Erannorth Reborn

Erannorth Reborn

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Hands on Modding: Custom Enemies
Vytvořil: [ER] Raven
Whether you want to create brand new enemies, or just edit existing enemies in any way (change art, stats, resistances etc.) the process is simple and straightforward. Let's learn how!
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What makes an Enemies Mod?
a) A Plain text file with our Enemy definitions
b) A ModLoaderUser.conf file loading our new enemy definitions to the game
c) (Optionally) A folder with our Enemy artworks

Step 1

Let's pick any folder on our PC, and create there our Mod folder. I'll name it 'Rs Myrcanar Tribe'. That's the name our mod will appear in the mod manager. Make it personal so no two modders can easily end up with the same mod name.

Step 2

In Rs Myrcanar Tribe/ create the following folders:

1) Rs Myrcanar Tribe/Encounter

Pro Tip: If unsure where is going what, take a look at the Content/ folder in StreamingAssets. All this folder is: a Huge Mod.

In the Encounter folder, will need to create a new Enemy Database file, which is just a text file with a fancy name. (And strict comma based structure.)

I'll call the file: EnemyDB.RsMyrcanarTribe.tdb

The only important consideration is to make sure that Windows won't attach the .txt extension after, so if it does remove it. You can easily edit this file by dragging it in an empty notepad window.

I will need to use custom artworks too, so will create the folder for them as well:

2) Rs Myrcanar Tribe/CustomArtworks/Enemies

In this folder add any PNG graphics, that will appear in your Enemies. Name each file exactly as you will name your Enemies, keeping in mind that each Enemy needs to have a unique name as is the DB key.

You don't need to create Levels for an enemy, they are created automatically for you from Level [Tier] to Level [Tier + 10].

Step 3

In the root of your mod folder create a plain text file called: ModLoaderUser.conf

The only important consideration is to make sure that Windows won't attach the .txt extension after, so if it does remove it. You can easily edit this file by dragging it in an empty notepad window.

In this file just add these two lines:

>> Enemies

Making sure that the filename you declare match the filename of your card set.


Your mod is ready and should have the following structure:

Rs Myrcanar Tribe/
Rs Myrcanar Tribe/Encounter/EnemyDB.RsMyrcanarTribe.tdb
Rs Myrcanar Tribe/CustomArtworks/Enemies/[Lots of PNG files]
Rs Myrcanar Tribe/ModLoaderUser.conf

You can copy Rs Myrcanar Tribe/ folder in your ../Content/Mods/ or just send the folder to .zip and install it with the Mod Manager.

Pro Tip: You should never include in your ModLoaderUser.conf resources you don't actually modify. It will cause conflict with other mods, and perhaps even break your own mod.
Required and Optional Enemy Fields
Required Fields

Enemies are declared in one line, using the key:value,[space]key:value structure similar to actions, but all the following fields are expected:

Name, Tier, Artwork, Power, Health, Race, Archetype, Element and Damage Resistances.

Optional fields

a) You can optionally specify SFX files, for attack start, attack landed, enemy death using ie.

AttackSFX:ZombieMoan, ImpactSFX:BludgeoningImpact, DeathSFX:ZombieDeathCry

If you do, you'll also need to add those SFX files in this folder: ../Audio/SFX

b) You can optionally specify a Faction and is highly recommended. If a Faction is missing Enemy Race will be used as their Faction.

c) You can optionally specify the Environment these enemies will appear. If no Environment is set Enemies can appear anywhere.

"Environment" correspond to the current vanilla graphic sets: [Ice Cave, Bandit Camp, Dungeon, Infernal Cave, Marsh, Forest(includes Meadow & Plains), Beach, Arid (Arid Plains Camp, Arid Plains Shrine, Arid Plains), Tundra(Snowcovered Forest, Snowcovered Ruins) & Arctic (Frozen Lake) in either sandbox or non-sandbox modes.

Defining an Enemy

Name:Drunken Thug, Tier:1, Artwork:Thug3, Power:1, Health:7, Race:Human, Archetype:Shadow, Element:Piercing, Faction:Underworld, All:0, Slashing:0, Piercing:0, Bludgeoning:0, Fire:0, Air:0, Water:0, Earth:0, Astral:0, Light:0, Dark:0, Poison:0

As you can see the fields are pretty self-explanatory.

Name is the DB key and has to be unique
Tier is their starting level and their Max level is Tier + 10
Artwork is their Artwork if using a vanilla graphic, otherwise it should be set to UserArtwork
Power defines their Damage Range: Power/2 to Power
Health their HP
Archetype & Race determine their AI responses
Element their Main Damage type,
Faction their allies when picking them for a random encounter

And then you also need to decide about all resistances.

Pro Tip: Copy/Paste is your best friend. Then change only what needs to be changed.

And this is an Enemy that uses Custom Artwork:

Name:Aneska, Tier:D0, Artwork:UserArtwork, Power:8, Health:25, Race:Vampire, Archetype:Mystic, Element:Fire, Faction:Ordo Tenebris, All:0, Slashing:2, Piercing:2, Bludgeoning:2, Fire:-2, Air:0, Water:0, Earth:0, Astral:0, Light:-2, Dark:2, Poison:2

Since we defined the Artwork as UserArtwork now Modmanager expects to find an Aneska.png at ..\CustomArtworks\Enemies instead of looking at the vanilla resources.

Update: UserArtwork is no longer required. If you want to replace vanilla enemy artworks, simply provide a png matching the enemy name in CustomArtworks/Enemies.
The Myrcanar Tribe
Now that you have your .tdb & structure in place all you have to do is populate it with new Enemies.
You can use // to create comments if you like to better organize things, but never leave extra spaces or blank lines, this may seem to make the file more readable to you, but it would make the file unreadable by the ModManager! :)

The Myrcanar in Erannorth is a female-only Tribe similar to the legendary Amazons, but way more primitive, and in connection with both nature and witchcraft practices. They live mainly in Forest Environments.

Let's say you find their artworks provocative, or lore-wise way too censored as this is a savage tribe that doesn't particularly like or conforms to the burdens of a dress code. For whatever reason if you want to change the artwork, all you have to do is set the Artwork:UserArtwork

Perhaps you find some enemies to strong or too weak, or that need higher resistances etc.

Or maybe you made custom classes for them with different combinations of AI responses.

Pro Tip: Whatever you want to change, in any vanilla file, you always should do it as a Mod, in order to ensure that your changes will never be overwritten by a future update. ;)

I'll underline my changes:


// Myrcanar Enemies to Override. I copy/pasted them from the vanilla DB, and just them.
// Don't include enemies you don't plan to modify!
// A mod always override & ignore any existing vanilla entries.
// Don't edit the vanilla DB directly! Your changes will be lost if I update Enemy DB in the future.

Name:Myrcanar Spearmaiden, Tier:3, Artwork:UserArtwork, Power:7, Health:34, Race:Myrcanar, Archetype:Mercenary, Faction:Myrcanar Tribe, Environment:Forest, Element:Slashing, All:0, Slashing:1, Piercing:2, Bludgeoning:0, Fire:0, Air:0, Water:3, Earth:3, Astral:0, Light:0, Dark:0, Poison:0
Name:Myrcanar Hunter, Tier:3, Artwork:UserArtwork, Power:8, Health:33, Race:Myrcanar, Archetype:Hunter, Faction:Myrcanar Tribe, Environment:Forest, Element:Slashing, All:0, Slashing:0, Piercing:2, Bludgeoning:0, Fire:0, Air:0, Water:0, Earth:3, Astral:0, Light:0, Dark:0, Poison:0
Name:Myrcanar Blademaiden, Tier:3, Artwork:UserArtwork, Power:12, Health:30, Race:Myrcanar, Archetype:Blademaster, Faction:Myrcanar Tribe, Environment:Forest, Element:Piercing, All:0, Slashing:3, Piercing:1, Bludgeoning:0, Fire:0, Air:0, Water:1, Earth:3, Astral:0, Light:0, Dark:0, Poison:0
Name:Myrcanar Wisewoman, Tier:3, Artwork:UserArtwork, Power:6, Health:28, Race:Myrcanar, Archetype:Witch, Faction:Myrcanar Tribe, Environment:Forest, Element:Piercing, All:0, Slashing:0, Piercing:0, Bludgeoning:0, Fire:2, Air:2, Water:2, Earth:3, Astral:10, Light:0, Dark:0, Poison:0
// New Myrcanar Enemies
Name:Myrcanar Beasttamer, Tier:4, Artwork:UserArtwork, Power:10, Health:38, Race:Myrcanar, Archetype:Animist, Faction:Myrcanar Tribe, Environment:Forest, Element:Earth, All:0, Slashing:0, Piercing:0, Bludgeoning:2, Fire:0, Air:0, Water:3, Earth:5, Astral:0, Light:0, Dark:0, Poison:0
// etc


This folder should contain:
Myrcanar Spearmaiden.png
Myrcanar Hunter.png
Myrcanar Blademaiden.png
Myrcanar Wisewoman.png
Myrcanar Beasttamer.png

And that's it! Our mod now both overrides 4 Vanilla enemies and also adds a new one!

You can edit & add as many new enemies as you like. As long their Tier-Range, Faction & Environment is a match, these enemies will automatically appear in encounters either alone or along relevant allies.
As you embark in your journey to modding Erannorth Reborn or to follow along with the Hands on Examples, you'll find the official Modding Guide invaluable as a reference. It is updated frequently to include all the latest modding additions & changes, and includes almost everything you need to know about modding.

You can use any Custom Race or Class as an Enemy archetype. In fact you can create custom classes and races just for that purpose. Or perhaps you need to override existing Classes & Races to modify those enemy's AI Responses. You can use this guide as a reference on Race/Class modding: