Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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HTTT Items
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Die einzig wahre und echte, sowie neugeordnete Gegenstandskollektion für HurrenTTT.
Itens (53)
TTT Thomas The Trump Engine
Criado por Mhenlo
Made by this guy: Edited by me. It will only play the Trump Sound. Don't forget to rate. :)...
[TTT] Drachenlord Bomb
Criado por Luky
You can not my stream in your stream! Features: - Random playback from different Drachenlord sounds whilst detonating the bomb - Rightclick to play taunt sounds Haider Bomb Based on the Cyrus - Wreckingball "Jihad" Bomb the Honorhaider <3 I GIVE NOT UP, in...
TTT GLP-Dubstepgun
Criado por JN
!THIS IS ONLY FOR TTT! It is not made by me! I take no credits for this! I only added it to the workshop. Original Download in the desc. of this YT-Video. IF IT WILL BE ASKED I WILL REMOVE THIS FROM WORKSHOP ...
TTT Homing Pigeon
Criado por Hagen
You can only shoot it if you look at a Player. It will fly automatically to him and explodes him. The map is ttt_waterworld. I take no credits for the Code Originally its from Ownage. I also fixed it up a bit....
TTT Banana Bomb
Criado por GHXX
This Addon adds a Banana Bomb which releases many small, explosive Bananas. It was originally made by schnul44. I updated it. Causes error in Sandbox, but you can just ignore them. This addon works for both Sandbox and Trouble in Terrorist Town (trouble to...
TTT Space and Time-Manipulator
Criado por Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: The Space and Time-Manipulator (short SATM) can change many things. Rightclick to change mode. Leftclick to activate. Type: Equip 2 ...
TTT - Grapplehook (WITH ICON)
A re-upload of the TTT - Grapplehook with a fixed icon....
TTT Traitor Turtlenade
Criado por TheTrueLor
I'm no longer providing updates or support, anyone is welcome to re-use the code or concept. A grenade for traitors that spawns several hostile turtles (using the headcrab npc) on detonation. Requires Trouble In Terrorist Town, CSS. Legacy Addon/Scripts: h...
TTT Walther-2000 Autosniper
Criado por Hagen
This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox and then complain. Basic Info: Clip: 12 Damage: 45 Recoil: 1.5 ShotDelay: 0.35 All models from Gamebanana The map is ttt_waterworld....
Explosive Melon Launcher TTT Edition
Criado por Skate
I got requests on my original melon launcher for a TTT one. This SWEP is a traitor weapon that launches one explosive melon. If you have any suggestions or comments post them in the comments! Visit ...
TTT Holy Hand Grenade
Criado por BocciardoLight
Monty Python's famous Holy Hand Grenade as Traitor Item CREATED BY Phoenixf129 Edited by BocciardoLight Tags: TTT, Traitor, Item, Holy Hand Grenade, Monty Python...
Orbital Bass Cannon + updatet Picture
Criado por rotzfrech
I only edited the old Orbital Bass Cannon from the Workshop with a better Picture in the Traitor Shop. Credits to Burn But first the best man who made the best TTT weapon in the world :) BROLY Schreibt mich ruhig an wenn ihr ein Problem habt oder etwas bes...
TTT - Thriller (Dart)(Still working but discontinued)
Criado por SithLee This is the Original Thiller Addon and is very old, I do not update this anymore. Last time I checked it was still working as of 11/23/2022 The TTT Thriller SWEP is similar to a Dart Gun. The traitor may buy this weapon only o...
Criado por Derens41210
English: This is the taser gun for TTT. Just to the detective. Spanish: Este es el arma taser para TTT. Solo para el detective. ...
TTT Detective Playercam
Criado por Fresh Garry
If this addon is installed the Dete Playercam will be a byable swep for the detective. If you shoot a person with it there appears a window at the top left screencorner. If you open the scoreboard you can drag or close the window. If you have closed the wi...
DC-15A (Works only in TTT!)
Criado por Milly
I did not make this addon, only made it usable in TTT!...
K-volt (Works only in TTT!)
Criado por Milly
The K-volt smg from the crysis series is now in trouble in terror town!...
Allahu Ackbar Jihad (Server Side)
Criado por Bartholomew Degryse
This addon is exactly the same as any other TTT Jihad addon, only the sound is replaced with "Allauh Ackbar!" Enjoy!...
BearTrap for TTT
Criado por nerdhive
Not my plugin, just reuploaded it....
CS:GO Negev for TTT
Criado por Nahte
Made for TTT, it means will not work in Sandbox So, you love the negev from csgo? well, i made it for TTT. This weapon will autospawn, no need to change anything. Includes: -Custom icon! -Custom fire sound -Better than the M249 Credits: http://css.gamebana...
CS:GO HE Grenade for TTT
Criado por Nahte
If you hear this grenade bouncing, run as far as you can. Unlike the incendiary grenade, it do a lot of damage, but doesnt start a fire. Pros: -Do a LOT of damage. (Like 120 HP MAX) -Has a larger radius. Cons: -It sounds when bouncing. Credits: http://css....
G36c (Works only in TTT!)
Criado por Milly
A rifle that works in Trouble in Terror Town! Now with sounds!...
TTT AUG Reskin
TTT Dubstep Gun
Criado por G. Freimann™
"It's a party in a gun! Make the world dance to your beat and fear the power of your wubs!" This is a edited version of the Saints Row IV Dubstep Gun. Its icon for the shop has been changed, also its for tratiors only. Original mod: http://steamcommunity.c...
TTT Minigun
Criado por NgYuKang
Working Minigun FOR TTT NOTE: I OLNY TAKE CREDIT FOR FIXING IT UP.ORIGINAL CREDIT GOES TO Bolters ( I olny fixed this for my server and for learning lua,but i'm just posting it here for ever...
TTT Scout Reskin
Criado por FrostyIce
A weapon for the Garry's Mod addon Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT) This weapon was designed for Innocent's use. Weapon Stats: 20 round mag, uses SMG Ammo 19 damage per body shot 0.12 delay between firing Note: I did not make the weapon model and do not tak...
[TTT] The Constructor
Criado por Hansoms
*Imagine This* You're face to face with the Traitor in a long corridor, One escape, behind you, BUT WAIT! If you turn around, He'll just kill you! You need this win or your mum will NEVER approve of you so its time! You pull out the constructor, Flood the ...
TTT - Defibrillator
Criado por sophie
Pretty simple modification that allows traitors to purchase a one-time defibrillator that can bring allies (or enemies) back from the dead. Installing Workshop addons on servers GitHub
TTT - Portalgun ( Portal Gun ) - ✯ Updated & Lag Free ✯ Traitor Only
Criado por Keigun
This is a Trouble in Terrorist Town Portalgun! Thx for "ώħèâţļèŷ" a Russian coder, maper, modeler, game developer with very good English skills for the Base code of the Portalgun. I ported it to the Gamemode TTT with bug fixes and some extras! His steam Pr...
[TTT/2] Blue Bull
Criado por Hagen
Features Try the New Blue Bull! For Traitors and Detectives! Its a passive Item so it doesn´t takes a slot. With it you can jump higher then ever before! And you can Jump in the Air again! Two Times! You can also run 50% faster! ConVars: ttt_bluebull_det =...
[TTT/2/T] Golden Deagle [WEAPON]
Criado por Alf21
This is a modified version of . It is compatible with - TTT - TTT2 - TTT Totem....
TTT Flashbang (also for Detective)
Criado por Keksgesicht
Original Addon is Now it will also be buyable by Detective....
GMN TTT Snowball
Criado por GMN | TheClonker
Yada yada OP Item / TTT & GMN ist tot ... Sagt wenn ihr nen Bug findet! Frohe Weihnachten zusammen :^]...
[TTT] The Present of Fate
Criado por Fuchsro
Made for TTT only! Source: The Present of Fate on GitHub Traitor Item: Make your Friends a Present or just keep it for you! This Item has a chance of 80% to heal yourself for 50 HP. So guess what could be the other 20% ? Yep. This other 20% will trigger an...
[Gamemode: TTT] Traitor Harpoon
Criado por RustyPrime
This is for TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN only! DON'T DISLIKE IF YOU ARE TRYING TO USE THIS FOR ANOTHER GAMEMODE THAN TTT ! This Addon adds a throwable harpoon to the traitor shop in Trouble in Terrorist Town. Please report any Bugs you encounter and I will tr...
TTT Jarate
Criado por Yashirmare TF2 IS NOT REQUIRED! Jarate Traitor and Detective weapon for TTT. Make your enemies take twice as much damage when they get covered in your piss! Effect lasts for 20 seconds and has a medium range, works the same as any othe...
TTT - Medkit (Traitor)
Criado por Roy301
Medkit for TTT ----------------------------------- Controls: Left-Click: Heal people! Right-Click: Heal yourself! ----------------------------------- It's for the traitor! ----------------------------------- Made by Roy301...
TTT Shurikens
Criado por BocciardoLight
3 Sharp ninja star blades for the Traitors Left-Click: Throw CREATED BY Phoenixf129 Edited by BocciardoLight Tags: TTT, Traitor, Shurikens, Item, Shuriken,...
[TTT] Ghost Knife
Criado por Fuchsro
This Item is for TTT only! Source: Ghost Knife on GitHub This Ghostly looking Knife is a Traitor Item. How does it work?: Well, its a throwing Knife.. but instead of doing much damage, it will switch places with your target. In the end it's a "High Risk - ...
TTT - Amaterasu
Criado por Holger Stengel
Grüße, ich präsentiere das "TTT-Amaterasu", ein Traitor-Item welches für zwei Zwecke genutzt werden kann: 1. Schuss auf den Boden - platziert ein kleines aber wirksames Feuer. Besonders gut in engen Räumen! 2. Schuss auf einen Spieler, ein Prop etc. - betr...
[TTT2/TTT] Death Faker (fixed and improved)
Criado por LeBroomer
This is an addon for the gamemode "Trouble in Terrorists Town". Please do not try to use it in any other gamemode and report errors or downvote it due to that reason. If you have ideas on how to improve the item or run into technical issues, feel free to p...
TTT[2] Beartrap [Updated]
Criado por NickCloudAT
TTT Beartrap Addon This is NOT the original addon! Things I changed: - I dont know how much damage the original beartrap made, this one does 8 by default (Cvar) - You have a 3% Chance of escaping the trap (Cvar) - Only the placer can pickup the trap, excep...
TTT Dead Ringer
Criado por Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: Its the Dead Ringer from TF2, fixed, and now working with SpecDM (newest version of it, please look out for it)! If you buy and enab...
TTT Chicken
Criado por BocciardoLight
An aggressive chicken, annoy it too much and it explodes Hold primary fire to throw chickens. Max Health = 60 Explode Damage = 40 Explode Radius = 140 Default Attack = 15 (Increasing depending on anger level) CREATED BY Phoenixf129 Edited by BocciardoLight...
TTT Impact Pistol
Criado por MKA0207
Introducing the Impact Pistol for TTT. Get your hands on a Superb Traitor Weapon for TTT, Left Click to Fire and Right Click to Taunt. Note: NO CUSTOM MODELS NEEDED FOR DOWNLOAD! Created by Mka0207. Installation: Simply Add to your Servers Workshop Collect...
[TTT]Fassinator (fixed and improved)
Criado por LeBroomer
This is an explosive barrel spawning gun for the Traitor in the gamemode TTT. It is tarned as a deagle. On secondary fire it is playing the "WTF boooom" sound. Pls do not try it in any other gamemode. Idea and base code from:
TTT Homerun Bat
Criado por Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: Its a HomeRun Bat, you guess what it does. If you hit a Player ist loses 1 Ammo and he will fly away instantly. Only loses Ammo If y...
[TTT2] Melon Mine [WEAPON]
Criado por ~#[T]obiti
Stand close to a wall to plant the mine. Detonates when enemy is within visible range. The Mine always stays in the owners team and can be seen by all team members. CREATED BY Phoenixf129 Edited by BocciardoLight:
[TTT/TTT2] Explosive Microwave
Criado por Fuchsro
Gamemode: Trouble in Terrorist Town Source: Explosive Microwave on GitHub Description: The Explosive Microwave is a traitor item which explodes if innocents/detectives are nearby. It won't explode if traitors stand close to it, except an Innocent activates...
TTT2 Martyrdom [Updated]
Criado por NickCloudAT
TTT2 Martyrdom Perk This is NOT the Original Martyrdom Perk, just a Updated version with new features. This Version ONLY works with the NEWEST version of TTT2 from Alf! Changes: - Added Sound effect when grenade drops - Added a VISIBLE Grenade which actual...
TTT2 Clairvoyancy [Updated]
Criado por NickCloudAT
TTT2 Clairvoyancy Perk This is NOT the original version! Original: This is just a fixed version for the new TTT2 Addon with the new Item-System. Do NOT use this on normal TTT or old TTT2 Serv...
[TTT] ThomasTheTankEngine [WEAPON][FIXED]
Criado por Alf21
Fixed version of Now, you aren't killed by the world but by a player instead. This will fix issues with TTT2 and with ASecondChance. Icon by Mineotopia (
Numa coleção por I HATE THE 2FA
HTTT Reloaded
3 itens