Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

147 ratings
How to Use the Wrangler Laser
By PumpkinCake
Having trouble making the Wrangler laser the right color? This makes it simpler.
The particle laser_sight_beam has an odd way of determining its color. Instead of the usual particle settings, the laser's color is determined by the position of its controlPoint2 on the map's coordinates.

It uses an RGB system. controlPoint2's position on the X axis determines the laser's red value. The Y axis determines green. The Z axis determines blue. At the origin, the coordinate 0, 0, 0, the laser has no color, making it invisible.

To make the laser red, you want only a positive X coordinate. 20, 0, 0 works just as well as 255, 0, 0.
Here's the easiest way to get there.
Setting Up

After you've set up the models how you want them, add the particle effect laser_sight_beam under class_fx.pcf

Move the transform onto the laser attached to the right turret, or wherever you want one end. Move controlPoint1 to what the Engineer is aiming at, or wherever you want the other end.
The laser could be any color, depending on what map you're on. Yellow, pink, and teal are common.
Fixing the Color

Check the box next to controlPoint2 without dragging anything onto it. This will lock it onto the map.

Select controlPoint2 and up the Zero slider all the way. controlPoint2 will zoom off to wherever the Default Point of your map is. This is the coordinate 0,0,0. Use the work camera to look around if you lose sight of it. While controlPoint2 is at 0,0,0, the wrangler laser should be invisible.

Slide controlPoint2 forward along the red X axis to make the laser red.

Slide controlPoint2 up the blue Z axis to make the laser blue.

For other colors, the laser works as a RGB system. Sliding controlPoint2 to the side on the green Y axis makes the laser green. You can slide it up each axis to make it more or less of each color. Going into the negatives is the same as if it were at 0 on that axis.

Regular Bloke 1 Jan @ 7:06am 
RandomGuyYouMet 20 Mar, 2024 @ 4:45pm 
Some one send this to LazyPurple so he can see that all i took was this. this will make this mad, sad to the point the guide is forever burnt into his memory so he'll know what to do from now on. Unless he already does, but still send it to him.
hogridah 27 Dec, 2023 @ 3:53pm 
the pain is real
aydro 14 Jun, 2022 @ 1:48pm 
@NARbluebear i think its because ambient conclusion is on
luckykidzgaming 7 Jun, 2022 @ 2:21pm 

a84stang2 5 Jun, 2022 @ 5:18am 
lazypurple should have seen this
Thespikedballofdoom 16 May, 2022 @ 3:59pm 
I solved the grainy laser problem too. Look for anything named bendibeam.vmt in materials/particles in your mods.
The top one needs to be:
"$basetexture" "Effects/bendibeam"
"$additive" "1"
$translucent 1
"$vertexcolor" 1
"$nocull" 1
//"$spriteorientation" "parallel_upright"
//"$spriteorigin" "[ 0.50 0.50 ]"
"$spriterendermode" 5
$overbrightfactor 15
Thespikedballofdoom 20 Apr, 2022 @ 10:20pm 
the TRUE correct particle colors for each team are
RED:255 0 0
BLU:0 0 255

item_fx.pcf >>turret_shield [bubble flyers]
RED:255 50 50
BLU:50 150 255

This is as defined by game/client/tf/c_obj_sentrygun.cpp, from TF2's source code
NARbluebear 31 Mar, 2022 @ 6:13pm 
Strangely, that's the only particle affected.
PumpkinCake  [author] 31 Mar, 2022 @ 4:00pm 
Sorry, I haven't seen the laser look like that before. Is this the only particle that does this? I can see that the lines denoting the camera's view look similarly grainy. This may be a general problem more specific to your graphics settings, your installation, or perhaps your computer.