot on the boss. Have some bandage and oilskin tonic in case you are hit.
    Weakspot: Face
    Reward: Flesh Barb
    Vertical Swing
    Dodge to either side
    Horizontal Swing
    Dodge forward
    Three hit combo: It will glow and perform a three hit combo
    Dodge backwards and stay out of the range of the attack. Use the opportunity to fire at him
    Charge and Swing: It will charge at you and strike with the sword
    Try to dodge forward. This will pace you behind him giving you the opportunity to attack.

Bosses on Rhom

To progress along Rhom, you need to obtain a howling key from either Claviger or The Harrow. The howling key must be placed at the altar in between the burning pillars that is roasting the door of the undying king's tomb.

Upon reaching the tomb, you can decide if you want to fight or help the king. Either option would result in you obtaining the labyrinth key to be used in the labyrinth to progress in the story.

  • Undying King (World Boss)

    Weak Spot: HEAD
    *You could choose to fight this boss or not! Either option results in you obtaining the labyrinth key.

    1) To fight: Reject helping him
    If you choose to fight him, you would receive the undying heart to craft the Ruin (rifle) and also the Kingslayer Trait (+Crit Hit Dmg)

    2) Avoid fight: Agree to bring him the heart of the beast (Ixillis)
    If you choose to help him, you would have to defeat Ixillis on Corsus. As a reward, you would receive the Riven (melee weapon).

    The fight is quite challenging:
    Phase 1:
    • Boss will spawn ads coming out of the coffins located in the room.
    • Alternatively, it would also summon two flying light orbs that are stationary that fire projectiles at your location. Destroy them asap.

    Phase 2:
    • Essentially the king would only summon stuff and evade shots until he brings out his melee weapons. (Geez it just got real)
    • When he brings melee out, he will start following you slowly.
    • If he is close he would leap towards you and follow up with a melee combo, when it happens dodge roll forward and run.
    • This combo can one shot you so stay as far away as possible.

    Phase 3:
    • The boss alternate between phase 1 and 2 until you deal enough damage to him.
    • Once you dealt enough damage, the king would start walking back to his swimming pool area, where he will meditate to restore heath. Luckily the regen is slow so focus more on the ads summoned first.
    • So when hes regenerating, he is immobile, so after clearing all the ads in the room, blow a few shells into his head. That will stop his meditation and revert him back to phase 1.
    • Take note that he re-spawns when you kill him the first time with a portion of his health.
    • Just kill him again and the undying is undying no more

  • Claviger (World Boss)
    *This fight is tedious to say the least, you might need to bring ammo box in case you run out of ammo.
    Rewards: Stone of the guardian ( Make sure to have on ad alive when claviger spin the plaform)
    Alternate reward: Void silver (( Make sure to have no ad alive when claviger spin the plaform)

    Phase 1:
    • Boss will spawn with two orbs at its side that creates a field that protects it.
    • Destroy the orbs.
    • The boss will summon ads during the fight.
    • The boss would also shoot lighting orb towards you. Just simply sprint left and right and you will do fine.

    Phase 2: Kamekame phase
    • After some time, the boss would spin the spindle.
    • When you start seeing some yellow particles and his hand starting to clap, be prepared because the boss is able to unleash a ray that is gonna hurt real bad. To dodge the ray, just sprint towards the boss as close as possible as there is a spot where you could roll under to avoid the ray.
    • If you are feeling courageous, you could also jump over the ray. Normally I would just dodge and sprint around from one side to another.
    • After some time the ray would stop, and the actions from phase 1 will occur again.

  • The Harrow (World Boss)

    The Harrow will charge at your location when you are at a distance, wait until he is close and dodge forward. Try to fire at its legs as this will stagger him. If you fire enough times at his legs, he will fall to the ground, if you run behind him you can grab the Lost Harpoon weapon.

    NOTE: If you grab the Harpoon, then die, you will have to repeat the process. Unlike some other alternative boss rewards, the 'Harpoon taken' state is not persistent between attempts.

    When close, it will perform a three hit combo that can deal high damage, try to dodge forward and stay behind him. When you deal enough damage, he will run away and spam ads. Try to defeat the ads before The Harrow returns.

    Charge and strike: It will charge at your location attacking with its claws
    Wait until he is near and then dodge forward avoiding him and putting yourself on its back
    Three attack combo: It will use its claws to perform a powerful three hit combo
    Dodge forward and run away from him
    Run away and spawn adds: It will hide and spawn adds, after a moment he will come back
    Try to deal with the ads while the boss is not in the room.

    Reward: Thermal Geode (You have to kill the Harrow without taking the Lost Harpoon.)
    Alternate: Lost harpoon (Shoot him in the legs to stagger him a few times, and he will eventually drop to the ground. When he does, go behind him and grab the Lost Harpoon. NOTE: This is not a persistent state between attempts. If you die, you must repeat the process to receive the Harpoon.)

  • Raze (Dungeon Boss)

    A flying eye surrounded by flying skulls in a desert, what could go wrong?
    Scream and summon Ads: It will scream and summon flying ads
    Try to fire at the yellow core while he screams to do critical damage. Then, dispatch the ads before dealing with Raze
    Fire volley: It will fire a volley of fire at your location
    Try to hide behind a structure. This can BURN you so press spacebar to extinguish yourself or use hydro coolant.

    *Fun fact: The boss hide under the water to cool down.Reward: Sentinel ShardWeakspot:Yellow core when opened
Bosses on Rhom pt 2
  • Scourge (Dungeon Boss)

    Yeah, remember the hives? Now you have a bigger one to deal with.

    Scourge will chase you around the room trying to hit you with its claws. Try to stay near the structure in the middle running in circles, when he gets close you will see it remains still and his arms start growing, you can jump backwards to avoid his attack and take a couple of shot on him. Every time you shoot him hives will spawn from its head, try to use a high damage weapon to spawn fewer hives. Scourge will also occasionally protect itself in a field and conjure many hives. You can hide inside the tunnel of the middle of the room but beware, as some hives may still reach you. You can also try to lure him inside and fewer hives will spawn.

    Remember to use the Heavy Water Elixir when you are Irradiated.

    If you are having problems avoiding the hives you can use Adrenaline to run faster

    Claw Attack: It will extend its claws performing a wide attack
    You will see its arms growing before it performs the attack, you can avoid it jumping backwards
    Hive defense: When you hit it, a hive will be released from its head and chase you
    Try to deal damage, avoid the hives and then attack again
    Hive Attack: It will protect itself in a field and release many hives that will chase you
    Its invulnerable while performing the attack, so try to run away and avoid the hive. Don't run into him as there is higher chance of being damage. You can also hide in the tunnel in the middle of the room

    Reward: Radioactive skull
    Weakspot: ??

  • Maul (Dungeon Boss)

    This boss is accompanied by lots of hounds. Don't let them backstab you when you focus on the boss!

    Howl and summon ads: It will howl and summon ads
    Use the opportunity to fire at the boss. Kill the ads as soon as you see them
    Charge and strike: It will charge at you and bite you
    Dodge to either side and fire at it.

    Weakspot: Head?
    Reward: Hound Chocker
    Also if you Headshot the houndmaster (below) , you get a control rod to be placed in ancient construct

  • Ancient Contruct (DungeonBoss)

    Location: This boss is not located in a dungeon, instead it is located near the Rhom merchant Wud. That dude that sell you ossiris armour and that black sun ring, that dude that wears a eye cloth on it face, that dude with a injured good boy beside it.

    To summon this boss just simply place the control rod into the construct.

    Ancient Construct can periodically summon automated turret that fire at you. When this happens, focus on destroying them as soon as you can.

    When at a distance, it can cast a radiation ball at you, dodge it to either side. It can also charge at your location and strike with the spear. Dodge him to either side.

    When at close range, it will attack you with the spear. Dodge backwards and keep firing at him.

    Summon Turrets: It will summon automated turrets that will fire at you
    Destroy the turrets as soon as they appear
    Radiation Strike: It will cast a ball of radiation and throw it at you
    Dodge to either side. Use Heavy Water Elixir if needed.
    Charge and strike: It will charge at you striking with the spear
    Dodge to either side
    Melee Strike: It will strike from below with its weapon
    Dodge backwards

    Reward: Ancient core
    Weak spot: Head?

  • Shade and Shatter (Dungeon Boss)

    When you enter the room you will face both Shade and Shatter at the same time. Shade will stay at a distance using the staff as a ranged weapon and Shatter will approach you using the lance as a melee weapon. You need to defeat both Shade and Shatter.

    The best strategy is to focus on Shade first while dodging backwards when Shatter gets too close. This way you can focus on avoiding Shade projectiles. When they perform the combined attack, try to deal with the enemies before destroying the force field. You can Also hide in one of the corners and sometimes the radioactive balls won't reach you giving you time to restore your health and removing radiation by using Heavy Water Elixir.

    Once Shade is defeated you can focus on Shatter without worrying about projectiles. Just dodge his attacks and shoot while it recovers.

    Shade (Ranged):
    • Shade fire projectiles so just stay behind walls
    • Shade also conjure giant yellow balls that deals high damage which inflicts radiation.

    Shatter (Melee):
    • Shatter love to get charge and get close to you and hit you with his weapon. Just take note of his positioning and dodge.
    • Shatter will occasionally strike the ground to create an explosion that damages and knocks you back. Dodge backwards!

    Combined Attack:
    • When either boss receives certain amount of damage they would combine their attack where shade conjure and bombard you when yellow balls while shatter creates a force field. During this phase, plenty of ads are around so hide behind a wall and destroy the ads first before shooting the force field down
      *Side note you could enter the force field but you would take DOT while in it.

    Reward: Black tear
    Weakspot: Head?
Bosses on Corsus

You could potentially skip this whole map if you choose to kill the undying king and take the labybrinth key from his corpse.

  • Ixillis (World Boss)

    This is the beast, the guardian of corsus.

    There are three phases on this fight, you can bypass the third one if you kill both Ixillis at the same time.

    Phase 1:

    • Boss would summon flying orbs that would fly toward you and detonate. So destroy them with a high fast rate/ammo weapon as there is quite a few.
    • Boss would perform two melee strikes- vertical or horizontal so just be ready and dodge sideways
    • Boss would also shoot two yellow ball that leaves a gust that would damage you if you remain in the it.

    Phase 2:

    • When you deal enough damage, a second Ixillis will appear on the other side of the bridge.
    • Each Ixilli will perform a different task and take turns in doing so.
    • One of them will perform the same attacks of Phase 1 while the other will cast a powerful beam forward that can push you out of the bridge.
    • Occasionally, they will both stop and start casting a Scream that deals heavy damage and staggers you
    • When this happens you will see a glowing orb in front of them. Every hit you make on the balls will be a Crit and if you deal enough damage you will cancel the attack. If you are quick enough, you can cancel both screams.
    • After they are done screaming, one of them will fall back and you will face one of them like in Phase 1. After a while the other will come back and the phase will repeat.
    Phase 3:
    • If you kill one of the Ixillis the other one will enrage. When enraged, it will perform actions quicker and will be able to cast the Beam of Light that can push you out of the bridge. Try to focus on dodging its attacks and strike back when you are at a safe distance.
    • You can bypass this stage and obtain the item Guardian Tentacle by killing both Ixillis in rapid succession. To do so, try to bring them both to low health and then finish both of them before they have time to enrage.

    Reward: Hivestone You have to let one of the Ixillis become enraged (e.i. focuse on one and leave the other alone until it's time to put it down.)

    Alternate: Guardian Tentacle (You must defeat both Ixillis XV and Ixillis XVI either at the same time or in rapid succession. if you let the remaining Ixillis become enraged over the other's death, you will not get this material.)

  • The Unclean One ( (World Boss)

    This boss's attack can break the environment objects like walls and can spawn adds from time to time. The best strategy is try to maintain a medium distance from him and fire to his head. When at a distance, he can perform three kinds of moves: The belly strike, the weapon leap and the weapon throw. If he closes distance dodge backwards.

    When he tries to us hammer whirlwind, run in a wide circle until the attack ends and then finish him off.

    Reward: Unclean heart, Glutton trait
    Weakspot: Head, buttocks (smack him good)

  • The Thrall (Dungeon Boss)

    This boss plays very similar to Shroud. It will try to stay distant to you while throwing projectiles and conjuring irradiated magic. The best strategy is trying to stay near it dealing damage. Dodge any incoming attack and run away when it casts the irradiated cloud or bombardment.

    Reward: Swarm Tusk
    Weakspot: Back of his head

  • Canker (Dungeon Boss)

    Canker boss fight is a race against time. As time passes the room is filled with water. Canker attacks rely on this to be effective.

    He can run across the room dropping corrosive bombs, at first you will be able to see them but as the water level rises you won't. Try to remember where the boss passed and stay away from that area. The bombs will disappear after some time

    It can cast a sound wave sending a wave of water at you. At first, you will be able to stay on the sides of the room to avoid the attack. Once the room is filled with water, you will have to dodge the attack to either side.

    Ads will spawn occasionally, try to deal with them before focusing on the boss.

    Reward: Slime vessel
    Weakspot: ??

Bosses on Yaesha

This is the map that you have to explore to find ford for the founder's key.

  • Totem Father (World Boss)

    • You will see a circular battlefield with many columns inside of it. Totem Father will start the fight on top of one of the columns.
    • When on top of the columns, he will attack you at range with the Double Energy Balls or with the Boulder Throw.
    • Then, he can leap to the ground to place a totem or to leap at your location for an attack.
    • After a few attacks, he will leap to a column again restarting the Phase.
    • Try to focus on dealing damage while he is on top of the columns.
    • If you aim for his head you will deal critical damage.
    • Destroy the totems he place ASAP.
    • When he is close, he would also perform a two hit melee combo with claw and staff while on the ground.

    Reward: Totem antler (If the totem outside is Blue you will obtain this dropAlt Reward: Tempest Heartstring (if the totem outside is red you will obtain this drop------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • The Ravager (World Boss)
    • Try to stay at a medium or long distance. The Ravager will try to leap on you, try to dodge to either side and keep firing at it.
    • It can conjure a lightning ball at your location, you will notice he leans upward, dodge to either side and keep firing at him.
    • When you are at close range it can use its claws to attack you.
    • You can hide behind the pillar but the charge will destroy them.
    • When you deal enough damage, it will leave the battlefield and return with ads on its back. Try to first dispatch the ads and then continue firing at the boss.
    • You can also put the boss to sleep if you play the Lullaby correctly by firing at the bells before confronting the boss. This will grant you Stalker's Claw. Hit the bells by following orders:

    Reward: Tentacle pod (Can be obtained by defeating him) , Stalker Claw (If you play the lullaby the boss will fall asleep.)

  • The Warden/Kin Caller (Dungeon Boss)

    There are lots of ads in this fight and then can easily overrun you. Try to run to the upper area and kill the ads that come at you first and then deal with the boss. When it places the bells, destroy them to gain additional damage.

    Throw Lance: It will throw a lance at you
    Dodge to Either Side
    Bell Lance: It will stick a lance with a bell on the floor. This will spawn adds
    Try to destroy the bells. If you do, his armor will break and you can deal high damage on him.
    Three hit combo: It will perform a three hit combo
    Dodge backwards

    Reward: Kin Caller Bell

  • Stormcaller (Dungeon Boss)

    As the name suggests, Stormcaller has various storm attacks, including summoning lightning from the sky, create lightning orbs that chase you. You need to keep moving and keep a distance so you have more time to deal with his lightning orbs.

    • Other than the aerial orbs he fires, he also conjures to orbs on the floor that would chase you, shoot it before it shoots you
    • When he summons a lighting storm, keep sprinting or rolling forward.
    • There are ads, so kill them first

    Reward: Storm crystal

Bosses on Yaesha (Pt.2)
  • Scald & Spear (Dungeon Boss)

    Try to deal with Scald (the flying boss) first. Go to the upper level and he will follow you. Aim for his head to deal critical damage and deal with him alone.

    Once you are done, go down and try to find Sear and stay close to him. He can cast a fire volley at you that deals high damage. Run to either side to dodge. After this, he will flee to a new location, follow him and deal as much damage as you can.

    Ads will appear from time to time, try to hide and dispatch them before continue with the bosse

    • The crossbow boss would shoot fire volleys that would burn you even if it did not hit you, so take note of that aoe burn effect and dodge far far!

    Reward:Zephyr Conduit

  • Onslaught (Dungeon Boss)

    Onslaught main ability is Blink. He can disappear and appear at any place on the battlefield. This can cause disorientation and lack of sustained DPS. The best strategy is trying to stay close to him, as he will focus more in his melee abilities and less in blinking. Try to dodge his melee attacks and deal as much damage as you can.

    Blink: He can disappear and appear again at any location on the battlefield
    Try to stay close to him as he tends to blink less often
    Three hit combo: It can perform a three hit melee combo that has great reach
    Try to dodge backwards two times and use the opportunity to attack him
    Blink and strike: He can blink and appear striking you.
    Try to dodge backwards as soon as he appears.
    Leap attack: He can leap at you attacking with his weapon
    Dodge to either side and attack him

    Reward: Blink spear shard
    Weakspot: Head?

  • Root Horror (Dungeon Boss)

    Root horror can be found in a dungeon where there a gate that requires the strange curio. Upon inserting it, you would find the Radiant Visage inside and the Root Horror will appear from behind you. This boss fight has two phases. On the first phase you will fight inside the dungeon, when the boss has 50% health it will escape outside to kill the Stuck Merchant, you can follow him and finish him to obtain the Guardians Blessing trait.

    The boss weak spot is its head. Try to shoot there to deal critical damage.

    Phase 1:

    The boss can use three different attacks inside the dungeon. It can throw a Root Bomb at you, dealing damage and leaving a cloud of Root Rot. Try to dodge to either side and focus on his head.

    It will occasionally spawn ads, try to dispatch them as soon as they appear.

    When its close, it will perform a three hit combo with one hit from each side and one from above. Try to dodge backwards two times to reach a safe distance and keep firing at him.

    When the boss reaches 50% health it will escape leaving the room. The boss will go outside to kill the Stuck Merchant, you quickly leave the room to avoid it.

    Phase 2:

    Once outside you will find the Root Horror at full health once again. Outside it will perform the same attacks and add a new one conjuring an explosion at your feet. Try to run in the circular area of the battlefield while keeping a safe distance. Always Aim for the head to deal critical damage.

  • Blink Thief (Dungeon Boss)

    When you enter the Furgotten Undercroft at Yaesha, you will see the Ricochet Rifle. When you approach to take it, the Blink Thief will appear and steal it. You will have to pursue the Blink Thief across three locations and kill him before he escapes. Each location grants you 12 seconds to deal damage and try to kill him. Try to ignore the ads and focus all your damage on the Blink Thief.
    *Careful it throws javelins at you, so dodge it!

  • The Re-Animator (Dungeon Boss)

    There are three Re-Animator orbs in the battlefield. In order to defeat this boss, you'll need to destroy all three. Try to focus on one at a time. Ads will spawn during all fight. Try to reach one of the Re-Animator Orbs and dispatch any ads in the area. Then fire at the orb until the new wave of ads arrives. Deal with the ads and continue until the orb is destroyed. Repeat this for all three Orbs.

    Reward: Soul Anchor
    Weakspot: Center of orb
Long Guns
How to Unlock
Assault Rifle
Complete the Supply Run quest in the Sorrow's Field dungeon on Earth. You will find a monkey key that opens the door at the end of the dungeon.
Earth (Dungeon)
Beam Rifle
Complete the Lost Gantry dungeon (survive until door opens)
Rhom (Dungeon)
Chicago Typewriter
Save the 2 Liz's in a random event
Earth (Dungeon)
Coach Gun
1)Starting gun for Cultist
2)Buy from Rigs (guy who upgrades your gear)
Ward 13 (Vendor)
Give Guardian's Heart to the Elf Queen
Defeat The Unclean One boss in The Shack
Corsus (Boss)
Eye of the Storm
Defeat the Totem Father boss (shoot totem left of entrance until it's blue)
Yaesha (Boss)
Hunting Rifle
Buy from Rigs (guy who upgrades your gear) or starting gun for Hunter
Ward 13 (Vendor)
Particle Accelerator
Defeat the Claviger boss without letting him absorb any enemies
Rhom (Boss)
Defeat the Nightmare boss
Ward 17 (Boss)
Ricochet Rifle
Defeat the Blink thief
Yaesha (Boss)
Defeat the Undying King boss
Rhom (Boss)
Buy from Rigs (guy who upgrades your gear) or starting gun for Scrapper
Ward 13 (Vendor)
Sniper Rifle
Hidden by the lockers in the basement of the Church (left doorway)
Earth (Church)
Defeat the Ent boss without breaking his legs
Earth (Boss)
Short Gun
How to Unlock
Curse of the Jungle Gods
Defeat the Ravager boss by killing him (shoot the boss hiding in the cave)
Yaesha (Boss)
Defeat the Harrow boss by killing him normally (do not pull harpoon out)
Rohm (Boss)
Hive Cannon
Defeat the Ixillus boss by killing them normally (focus one first, then other)
Corsus (Boss)
Hunting Pistol
Talk to the Hunter resting by the crystal inside Hunter's Hideout to start it You will get a key, just walk to the end of dungeon and open the locked door with it.
Earth (Dungeon)
Magnum Revolver
Find the Strange Coin on Earth and give it to Ace (hooded girl) in Ward 13
Earth (Random)
Repeater Pistol
Starting weapon for all classes
Ward 13
Defeat the Singe boss by killing him normally (do not shoot his tail)
Earth (Boss)
Submachine Gun
Use Ward 13 Keycard to get the Fuse from Ward 13, then go down a level to put the Fuse into the fusebox, power it up, go unlock the door, come back to the fusebox and turn it off; then walk through the now-open door, and take an immediate left and enter the fans.
Ward 13 (Guaranteed Spawn)
How to Unlock
Blade of Adventure
Starting melee weapon during the intro
Butcher's Flail
Guardian Axe
Defeat the Ixillius boss at roughly the same time; kill both before either enrages at the death of the other one (they scream when enraged)
Corsus (Boss)
Lost Harpoon
Defeat the Harrow boss by shooting his legs to stagger him a few times until he crouches, then run to his back and interact to get the spear
Rhom (Boss)
Petrified Maul
Defeat the Ent boss by breaking his legs (shoot the flat knee caps)
Earth (Boss)
Give the Guardian's Heart to the Undying King
Rhom (Boss)
Scar of the Jungle God
Defeat the Ravager boss by playing the lullaby - do not shoot him!
Yaesha (Boss)
Scrap Hammer
Buy from Rigs (guy who upgrades your gear) or starting weapon for Scrapper
Ward 13 (Vendor)
Scrap Hatchet
Buy from Rigs (guy who upgrades your gear) or starting weapon for Cultist
Ward 13 (Vendor)
Scrap Sword
Buy from Rigs (guy who upgrades your gear) or starting weapon for Hunter
Ward 13 (Vendor)
Buy from the Elf Queen
Corsus (Vendor)
Defeat the Singe boss by cutting off his tail first (shoot it until it breaks)
Earth (Boss)
Buy from the Stuck Merchant
Yaesha (Vendor)
Voice of the Tempest
Defeat the Totem Father boss (shoot totem left of entrance until it's red)
Yaesha (Boss)
Wastelander Flail
Complete the Cursed Trial in The Clean Room dungeon (Bloodwort helps)
Rhom (Dungeon)
World Breaker
Defeat the Claviger boss after letting him absorb at least one enemy
Claviger Boss Fight
Gunslinger's Charm
Increases fire rate by 10% and reload speed by 20%.
Random location on Earth.
Leto's Amulet
Reduces armor encumbrance by 40% and stamina cost by 10%.
Random location on Earth. When you see a text that says only the most pentinent man may pass, crouch near the wall, and the wall will open, head inside and get the amulet.
Twisting Idol
Increases armor effectiveness by 15%.
Defeat the Wailing Tree on Earth.
Pocket Watch
Increases stamina regen by 15 per second and reduces stamina cost by 15%.
Exhaust Old Mudtooth's story dialogues. He can be found in a helicopter on Earth.
Brutal Mark
Deals 15% extra damage to the enemies that have less than 50% health.
Random drop on Rhom.
Galenic Charm
Damage taken by enemies awards 300% of damage as mod power.
Random drop on Rhom.
Mender's Charm
Dragon Hearts will heal teammates within 10 meters with 50% of health healed to self.
Purchased from Wud on Rhom for 400 scrap.
Cleansing Jewel
Removes all negative status effects after expending a Dragon Heart and increases self-healing effectiveness with all healing items by 30%.
Random drop on Rhom.
Vengeance Idol
Increases ranged and melee damage by 50% when the hero's health is below 25%.
Random location on Yaesha.
Butcher's Fetish
Increases melee damage by 25% for 10 seconds after achieving a melee critical hit.
Random location on Yaesha.
Storm Amulet
Increases all elemental damage by 20%.
Random location on Yaesha.
Scavenger's Bauble
Increases the amount of scrap picked up in the world by 25%.
Solve the "Song of Doe" puzzle on Yaesha. After solving, a altar will rise to bring it up.
Rock of Anguish
Increases movement speed by 25% and reload speed by 50% for 3 seconds after taking damage.
Random location on Corsus.
Soul Anchor
Increases duration of summoned creatures by 40%.
Defeat The Re-Animator.
Ring's Name
Provides 100% Crit Chance against non-aggressive enemies and increases Crit Damage by 15%.
Can be found on Earth
Mother's Ring
Reduces incoming Ranged Damage by 15%.
Can be found on Earth
Pillar of Stone
Reduces Sway by 50% and Recoil by 25%.
Can be found on Earth
Ring of Evasion
Slightly increases evade window.
Can be found on Earth
Increases earned Experience by 15%.
Can be found on Earth
Braided Thorns
Increases Crit Chance by 15% for 6 seconds after slaying an enemy.
Dropped by Root Worshiper found on Earth - Marrow Pass

Killing all root heart in the dungeon would trigger hostility from the worshipper
Root Circlet
Increases Melee Attack Speed by 20%.
Given by Root Worshiper found on Earth - Marrow Pass so long as he is not made hostile by the players.

Do not attack the heart 1st to receive this, then head back destroy the hearts to fight to obtain both rings.
Band of Strength
Increases Melee Damage by 10% for 10 seconds after a melee kill. Stacks up to 3 times.
Can be found on Rhom
Ezlan's Band
Increases Max Health by 25.
Can be found on Rhom
Gravity Stone
Increases damage by 25% when there are at least 3 enemies within 8 meters of the wearer
Can be found on Rhom
Hunter's Halo
Increase the effective Range of all firearms by 20%.
Can be found on Rhom
Leech Ember
Melee hits regenerate 5% of the damage dealt.
Can be found on Rhom
Jewel of the Black Sun
Increases Ranged damage by 5% for 10 seconds after a ranged kill stacks up to 10 times.
Can be purchased from Wud on Rhom for 400 Scrap
Blood Font
Regenerates 0.238 Health per second.
Can be found in Corsus
Devouring Loop

Critical Hits have a 5% chance to deal 300% bonus damage.
Can be found in Corsus
Melee Critical Hits will apply a BLEEDING effect, dealing 100% of the damage dealt over 15 seconds.
Can be found in Corsus
Celerity Stone
Increases Consumable Use Speed by 25%.
Can be found in Yaesha
Hunter's Band

Increases Weak Spot damage by 25% when hitting a target's weak spot from farther than 15 meters.
Can be found in Yaesha
Keeper's Ring
Increases resistance to all elemental damage by 15.
Can be found in Yaesha
Stone Of Balance
Increases Ranged and Melee damage by 10%.
Can be found in Yaesha
Heart of the Wolf
Increases Stamina by 25 and Movement speed by 10%.
Found at the Pan Flautist upon completion of the bell puzzle on Yaesha.
Ring of the admiral
Increases ranged and melee dmg by 15%, penalty: 300% bonus incoming damage
Purchased at Reggie for 2 scraps
Guardian's Ring
Reduce incoming melee damage by 15%.
Bought from the Stuck Merchant. (100,000 scrap) (Holy moly?!)

Alternatively: use the key behind the stuck wagon of the stuck merchant to unlock the tomb of the root horror. During the encounter, the root horror would escape and murder the stuck merchant. Head back to the merchant's area to obtain a free ring. (Dungeon might not spawn)
Treasure Hunter: Increases chance to get loot from destroying breakables by 10%, 20%, 35%.
Equipped at beginning of the game.
Opportunist: Perfect dodging enemy attacks increases melee damage and critical chance by 15%, 30%, 50% for 10 seconds.
Found at Vault of The Herald on Rhom. Use Glowing Rods, found in Rhom dungeons, on each locked door. Left holds helm, middles holds chest, and right holds legs.
Freeloader: 10%, 20%, 35% chance to replace spent bullet on hit
Acquire the Pocket Watch from Old Mud Tooth and give it to Brabus at the depot. Brabus is a dungeon boss.
Blood Pact: Critical hits generate 15%, 30%, 50% additional mod power.
1.Default Ex-cultist armor
2.For other class purchase from Rigs
Wanderer: Decreases stamina usage by 10%, 20%, 35%.
Chest and leg armour can be found in founder's hideout. Behind the table where you take the key, there should be a wooden shelve. Destroy it and crouch over.
Helm is found at a random location on Earth."
Believer: 10%, 20%, 30% chance to not consume a Dragon Heart on use.
Found in Martyr's Sanctuary on Yaesha.
Sharpshooter: Increases weak spot damage on targets greater than 15 meters away by 7%, 15%, 25%.
1.Default Hunter class armor
2. For other class purchase from Rigs
Bloodlust: Killing an enemy increases damage dealt by 7%, 15%, 25% for 5 seconds.
Purchase from Wud on Rhom after purchasing all his secrets.
Momentum: Critical hits increase crit chance and crit damage by .75%, 1.5%, 2.5% for 2 seconds. Stacking up to 10 times.
1.You can buy the chest and legs from Stuck Merchant on Yaesha
2.You can find helm in a small side dungeon unlocked using a key item called the ""Strange Curio" in Yaesha." The "Strange Curio" can be found behind the wagon of the stuck merchant.
Challenger: Increases damage dealt to all enemies within 2.5 meters by 5%, 10%, 15%.
1. Default Scrapper class armour
2. For other class purchase from Rigs
Assassin: Reloading increases the damage dealt to the next enemy hit with that weapon by 10%, 20%, 35%.
Give the Guardian's Heart to the Iskal Queen after defeating ixillis
Regrowth: Regenerates .15, .238, .333 health per second.
Defend The Root Shrine on Earth.
Vengeance: Taking damage increases damage dealt by 4%, 8%, 13% for 13 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.
Complete the Monolith Puzzle on Rhom.

Behind the huge monolith should lie some inscription, just take a picture and head back to the square with the inscription. The square is like a compass with each inscription pointing towards a direction. Follow the pattern found behind the monolith and complete it. A hole will open upon completion, just drop in activate an altar.
Leto's Armour
Juggernaut: Reduces stagger on hit, enemies targeting the hero takes an additional 5% damage. Three piece effect: Reduces stagger level by 1.
Located in Leto's Lab on Earth. Once you have used the teleport machine within Leto's Lab, head back to the computer, disable Leto's Algorithm. After disabling it, the teleporter would start to teleport you randomly. The armour can be located in a room with tons of burning corpses in the middle. Just keep getting teleported to reach the room.

Trait Name
Arcane Strike
Increases mod power generation on melee hits by 2.5%.
"1. Defeat The Ravager: The Ravager's Haunt, Yaesha.
2. Defeat the Totem Father: ?, Yaesha."
Bark Skin
Increases armor effectiveness by 1.25%.
"Speak with the Tree on Earth while wearing the Twisted Mask.
Can only be completed by one player through playthrough."
Increases proc chance by 1%.
Defeat The Thrall.
Cold as Ice
Increases damage dealt to enemies from behind by ?%.
"1. Win the faceoff by killing an ally in co-op after talking to Brabus.
2. Kill ? Enemies from behind (doesn't need to be melee kills)."
Elder Knowledge
Increases experience point bonus by 1.75%.
Play the tape recording on Floor B2 of Ward 13.
Increases stamina by 2.5.
Automatically unlocked.
Increases critical hit chance by 1%.
Defeat Ixillis.
Increases weak spot damage by 1.25%.
Kill 150 enemies with weak spot damage.
Increases consumable use speed by 2.5%.
Defeat The Unclean One.
Guardian's Blessing
Decreases melee damage taken by 1%.
"Defeat Root Horror (fully).
Spawns after unlocking statue with Strange Curio."
Decreases gun spread and recoil by 1%.
Obtain 10 weapons.
Keeper's Blessing
Increase elemental resistance by 1%.
Help the rebels on Yaesha. (shrine of the immortal)
Increases critical hit damage by 2.5%.
Defeat the Undying King.
Mind's Eye
Increases ranged damage by 1.25%.
Defeat Nightmare.
Mother's Blessing
Decreases ranged damage taken by 1%.
Defend the Root Mother.
Quick Hands
Increases weapon reload speed by 1.5%.
Defeat the second dungeon boss.
Rapid Strike
Increases melee attack speed by 1%.
Level a melee weapon to +20.
Increases stamina regen and its delay by 1.25%.
Defeat Claviger.
Increases revive speed by 5%.
Revive a teammate ? times.
Increases scrap boost by 2.5%.
Turn in the Tarnished Ring, a quest item found randomly on Earth, to Reggie.
Shadow Walker
Decreases enemy awareness by 1.5%.
"1. Select Hunter archtype at beginning of game.
2. Complete the ""Hunter's Hideout"" event."
Sleight of Hand
Increases weapon swap speed by 2.5%.
Get 100 kill with 10 different guns.
Increases mod power generation by 2.5%.
"1. Select Ex-cultist archtype at beginning of game.
2. Complete the ""Supply Run"" event by finding the Monkey Key and opening a locked door."
Decrease friendly fire damage taken by ?%.
Get downed by friendly fire damage 10 times.

Increase movement speed by ?%.
On Yaesha, play the "Song of the Guardian" on any of the bells, but skip the second line.
Increases teamwork range by 1 meter.
Join another player's game or have another player join your game.
Increases health regen effectiveness by 5%.
Speak with Navun.
Trigger Happy
Increases rate of fire by 2% at level one and +1% thereafter.
Level a ranged weapon to +20.
Increases health by 2.5.
Automatically unlocked.
Increases melee damage by 1.25%.
"1. Select Scapper archtype at beginning of game.
2. Complete the ""A Tale of Two Liz's"" event in The Warren dungeon on earth."
Will to Live
Increases health while wounded by 5%.
Be revived in a multiplayer game ~6 times.
World Walker
Decreases stamina cost by 1%.
Enter Rhom.
Weapon Mods

Mod Name
Mod Bonus
How to Unlock
Summons a Wasteland Skull which shoots projectiles that deal 21 damage per hit. Lasts 60 seconds. (Max 3)
Defeat Raze in the Lair of the Eyeless dungeon on Rhom.
Blink Token
Teleports the caster forward up to 13 meters and creates an electrical blast that deals 196 Shock damage within 3 meters.
Defeat Onslaught in the Noble's Rest dungeon on Yaesha.
Breath of the Desert
Discharge 7 radiation particles that will seek towards enemies within 20 meters and deal 42 RADIATION damage each.
Defeat Scourge in The Hive dungeon on Rhom.
Corrosive Aura
Projects a 10 meter aura that moves with the caster. Enemies which enter the aura are Corroded, reducing their defense by 24%. Lasts 30 seconds.
Defeat Canker in the Mire Hollow dungeon on Corsus.
Explosive Shot
Fires an explosive round that upon detonation will deal up to 168 damage to enemies within 3.5 meters.
Defeat Brabus in The Depot dungeon on Earth. Do not give him the Pocket Watch or fight your allies.
Flicker Cloak
Surrounds the caster with a magical shield for 30seconds, absorbing up to 200% of their Max Health in damage from incoming attacks.
Letos' Dungeon on Earth
Hot Shot
Imbues ammunition with Fire for 30 seconds increasing damage dealt by 20%. Shots also have a 35% chance to apply the BURNING effect, dealing 300 damage over 10 seconds.
Starting mod for Scrapper archetype, or purchased from McCabe (engineer woman).
Howler's Immunity
Projects a 20 meter aura that moves with the caster and reduces incoming damage to all heroes standing in the aura by 35% Lasts 30 seconds.
Defeat Maul in the Stalker's Den dungeon on Rhom.
Hunter's Mark
Marks all enemies within 35 meters for the caster and their allies for 60 seconds. Critical Hit Chance against marked enemies is increased by 20%.
Starting mod for Hunter archetype, or purchased from McCabe (engineer woman).
Iron Sentinel
Summons a full automatic Turret that shoots at 5 rounds per second and deals 12 damage per hit. Lasts 30 seconds. (Max 3)
Defeat Ancient Construct, outside of Wud's shop on Rhom.
Mantle of Thorns
Reduces Melee damage taken from enemies by 50%, reflects 240% of Melee damage taken, and reduces stagger on hit. Lasts 60 seconds.
Defeat Gorefist in The Grinder dungeon on Earth.
Mender's Aura
Creates a healing pool that heals 10 Health per second. Lasts 20 seconds.
Starting mod for Ex-Cultist archetype, or purchased from McCabe (engineer woman).
Rattle Weed
Shoots a projectile that spawns a RATTLE WEED upon impact with 300 Health and draws aggro on all enemies within 15 meters. Lasts 10 seconds. (Max 1)
Defeat Shroud in The Tainted Well dungeon on Earth.
Seed Caller
Summons a Root Hollow That deals 60 damage per hit. Lasts 30 seconds. (Max 3)
Defeat Mangler boss in The Artery dungeon on Earth.
Song of Swords
Projects a 20 meter aura that moves with the caster. All heroes standing within that aura have their damage dealt increased by 30%. Lasts for 30 seconds.
Defeat Warden in The Ring of Trials dungeon on Yaesha.
Storm Caller
Conjures an electrical storm centered around the caster which unleashes lightning strikes that deal 120 Shock damage to nearby enemies within 35 meters. Lasts 12 seconds.
Defeat Stormcaller in the Martyr's Garden dungeon on Yaesha.
Unleash insects that will seek after enemies within 20 meters and repeatedly attack dealing 15 Corrosive damage per hit. Lasts 25 seconds.
Defeat Thrall in the Musk Forge dungeon on Corsus.
Veil of the Black Tear
Creates a 5-meter inpenetrable energy field. Heroes standing inside the energy field can shoot outward. Lasts for 10 seconds.
Defeat Shade and Shatter in the Hall of The Faithful dungeon on Rhom.
Wildfire Shot
Shoots an arcing fireball that deals 120 fire damage and ignites targets with the burning effect within 1.9 meters, dealing 720 fire damage over 15 seconds.
Defeat Scald and Sear in the Warden's Pulpit dungeon on Yaesha.
Flicker Cloak
Surrounds user with a shield that absorbs up to 150% of their max health in damage from incoming attacks and prevents getting staggered. Last 60 seconds.
Defeat Riphide boss for displacement crystal in Leto's Lab, on Earth
Information regarding emotes

Starting Emotes:
  • This way
  • No!
  • Yes!

Party with another player
  • Wave

All the following world bosses have a unique emote drop:
  • The Ent - Cheer
  • Singe- Beckon
  • The Harrow - Fail(Facepalm)
  • Claviger - Laugh
  • Undying King- Gravedigger
  • Totem Father - Tea time
  • Ravager - Freeze frame (You will jump and freeze in the air)
  • The Unclean One - Exhausted(Catching a breath)
  • Ixillis- Confused
  • Nightmare - High Five/Praise the gun

---Hardcore Mode----

Welcome to Hardcore Mode, the true experience for the very best players!

Information regarding the mode
-Items obtained from hardcore mode will be available to non-hardcore characters.
-Hardcore character's death are permanent
-Create a new character and change the mode to HARDCORE to start your hardcore run

Exclusive items (obtainable only in hardcore playthrough)
-The following items are obtainable only when you defeat the bosses list below on hardcore mode.
  • Nightmare Spiral (Necklace)
    • Effect: Ranged hits steals 4.5% of the base damage dealt as health. Consumable Health regeneration effectiveness reduced by 95%.
    • Obtained from Final Boss: Nightmare
  • Provisioner Ring (Ring)

    • Effect: Firearms reload over time while stowed
    • Obtained from killing either one of the Earth's World Boss: Singed /The Ent
  • Akari Warband (Ring)
    • Effect:Perfectly dodging enemy attacks increases Crit Chance by 15% and Crit Dmg by 30% for 7 seconds.
    • Obtained from killing either one of the Rhom's World Boss: Claviger or Harold
  • Ring of Supremacy (Ring)
    • Effect: Increases all damage dealt by 25% after the wearer's health has been full for at least 5 seconds.
    • Obtained from killing either one of the Yaeshas World Boss: Ravager/ Totem Father
  • Enpowering Loop (Ring)
    • Effect: Increases ranged dmg by 30% but decreases fire rate by 20%
    • Obtained from killing either Corsus World Boss: IXILLIS
  • Band of Accord (Ring)
    • Effect: Ammo acquired on pickup is increased by 15% and is shared with other players.
    • Obtainable through High-Five emote with another player. (Emote drops from final boss)
-See drops and boss available to you!

1)Online solution:

Head over to


2)Offline solution:

*Do not edit any thing inside the file, just simply find what is available in your run and see if you might want to go through it or re-roll. Any edits might render the save file corrupted.

  • You can see what boss/items you rolled in the save-file.
  • Just open it with Notepad++ and search for "boss" AND/OR "miniboss".

  • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Remnant\Saved\SaveGames
    "save_0.sav" for example (Just go to my computer and search "Remnant in your computer to find the filepath for your save file)

  • You will come to a "full line" dedicated to the "questline" including item-drops and world-bosses/dungeon-bosses.

  • Procedure is: reroll the world -> go out of this specific menu -> save-file will be written -> check your rolls -> proceed or roll again until you find the bosses/dungeon-bosses you want to play against

  • Just for example what you will see:

  • #1 Ring HeartSeeker drop

  • #2 Amulet Gunslinger Charm drop

  • #3 Ent as world boss

  • #4 Stormcaller Dungeon-Boss

  • I verified one save-file roll with a quick playthrough. 100% accurate if you know how to read it. Some bosses are sadly "cryptic" since the devs did not care about consistent names.

  • For example "Gorefist" is "Quest_MiniBoss_RootBrute" and "Shroud" is also something else.

  • Would be great if you could also encrypt some entries so we know what is going on.


    Source: /*Kintaro from

3)A google spreadsheet with name tags can be found over here:

-Walkthrough (spoilers)
No worries if you are lost in the game especially if it is your first time!

Ward 13
  • Talk to Commander Ford
  • Find the Reactor on Base's Lower Level
  • Initialize Terminal above the Reactor
  • Survive for 2 minutes
  • Kill the Remaining Root
  • Return to Commander Ford
  • Upgrade Equipment with Rigs in Armory
  • Talk to McCabe
  • Return to Commander Ford
  • Activate the Red Crystal in Ward 13

  • Investigate Founder Ford's Hideout
  • Search the City for a Lead
  • Talk to the Twisted Woman in the Church
  • Defend the Root Mother for 2 minutes
  • Return to the Root Mother
  • Meet the Root Mother in Ward 13
  • Battle World boss
  • Enter the floating tower
  • Find the Keeper of the Labyrinth

  • Investigate The Labyrinth
  • Go forward and enter the realm of Rhom

  • Investigate Rhom
  • Explore the dungeons until you fight the world boss to obtain Howling Key
  • Teleport back to the monolith and open the Back Sun Gate using Howling Key
  • Meet with the Undying King
  • From here you can make a choice. The Undying King will ask you to kill Corsus Guardian to retrieve its heart and bring it to him. You can either reject the Undying King offer and fight him or accept his request (you can still betray him later and fight him at any given time)
    Reject Undying King offer:
  • If you reject his offer you will have to fight him. Once defeated, you will obtain Labyrinth Key. With it, you can access both Corsus and Yaesha. You can completely skip Corsus if you desire and go straight to Yaesha to finish the story faster.
  • Accept the Undying King offer:
    If you accept his offer, he will open a portal behind him that will lead you to Corsus.
    You can come back at any given time and tell him that you won't retrieve the heart for him and a fight boss will begin.
  • You can also bring him the heart and you will receive the Labyrinth Key and Riven as a reward.

  • Explore Corsus until you find the hut of The Unclean One, defeat him and keep going.
  • You will find the Iskal Queen. She will ask you to retrieve the Guardian's Heart for her (the same the Undying King requested). If you give her the heart you will obtain Slayer Set and Crossbow.
  • Keep exploring and defeat The Thrall.
  • On the last dungeon you will find Ixillis. After defeating it you will obtain the Guardian's Heart.
  • You can now choose to give the Guardian's Heart to the Undying King or to the Iskal Queen. If you give it to the Iskal Queen you will have to fight The Undying King to retrieve the Labyrinth Key.

  • Once you are in position of the Labyrinth Key, you will be able to enter Yaesha from inside the Labyrinth.
  • Once inside Yaesha, explore the area until you find Navun, she will tell you that Founder Ford is being kept prisoner by the Immortal Empress.
  • Keep exploring and defeat the world boss.
  • Once you've defeated him, you will find the prison where Founder Ford is being kept.
  • Talk to Founder Ford, and he will provide you with Founder's Key.
  • Go to the bottom level of Ward 13, explore the area and you will find a room with a mirror. On the same room, there is a computer with a key slot. Use the Founder's Key on the key slot and access the computer to initialize the mirror.
  • Go through the mirror to reach Ward 17.

Ward 17
  • Explore the area until you find the checkpoint, on the room next to it you will find the Dreamer.
  • Defeat Dreamer/Nightmare and you completed the game.

Remember the games has various dungeons, so make sure you explore every available dungeon. Any shaded areas represent an unexplored region! Dungeons that have not been explored would have its icon flashing.
-Dreamer/Nightmare strategy
Build for Dreamer/Nightmare
Armour: 3 Set Bandit
Primary Weapon: Devastator
Secondary Weapon: Magnum Pistol (Mender's Aura Mod)
Rings: Devouring Ring and Heart of the Wolf
Pendant: Cleansing Jewel
Melee: Riven

This is my build for taking on the last boss of the game! The devastator is perfect for dealing the damage. The high-rolling ability of the bandit allows us to decimates the boss whenever its weak spots are exposed. The heart of the wolf allows us to spring sideways to avoid the bombarding projectiles efficient. While the magnum pistol with menders aura combine with cleansing jewel provides great sustain for our stack hunting in the banished realm.

*Alternatively, you could get a weapon that has Swarm/hot shot mod equipped for high DOT on the boss.

Dreamer: Aim for the head for massive damage and focus more on dodging than dealing damage!

Nightmare: The boss only does 2 things! It shoots extremely lethal bombarding projectiles that could potential one shot then banishes you into another realm. Hence the strategy is simple, just sprint sideways whenever you see the circles on the boss starts to glow. It means that the boss is beginning its attack animation.

With the heart of the wolf it is extremely easy to sprint sideways to avoid it. (Just remember to go left , right , left , right or else you might find yourself at the border of the map.

* Also please take note to never shoot the boss if you were never banished to the realm!
Pretty sure you noticed how insignificant your damage were during the battle without any buffs right! This is because you require damage buffs to damage it significantly. The buffs can only be obtained by killing monsters in the banished realm.

Banishing into the realm
So before you are banished into the realm, the boss will do a aerial barrel roll of sorts.

Boss Spinning:

So when you see the boss starting to spin in the air, pop a bloodwurt as the longer you stay in the banished realm the more damage you take. Once in the banished realm, just simply look for the portals. The portals are circles that looks like black holes with spinning rings. Once you enter, identify where are the portals, sprint to it but do not enter it! Just stay around it and destroy as many mobs as possible. Use mender's aura once its charged to increase your hp regen for a longer stay in the realm. Based on my experience, around your 10th stack is when elite monsters starts to spawn. Just keep track of your hp and you will be fine. As a rule of thumb, I would suggest getting at least 10 stacks before exiting the realm. The stacks can be found under your HP/Stam UI much like consumables.

Once you are out of the realm, proceed to blast the boss with your devastator! Please focus more on avoiding the projectiles than dealing damage though, so left right left right sprints. Most of the time after 3 blasts and if you deal enough damage to the boss, the boss would kinda suffer a seizure and the dreamer's head would be exposed right at the chest of the body. So aim for the head for extra juicy damage!

Rinse and repeat and tada you have completed the game! Or have you...........

Banished Realm
Damage After Realm
Weak Spot Exposed
-Bell Puzzles
*All bell puzzles are located in Yaesha (the last map)

Pan Flute Bell Puzzle

  • Number the bells from left to right
  • With the left-most bell as 1 and the right most being 5
  • Solution: 3-4-5-3-2-1

When you get it right the pan would give a OMG expression, and a pedestral will rise to present the Heart of the Wolf ring.

Red Doe Bell Puzzle

If you were to number the bells from left to right, with the left-most bell being 1 and the right-most bell being 5, this is how the solution would look: 5-4-3-3-4-1-2-3-2-1. Once you complete the puzzle, a pedestal will rise from the middle, and you will be able to loot the Scavenger's Bauble. This is an amulet, and it increases the amount of scrap picked up in the world by 25%

Ravager Bell Puzzle (Credit to )

If we were to map out the bells with numbers from the entrance: right bell is 1, left bell is 2, center bell is 3, back left bell is 4, back right bell is 5. Following that layout, the solution for the Ravager Bells would be: 5-1-5-1-2-3-4-1. You have to do this relatively quickly, especially if you aren't in a group that can help hit the bells. If you do it too slowly, it won't trigger and you'll have to try again. If you do it correctly you'll gain experience and some dialogue will play. After that, go talk to the big wolf named Ravager in the cave. He will reward you with the Stalker's Claw which you can bring back to Ward 13 to have the Scar of the Jungle God melee weapon created!

Swiftness trait reward (Credit:

We've previously covered Yaesha bell puzzles, concerning other assorted rewards such as the Scavenger Trait. The good news is that, unlike the items detailed in the guide above, you can get the Swiftness Trait reward on any of the bell puzzle locations, so your chances of getting Swiftness are greatly improved right off the bat.

Once you're at one of the bell puzzle spots, all you need to do is to input the correct bell sequence: 1-1-3-4-1-1-3-2. That'll net you the Swiftness Trait, and you'll be good to go.
-Materials Farming
Simulacrum Farming

Personally, I tend to re-roll \ whenever I found one on Earth.
Based on my experience it takes at most 30 mins to find one on Earth. It is most commonly situated in a dungeon after you save the root mother from the church mission.

To obtain luminite, you would have to kill elite monsters/bosses. It can also be found inside chest/crates. For luminite, I have two spots that I use for farming. Firstly, the Wailing tree on Earth

Find the wailing tree, shoot it and it would spawn monsters for you to defeat. There is a checkpoint just close-by so feel free to suicide when you run out of ammo or hearts.

Another location for farming would be the monolith puzzle on Rhom.

Instead of completing the puzzle, just simple walk around purposely screwing up. The puzzle would spawn monsters whenever you are incorrect. P.S you could obtain a sweet armor when you complete it

These locations are also efficient ways to obtain EXP and scraps. The following are items you might want to consider for maximum efficiency.

Items for farming:
  • Sagestone - Increases earned Experience by 15%.
  • Scavenger's Bauble - Increases the amount of Scrap picked up in the world by 25%

Traits for farming
  • Scavenger - Increases the amount of scrap picked up
  • Elder Knowledge - Increases earned Experience when killing enemies.
-Useful Tips (Facts you might not know)

  • Last level of weapon/armour requires 1 simulacrum
  • Weight affects stamina usage, the heavier you are the more stamina you use
  • Traits caps at 20
  • You could extinguish yourself by rolling. (Remember? Stop, Drop, Roll yes!)
    If you are in a safe spot, spamming the space bar button is faster as it reduces roll animation.
  • Liquid Escape can be used more than once (Credit to /u/VisageTDI)
  • Starting class doesn't matter, as the equipment and traits can be obtained later on in the game. But it is said that ex-cultist's beginning trait is the hardest to obtain out of the three.
  • Difficulty levels only affects EXP gains, hard @ 115% nightmare @ 130% (Hence, its much better to roll normal playthrough to collect items and traits)

Status effects (Credit to u/z7832431)

  • Picking up the same weapon/fighting bosses that drop items might upgrade weapon (There is a cap limit)
  • Regular Weapons and Armour can be leveled to + 20
  • Boss weapons caps at + 10
  • Pressing the middle mouse button zooms on weapons with scope
  • Crouching behind low cover lets you pop out when you aim
  • If you are having a hard time against bosses, try using rattle weed mod to draw aggro.
  • For melee weapons, you could hold your left mouse button then release/ space bar once and left mouse button to use a different weapon animation.

  • It is possible to steal the riccochet rifle before the blink thief steals it, effectively making you the blink thief. This can be done by equipping the blink mod to blink asap to the rifle to steal it!
  • For the chicago typewriter, it is possible to still obtain the item without both liz alive. It can be done by just simply crouching , putting your back against the door and mashing the interact button. This way you would teleport inside!
  • If you are starting a new character/want to skip tutorial, just simply get yourself killed at the sight of the first root you see.

You can get exactly 5 simulacrum per roll, one in each world.

  • If you decide to not give the undying king the heart/kill the king before he opens up the portal to corsus, you could still access corsus through the labyrinth. In the labybrinth heading straight leads to rhom, left leads to corsus while right is yaesha.
  • If you re-roll your world, you will keep all traits, consumables and equipment in your inventory, including upgrades. Key items and map progression will be erased only.

  • Dungeon Icons on mini map changes to solid from flashing after you enter them not completing them (Credit to /u/welshdragon888)

Easter Egg
Is there a good boy on earth?
-Remnant's Lore

In the 1960s, Mankind develops a means to connect what they call "Dreamers" to parallel realities.

Almost all of them connect to interesting worlds, many of which break physics as we know it.

Two important worlds: Gabriel's and Clawbone's.

Gabriel's world connected to a living organism the size of a planet and met lifeforms that worshipped his linked Guardian but then turned on him.

The Wards discovered via Gabriel that damage to the linked Guardian also kills the Dreamer.

They manage to reconnect a Dreamer to Gabriel's world and it's been taken by the Root which are hunting down the former inhabitants.

Worlds without Guardians are at great risk to Root invasions.

Haarsguard over at Ward 16 makes a breakthrough and connects a Dreamer to what they think is Nothing. There is no visual or audio output. Unbeknownst to them, they have connected Clawbone (Haarsguard's Dreamer) directly to the Root.

A burst of emissions in 1968 matches the timing of the death of another dreamer and around that time, Earth is invaded by the Root.

The above is from NPC dialogue at the logs stored in Ward 13's basement.

The below is from item descriptions and NPCs/Ingame items:

Mankind's armies got trashed by the Root such that Hunters were just resistance groups.

Bullets are rare in the world (yeah yeah, ammo box is infinite but nvm)

The Founder Ford goes nuts trying to save Earth from the Root. He tries visiting other worlds to work out a method. He dismisses Ezlan, the Undying King's method (Nuking the world). He eventually loses all hope of finding a way to defeat the Root and more importantly save his wife.

His wife, the Root Mother, sacrificed herself to the Root, suggestion seems to be she could use her latent psychic powers to keep the Root away from Ward 13.

Ezlan wants the Heart to allow Rhom to have a new Guardian, thus protecting it from the Root.

The Iskal Queen is a species alternative to the Root. A hivemind entity that is hostile to most despite their innocent message of "love"

Yaesha is infested by the Root already (Root Horror boss) but it's just beginning. Presumably this means the Tree of Immortality was their Guardian.

Earth has no Guardian, nor needed one. As the core (map centre of the multiverse) it was immune to Root... until we connected Clawbone and basically let them in.

By killing the Dreamer, we sever the Root from Earth... but we don't really save anywhere else (unless you gave the Heart to Ezlan). Hurray?

Credit to: U/YisouKou

Additional backstory
This game takes place after the events Chronos, where the world had already eneded. The "hero" of Chronos ventures into the Labyrinth to journey into the other world(s) in order to stop the Dragon, which is the source of the beasts' attack. When you "die", you are cast out and can only return once a year when the labyrinth re-opens. In-game, you essentially start back at the crystal, and are 1 year older. You age every time you die.

The worlds and their guardians are linked to "Dreamers" (people hooked up to machines, just like the final boss of Remnant). It's sort of like the Matrix. When they are killed inside, their host body dies as well. The Dragon is trying to find a way into Earth's world. Eventually, when you reach the end of the game, you defeat the Dragon by entering the dreamer's world (the room looks just the like final room of Remnant). You find that the Dragon orchestrated these experiments as way to create a bridge into Earth's world.

After its defeat, you find that everything you've done has basically been for nothing. The guardians you defeated were the Dragon's jailers keeping him bound. You are stabbed in the back and strapped to the table, essentially becoming the next Dreamer to host the Dragon.

The Dreamer we fight at the end of Remnant is the protagonist from Chronos. The room is the same, and it was in Ward 17. Ford tells us that the tower we have been seeking to get into is Ward 17.

Credit: u/Thewarringtriad

-My Build
In this section, I would like to share some of my builds!

As of 28/8/2019:
Bossing Build
Armour: 3 Set Bandit
Primary Weapon: Devastator
Secondary Weapon: Magnum Pistol (Hunter Mod)
Rings: Devouring Ring and Braided Thorns
Pendant: Gunslinger Amulet
Melee: Riven
The objective of this build is to capitalize on the Bandit Set effect which gives the wearer a 35% to replace spent bullet on hit. As the Devastator projects out 5 bolts within one ammo capacity, this allows us to maximize our chances. Combining it with items that increases critical chance and devouring ring's high burst damage from critical hits. It is possible to high-roll bosses with this build.

Mobility Build
Armour: 3 Set Hunter
Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle (Hot Shot Mod)
Secondary Weapon: Spitfire
Rings: Heart of the Wolf and Heart-Seeker
Pendant: Pocket watch
Melee: Riven

This is my favorite build when traversing the vast lands of the post apocalyptic world. It provides high stamina and faster movement speed to explore areas quicker. The heart-seeker in combination with the sniper rifles long range allows me to dispatch enemies from far away while the spitfire disintegrates anything that comes close to me.

Počet komentářů: 22
Crusher Fabio 4. led. 2023 v 5.26 
Thanks. Just a correction. For the chicago typewriter, you need to use explosive mod, place yourself correctly and then spamming the E button while firing yourself to the sky. The other method is been patched.
Dredd 21. srp. 2022 v 1.56 
Many thanks
Papazhoom 14. čvn. 2022 v 4.53 
OmicronS 10. led. 2021 v 19.25 
Absolutely fantastic guide. My new go to instead of the Wiki for the game. Just one thing, if you could add the modifiers that bosses get, like Enchanted and Heavy, would be awesome to have just to know what they do.
Silv 8. pro. 2020 v 5.38 
great guide, a lot of effort given to make this :luv:
FlynnTheFearless 20. lis. 2020 v 9.30 
Ugh another guide by someone thats not quite sure what they are doing. Look shrouds an easy fight. When you enter left and right there are two boxes with stairs. Go slightly down the stairs along the wall and shroud will just pop up in this area right beside you at almost point blank range. I'm not correcting the rest of the fights for you though. You'll have to play a little and learn it yourself.
Radd 28. říj. 2020 v 2.03 
Well, he'll drop the piece "Hammerhead Ore" which is then used to craft the flail.
Radd 28. říj. 2020 v 2.01 
Noticed you're missing info on the Butcher's Flail.

Bosses on Corsus: World Boss The Unclean One.

Alternate Kill Method: Sneak into the bosses hut and take an immediate right. Sneak downstairs into the basement. Get into one of the three pots. Screen will fade. The Unclean One will be sharpening his weapon in the basement. Fight. Boss will drop the Butcher's Flail.

This fight is much easier in the basement as there is less environmental destruction and you can see the Unclean One at all times.
Xivos0 21. srp. 2020 v 7.21 
Any chance for update of the guide? I can give steam award if You do.
Lynx 14. zář. 2019 v 15.05 
Where I can find the Lullaby book for music key?