LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga

LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga

804 ratings
Cheat Codes (For The Lazy's)
By ill see you on the flip
Cheat Codes for the people who don't wanna go through the wacky stuff
Ah, The Complete Saga. I remember when this game first came out and me and a couple of friends would come over every day for a week. We finsished the main game in 3 days, and the rest of the whatevers in the remaining 4 days. The only things we forgot were all the Power Bricks, Minikits, Extras, and Characters. We didn't care about the money and buying stuff. We just used cheats to get them. If you're like us, then you'll want to check this guide. & If your wondering if I used these cheats, I did when I played on the Wii, but on Steam I like to play legally
The Bar & Cheat Code Entering
When you load your game from the main menu, you start up into the main area of the cantina. If you start inside of a specific episode, you need to exit the area found on the left (,or to be more specific the northwest). If you find yourself outside of the cantina, the entrance door is to the left (, which to again be specific, northwest.) To the left of you, you will find the bar,
where you can purchase Hints, Characters, Extras, Cheats, Power Bricks, and Movies You'll need to select The ? with the blue circle thats says Enter Code. using the W,A,S,D keys, if your using a keyboard (for default controls). If your using a controller, use your primary control stick, for example, The top left stick on an Xbox 360 Controller, or the left stick on a dualshock controller. To select, its j for keyboards, and for controllers its your primary button that you can bind inside of Steams Big Picture mode. When entering a code,for keyboard controls you press W,S, for controllers, its Up & Down for your primary control stick to scroll through the letters and numbers. To chose the spot of where you want to enter the character (letter or number) you press A,D for a keyboard, and the left and right of your primary control stick for controllers. Once done entering your code, you will press the J key on the keyboard, and the primary button for your controller. If you hear a noise of a Cash Register, you entered a usable code. If you hear a Fart-Like sound, you entered a code that is not acceptable
NOTE: This list will be continously updated with more codes every once in a while. The places where I get the codes are from cheating websites. I will put the source of the website and the username of the person who submitted the code(s)


Admiral Ackbar - ACK646
Battle Droid Commander - KPF958
Boba Fett - LA811Y
Boss Nass - HHY697
Captain Tarpals - QRN714
Count Dooku - DDD748
Darth Maul - H35TUX
Darth Sidious - A32CAM
Ewok - EWK785
General Grievous - PMN576
Greedo - ZZR636
IG-88 - GIJ989
Imperial Guard - GUA850
Jango Fett - KLJ897
Ki Adi Mundi - MUN486
Luminara - LUM521
Padme - VBJ322
R2-Q5 - EVILR2
Sandtrooper - CBR954
Stormtrooper - NBN431
Super Battle Droid - XZNR21
Taun We - PRX482
Vulture Droid - BDC866
Watto - PLL967
Zam Wesell - 584HJ
AAB123 - Droid Tri-Fighter

1 - 25 Posted by truegunner62, michael82 & Jordan newton from
26 - from


Disguise - BRJ437
Force Grapple - CLZ738
FBM834 Power Brick Detector
VXZ193 Stud Magnet
HS9K44 Invincibility
HBF899 Score x2
DQY857 Score x4
NMP499 Score x6
XXY99G Score x8
VXZ123 Score x10
FBM152 Minikit Detector
NUJ866 Inifinite Torpedos

1 - 2 Posted by micheal82 from
3 - 12 from Gamespot
arjubaba 12 Feb @ 3:13am 
Bjorn Swopey 2 Feb @ 4:14pm 
brow i have100 .o persent:steamthumbsdown:
chris 24 Oct, 2024 @ 12:39am 
my snake turned into a titanaboa and started talking after number 3
ottto 27 Aug, 2024 @ 12:09pm 
is there a code for unlocking all the minikits
IShowFinance 23 Oct, 2023 @ 5:37am 
hello i enter the secondary code and my [REDACTED] is gone. Hello can yo u help me on this issue
Shockforce 20 Sep, 2023 @ 12:37pm 
nah.... i just download a 100 save file
Gray Gravy V 21 Jul, 2023 @ 6:31pm 
After I entered the second code my ______________________________
batesy 20 Jul, 2023 @ 3:03am 
after i did the second code a bomb went off in my neighbourhood
dragonliam12 16 Jul, 2023 @ 12:53am 
after i entered the second code, my cat turned green and grew 20 extra legs, and now it's barking
A Warm Bus Seat 27 Apr, 2023 @ 8:07am 
Every time you enter a code, someone gets a free egg