The Surge
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The Surge | Detailed Achievement Guide + Walkthrough
Από Stef
A detailed achievement guide and walkthrough to get you your 100% as quickly and effortlessly as possible. Step by step instructions.
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Intro & Information
Hello, and welcome to my achievement walkthrough for The Surge! I made this as a way for people who want to 100% the game to get through it as easily and painless as possible.

  • Estimated difficulty: 5/10.

  • Estimated 100% time: ~30-50 hours.

  • Offline/online achievements: 47 offline / 0 online.

  • Number of playthroughs: 2 minimum.

  • Glitched achievements: None that I'm aware of.

    Before we get into the guide there's two achievements I want to go over real quick so you can keep the info in the back of your mind. Sunglasses at Night & Repeat Customer These achievements cancel each other out, and only one can be earned per playthrough. They both end at the R&D department, so whichever you choose to do in NG+ really doesn't matter. Look below to their respective guides to see how to complete each.

    The Surge: A Walk in the Park DLC Guide
    The Surge: The Good, The Bad, and the Augmented DLC Guide

    The Surge 2 Guide
    The Surge 2: The Kraken DLC Guide
Abandoned Production
  • Start the game and finish the first section with you in the wheelchair. Once you arrive at the area where you pick your operative class, choose whichever suits you best.

    On My Own Two Feet
    This will be the first achievement you earn after selecting your operative style.

  • Key Item - Power Core: Exit the Med-bay and take the path straight ahead. At the end of the path will be an enemy attacking a door. Kill the enemy attacking the door to get your new power core and bring it back to the Med-bay.

    First Day On The Job
    After restoring power to your rig, use the machine to the left to redeem your gear voucher.

  • Follow the left path all the way through until you arrive in an area with a bunch of toxic waste spillage. Move forward through the broken pipes and ahead of you will be a small clearing with shrubbery you can pass through.

  • Shining Coin 1/5: Ahead will be a giant robot. Killing this enemy will drop the coin. This fight may be a little difficult early in the game and you may need to return once you've increased your loadout a bit.

  • Iron Maus Comic 1/6: To the side of where you killed the enemy mentioned above will be a large white cube with a red cap. The comic is on the floor next to this container.

  • Continue along this path until you come to a large clearing. Ahead of you will be an open door with two enemies and a staircase going both up and down. Take the stairs down into this tunnel system and follow the main path until you come to a section with two terminals.

  • Liberator Audio Log 1/4: Interact with the large mail terminal to receive this log.

    Return to where the PAX robot is and activate it. To kill the PAX you must attack it until its yellow bar fills up. Once you do, it will begin to fire rockets down on you. Stand underneath it to knock it down where you'll be able to attack the top of it, dealing damage.

  • Take the lift on the right side up to the train and head on over to the next section of the game.
Central Production B - 1st Visit
Hey Listen
After arriving in Central Operations B, head into the first room and interact with the terminal to receive the only friend you'll ever have anymore!

  • Mallory Stark Audio Log 1/11: After entering the Med-bay for this area, you will see a mail terminal that you can't access yet. Exit the room and head to your left. On the left side of the following hall will be a level 10 override panel. Activate that to restore power and access the log.

    Most Wanted
    Ahead of the level 10 override we just used is a security checkpoint with 2 guards. You need to kill 1 of them to earn the achievement. These guys hit pretty hard, so it's best to try using your drone to pull one of them out instead of taking them both on.

  • Mallory Stark Audio Log 2/11: If you look straight down over the guard rail to the right of the last override panel, you'll see an audio log item laying on the floor in front of two red and blue containers. To reach it, head down the staircase to the right of the security blockade and make another right. It will be directly in front of the containers we saw.

  • From the previous audio log, head to the direct other side of the room to find a level 13 override panel. Open this up to find Davey, who we need to free for the Pusher Man achievement. Exhaust his dialogue, then return to the Med-bay. Once there, quit out to the main menu and reload the game to have Davey relocate to the Med-bay as well. Talking to him will reveal he needs medicine and he will ask you for help. Tell him you'll find it for him to progress his quest.

  • Iron Maus Comic 2/6: After following the path and going past an enemy shooting at you with a rivet gun you will come to a large staircase. Go down and to the right. You should see a tripod robot welding something. Head right from him and under a shutter with the word God spray painted on it. Inside is a container to the right you have to jump on top of to find the comic.

    From the comic location, head to the left of this room now and you will see 4 enemies praying to a vending machine. I suggest using your drone to pull them one by one and killing them that way. Once all 4 are defeated, the achievement will unlock.

  • Mallory Stark Audio Log 3/11: Head back out of this room and left passed the robot from earlier. Straight ahead is a short staircase. Head up it and to your right will be a large pipe with yellow stripes you can cross over. Once on the other side, make the first right you can and follow it. The audio log will be on the floor after breaking a few large boxes.

  • Head back across the striped pipe that lead you here and take a left. You will here Irina Beckett talking on the staircase next to you. We need her alive for the Duty-Bound achievement. Talk to her and she will inform you that she's looking for a new staff. Help her and give her the MG Negotiator we got from the security officers earlier to progress her questline. If you give her the Reinforced Pipe, she will die.

  • Ferguson Audio Log 1/5: From Irina, head back up the stairs and take the second door on your right. Head across the bridge on the left with all the enemies and make another left. Head into the second room on the right side and the mail terminal with this log will be right next to the item you see as you enter.

  • Shining Coins 2 and 3/5: Exit the room and hook an immediate right. Go down the ramp in front of you to see 2 smelter bots. You can try fighting them together, but I suggest taking the elevator on the other side of the room up and separating them. To do so, take said elevator and interact with 2 panels up there (there's 3 panels, but one is a health station).
    If you gave Irina a staff prior to fighting these, she will kill one of them off for you, leaving the coin on the floor where it usually stands.

    Note: Repeat Customer Quest Step. Will lock Sunglasses at Night
    Where the second smelter bot usually is is a doorway leading out. Enter this room and make a right to find stairs leading up and down. Take the set down. In the next room interact with the level 10 override to access the door leading to Toxic Waste Disposal. As soon as you enter, look directly to your right to see a vent you can interact with. Jo will ask you for tech scrap. Choose the option to give her 5,000 to progress her questline.

  • Ferguson Audio Log 2/5: Enter and weave around the toxic spills until you reach the end of the hall. On the left side of the next room will be the mail terminal with this log.

    Mallory Stark Audio Log 4/11: This isn't far from the last audio log. Enter the next room with the welding bot and exit out the door on the right. Follow the path up the staircase and you will be greeted by two more sets of stairs - one leading left and one leading straight. Take the set straight ahead and make a complete 180 at the top of them. The log will be on the floor in front of you.

  • Head back down and take the other staircase this time. Follow this route to the end to find the next boss.

    The first phase of this boss involves you dealing enough damage to the legs to destroy them. Bait out the leg slam attack and go in for a few swings if you want to play it safe. Once the second phase starts, the Firebug will be floating around and will gain fire based attacks. The goal here is to damage the small head protruding from the bottom. I baited out its slow attacks and went in for a dash attack after, taking my time.

  • After defeating the Firebug, take the lift up and follow the path. There will be two more lifts to go down before you exit out into a large atrium. Head right and take the train to the next area.
Resolve Biolabs
  • Shining Coin 4/5: After making your way through the sewers and using the level 10 override to power on the first elevator of the level, head on up to the outside. From here, go down the staircase ahead until you see a yellow container. Move passed it and to your left should be an enemy on a gun near a ledge you can drop off. Drop down and the smelter bot will be directly to your right. Be careful, though, the smelter bot sits in a pool of toxic waste so you will have a constant chip damage while fighting it. If you really want to be lazy about it, you can shoot the robot with your drone for 30 minutes. He won't move.

  • Liberator Audio Log 2/4: From the smelter bot, go to the complete opposite side of the open yard we are in. There will be containers and toxic waste puddles. There should also be a hole in the floor to drop down that leads to the laboratories. As soon as you drop down go left down a short set of stairs. The log will be to the left of these stairs.

  • Liberator Audio Log 3/4: Follow the linear path through until the Laboratories location pops up on screen. Make the first right you can, followed by an immediate left. Follow this path until you reach a larger lab room with multiple plants in glass units. The log will be on a table in the back right corner next to the robot dog enemy.

  • Iron Maus Comic 3/6: On the table directly to the right of the last audio log.

    I Choose You
    After making your way through the level you will meet Dr. Chavez. The Botec core is on her desk. Pick it up and the achievement will unlock.

  • Key Item: Modaxinol Injector: Now that our drone is upgraded we need to do a bit of backtracking. Head back to the outside area of this level, and return to the first greenhouse section (the large door near the smelter bot area). In the Eurasian Climate Zone, there will be a door you can unlock with your drone. This will be inside. Now that we have this, we need to return to Central Control B and give it to Davey ASAP.
Central Production B - 2nd Visit
Melting Down
As soon as you arrive back, head to the bridge that leads to the Circulation Tower and open it. Directly behind it is the 5th and final smelter bot. Kill it for the shining coin.

Pusher Man
Navigate your way back to the original Med-bay for this location and talk to Davey. Give him the Modaxinol and the achievement will unlock.

  • Mallory Stark Audio Log 5/11: On the mail terminal in the same Med-bay as Davey.

    It Lives! It Sniffs! It Conquers!
    Now that we have all 5 shining coins we need to backtrack to where we killed the Vending Machine Cult for the Infidel achievement. Interact with the vending machine they're praying to and the wall to the right of it will slide open. Inside is the Iron Maus armor for grabs!

  • Ferguson Audio Log 3/5: Head back to the area where we killed the final smelter bot. Head up three flights of large stairs until you come to a hall that says "the best safety device is a careful worker". Enter the first door on your right and the log will be on the floor directly in front of you.

  • Ferguson Audio Log 4/5: From the last log, make an immediate left and head down the first staircase on your right. At the bottom of the stairs make a right and you'll see a level 11 override you can use. Activate it, then follow the path down here to a door you can now open. Inside the next room is the log on the mail terminal.

  • Continue on through the level until you spot Irina at the top of a staircase near a terminal. Talk with her and exhaust her dialogue to continue her questline.

  • Key Item - Exo Rig: After talking to Irina, head into the next hall and make an immediate right. As you enter this room, look to your left to see an exo rig in a glass case. Break the case and grab the item.

    Note: Repeat Customer Quest Step. Will lock Sunglasses at Night
  • Exit back out of this room and take the other path this time, going up a staircase. At the very top will be another vent where you can talk to Jo. This time she will as for 10,000 scrap. Give it to her to progress her questline.

    Gear Up
    After talking to Jo, continue forward until you come to an exo-lift and a large pipe you can cross. I suggest crossing the pipe first as it opens a very convenient shortcut from the Med-bay to the boss fight. Once you return to the Med-bay, access it and tab over to the last tab to upgrade your rig. Once you do, the achievement will unlock.

    Big Sister
    Big Sister has 2 phases. Her first phase, she will slide her claws at you, slam them into the ground in sets of 3, as well as shoot a laser at you forwards then backwards. I suggest waiting for the claw slide attack as she leaves herself vulnerable for you to get 2-3 swings in. Once you break both claws, the next phase will start. Run forward or you will get electrocuted. Now, you don't have to destroy the 4 spider-like spikes she has, but it makes the fight a lot easier. If you do destroy all 4, once again run forward to her head or you will be electrocuted. Now you simply need to swing at her head and dodge her attacks. You can try hugging one side of the wall and baiting out her side to side sweeping attack as that is the easiest to dodge. Once she's destroyed, the achievement will unlock.
Research & Development - 1st Visit
Sunglasses at Night
As soon as you enter the level, run forward and hook a right. You will see a broken gate you can pass through. As soon as you do, Jo will try to kill you and fill the hall with poisonous gas. Look up to see a drone scanner and activate it. Once you do, run through to the room on the left to acquire the sunglasses from the table. Note that if you gave Jo tech scrap at any point prior, the item will have changed and this achievement becomes locked in this playthrough.
Important: I'm not sure how taking the Equalizer weapon changes Jo's story. I left it there. If anyone can fill me in I'd appreciate it!

  • Continue through the level until you reach the Exhibition Floor. Head downstairs and enter the Med-bay to find Alec. Talk to him and tell him you'll help find Maddy to start his questline for Ghost in the Machine.

  • Dr. Murphy Audio Log 1/9: In the same Med-bay as Alec. On the floor opposite him.

  • Progress through the level for quite a while until you drop into a room called Nano Production Hall. You'll know you're in the right place if there's a giant hole in the window and an almost fully robotic enemy attacks you. Exit through the hole in the glass and follow the metal rafters to the right where you can enter a room through another hole in the window. Head down the hall and open the door on the left to find Maddy inside.

  • Mallory Stark Audio Log 6/11: Open the other door in this hallway to return to the first room. Exit the hole again and look to your left to see an exo-lift you can ride up. At the top, go straight and take a left, then another left. The log will be on the floor behind the utility robot.

    Repeat Customer
    Exit through the breakable door after the last log and follow the walkway to the next room. On the left side will be Jo's final encounter. Give her 15,000 tech scrap and the achievement will unlock.

  • Dr. Murphy Audio Log 2/9: After Jo, head through the breakable door and follow the path to the first long exo-lift down. At the bottom, make an immediate right and take a second exo-lift down. Follow the path until you come to another breakable door that leads into a blue room. The log is on the mail terminal to the right.

  • Progress through the level until you reach Dr. Barrett. Do NOT kill him. Instead, let him talk and then walk away. We will return to him later. This is set up for the ♥♥♥♥ Machinalis achievement.

  • Iron Maus Comic 4/6: After talking to Barrett, exit his lab and go back to the area where all the robotic enemies attacked you. Go all the way to the top and enter room 12. Make a left and take the exo-lift up. At the top, follow the path until you reach another lift you can take down to a breakable door. The comic will be on the only desk in this room.

  • Head back to the Med-bay to see Maddy and Alec together. If she's not there, die or reset the game to trigger her to relocate. Talk to Alec and he'll tell you he needs a leg to repair Maddy. Accept the offer to help him.
Central Production B - 3rd Visit
  • As soon as you return to Central Production B, we need to find a welder bot. The quickest one to finds is to exit this room into the large bay and make the first right we can. It'll be at the end of this room. I targeted it's back leg, but I'm unsure if that is necessary for the drop. Return to Alec and give him the leg BEFORE heading to the next area of the game.

  • On your way back to the Med-bay for this are, you will see Irina again, standing over a rail. Talk to her and she will tell you she needs the legs, body, and helmet from the MG Gorgon armor set. You can farm the schematics off the security officers at the checkpoint right next to her. Once you have all 4 pieces, give them to her to ensure she survives. Do this BEFORE heading to the next area of the game.
CREO Security
  • Mallory Stark Audio Log 7/11: Head passed the Med-bay for this are and open the door to the next room. As soon as you enter take the ramp on the right down and head through the breakable door. Follow the path to the right and the log will be on the floor behind a couple of boxes.

    The Black Cerberus
    See Guard Dog below for more information.

    Guard Dog
    You can earn this achievement 2 ways. One is to go into NG+ and farm the Black Cerberus gear off of enemies that wear it. The second can be done even on NG but requires a little work during the Black Cerberus fight.

    When you first go in, either die or kill the adds to remove them from the fight entirely. Next, go through the 1v1 section with him until he flees. He will summon the PAX boss to come out and fight you now. We need to fill the PAX robots yellow bar so it starts firing rockets. When it does, have it shoot a rocket at the 2 white silos in the arena to destroy them. One can be found next to where you enter the fight, the other is in the corner near where the window is that Black Cerberus is watching you from. Once both are destroyed, kill the PAX to have Black Cerberus come back out. Once you kill him, you will gain the schematics for the complete armor set. Go to any Med-bay and craft the full set to unlock the achievement.
    If you die during the fight, you will need to destroy the silos again.

    After defeating the Black Cerberus, return to the Med-bay and a compartment in the left wall will open. Destroy the glass and pick up the new exo upgrade. Make sure you have 5,000 tech to equip it, as we're going to need it for the next few areas.

  • Now we need to head back to Central Control B through the elevator we took down here, and then back to the R&D Department through the shutter over where we got the Iron Maus armor set.
Research & Development - 2nd Visit
  • Dr. Murphy Audio Log 3/9: Once you're back at the R&D section, head forward and take the staircase at the back right. At the top, keep going straight and follow the path into the service tunnel where we originally started this area (where Jo tried to kill us.) As you follow the path, you will come to a security door we originally couldn't open. Head inside and the log will be on the mail terminal in front of you.

  • Dr. Murphy Audio Log 4/9: Make an immediate left into the tunnel with poisonous gas spilling out. The log is on a mail terminal right at the end.

  • Now head back to CREO Security to the area prior to descending into the Black Cerberus Fight and continue on to the Executive Forum.
Executive Forum
  • Mallory Stark Audio Log 8/11: After unlocking the door near where you begin the Black Cerberus fight, kill the dude who comes down off an elevator and take the elevator up. The log will be on the floor in the next room.

    Raging Drones
    Enter the next area and you'll be greeted by a large yellow barrier. Loop around the staircase and go down into the area just below with a bunch of rocks and a tree. The finally Ferguson log is in the back corner.

  • Mallory Stark Audio Log 9/11: Head back up and go through the security checkpoint this time. Make a right and head straight down until you come to another security door you need to open. Once through, go into the breakable door and make a left. Once you exit this tunnel into a small room (be cautious of the sneak attack) the log will be on the floor to your left as you enter.

    Follow the path forward and go through the breakable glass door. Enter the next room and go straight to find Irina leaning against a wall. She will ask you to leave. Exhaust her dialogue and she will become hostile. Once you kill her, the achievement will unlock.

  • Iron Maus Comic 5/6: Exit the room Irina was in and make a right up the staircase to another security door you can open. Go through and follow the path left, through the security block and up a set of stairs. At the top, hook a complete 180 and go through the next security block. To the right will be a door that opens to a small office. The comic is on the shelf to the right.

  • Mallory Stark Audio Log 10/11: Exit the office and return to the security blockade just before it. Make a right and then an immediate left into the small rocky path. The log is at the back.

    Follow the White Rabbit
    Head passed the giant staircase and on the left will be a security door to open. Once inside, head through the glass and use the ex-lift to the server room. Head straight and the log will be on the floor to your left.

    Turing Test
    Make a right from the audio log and head straight to the back. You will see a large machine with illuminated circles in front of it that reads "S.AL.L." It's a little hard to position, but inspect the writing on the side and achievement will unlock.

  • Make sure you also interact with the terminal down here in order to gain access to the board!

    CREO Killed the Video Star
    Head back to the exo-lift you used to get to the server room and take it back up. Once at the top, head straight into the next hall. Make a left and deal with the robot dog enemy. Once it's killed, open the first door on your right and enter.

    Head back out and enter the second door now, on the left. Follow the path right and take the exo-lift down. Once at the bottom follow the path straight until you reach the next room. The final Liberator log is hidden behind the metal panel to your right, as soon as you enter.

    Who's in Charge Here?
    Return to the large staircase you passed earlier and enter the room. After the scene plays out, the achievement will unlock.

    Shall Not Pass
    After exiting the board room, a new group of enemies will have spawned in down the hall in front of you. Take care of the small ones, then kill the dog and larger one in the back. Once they're dead, the achievement will unlock.

  • Now, I'm not 100% positive whether you need to go to the Nucleus first or not, but I did. After entering the Nucleus, we're going to make a very large detour back to Dr. Barret's office in the R&D Department.
Research & Development - 3rd Visit
♥♥♥♥ Machinalis
After returning to Dr. Barret's office, you will see him now transformed into a robot. Simply kill him twice and the achievement will unlock.
  • Now that we're back at the Nucleus, follow the path into the level until you activate an elevator which brings up the Med-bay. Inside is Alec. Talk to him to learn that Maddy has gone missing.

  • Dr. Murphy Audio Log 5/9: Exit the Med-lab and take the stairs on your left. Open the door and you will be in a giant stairwell. Head all the way to the top and the audio log will be on the floor by the fire extinguisher.

  • Dr. Murphy Audio Log 6/9: Enter the door right next to you and go to the end of the next room where the red container is. Go behind and around it to find the audio log in the corner of this room by a red beam.

  • Dr. Murphy Audio Log 7/9: Exit out of this room and head straight to the red cat walk where you can pull the Med-lab up to. Follow the path straight to the Nitrogen Pump Station. Follow the path the only way you can, over a few toxic waste puddles. When you see a door you can open up to Ops, look directly to your left to see a vertical shaft you can drop down. Drop all the way down and take the first right you can. Follow that path to an exo-lift you can take up. The log is right around the corner.

    Sniffing Around
    Head back down the exo-lift and make a right this time and you'll enter a room with 2 Elite Hazmat soldiers. Head right, into a tunnel filled with poisonous gas. At the end will be another exo-lift. At the top, make a left into another poisonous hallway and follow it into the Utopia Preparation Classified. Directly ahead of you will be a mail terminal. The magazine is on the cart to the left of it.

    For the Good of Mankind
    Read Brave New World below before continuing.

    Brave New World
    There is a switch in the Utopia Preparation Classified room that says "insert virus". In order to get For the Good of Mankind, upload the virus. In order to get Brave New World, do NOT upload the virus.
    If you want to get both achievements in one playthrough, make a back up save now.

    Ghost in the Machine
    Navigate your way all the way up to the 3rd floor where you can pull the elevator up once more. After you do, look to the right of the Med-bay door to see a red platform you can land on. Go here, then drop down to another platform with Maddy nearby. Go up the red staircase and into the next room. To your left will be another shaft you can drop down, only do so 3 times. You should be in front of a breakable door. Head forward, and take the exo-lift on your left up. Follow the path until you reach Maddy and interact with her to receive A Girl's Necklace. Take this back to Alec and tell him she is dead to unlock the achievement. If you tell him otherwise, it will not unlock.

  • Dr. Murphy Audio Log 8/9: Exit the 3rd floor Med-bay and enter the blue room in front of you. Take a left and tucked away at the back corner is a staircase you can go up. At the top, go through the breakable door and take the exo-lift down to a linear pathway with another exo-lift at the end. At the bottom is the log.

    Evolution Theory
    Head on up to the Nucleus Launch Pad 02 to the final boss area. When you enter, there will be an immediate side path to your left. Follow the linear path briefly until you come across this log. It's pretty much impossible to miss.

  • Finally, head on down to the final boss to earn your ending achievement.
NG Clean Up
If there are any other achievements or collectibles you missed, now is the time to grab them.

Right Tool for the Job
See Man of Steel below for more information.

Man of Steel
You will need to find Nano Cores in order to upgrade your weapons higher. They are located in the overrides that you may have seen throughout the game with a level requirement of 50 and above.
The locations are:

  • Abandoned Production - Right after you open the first door where you got the new core for your exo. Level 55 override.

  • Central Production B - After leaving the Med-bay, head to the right of the security checkpoint and down the stairs. Make a complete 180. Level 75 override.

  • Central Control B - Pass the first gun of the level, and head down the staircase afterwards. Hook a left and then another left to find yourself on a large stairwell. Go down one level. Level 60 override.

  • Central Control B - Right next to where you acquire the Iron Maus armor. Level 70 override.

  • Resolve Biolabs - In a dark corner of the lab room with the robotic dog. Just before the elevator shortcut back up to the greenhouse. Level 80 override.

  • Research & Development - From the Med-bay, hook a 180 and go up the stairs into the open door. Head down the hallway and head left into Restricted Area: Utopia Project. It'll be at the bottom of the stairs. Level 65 override.

  • Executive Forum - In the server room right next to Sally. Level 85 override.

  • Nucleus - As you enter the area, follow the path towards the floor 1 Med-bay. It'll be on the left side only a few steps into the level. Level 80 override.

  • Nucleus - Right next to the floor 3 Med-bay. Level 50 override.

    Note that if you go into NG+, not only will any Nano Core you collected be removed from your inventory, but the level requirements for the overrides will increase drastically.
Now that we've unlocked NG+ we still have a few things left to do.

Was That Yours?
Now in NG+, we have to kill a boss with their own weapon. It doesn't matter which boss you do it on, but PAX is probably the easiest. Also note you don't need to use the weapon for the whole fight. You only need to land the killing blow with it.

Sunglasses at Night
If you chose to go for Repeat Customer, you'll want to ignore Jo in this playthrough and earn this.

Repeat Customer
Alternatively, if you chose to go for Sunglasses at Night during your first playthrough, you'll want to meet Jo at all 3 spots for this.

Core Power
You probably ended your NG run around level 60-70. This will more than likely come naturally as you clean up your NG+ achievements.

The Surge
The Surge
The Surge
Earn all other achievements that aren't DLC related. Congratulations on your well deserved 100%!
To kill the PAX you must attack it until its yellow bar fills up. Once you do, it will begin to fire rockets down on you. Stand underneath it to knock it down where you'll be able to attack the top of it, dealing damage.
The first phase of this boss involves you dealing enough damage to the legs to destroy them. Bait out the leg slam attack and go in for a few swings if you want to play it safe. Once the second phase starts, the Firebug will be floating around and will gain fire based attacks. The goal here is to damage the small head protruding from the bottom. I baited out its slow attacks and went in for a dash attack after, taking my time.
Big Sister
Big Sister
Big Sister has 2 phases. Her first phase, she will slide her claws at you, slam them into the ground in sets of 3, as well as shhot a laser at you forwards then backwards. I suggest waiting for the claw slide attack as she leaves herself vulnerable for you to get 2-3 swings in. Once you break both claws, the next phase will start. Runforward or you will get electrocuted. Now, you don't have to destroy the 4 spider-like spikes she has, but it makes the fight a lot easier. If you do destroy all 4, once again run forward to her head or you will be electrocuted. Now you simply need to swing at her head and dodge her attacks. You can try hugging one side of the wall and baiting out her side to side sweeping attack as that is the easiest to dodge. Once she's destroyed, the achievement will unlock.
The Black Cerberus
The Black Cerberus
Black Cerberus has 3 stages. The first stage will be a 1v1. I suggest baiting out his slow attacks and punishing them with either a slide attack or a dashing forward attack. Once his health is drained enough, he will retreat and summon a PAX robot. Handle it the same way you did the boss in Abandoned Production. After that is destroyed, he'll come out again with his weapon having an elemental charge. Follow the same strategy as the first phase and he should go down without too much of an issue.
Brave New World
Brave New World
There is a switch in the Utopia Preparation Classified room that says "insert virus". In order to get Brave New World, do NOT upload the virus.
If you want to get both achievements in one playthrough, make a back up save now.
For the Good of Mankind
For the Good of Mankind
There is a switch in the Utopia Preparation Classified room that says "insert virus". In order to get For the Good of Mankind, upload the virus.
If you want to get both achievements in one playthrough, make a back up save now.
I'll Be Back
I'll Be Back
This will unlock when you die for the first time, which is inevitable.
On My Own Two Feet
On My Own Two Feet
This will be the first achievement you earn after selecting your operative style.
Sorry, I Dropped This
Sorry, I Dropped This
After dying, return to the area of death and you will see what looks like a normal item pickup where you died. Retrive this for the achievement.
Hey Listen
Hey Listen
After arriving in Central Operations B, head into the first room and interact with the terminal to receive the drone.
CREO Killed the Video Star
CREO Killed the Video Star
Facing away the large staircase that leads to the boardroom in the Executive Forum, enter the hall to the left of you and make a left and open the first door on the right. Enter the room.
Gear Up
Gear Up
This will unlock when you get the security suit upgrade as part of regular story progression if you didn't find the one before the Big Sister fight.
After defeating the Black Cerberus, return to the Med-bay and a compartment in the left wall will open. Destroy the glass and pick up the new exo upgrade. Make sure you have 5,000 tech to equip it.
Who's in Charge Here?
Who's in Charge Here?
After accessing the terminal in the server room, head back to the large staircase that was guarded by two enemies. Head inside. The achievement will unlock after the scene plays out.
Turing Test
Turing Test
Facing away from the board room, make a left and enter the door on your left. Follow the path to the server room. You will see a large machine with illuminated circles in front of it that reads "S.AL.L." It's a little hard to position, but inspect the writing on the side and achievement will unlock.
It Lives! It Sniffs! It Conquers!
It Lives! It Sniffs! It Conquers!
To unlock the Iron Maus armor, you will need to defeat the 5 smelter bots in the game and collect their shining coins. Their locations are as follows:

  • Abandoned Production - When you come to an area with small puddles of toxic waste on the floor, head forward through a broken pipe and beyond some shrubbery. The smelter bot will be just beyond.

  • Central Production B - Two of them will be side by side in a large room a little after your first encounter with Irina. If you give her the Negotiator, she will kill one for you.

  • Resolve Biolabs - Once you take the elevator to the outside portion of this level, head down the stairs until you see a container. Hook a left to see a gun and a ledge you can drop off. To your right will be the bot in a pool of toxic waste.

  • Central Production B - The final one is available during your second visit here. As soon as you get back, you will come to a bridge that leads to the Circulation Tower. The bot is behind the door.

    Once you have all 5 coins, head over to where the Vending Machine Cult is (see Infidel for details) and interact with the vending machine. A wall to your right will open containing the armor. Pick it up to earn the achievement.
Sunglasses at Night
Sunglasses at Night
As soon as you enter Research & Development for the first time, run forward and hook a right. You will see a broken gate you can pass through. As soon as you do, Jo will try to kill you and fill the hall with poisonous gas. Look up to see a drone scanner and activate it. Once you do, run through to the room on the left to aqcuire the sunglasses from the table. Note that if you gave Jo ech scrap at any point prior, the item will have changed and this achievement becomes locked in this playthrough.
Pusher Man
Pusher Man
To start this quest, we need to free Davey during our first visit to Central Production B.

  • From the Med-bay, hook a right passed the security block and down the stairs. In the back right of this room is an override that will open a door with him inside. Exhause his dialogue and he will return to the Med-bay. If he doesn't show up, die or reload the game.

  • Talk to him and he will inform you he needs his medication. Accept his request.

  • After aqcuiring the drone upgrade in Resolve Biolabs, head back to the first green room area (door by the smelter bot) and look for the room you can open with the drone scanner. The medication is inside.

  • When you return to Central Control B, navigate your way back to the original Med-bay for this location and talk to Davey. Give him the Modaxinol and the achievement will unlock.
Melting Down
Melting Down
Simply destroy all 5 smelter bots.

  • Abandoned Production - When you come to an area with small puddles of toxic waste on the floor, head forward through a broken pipe and beyond some shrubbery. The smelter bot will be just beyond.

  • Central Production B - Two of them will be side by side in a large room a little after your first encounter with Irina. If you give her the Negotiator, she will kill one for you.

  • Resolve Biolabs - Once you take the elevator to the outside portion of this level, head down the stairs until you see a container. Hook a left to see a gun and a ledge you can drop off. To your right will be the bot in a pool of toxic waste.

  • Central Production B - The final one is available during your second visit here. As soon as you get back, you will come to a bridge that leads to the Circulation Tower. The bot is behind the door.
Repeat Customer
Repeat Customer
We need to find Jo in 3 locations and give her tech scrap.

  • During your first visit to Central Production B, she will be in the vent to the right as soon as you enter Toxic Waste Disposal. She will need 5,000 scrap.

  • During your second visit to Central Production B, she will be in a vent just before the Big Sister fight. She will need 10,000 scrap.

  • Finally, in Research & Development. She will be along the path you have to take to progress the story, just after the room with the glass that has a hole in it. She will need 15,000 tech scrap and the achievement will unlock.

    I'm not sure if taking the Equalizer will mess anything up. I left it.
Shall Not Pass
Shall Not Pass
After exiting the board room, a new group of enemies will have spawned in down the hall in front of you. Take care of the small ones, then kill the dog and larger one in the back. Once they're dead, the achievement will unlock.
Right Tool for the Job
Right Tool for the Job
Upgrade a weapon with Nano Cores. There locations are as follows:

  • Abandoned Production - Right after you open the first door where you got the new core for your exo. Level 55 override.

  • Central Production B - After leaving the Med-bay, head to the right of the security checkpoint and down the stairs. Make a complete 180. Level 75 override.

  • Central Control B - Pass the first gun of the level, and head down the staircase afterwards. Hook a left and then another left to find yourself on a large stairwell. Go down one level. Level 60 override.

  • Central Control B - Right next to where you aqcuire the Iron Maus armor. Level 70 override.

  • Resolve Biolabs - In a dark corner of the lab room with the robotic dog. Just before the elevator shortcut back up to the greenhouse. Level 80 override.

  • Research & Development - From the Med-bay, hook a 180 and go up the stairs into the open door. Head down the hallway and head left into Restricted Area: Utopia Project. It'll be at the bottom of the stairs. Level 65 override.

  • Executive Forum - In the server room right next to Sally. Level 85 override.

  • Nucleus - As you enter the area, follow the path towards the floor 1 Med-bay. It'll be on the left side only a few steps into the level. Level 80 override.

  • Nucleus - Right next to the floor 3 Med-bay. Level 50 override.

    Note that if you go into NG+, not only will any Nano Core you collected be removed from your inventory, but the level requirements for the overrides will increase drastically.
Man of Steel
Man of Steel
You will need to find Nano Cores in order to upgrade your armor higher. They are located in the overrides that you may have seen throughout the game with a level requirement of 50 and above.
The locations are:

  • Abandoned Production - Right after you open the first door where you got the new core for your exo. Level 55 override.

  • Central Production B - After leaving the Med-bay, head to the right of the security checkpoint and down the stairs. Make a complete 180. Level 75 override.

  • Central Control B - Pass the first gun of the level, and head down the staircase afterwards. Hook a left and then another left to find yourself on a large stairwell. Go down one level. Level 60 override.

  • Central Control B - Right next to where you aqcuire the Iron Maus armor. Level 70 override.

  • Resolve Biolabs - In a dark corner of the lab room with the robotic dog. Just before the elevator shortcut back up to the greenhouse. Level 80 override.

  • Research & Development - From the Med-bay, hook a 180 and go up the stairs into the open door. Head down the hallway and head left into Restricted Area: Utopia Project. It'll be at the bottom of the stairs. Level 65 override.

  • Executive Forum - In the server room right next to Sally. Level 85 override.

  • Nucleus - As you enter the area, follow the path towards the floor 1 Med-bay. It'll be on the left side only a few steps into the level. Level 80 override.

  • Nucleus - Right next to the floor 3 Med-bay. Level 50 override.

    Note that if you go into NG+, not only will any Nano Core you collected be removed from your inventory, but the level requirements for the overrides will increase drastically.
Core Power
Core Power
You probably ended your NG run around level 60-70. This will more than likely come naturally as you clean up your NG+ achievements.
You must see Irina's quest through to the end.

  • Irina first appears in Central Control B on your first visit. From the Med-bay, head passed the first gun of the level and down the stairs. Make a right into a stairwell and then an immediate left. Irina will be on the stairs below you. She will ask for a better staff. Give her the MG Negotiator or she will die.

  • On your second time through Central Control B, Irina will be at the top of a staircase that you'll pass through on your way to Big Sister. Impossible to miss her.

  • On your third visit to Central Control B, Irina will be just outside the Med-bay. She will tell you that she lost her armor. You can farm the enemies at the security checkpoint for the blueprints. Once you have them, you will need to craft both legs, the helmet, and the body armor. Give them to her or she will die.

  • Her final location will be after you exit your first maintenance tunnel in the Executive Forum. She will be in the room just ahead. Exhaust her dialogue and she will become hostile. Once you kill her, the achievement will unlock.
Ghost in the Machine
Ghost in the Machine
You must follow Maddy and Alec's quest through to completion.

  • You will first meet Alec in the Med-lab for the R&D Department. Talk to him and he will ask you to find Maddy. Progress through the level until you come to the room with the hole in the glass. Exit and follow the catwalk around to another glass hole you can enter. Inside will be a room you can open with Maddy inside. Talk to her and she will return to the Med-bay. If she doesn't show up, die or reload the game.

  • Alec will now tell you that Maddy needs a new leg. Head back to Central Control B and kill a welder bot to receive the leg. I'm not sure if you need to target their leg, but I did. Return to the R&D Med-bay and give him the leg.

  • Finally, Alec will be in the Nucleus Med-bay. He will tell you he lost Maddy. Navigate your way all the way up to the 3rd floor where you can pull the elevator up once more. After you do, look to the right of the Med-bay door to see a red platform you can land on. Go here, then drop down to another platform with Maddy nearby. Go up the red staircase and into the next room. To your left will be another shaft you can drop down, only do so 3 times. You should be in front of a breakable door. Head forward, and take the exo-lift on your left up. Follow the path until you reach Maddy and interact with her to receive A Girl's Necklace. Take this back to Alec and tell him she is dead to unlock the achievement. If you tell him otherwise, it will not unlock.
Follow the White Rabbit
Follow the White Rabbit
Find all 11 of Mallory Stark's audio logs. It will be easier to search for their location by pressing F3 and searching her name.
First Day on the Job
First Day On The Job
After restoring power to your rig in the first area of the game, use the machine to the left to redeem your gear voucher.
Find all 4 of the Liberator's audio logs. It will be easier to search for their location by pressing F3 and searching his name.
Raging Drones
Raging Drones
Find all 5 of Ferguson's audio logs. It will be easier to search for their location by pressing F3 and searching his name.
Evolution Theory
Evolution Theory
Find all 9 of Dr. Murphy's audio logs. It will be easier to search for their location by pressing F3 and searching his name.
Butcher's Bill
Butcher's Bill
This will come naturally as you upgrade your gear, but to earn it you simply have to perform a finisher on all 6 body parts: head, body, left and right arm, left and right leg.
Jack of All Trades
Jack of All Trades
You will need to use and upgrade the weapon proficiency of all weapon types to 5.

  • Single-Rigged

  • Twin-Rigged

  • One-handed

  • Heavy-duty

  • Staff
Most Wanted
Most Wanted
During your first visit to Central Production B, head out of the Med-lab. There is a security checkpoint with 2 guards. You need to kill 1 of them to earn the achievement. These guys hit pretty hard, so it's best to try using your drone to pull one of them out instead of taking them both on.
From the Central Production B Med-bay, head passed the first gun of the level, down the stairs and hook a right. You will see a shutter with the word "God" written on it. Enter it. To the left of this room you will see 4 enemies praying to a vending machine. I suggest using your drone to pull them one by one and killing them that way. Once all 4 are defeated, the achievement will unlock.
It's Blue Light
It's Blue Light
The ASTir Specterbite can be aqcuired from the first enemy in the game. Simply target his weapon arm and perform a finisher to get it. Once done, equip it and head over to the dark area just after the PAX arena. Kill an enemy in the tunnel system and the achievement will unlock.
I Choose You
I Choose You
After making your way through the Resolve Biolabs, you will meet Dr. Chavez. The Botec core is on her desk. Pick it up and the achievement will unlock.
♥♥♥♥ Machinalis
♥♥♥♥ Machinalis
During your first visit to Dr. Barrett's office, do not kill him. Simply let him talk. After arriving at the Nucleus for the first time, head back to R&D and to his office. Once there, you will see him now transformed into a robot. Simply kill him twice and the achievement will unlock.
Was That Yours?
Was That Yours?
In NG+, we have to kill a boss with their own weapon. It doesn't matter which boss you do it on, but PAX is probably the easiest. Also note you don't need to use the weapon for the whole fight. You only need to land the killing blow with it.

This can also be achieved on NG by killing the PAX located in The Good, The Bad, and the Augmented DLC using the same method above. (Credit to Lorthiz for the info.)
Guard Dog
Guard Dog
You can earn this achievement 2 ways. One is to go into NG+ and farm the Black Cerberus gear off of enemies that wear it. The second can be done even on NG but requires a little work during the Black Cerberus fight.

When you first go in, either die or kill the adds to remove them from the fight entirely. Next, go through the 1v1 section with him until he flees. He will summon the PAX boss to come out and fight you now. We need to fill the PAX robots yellow bar so it starts firing rockets. When it does, have it shoot a rocket at the 2 white silos in the arena to destroy them. One can be found next to where you enter the fight, the other is in the corner near where the window is that Black Cerberus is watching you from. Once both are destroyed, kill the PAX to have Black Cerberus come back out. Once you kill him, you will gain the schematics for the complete armor set. Go to any Med-bay and craft the full set to unlock the achievement.
If you die during the fight, you will need to destroy the silos again.
Nothing To Lose
Nothing to Lose
This will either come naturally, or you can farm it out. An easy spot to do so would be after killing a boss with 20,000 tech on you as this will likely put you a little over 30,000.
After farming up 20,000 tech you must kill a boss. The easiest boss to do this on is either PAX or Firebug.
You will need to acquire a full set of gear (head, body, both arms, both legs) from any of the following armor sets:

Rhino, MG Cerberus, Proteus, Bloodied Proteus, Black Cerberus.
You will need to acquire a full set of gear (head, body, both arms, both legs) from any of the following armor sets:

Lynx, Liquidator, Chrysalis, Iron Maus.
You will need to acquire a full set of gear (head, body, both arms, both legs) from any of the following armor sets:

Scarab, MG Gorgon, Elite Hazard.
Sniffing Around
Sniffing Around
Find all 6 of the Iron Maus Comics. It will be easier to search for their location by pressing F3 and searching their name.
28 σχόλια
nebula 3 Μαρ 2024, 0:17 
@george_riabokin Yep, just found this out the hard way. I'm on NG+ so unless I find a patchwork wearing these arms, I'm going to have to do a third play through just for this achievement. :steamfacepalm:
george_riabokin 29 Φεβ 2024, 9:06 
damn, looks like the black cerberus (the boss), in case if you destroyed two white silos, never drops the arm schematics, so in order to acquire his set in first playthrough, you must cut off his arm :bummer:
Milk 13 Ιαν 2024, 14:34 
Theres so much wrong with this guide that its actually crazy.
Domitori 28 Ιουν 2022, 15:48 
Yes, picking up equalizer or tech scrap mess up Repeated Customer achievement
TheUnstoppableUltimateUnknown 18 Μαϊ 2022, 17:10 
i sent KMills a message a few days ago... explaining the most important part is to take the Heads of all 4 the gang mascots ...when you see them marching in a line, just incase it is uncear how to get the achievement.

hmm, i might have forgotten to pick up an audio log when i finished Frontier Riders episode 2 or 3, because i was using the gear assembly, i finished 5 episodes and i only got 4 logs, if i redo 2 and 3 without modifiers... will i get it? this may be a pointless question, i gonna look up how many audio logs there are... So if im wrong about missing an audio log, then ignore this
TheUnstoppableUltimateUnknown 10 Μαϊ 2022, 10:02 
@KMills when i first enter Creo World and made my way to the project reSOLVE center... the gang of 4 were bugged by a ledge.... 1 below the ledge 3 on it... where you make a right to walk up the path into the building..the entrance to the project reSOLVE center, after i turned on the internet there... i'm sure you make your way back to OPS, they spawned.. in a line... walking ..right by the fountain next to OPS, i killed all 4 of them (again) there by the fountain and finally got the achievement, i wasnt trying to get it, i was just exploring then ... fixed the internet, and then i powered up the place by SkyBound, i'm pretty sure i got it after i fixed the internet... if not then they spawned by the fountain after the net and power was restored, have fun. (i think you need to kill all 4 by the fountain too, to be clear.. it helps to open the gold overcharging them too, in case you missed any).
kringus 31 Δεκ 2021, 13:07 
Is the Vending Machine Cult a random occurrence or do they stop showing up after a certain progression point? I already got the Iron Maus armor but I haven't seen the cult in this area.
Stef  [Δημιουργός] 5 Οκτ 2021, 19:41 
pdated. Thanks for the info!
Lorthiz 5 Οκτ 2021, 11:35 
Stef about 'Was That Yours?' it can also be done in first playthrough. In episode 3 of 'The Good, The Bad and the Augmented DLC' you are fighting pax and if you do finishing blow with his weapon this will also unlock achievement and it is repeteable if you miss it.
Stef  [Δημιουργός] 5 Σεπ 2021, 19:04