Dota 2

Dota 2

103 hodnocení
Laning Support Pro Ezalor [Dr Ezalor]
Vytvořil: Astray
Keeper or the Light or 'Kotl' for short, is the most annoying support ever if you're playing against him (In MY opinion). He is my favorite hero in DotA though and should ALWAYS be played in safe lane. (Top lane for Dire, bottom lane for Radiant.) This build revolves around the fact that you are with your team during team fights and get decent farm early / mid-game (Defending, etc.). The build itself is very defensive oriented but I list ways to be more aggressive with Ezalor if need be.
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Počet komentářů: 3
Astray  [autor] 19. říj. 2013 v 18.52 
@ashtopri: Yeah I wish I had more room to type, but once you hit level 3 as Keeper, depending on who you are laning against, an early Mana Leak may be good versus low int heroes like Sven or Chaos Knight, etc. However, I geared this guide towards newer Kotl players so that's why I have it like this. Personally, I like getting max Illuminate and Chakra Magic before Mana Leak because of the ganking potential with Keeper. A max level Illuminate is a huge nuke early-mid game so it sets up your carries to get the kills. I may even make a more in-depth guide later with alternative choices, but I tried to be as detailed as possible with the space I had to type. Thanks for the recommendation though! @Beus: Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!
piss wizard 19. říj. 2013 v 6.01 
my opinion you should maybe get a early lvl of mana leak cuz when used with iluminate they have to decide run and loose mana or get hit by iluminate
Salamarder 13. říj. 2013 v 4.06 
thanks mate, very good guide:)