Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Items (10)
Anime History
Created by Rune
The greatest anime crossover in history! https://i.imgur.com/pmJr2s4.png Anime History is the most popular anime mod ever made for a historical strategy game with over 100.000 subscribers! This mod not only fills every single portrait in Hearts of Iron IV ...
Anime Music
Created by Rune
Anime Music is the largest collection of anime music ever made for a historical strategy game! https://i.imgur.com/2Ofe0An.png This music mod not only covers immersive music for playing with Anime History, but also provide anime songs from other genres thr...
Minimalistic Battle Plans
Created by JonathλnPR
Ever felt like the battle plans cluttered the screen? What does this mod do? This mod minimalises the battle plans for invasions of countries, simple as that. It also minimalises drawing offensive lines. https://i.imgur.com/xiFGrji.png Graphical mods used ...
Player-Led Peace Conferences
Created by Neutrino
This mod gives players full and direct control of peace conference proceedings in wars they are involved in. Wars without player involvement conclude as normal. Currently supports patch 1.15 and above. If you're playing on version 1.10 or 1.11, please use ...
Remove building slots ++ Building expansion
Created by 影盐
Remove building slots ++ Building expansion Language: English(√ 中文(√ Русский(√ https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3304880321 With this mod, the number of factories will no longer be limited by building slots! So,0 slot > 1000 slots You ...
The Ultimate German March Collection 2.0
Created by xRMGx
Presenting the Ultimate German March Collection 2.0: An ironman compatible mod that adds five stations that include over 36 hours of military content with its 759 historical time-accurate marches. UGMC 2.0 was built to pair with the Ultimate German Radio C...
Toolpack without the Errors
Created by marijn211
The most improved and up-to-date continuation of Toolpack Perfect for debugging, fixing peacedeals or just cheating. The opening button is above the map options at the bottom-right (or use control+T). After enabling a menu click a state on the default map ...
Train to Regular
Created by Nannan22
- Divisions in deployment menu will now continue to train until they are at Regular experience level. Fun fact: Did you know that in vanilla, training on the field gives you about triple the experience compared to deployment training and on top of that you...
Created by kaznoko
Caution Nov 17, 2024 Now compatible with V.1.15.Please note that save data from previous mods cannot be used. Weapons Weapons from the historical past Weapons that only ended up in planning Weapons realised after the war Unrealistic weapons Alien weapons t...
Created by OFPFree
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/819002974403344349/DD18664314A26EA83C62E9B0127FFCB35092B53A/ Azur Lane Model Replace the navy model with the Azur Lane warship girl model, only replace the model, do not modify other data, compatible with the Azur...