Telling Lies

Telling Lies

70 beoordelingen
Telling Lies Achievement Guide
Door Kessie
A short guide to describe how to get all achievements in this game.
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All of these below are built-in achievements, meaning the only way to miss them is by either not playing for long enough or a bug.

Make it past 1am – make it through 1am in the game, achievement automatically unlocks itself.

All work and no play
Make it past 2am – make it through 2am in the game, achievement automatically unlocks itself.

Nocturnal animals
Make it past 3am – make it through 3am in the game, achievement automatically unlocks itself.

You're a vampire
Make it past 4am – make it through 4am in the game, achievement automatically unlocks itself.

Time is running out
Make it past 5am – make it through 5am in the game, achievement automatically unlocks itself.

In any case of a bug not receiving one of these built-in achievements, you can always start it over once completing the story, and see if it resolves the issue.
Hidden Achievements
Animal Logic
Cats can't type – shortly after 3am, the agent's cat jumps up on the desk and runs through the keyboard which will leave some random characters in your search bar. To get this achievement, just press the 'Search' button to see results.

Headed out onto the roof – achievement earned automatically upon uploading files.

You like bookmarking – bookmark 20 videos throughout your gameplay.

You like tagging things – keep tagging videos at least 10 times.

Pointless Game
It's the taking part that counts – as the description implies, keep playing the card game called Solitaire (upper-left corner) within the game.

You will eventually notice that one king is missing – hence it's referred to as a pointless game – but you'll just need to start over and play it a few times until the achievement pops.

Full Upload
Uploaded the entire data set – you'll need to go through all 170 videos in the database.

It's important to note, you'll only ever see 169 videos altogether within the database, then after uploading your findings the first time, you will watch one of the alternative ending clips which will make it to 170 in total. If it's your second time uploading, this number if you've got everything will already show 170. In both cases you can unlock the achievement.

Here you'll find all clips that you need in order to unlock this achievement as well as watch all alternative endings if you're interested: steam/steamapps/common/Telling Lies/TellingLies_Data/StreamingAssets/Videos
It doesn't mean you have to watch through every second of every video, you can simply just open the video folder on your computer and go through all clips from 1-96 by looking for keywords and checking within the game whether each one has already been viewed by you before .

Decided to leave some tips for keywords for certain clips where there is hardly any talking or words are too inaudible/distorted to hear what the characters exactly say:
63_A (convo between Ava & Alba) – baddie
80_A (David in suit swearing) – a**hole
92_A (David singing in bed) – spell

34 opmerkingen
dollarone 5 feb om 3:32 
Animal Logic - the search is: sxwfrtniul.['po]\[/,l; in case you lost it (like me)
Some_kind_of_no_name 14 apr 2023 om 3:04 
I couldn't get "Make it past 3am" achievement even after restarting the game.
Laza 19 jul 2022 om 3:04 
Thank you for the guide. For what it's worth, here are my observations:
- Using the Win7 beta-whatever-fix stops achievement being unlocked.
- For Full Upload, there must be 170 videos ready for upload. Any less and the achievement won't unlock. Also you don't need a new playthrough, simply selecting Continue will put you forever on 5:09am, with all your progress saved, and you can go on from there.
- Pointless Game: using the normal version of the game, it unlocked on the very first restart of Solitaire. However, having previously used the Win7 fix described above, I had already spent some significant time on Solitaire, including "winning" three times and reshuffling 15 times. Dunno if it counted or not. And another good question is if you should start the investigation before playing Solitaire or you can simply start Solitaire, ignoring altogether any progress in the game.
- The achievs unlock quite late after the cutscenes, so some patience is required.
Hexalotte 25 mei 2021 om 6:30 
Finally I got the achievement. I watched all the videos in the folder one by one and recognized that I had missed one video before. So after the first ending I had exactly 170 videos :-)
Hexalotte 25 mei 2021 om 4:05 
I uploaded 169 videos but no achievement
Benni 16 apr 2020 om 4:50 
Good overview, thank you. In my first run, none of the achievements were triggered, but after I start over again, they all work fine. I needed like 15 games of Solitaire before I get Pointless Game . For Full Upload , I bookmarked every video i've seen and sorted them by date. Then I compared the video lengths with the one in the steam-folder. That way I found all the videos, since I couldn't found a word-list for the german translation.
Gingergal 19 feb 2020 om 14:08 
you don't need to bookmark every video for that achievement, but if you do it also helps with the count and advise anyone to do so as I didn't first time around so didn't know the count with jane was wrong.
Gingergal 19 feb 2020 om 14:05 
ok the problem for me was that 'jane' was counting an extra video thus showing wrongly 169 first time I uploaded, before I saw any ending. re-searching again, bookmarking as I went along this time found a video that said '0' views, once I watched that the count went up to 170.
Gingergal 19 feb 2020 om 10:19 
I have the same problem as Kikoro, uploaded 169 files - continue after the ending but click on jane again and it still says 169, so where is this alternate ending clip? you say you are still missing one but where is it as the database only shows 169 through searches? uploaded now 169 twice but still seeing the same ending.
Kessie  [auteur] 8 sep 2019 om 3:14 
So the achievement popped while you were in the middle of a Solitaire game? Then as it says it's really all about for how long you'd played the game for, and not the amount of rounds completed.