Wallpaper Engine

Wallpaper Engine

140 voti
Canvas Ribbons - HyperX Edition
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Type: Web
Age Rating: Everyone
Genre: Abstract
Resolution: Dynamic resolution
Category: Wallpaper
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1.066 MB
24 gen 2019, ore 22:57
25 gen 2019, ore 20:50
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Canvas Ribbons - HyperX Edition

To combine with your peripherals ;)

This is an adaptation to Wallpaper Engine, the base code is made by Boris Šehovac and it was modified.
Source: https://codepen.io/bsehovac/pen/LQVzxJ
7 commenti
CasePB 30 nov 2021, ore 9:34 
@demonD4ys Thank you.
demonD4ys  [autore] 30 nov 2021, ore 9:08 
CasePB: Sorry for the late response. I cant update this as it is very old and I do not have access. But if you want to remove the logo, you can right click on the wallpaper (in the menu), Select "Open in explorer / Folder location" and delete the file "hyperx.png" or open "index.html" with an editor text and delete line 17 that refers to the image, Greetings.
CasePB 20 nov 2021, ore 21:39 
Can you remove the logo? I can't use this on my OLED with that logo.
Perkeleen jonne 15 feb 2021, ore 8:00 
best hyperx themed wallpaper
05 регион 4 gen 2021, ore 22:20 
я не знаю почему но картинка начала двигаться быстрее, мне это не очень нравится
хотелось бы чтобы она двигалась медленнее, но это даже в настройках нельзя сделать
demonD4ys  [autore] 22 mar 2019, ore 11:37 
Gakko, Thank you!
If you like you can use the article already uploaded to my profile "Canvas Ribbons RGB" which is used as a base and is completely customizable. Regards!
Gakko 22 mar 2019, ore 10:42 
This is quite a good wallpaper. Thank you.