Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

250 ratings
Black Ops 3 Full Achievement Guide
By Masadaeus
Here is a simple guide showing you all of the achievements in this great game. Some are (obviously) harder than others but with the 3 P's, persistence, perseverance and patience, you will obtain all the achievements like I have :D

If you want a specific achievement, the CTRL + F command is quite useful.

If you need help with any achievements I'm welcome to help (for those harder Campaign and Zombies achievements).
I also understand that this is Wayyyyyy too late but I thought I would help those who still need those achievements.
Extra Information
Order of the Guide
There is a specific order to this guide which is the order of the completed achievements in the directory labelled - <Player> / Games / Call of Duty: Black Ops III Stats - so it may not be the same order in your achievement list.

I have made a small reordering of the achievements here because it is much easier putting Multiplayer after Campaign and before Zombies because on the achievement list the Multiplayer achievements are in between Shadows of Evil and Der Eisendrache.

It follows the order of:


I have also made an achievement guide for the main Easter Eggs of the Zombies maps which I will link for each of the main Easter Egg quests.

The 'A.xx' at the start of each category resembles the (A.) achievement and (xx) number

If you want help with Easter Eggs or the Campaign, Add me on Steam.
A.01 - Disavowed
Complete Black Ops on Hardened, Veteran or Realistic

I would advise to stay in cover and carefully pick off any enemies, do not rush it.
A.02 - A Second Chance
Complete New World on Hardened, Veteran or Realistic

I advise using your newfound abilities and keep staying in cover, picking enemies off.
A.03 - High Tide
Complete In Darkness on Hardened, Veteran or Realistic

The advice will not change from the achievement listed above, so use it for each mission.
A.04 - Belly of the Beast
Complete Provocation on Hardened, Veteran or Realistic
A.05 - Into the Abyss
Complete Hypocenter on Hardened, Veteran or Realistic
A.06 - Blood for Blood
Complete Vengeance on Hardened, Veteran or Realistic
A.07 - Friends and Foes
Complete Rise and Fall on Hardened, Veteran or Realistic
A.08 - Understanding Madness
Complete Demon Within on Hardened, Veteran or Realistic
A.09 - Fly, Swim, Shoot
Complete Sand Castle on Hardened, Veteran or Realistic
A.10 - 200 Stories of Sheer Adventure!
Complete Lotus Towers on Hardened, Veteran or Realistic
A.11 - Full Circle
Complete the Campaign on Hardened, Veteran or Realistic
A.12 - (Secret) No One Will Believe You
Complete the Campaign on Realistic
A.13 - (Secret) Another Side of the Story
Complete the Campaign on any difficulty
A.14 - Hold Still!
Kill 6 enemies affected by one Blinding Swarm or Firefly Swarm

The mission Provocation, with the objective 'Get to Cloud Mountain', you will pass a mobile armoury and a large banner across a large arch labelled '51i'. Once you have went through this arch a large portion of enemies will come at you, use blinding swarm and once you see them 'swatting', Kill them.
A.15 - Rolling Heavy
Kill 5 enemies using one burst of Unstoppable Force

On the mission 'Provocation', with the objective 'Get to Cloud Mountain', just before the area with the mass of freight storage containers, there will be 5 robotic enemies, get to either side of them, line them up and use the Unstoppable Force ability.
A.16 - Sting Like a Talon
In Campaign, Kill 20 enemies while flying the same Talon

The second mission, 'New World' with the objective 'Locate the Generator', you will be prompted to use the ability in Control to control an enemy Talon. Once hacked, go forth and kill 20 enemies.
A.17 - Decimator
In Campaign, Kill 10 enemies in under 3 seconds

On the mission 'Black Ops', with the objective 'Go to the Secondary Extraction Point', you will be in the control of a 48 Dredge with infinite ammo on a vehicle. When you crash into a fenced generator area, you will be ambushed by many robots, shoot as many as you can in as little time as you can, and you will be able to get the achievement. I advise going for the body of the robot.
A.18 - Curator
Discover all of the Collectables in the Campaign
A.19 - Gun Game
In Campaign, Kill 5 enemies with 5 different guns in under 30 seconds

On the mission 'Provocation', with the objective 'Get to Cloud Mountain', enemies will drop all sorts of guns, make sure you kill an enemy with a different gun, pick up that gun and repeat. You should eventually get it after a few tries.
A.20 - Personal Decorator
Earn all Decorations

Possibly the hardest achievement here. There are 12 decorations on the medal board in the safe house, just follow these steps and get all 12 medals. The 12th medal only requires that you get all the other medals, so really there is only 11 medals. It's more time consuming than hard but one of the medals requires you to finish the training simulation on realistic, therefore I'm saying it's hard.
A.21 - Doing Camo Right
In Campaign, unlock all camos for any weapon

Simple, just follow the requirements, follow the requirements for all guns to get the medal for Personal Decorator.
A.22 - Maximum Firepower
Take control of an ASP

On the mission 'Rise and Fall', with the objective 'Destroy the A.S.P-ML', after you have destroyed the A.S.P-ML another A.S.P will be dropped into the battlefield. Hack the A.S.P.
A.23 - Walking Encyclopedia
Discover all of the collectables in any Mission
A.24 - Crackshot
In Campaign, Kill 5 enemies from over 100m away

There are several missions that allow more than 100m shots such as 'In Darkness' and 'Hypocenter'. There is also a weapon attachment that shows how far away the enemy is. Alternatively, the HUD ability, Enhanced Vision / Tactical Vision, shows the distance of enemies.
A.25 - Can't Hide
In Campaign, Kill an enemy through a wall or obstruction

The original description has 'Can't Hide' before 'In Campaign' so I removed it.
Pretty simple, for a sure way to get it, put on Full Metal Jacket or use a penetrating sniper rifle like the Drakon or SVG-100.
A.26 - Biff! Bap! KaPow!
Kill three enemies in a melee combo

Another simple one. Find 3 enemies reasonably close together and use the Takedown ability in the Martial Ability Subtree. However, the mission 'Vengeance', with the objective 'Go to the Safe house', you will enter a building with 2 sets of stairs and a door to the left, Hendricks will stop in front of the doorway. Keep going forward and you will be 'ambushed' by 3 enemies in a bedroom. Just melee them all in a successive order. You will be prompted with the interaction 'Rapid Strike'.
A.27 - Inertial Distance
In Campaign, wall run over 250 metres

This will happen naturally if you like to wall run but if you don't wall run a lot find any large flat wall and keep going back and forth.
A.28 - For Real this Time
Earn a Gold rating in the training simulator

There are quite a few guides on how to get the gold rating, follow one of those. The few tips i can give are; Kill everyone as fast as you can while being safe, play on regular or hardened, recruit will not give enough of a bonus and veteran and realistic will take too long removing most of the bonuses.
A.29 - Foe To Friend
Use an enemy combat robot to kill 10 enemies

Similar to the achievement 'Sting like a Talon', hack the talon and it will be unlocked 10 kills before 'Sting like a Talon'.
A.30 - Throwing Flak
Kill 3 Talons with a single mid-air grenade detonation

During the mission 'New World', while chasing the red hooded figure, you will pass a large set of bright blue boards above a moving train. After running across this, you will turn left and a large downward staircase will present itself. Immediately after passing down these stairs, 3 Talons will appear, cook a grenade so that it detonates in between them killing all 3.
A.31 - Unlocked Potential
Fully upgrade a Cybernetics Core

Each time you level up, complete levels and earn accolades, you will get Fabrication Kits. Use these on one of the Cybernetic Cores, Martial, Control or Chaos.
A.32 - Lock, Stock, And Then Some
In Campaign, unlock all attachments for any weapon

Simple, just follow the requirements.
A.33 - In Their Sleep
In Campaign, Kill 5 stunned enemies in under 3 seconds

On the mission 'In Darkness', with the objective 'Go to the Docks', you will have to jump over a barrier of debris which will start a cutscene, the 54i will kill 2 residents. Watch or skip the cutscene and after you return to the game, wait until 5 enemies are grouped together and throw a flashbang, concussion or other stunning tactical and kill them.
A.34 - (Secret) Silverback In Black
Hack the Data Vault and brace yourself for Cyber's Avengening in Dead Ops Arcade 2

Once in the Safe house, go to the data vault and press the small Coalescence symbol next to the Data Vault text. The Dead Ops Arcade screen will pop up. Wait a little bit and the achievement will unlock.
A.35 - Welcome to the Club
Reach Sergeant ( Level 10 ) in Multiplayer while playing online

Currently there are little games on multiplayer so this may be very time consuming, especially for the next achievement.
A.36 - Battle Tested
Reach Commander (Level 55) in Multiplayer while playing online

A.37 - Tactical Specialist
Get 5 Medals based on a Specialist Ability in a single game

Using any Ability with the Specialist multiple times in a single game will most likely get you the achievement providing you kill or do something related to the medal.
For example, the Spectre's Active Camo ability takes exactly 5 uses. Killing someone while in Active Camo will give you the Medal 'From the Shadows'. Earning this 5 times in a single game will get you this achievement. However, you do not have to use Active Camo.
A.38 - Deadly Specialist
Get a Specialist-based medal that requires 3 or more rapid kills while using any Specialist Weapon

Similar to Tactical Specialist but you are using the weapon instead of the ability and you only have to do this once in a single game. The Firebreak's flamethrower is incredible for this as only one tap on 3 people will kill them. The Spectre's Ripper can also be used if 3 people are next to each other.
(Unrelated - I love the Spectre haha)
A.39 - The Beginning of the End
In Shadows of Evil, complete all Rituals

If you want to open Pack-a-Punch you will do this anyway.
A.40 - From the Shadows
In Shadows of Evil, spot the Shadowman five times in one game

Just keep looking around in the game, you'll eventually get this. He only appears during the start of the game, looking at new areas and completing rituals. Also during the main Easter Egg Quest.
A.41 - Not out of Gobblegum!
In Shadows of Evil, purchase and chew every type of Gobblegum in your pack

If you prefer not to lose any mega Gobblegums, using the default 5 Gobblegums will suffice. Each round, use the Gobblegum Machine and chew each type of Gobblegum in your pack. It will usually take 5 rounds.
A.42 - Sorry, We're DEAD
In Shadows of Evil, Kill 10 zombies that are inside of a store in one game

This usually takes a few rounds. From the start of the game, open the door and run to the shops behind the Gobblegum Machine and kill zombies that are inside the shops. There is also another shop to the left of the door going into the Junction from Spawn. It is a sort of marketplace.
A.43 - Strike!
In Shadows of Evil, use the rocket shield attack to kill at least 10 zombies in one burst

Line up 10 zombies and use the shield's rocket ability by using the fire control.
A.44 - Beat CoP
In Shadows of Evil, summon the Civil Protector in every district in a single game

There are 3 fuses around the map, find them and put them inside the fuse holder in the rift opposite the Canals Rift Teleport door. Now use the Civil protector in the Canals, Junction, Waterfront and Footlight Districts. After summoning in the last District the achievement will unlock.
A.45 - The Spider and the Fly
In Shadows of Evil, Kill 10 zombies ensnared by a Widow's Wine grenade

The easiest way to get this is to group 10 zombies and throw a Widow's Wine grenade in the middle of them or slightly to the side of them to not kill them instantly and kill the zombies that are slowed and have a sort of white 'aura' / white encirclement of silk. After the 10th kill the achievement will unlock.
A.46 - Margwa Party
In Shadows of Evil, Kill 2 Margwas in a single round

Easiest way to obtain this is to charge the Apothicon Sword eggs and start the upgraded Apothicon Sword. On the second round of upgrading the Sword instead of one Margwa spawning, 2 Margwas will spawn. Just kill these Margwas and the achievement will unlock.

Alternatively, you can survive to a high round and eventually 2 Margwas will spawn on the same round, again just kill them.
A.47 - Parasite-Seeing
In Shadows of Evil, Kill 5 Parasites while riding on the train

( It's commonly called the Tram ) Once you have accessed the District with the Tram use it on a parasite / special round and kill them while on the Tram.
A.48 - (Secret) My Brother's Keeper
In Der Eisendrache, the one must be erased

This is completing the main Easter Egg Quest. For more on this go to my guide focusing on how to do it.
A.49 - Der Meisterbogenschuetze
In Der Eisendrache, obtain all of the ancient bows

Simply put, upgrade the Wrath of the Ancients in all 4 of the possible ways in a single game.
A.50 - None Left Standing
In Der Eisendrache, Kill every type of zombie using a minigun

Kill each type of zombie; Zombie, Fiery Zombie, Electro-Zombie, Panzersoldat.
The Panzersoldat will spawn on round 12 for the first time and every interval of 5 (or 6) past that, for example: 12 - 17 / 18 - 22 / 23 - 27 / 28.
A.51 - Take a Bow
In Der Eisendrache, upgrade the Wrath of the Ancients

Just upgrade the Wrath of the Ancients into one of the 4 upgrade possibilities, Fire, Storm, Void or Wolf.
A.52 - Not Big Enough
In Der Eisendrache, trap and kill a Panzersoldat using the Ragnarok DG-4

Using the Ragnarok DG-4, place it down and lead the Panzersoldat into it and it will fly up into the air. Kill him before he lands back on the ground. The Brecci, Haymaker or raygun are typically good for this.
A.53 - Time to Slam
In Der Eisendrache, revive two players protected by the Ragnarok DG-4

This can be done with 1, 2 or 3 other players. This achievement has to be done in the same game. Simply revive a player while being protected by the planted Ragnarok DG-4 trap. It's best to revive them inside the protection of the trap.
A.54 - Quick Off Your Feet
In Der Eisendrache, wallbuy the BRM

Once anti gravity is activated, there are blue square panels that you must wall run over to push down. Run over the panels and once enough have been pushed down, the BRM will now be a wallbuy. The BRM is located to the to the top left Keeper statue above the MPD type pyramid (APD? Austrian Pyramid Device?) if you are facing it from the view of the Dragon head on the wall. You have to wall run / use anti gravity to buy the BRM.
A.55 - That's a lot of Jigawatts!
In Der Eisendrache, electrocute 121 zombies

If you mainly use the Storm bow you will get this anyway. If you don't use the Storm bow, the easiest way to get this is by using the Storm bow and shooting the charged shot.
A.56 - Fling Me to the Moon
In Der Eisendrache, use every Wundersphere twice

Speaks for its self.
A.57 - Death From Above
In Der Eisendrache, Kill a zombie while being flung by a Wundersphere

This is easily obtained by using the Wundersphere and shooting a charged shot of the Storm bow.
A.58 - (Secret) Seeds of Doubt
In Zetsubou No Shima, the one must be saved
A.59 - Sanguine Serum
In Zetsubou No Shima, drink fresh Widow's Wine

After you kill the large spider mini boss, on the way out of the cave / cove there is a sort of purple-ish water to the right. That is Widow's Wine. Drink it for the achievement. You must have a perk slot free.
A.60 - Herbal Remedy
In Zetsubou No Shima, use a plant to return to life

The plant that you want is a green pod, namely 'Imprint Plant'. It is created by adding blue water and a KT-4 or Masamune charged shot each round for 3 rounds. The chances aren't very high of getting it, so I would advise to try it multiple times / use all 3 seeds.
A.61 - The Ultimate Sacrifice
In Zetsubou No Shima, retrieve the Skull of Nan Sapwe

After completing the 4 Bloodied Skulls and placing them back to the original pedestal, the fell tree will be lifted and disappear revealing a secret under cove that contains the Skull of Nan Sapwe on a pedestal. Interact and complete the ritual and pick up the Skull.
A.62 - Crop Duster
In Zetsubou No Shima, Kill 10 zombies with a single shot of the KT-4

This can also be done with the Masamune. Line / group up 10 zombies and shoot a charged shot on the ground, they will die and the achievement will unlock.
A.63 - Iron Lung
In Zetsubou No Shima, stay underwater for one minute

This is relatively hard if you're not trying for it and even if you are (haha). Have Juggernog and the gas mask. Then go to the body of water by Mule Kick, go beside any spore to start the achievement. When you feel like you are running out of breath melee the spore to gain air bubbles that replenish your health and keep doing this until the achievement is unlocked. There are approximately 3 spores underwater in that general area.
A.64 - In the Belly of the Beast
In Zetsubou No Shima, survive getting consumed

In multiplayer, go down beside a Thrasher and it will pick you up. Once you are inside it, have another player kill the Thrasher and then get revived.
A.65 - Assault With Battery
In Zetsubou No Shima, electrocute a zombie with a shield

Have everyone in the game complete the challenges in the game and lightning will strike the trial area. Hold the shield and wait for the lightning to strike. When it does your shield will now be electrified. Have a zombie hit your shield and it will die.
A.66 - Web of Defeat
In Zetsubou No Shima, remove webs in every possible way in one game

This one is tricky without good luck. You have to remove webs in all of the following ways; Regular Knife, Bowie Knife, Regular Grenade, XM-53, Ray Gun and KT-4. After the webs are removed with the last item on your list, the achievement will unlock.
A.67 - One Too Many
In Zetsubou No Shima, throw up

Create the Fruit Plant, have the max amount of perks you can obtain and eat the fruit on the plant. The Fruit Plant is created by watering a seed with each elemental water, purple, blue and green, in any order, each round.
A.68 - (Secret) Love and War
A.69 - Wield a Fist of Iron
In Gorod Krovi, wield the Gauntlet of Siegfried

Go to the Hatchery, shoot the Dragon egg above the hatch to spawn, place it on a nest where the adult Dragon breathes fire. Wait 2 rounds. Pick it up and do the 3 challenges / trials. Go back to the Hatchery and place it in the Incubation pod and wait another 2 rounds. Pick it back up then go to spawn and interact with your challenge gravestone and a hand will rise from the ground with the Gauntlet of Siegfried. Once it is picked up, the achievement will unlock.
A.70 - Time Attack
In Gorod Krovi, complete Time Attack: Round 20

Simply put, reach round 20 as fast as you can. If you reach round 20 within 32 minutes, the achievement will unlock along with the bonus of unlocking melee wall buys that will replace your weapon.
A.71 - Taking Flight
In Gorod Krovi, ride a Dragon

Three cylinders will drop from zombies after turning on power. Using these and defending all three pods will grant you three modules. Place these modules in the Operations Bunker and call the Dragon in either Dragon Command, Supply Depot or Tank Factory. Ride the Dragon to obtain the achievement.
A.72 - Not One Inch
In Gorod Krovi, complete a Lockdown Event

There are two Lockdown events in Gorod Krovi. The first is to obtain the Dragon Strike and the second is the 6th trial for obtaining the power core for Nikolai 1.0. Completing either of these Lockdown events will unlock the achievement.
A.73 - Viktorious Revenge
In Gorod Krovi, complete all solo Trials in one Zombies game

Just follow the 3 challenges on your gravestone at spawn. Completing the 3 trials will award you the achievement. You do not need to complete the Gauntlet of Siegfried trial.
A.74 - Vaporeyezed
In Gorod Krovi, use the Gigant Beam to kill 20 zombies in one activation

Simple. Group up some zombies and activate the beam. If you have Juggernog, run by the side of it and the zombies will follow and die. Then if that was not enough zombies, the newly spawned zombies that run through it also count. You can keep running to the side of it to kill as many zombies as you can. Be aware that the beam can still kill you very easily.

If you do not want to run to the side of it or you don't have Juggernog, run up the stairs and back down. This will allow you to take little damage and still kill the zombies.
A.75 - Fire Mission
In Gorod Krovi, Kill 8 zombies with a single Dragon Strike

Again, group up the zombies and activate it. It acts like a monkey bomb that takes a shorter time to explode ( multiple times ).
A.76 - Blown Away
In Gorod Krovi, Kill 10 zombies at once with the Guard of Fafnir

Once again, group up some zombies and shoot the zombies with the shield.
A.77 - Zombiepult
In Gorod Krovi, launch 10 zombies into the air at the same time

This is best done with 2 players but nonetheless can be done solo.
Have another player group up 10 or more zombies and train them on the large trample steam trap at Dragon Command before the entrance. Then you activate the trap below the stairs and if done in time, should fling the zombies and kill them.
A.78 - (Secret) For The Good Of All
A.79 - (Secret) A Better Tomorrow
In Revelations, Complete the Cycle

This is completing each and every main Easter Egg in every map in Black Ops 3. Shadows of Evil, The Giant, Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou No Shima, Gorod Krovi and Revelations.

Alternatively, you can complete the Easter Egg on Revelations with one of your team having completed each Easter Egg including Revelations. This will unlock you the 1 million XP as well as the achievement, RK5 and full ammo on the start of every game.
A.80 - Pack-A-Punch-ectomy
In Revelations, recover the Pack-a-Punch machine from its abductor

Activate and complete all corruption turrets then capture the large apothicon at Nacht Der Untoten with the Tesla Ray. Enter the apothicon's mouth and shoot the 3 large, yellow, sac-like pods at the other end of the apothicon's stomach and Pack-a-Punch will drop out of it.
A.81 - Keep Close
In Revelations, assist a Keeper in defeating every type of enemy

Call the Keeper at the Keeper Shrine and assist in killing the following types of enemies; Zombie, Parasite, Apothicon, Fury, Spider, Margwa and Panzersoldat.
To assist the Keeper, you must shoot the enemy but not kill them. Once you have killed the last enemy on your list, the achievement will unlock.
A.82 - Death Ray
In Revelations, Kill 40 enemies with a single activation of a Corruption Turret

This is quite hard, if not, time consuming. It is best done on a high round around round 30+. Train up a full horde around a Corruption Turret and activate it. Kill the horde and kill any that enter your vision. If you have killed enough the achievement will unlock.
A.83 - The Grand Tour
In Revelations, visit every unique location within 2 minutes

This can be done at any point within the game. By following this route ( can be in reverse ) you will achieve the achievement. From spawn go to Nacht Der Untoten then if you want start the timer when you go back through the portal. It is best to open up the entire map before attempting this achievement.

From Nacht Der Untoten, go to Spawn, Origins, Buried, Mob of the Dead, Verruckt, Kino Der Toten, Zetsubou No Shima, Der Eisendrache then finally Shangri-La. Then the achievement will unlock
A.84 - Wardrobe Change
In Revelations, wear three different hats

It is easily done by completing the Wolf Hat, Keeper hat, and finding Al's Hat.

Al's Hat is found in Mob of the Dead on the second floor by the Origins door in an open cell.

The Wolf Hat is completed by the Der Eisendrache King grave. Throw a grenade in the deceased Kings resting place and a skull will drop. Activate Anti-Gravity and kill zombies near this skull. Once enough have been killed the hat will be at the far end of the Kino Der Toten Stage.

The Keeper Hat is completed by summoning the Keeper and letting it kill 20 zombies. It is also found on the Kino Der Toten Stage.
A.85 - Wonderful
In Revelations, Kill 10 enemies in one shot with each wonder weapon

Simply kill 10 zombies with the Thundergun and Apothicon Servant. Group up 10 zombies for each and kill them.
A.86 - Controlled Chaos
In Revelations, override all of the Corruption Engines before round 6

It is easily done with more players but still can be done solo. It is even easier if it's done with Gobblegums but I will be describing a game without them.

From the start of the game, have each player get inside the stone range of the first Corruption Turret and finish the activation. Each player will get 500 points bar the player that bought it (they get 1000). Now progress the rounds until you have opened each door and done each Corruption Turret. If you pass round 5 you will fail this achievement. After the last Corruption Turret is done the achievement will unlock.
A.87 - It's a Trap!
In Shi No Numa, Kill at least one zombie with three different traps in a single round

It is easily done on higher rounds due to the amount of zombies. Although the description says it all.
A.88 - The Eagle has Landers
In Ascension, escape on all three lunar landers

Just use all three of the lunar landers. This has to be in one game.
A.89 - Chimp on the Barbie
In Ascension, Kill a space monkey with a fire trap

Not much explanation with this.
A.90 - Time Travel Will Tell
In Shangri-La, acquire the focusing stone

Simply, complete the main Easter Egg quest. I do not have a guide on this so I would advise you to use external sources.
A.91 - Small Consolation
In Shangri-La, use the 31-79 JGb215 on each type of zombie

The 31-79 JGb215 is the Baby gun for those who do not know. Use this gun on the regular zombie, fire zombie, shrieking zombie and monkey.
A.92 - Cryogenic Slumber Party
In Moon, complete Richtofen's Grand Scheme

This is the minor main Easter Egg quest. I do not have a guide on this so you will have to use an external source.
A.93 - Ground Control
In Moon, prevent each excavator from breaching the base in one game

Grab the hacker in the Double Tap or Deadshot Daiquiri room when the announcer announces the excavator. When the excavator starts moving, hack the console in the moon spawn area ( not area 51 ). Do this for each excavator then the achievement will unlock.
A.94 - Little Lost Girl
A.95 - Overachiever
In Origins, complete all 4 Challenges in one game

This includes;
Spending 30,000 Points which rewards the Double Tap perk.
Getting 115 headshots which rewards a Pack-a-Punched weapon.
Activating all 6 generators which rewards a max ammo drop.
Filling the 4 soul chests which rewards the Iron Fist melee.

I added the rewards for those who wanted to know the rewards :D
A.96 - I said we're CLOSED!
In Nacht Der Untoten, do not let any zombies enter the building during the first 3 rounds

Not much to explain in this description.
A.97 - Acted Alone
In Verrückt, headshot 20 zombies in the courtyard from the second floor of the Asylum

I advise getting a sniper rifle or assault rifle. Aim carefully but quickly and you will get this achievement relatively quickly. I do not believe you have to do this in one game.
A.98 - I've seen some things...
In Kino Der Toten, visit every location the teleporter can take you to

It's best to just spam the use of the teleporter and you will get this achievement. There are 4 locations to go to; Samantha's Room, 'Evil' Samantha's Room, Conference Room and Dentist / Torture Room.
Other Guides
I have made guides for other Call of Duty games, should you require them :)

Black Ops 6

Cold War
Black Ops 3
Sorry for adding this again, just nice to have them all in one place.
Masadaeus  [author] 31 Oct, 2024 @ 6:11am 
Yep, every achievement can still be unlocked, although you might find multiplayer a bit difficult as there are very little people playing.
NaRyNeu 31 Oct, 2024 @ 6:09am 
Hi ! All achivements can be unlock at this date ?
Masadaeus  [author] 28 Jun, 2024 @ 2:35pm 
Aye no problem man, hope you have fun with it :)
Cephiros 28 Jun, 2024 @ 2:29pm 
bet, thanks for the reply, ill likely buy bo3 some time during this sale but i always see it on sale so if not this time, then next time for sure
Masadaeus  [author] 28 Jun, 2024 @ 1:56pm 
Multiplayer, yes. Zombies you only 4 people for Shadows of Evil for the Easter Egg, the rest you should be able to get alone. Forums are the best place to get people for zombies, there's plenty that are going around doing the same for Easter Eggs.
Cephiros 28 Jun, 2024 @ 12:23pm 
are the multiplayer achievements the only ones that require other players? the idea of doing multiplayer AND zombies with hackers is gonna stress me out
Masadaeus  [author] 20 Jun, 2024 @ 8:55am 
I understand your pain, unfortunately it is random.
NERO 20 Jun, 2024 @ 8:54am 
The I've seen some things... trophy is literally the worst one, can't get into the conference room
Masadaeus  [author] 19 Apr, 2024 @ 1:03am 
Hey Fat Caveman, sorry for the late reply, didn't see the notification unfortunately. Yes it is still possible, just quite grindy and time consuming, shame you had to come across so many cheaters though.

Kenalbe, Zombies Deluxe edition (should, as far as I know) gives you the game, Chronicles and the Season pass, so getting that would help your achievements. if not, and I know it's not exactly the best answer, but seeing what DLC you have after buying it will tell you which ones you need, although it should be everything.
Kenalbe 18 Apr, 2024 @ 6:07pm 
which edition do I need to buy to complete all of the achievements?
Zombies Chronicles Edition or Zombies Deluxe?