Magicka: Wizard Wars

Magicka: Wizard Wars

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How to Play "Magicka: Wizard Wars" in 2025
От Jessica и 1 сътрудника
While official support for "Magicka: Wizard Wars" may have been terminated, it's no longer impossible to play online thanks to a number of ongoing community efforts.
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Important Update
There are now two ways to start playing Magicka: Wizard Wars!
The All-In-One Magicka: Wizard Wars Installer or the Original Guide
Original Guide Introduction
Currently, "Magicka: Wizard Wars" is in the process of being restored to its former glory by a team of community programmers. With this simple guide, you should be able to return to casting spells in no time.

Right now, only the project's collaborators have the ability to host Wizard Wars, but this will change in the future.
Setting Up Wizard Wars
  1. Make sure that you've already installed Wizard Wars on Steam. If you haven't, press the Windows key + R to open the run window, and then enter "steam://install/202090" to download the base Wizard Wars files.
  2. Download the Client Patch Version 2.6 Installer[]
  3. Run the file in order to patch the game. When the installer asks for the location of your Wizard Wars directory,
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MagickaWizardWars" should be the default value. Make sure that it's the same folder that contains the original Wizard Wars files.
  4. You can now run the game from your Steam library without an EAC error. Once the game has launched, press the "play" button to view the list of available game servers. If the game server list appears to be empty, try clicking the "refresh list" button after ten seconds. You might have issues if the game servers are down, or if you failed to follow the previous steps correctly.
Arranging Matches
Assuming that you don't have any issues viewing the available servers ingame, you'll need to find some wizards to play with. The most effective way to gather some friends (or enemies) is to join the Wizard Wars Reborn Discord[]First, click on the #lenny channel and type ">role matchmaking". This will grant you the matchmaking role. Don't forget to type ">!role matchmaking" to remove your role when you're finished playing for the day. Next, click on the #in-game channel, and type "@matchmaking", along with any details about the match that you want to include (it's not a bad idea to state the game server you're going to be playing on). If someone wants to battle, they'll let you know.
Problems and Solutions

When I try running the game, I receive a "could not connect to EAC server error" and can't play!
This means that the original launcher wasn't modified by the client patch installer. Run the installer again, and make sure that when it asks for your M:WW directory, you've indicated the proper location of the game's files.

Game Servers / Ingame

I've entered the main menu and pressed the "play" button, but the game server list is empty!
Try pressing the "refresh" button if you haven't already. If nothing is appearing, I'd suggest that you visit the Revive Wizard Wars Discord and ask if the servers are down. They should be running almost incessantly, but maintenance and updates will occasionally occur, and require the servers to be restarted.

When I enter a lobby, it appears to be completely empty! My wizard doesn't appear at all either!
Press the Esc key and leave the lobby. Wait a minute or two, and try joining again. This problem can occur if a match has already started on that game server, and usually persists even after the match has ended for a few seconds. You could also try joining a different lobby.

The servers are too laggy! How can I host my own custom matches?
At the moment, you aren't able to. This is mainly to prevent people from running outdated and inferior servers. You'll just have to tolerate it for now, unfortunately.

Invalid Gear

Your current gear is invalid. Change it in the gear screen. (Code: Platypus)
This error occurs when your steam account has been automatically banned from the server. But don't worry there is still hope!
We have had a few nefarious wizards join the community and attempt to crash our servers, or abuse the player base. As a result of the automated blacklist some players are automatically banned.
To fix the issue send a message to @Neon or @RaT on the Wizard Wars Reborn server[]

All-In-One Magicka: Wizard Wars Installer
In an effort to make Wizard Wars easier to play I have created a simple to use, all in one installer.
I hope that it will help new wizards get started playing, and coax those eldery ones back too. In only a few clicks you should be back slinging spells at the enemy and friendlies alike.

Download: All-In-One
Magicka: Wizard Wars Installer[]

Magicka: Wizard Wars
Steam Client Patch
Magicka: Wizard Wars Mod Loader

Download and run
Magicka: Wizard Wars Installer.exe.

If there are any issues with the installer please message me on the Wizard Wars Reborn[] server in the #help channel.

If you want to manually install see the Original Guide.

Thank you,

Version 1.0 release of the Magicka: Wizard Wars Mod Loader is now available!
Now easier to use and more visually appealing.

As this is the initial release of the 1.0 update I hope the transition goes smoothly for everyone. If you notice any bugs or issues please post in the bug-reports channel on the Modding Discord[].

Use the All in one Installer above to download and setup the Mod Loader.

I hope this will help simplify modding and make it more accessible for everyone.

Happy modding!

Come join the community and help revive Wizard Wars once again!

To the original creator of the guide, in Loving Memory of Trapfly

62 коментара
EmotionallyBroken 20 дек. 2024 в 18:12 
updated ahead of schedule :)
[EVIL_NATION] SECRET KNOWLEDGE 3 септ. 2024 в 13:09 
Is it possible to also get the game running on linux?
Madness 1 юни 2024 в 14:34 
amazing community, was super fun
Manamax 25 май 2024 в 2:35 
зовите если кто хочет вместе покатать
Fitzy 5 май 2024 в 4:03 
Is it possible to also get the game running on linux?
Toe 17 дек. 2023 в 11:31 
yomegonightcore 12 септ. 2023 в 5:17 
cool but i hate using discord
|⁧⁧MatatoMenku 18 март 2023 в 5:34 
This is my best day for 2023 for finding this little hope
Devious Impmon 25 септ. 2022 в 22:08 
the fact that this works is absolutely insane to me, i never ever thought i'd see this game get revived and that's coming from a HUGE magicka fan, thank you both for reviving this game, cannot wait to battle with my fellow mages in here. it's gonna be awesome
Yorzen 22 юли 2022 в 15:47 
Exactly how I did it thanks for showing this! I am amazed super awesome game