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Squidyshark opened mouth 2
20 Apr, 2021 @ 10:20pm
Artic peepers HATE him
M0t_PaK ==[THH]==
13 Aug, 2020 @ 7:12pm
I knew this was in the game, but when I first encountered it I no joke, paused my game, ran back and stubbed my toe on my desk. after screaming for a minute I got up to the surface, saved and quit. Oh and screamed some more at my foot.
28 Jun, 2020 @ 6:12pm
I was once killed by taht thing and I hade a LOT of sulfur
23 Feb, 2020 @ 11:29am
I hate that thing. I have hard time to scan it. those huge mouth... But yesterday I discover if you holding truck. that thing cant eat you
24 Feb, 2019 @ 5:08am
i haven't seen that thing yet but it sure is sick
Tags: Subnautica: Below Zero
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