Stranger Things 3: The Game

Stranger Things 3: The Game

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Trading Cards, Badges, Foil Badge, Emoticons, Backgrounds ! ( Stranger Things 3 : The Game )
By PioNotFound and 1 collaborators
In this guide you will see all Trading Cards, Badges, Emoticons and Profile Backgrounds of Stranger Things 3 : The Game !
Trading Cards
What are Trading Cards ?

Steam Trading Cards are Virtual Cards earned by playing games on Steam. Sets of cards can be turned into game Badges and tradable Steam community Items.

What are Trading Cards for?

Once you've collected a set of cards you can craft them into a Game Badge. During Badge crafting you'll receive Random Rewards from a set of game related Items. They are Tradable and can only be used while you possess them.

Stranger Things 3 : The Game - Trading Cards
What are Game Badges?

Badges are tied to user Accounts and are shown on users' Profiles.

What are Game Badges for?

Crafting Game Badges earns you marketable items like Emoticons, Profile Backgrounds, and Coupons. Level up your Badge by collecting the set again and earning more Items.

Stranger Things 3 : The Game - Badges

Level ~ 1
Name : Novice
XP : 100

Level ~ 2
Name : Initiate
XP : 200

Level ~ 3
Name : Veteran
XP : 300

Level ~ 4
Name : Expert
XP : 400

Level ~ 5
Name : Champion
XP : 500

Stranger Things 3 : The Game - Foil Badge

Level ~ 1
Name : Dungeon Master
XP : 100
What are Emoticons ?

Steam Emoticons can be used anywhere on Steam where you can type, like Chat, Discussions, and Profiles.

Stranger Things 3 : The Game - Emoticons





What are Profile Background ?

Profile Backgrounds are Steam Inventory Items

What are Trading Cards for?

Once you get a Background Item, you can change your Profile Background.

Stranger Things 3 : The Game - Profile Backgrounds

Dustin and Steve

The Monster



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