Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

68 人が評価
(Mixed-Use) Leaf Mart Convenience Store with Apartments
2.557 MB
2019年6月8日 15時57分
2019年6月10日 18時14分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

(Mixed-Use) Leaf Mart Convenience Store with Apartments

PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!

This is a Japanese-styled mixed-use store and apartment building. It is a commercial building with a high-density residential sub-building. This, of course, means that it CANNOT be zoned and must be plopped with the Ploppable RICO mod to function correctly.

This contains TWO assets; the main Leaf Mart commercial building, and an empty residential sub-building. Both must be enabled for the asset to work properly.

When placing the asset with the Ploppable RICO mod, you must select the main commercial building, not the residential sub-building.

You may also want to use the Sub-Building Tabs mod to view both building's stats

In addition, unlike most commercial buildings, this one imports FOOD PRODUCTS instead of just generic goods.Not only would that make the supply chain a bit more realistic, but it would also give your agriculture processing buildings more customers!

Leaf Mart:
Tris: 1184 (574 lod)
Texture: 1024x512 PNG (256x128 lod)
Lot type: Level 2 Low-Density Commercial
Lot Size: 3x2
Imports: Food Products

Leaf Mart Apartments:
Tris: 12 (Invisible cube)
Lot type: Level 2 High-Density Residential Sub-Building
Lot Size: 1x1 (within main building lot)

UPDATE!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!

It has come to my attention that any commercial building that is assigned a RICO definition will revert the imported resources back to generic goods. So I have removed the definition from the commercial asset. The residential sub-building still has it, so Ploppaple RICO is still required. However, you must use the Find It! mod to find and place the whole asset.
6 件のコメント
114514 2022年4月29日 7時36分 
Broken assets:

Custom Assets: 1764741450.Leaf Mart Apartments_Data: Duplicate prefab name [BrokenAssetException]

No details
Filzbiber 2020年4月9日 13時02分 
Same asset name (1764741450.Leaf Mart Apartments_Data) in all of these:
Leaf Mart
Leaf Mart Apartments
76561198250835174 2019年11月23日 9時14分 
really cool building but promle is that i keep getting a error the asset works thougt
KingLeno 2019年6月9日 3時39分 
looks good
M_A_K 2019年6月9日 1時17分 
very clever!
im sure everyone will agree that we're all hoping you make more like this friend :)
Shredra 2019年6月8日 19時15分 
This is great! Thank you!