The Ultimate Clicker Master of the Universe

The Ultimate Clicker Master of the Universe

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The Ultimate Achievement Guide
By fqpl
Ultimate 100% Achievement Guide
On the 22nd of March 2019 "The Ultimate Clicker Master of the Universe" got removed from the Steam Store. In the post below you can read more about it:

The removal of the game will come with some changes!!

Regarding the Game play:
  • There game will receive no more updates
  • There will be no more Events
  • Not sure if the Developer will continue to reset the weekly high score

Regarding the Achievements:
  • "Find the blue Penguin -We need his magical feces"
    You can not obtain the blue Penguin since the developer gave out this item manually. The only way to get this Achievement is borrowing the Item from a friend who owns it already
  • All other Achievement should unlock like usual. But I am not 100% sure about that.

  • "We are more then just Friends - Send a friends request to the Developer"
    No Change. It seems the Developer can still accept friend requests

The High-score should get reset every week, sunday afternoon (CEST).
ABOUT - Cheating
I might mention it straight in the beginning: the penguin doesnt like Auto Clickers. Auto Clicker are getting detected and you automatically ending up with a beautiful not Tradable and not Marketable item in your steam inventory.
ITEM - Related to Cheating

The Cheater Item looks like this

Don`t cheat. If you can`t beat the "Clicker Master" get creative or try it next week again.
ITEMS - What can they do?
There are different opportunities to gain steam inventory items for the game.
Those Items will give you slight advantage in form of click boosts, cosmetics or simply bragging rights. Those Items and their characteristics are listed below.

I used to list the Items bellow, but since the Developer is adding more and more Items I decided to make a separate Guide just about the TUCMotU Steam Inventory, Items and their characteristics.

I will post the Link as soon as I can finish the Guide.

Note: useful links related to new or upcoming Items, down below

However I want to mention two Items in this Guide
ITEMS - Power Stones
The Blue Power Stone and The Red Power Stone

The Blue Power Stone
If you still have the most clicks on Sunday afternoon (CEST) you will receive "The Red Power Stone" from the old gods. You also will move into another League: "The Clicker Master League"

The Red Power Stone

If you still have the most clicks on Sunday afternoon (CEST) and you are a member of "The Clicker Master League" you will receive "The Blue Power Stone" from the old gods.

The Blue Power Stone

Those Power Stones are Steam Inventory items and according to the developer, it gives you a small advantage at an upcoming event.

ACHIEVEMENTS (9) - Clicker
Those Achievements are related on how many clicks you can make in 30 Seconds. Click on the square located on the Rune Stone. As soon as the counter starts your 30 seconds are running out

Note: It is taff getting more than 350 clicks in 30 seconds. At least it gave me a hard time. Be a master and think out of the box - and only use the tools you got given!
  • EDIT: since the new Update (16.09.18) is seems the box of creativity got smaller and clicking got even harder for us - "The-Red-Clicker-square" is moving now with the rising amount of clicks.

Beginner - Do 100 clicks in 30 seconds
click the Power Stone 100 times in 30 Seconds

Clicker - Do 200 clicks in 30 seconds
click the Power Stone 200 times in 30 Seconds

Good Clicker - Do 250 Clicks in 30 Seconds
click the Power Stone 250 times in 30 Seconds

Crazy Clicker - Do 300 Clicks in 30 Seconds
click the Power Stone 300 times in 30 Seconds

Ultimate Clicker - Do 350 Clicks in 30 Seconds
click the Power Stone 350 times in 30 Seconds

10000 Clicks - Click the Rune Stone 10000 times!
gather a total of 10.000 clicks on the Rune-Stone

Help from the old Gods - Get a Clicker Bonus of 19 or more
own Rune1, Rune3, Rune5, Rune10 and any Community Item

exactly 222 - Play a round with exactly 222 Clicks (incl. Bonus)
Score: 208. Your Inventory: Rune1+Rune3+Rune10. Exactly 222
(your bonus also gets displayed in the Game)

Full Power - Charge the Charge Rune with 1000 Clicks
Click on your Charge Rune Stone a 1000 times, you have to own the "Unique Charge Rune"

The Charge Rune Stone is located on a stone underneath the Penguin

Those Achievements are time related - Play the Game for 2h and they will unlock. If you do not want to help the Penguin, idle the Game and make yourself a cup of tea instead.

You finally made it! - Find your way to the rune stone.
Launch the Game

Waste your time - Play the game two hours at a time.
Yes that`s right, play the Game for 2h
ACHIEVEMENTS (2) - Rune Stone
Simply play 100 Rounds

Ten rounds played - Activate the Rune Stone ten times
Play 10 Rounds

100 rounds played - Activate the Rune Stone 100 times
Play 100 Rounds
4 beautiful Items - Own at least four Items in your inventory (every Item counts)
Own any 4 Items of the Game

8 wonderful Items - Own at least eight Items in your inventory (every Item counts)
Own any 8 Items of the Game

Sabotage! - Try to make the Rune Stone of the Clicker Master useless for 3 hours
Attack the the Clicker Masters Rune Stone once with a sabotage Rune

What are friends for? - Steal 105 Clicks in total from a Steam Friend
Attack the the Clicker Masters Rune Stone 3 times successful by using the the Thief Rune.
Note: if the Clicker Master uses one or more Protection Runes it will not count as a successful attack

Ever send a penguin to do a machine's job! -Send your Penguin to the Clicker Master and let him try to scam his clicks
You will need the Scam Rune for this.

Don't get salty, man! -Catch a enemy Penguin while he is scamming your Clicks
This is from the perspective of the scammed one. The Penguins appearance will change. Click on him in order to gain the Achievement

Find the blue Penguin -We need his magical feces
Simply find the blue penguin in order to get the Item "The Blue Penguin to go!", in order to get the Achievement. I cant give you many hints for that one.
Think out of the box is the only hint I can give you

Get the ♥♥♥♥ out of him -Collect 20 Units of blue Paint or more.
Collect 20 Units of blue Paint or more, finding the blue Penguin might help since he gives your a weekly boost of 5 Paint

My Stone is my Castle - Raise your Defence to 500 % (900 Points) or more
Use the Protection Runes until you reach a defence of 900 Points. 1 Protection Rune has a value of 180 Points

Selfmade Rune - Make a Rune 10 from Paint
Use the Crafting System and get yourself a Rune 10.
You are able to craft Paint from your Spare Runes. 20 Paint will turn into one Rune10

It is more blessed to give than to receive
As Paulus said: Try to get the toxic sabotage rune - and then get rid of it!

There is just one toxic sabotage rune in existence, what can make it a little difficult to obtain this Achievement.
Simply own the Toxic Rune in order to unlock the Achievement.

Trading is the only way to obtain it. Visit the Games Discord if you need any help finding out who owns the Rune at the moment. The Channel is called #were-is-the-toxic-rune
In order to help the other Clickers don`t forget to add your profile if you got hold of the Rune.

The Toxic Rune will drop for everyone now simply by idling the game, since the community failed to handle just one unique toxic rune. (for more information please read the item description or ask on discord)

Note: Owning this Rune will disable all your other Runes and the game will not drop you any Items further until you give it to another person.

Lonely again? - You thought: "the Waifu is so rare, I hope he will never make an achievement with it" - your wishes come true, now! Thanks to proudlarry for your idea!

Simply own any Waifu (Item, its a Skin).
You can get this Item from Playtime Chests.
Opening Playtime Chests have a 0.5 % chance to give you this skin- pretty rare.
You also can get this Skin from Events (I got this item by winning the "One Click" Event).
  • "The old gods mentioned that 72000 seconds can also turn you into a Waifu. time will tell."
ACHIEVEMENTS (10) - Others
We are more then just Friends - Send a friends request to the Developer
This is his Profile:
Cool Dude.

Don't be a baxtr
Just don't be a baxtr (
Ok, baxtr is this dudes Steam Profile .If you are not baxtr, you will get this Achievement automaticly when starting the game.

To be honest I didnt not find any explaination why this achievement even exists. Maybe baxtr knows more. baxtr?

Rich Penguin
Get rich just by playing The Ultimate Clicker Master of the Universe - collect 100 Coins

  • You should get up to 8 Coins a day and up to an extra 6 coins if you own the "Gold Rune".
  • If you become "The Ultimate Clicker Master of the Week" you will get also 50 coins on top of the "Power Stone".
  • "Starter Kit" also contains some Coins

The white penguin
Rescue the white penguin - think out of the box!
I will not tell you how to get this Achievement - find it out yourself, think out of the box! where could the white Penguin be?

Two hints for you:
  • he is not on your Desktop or hidden in some Game files.
  • the black penguin gets angry when you looking for the white guy, he will kick you out off the game. but hold on, the game is not finished there.

Stop the wind
Stop the wind with the magic Wind Rune (playtime drop)

Get the Wind Rune in your Steam Inventory.
  • This Rune has a 7% chance to drop.
  • Next time you startup the game you will notice a new Rune in the bottom left side of the screen. This Rune will mute the sound of the Game.
  • Click it in order to gain the Achievement

Make the game smaller then Mercurys ♥♥♥♥!
Yes, I'm talking about his chicken - minimize the game.
Get the Rune (it is a Playtime drop). Minimize the game window. Earn the Achivement.

Penguin threesome
Play the game with two friends at the same time (The game currently shown on the profile of your friends has to be The Ultimate Clicker Master of the Universe)

Stop talking, Penguin - Silence him!
Click the Penguin, click him!

From Piska with love!
Fulfill Piskas wish and play The Ultimate Clicker Master of the Universe for more then 500 hours!
Play the game for 500 hours. This will give you an Item, what will give you the Achievement.

Ultimate Clicker Master
Become the Utlimate Clicker Master of the Universe - there can only be one
Yes that`s right "CM" stands for Clicker Master. Become Clicker Master once and the achievement will unlock.

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Thanks to the Developer tweeting me additional information for this Guide

and thank YOU for stopping by!

Mercury 4 Dec, 2018 @ 5:02pm 
The reason for the baxtr achievement can be found in 100Pals discord; one day baxtr got annoyed at Steven since h kept adding more achievements to his game. I suggested the achievement, was a good laugh.
Ruby 18 Nov, 2018 @ 3:28pm 
steven.hustler 13 Sep, 2018 @ 7:28am 
Haha, really old screenshot - no way to become Clicker Master with 206 clicks since there are so many creative hardcore-gamer on the Server!
( ◜◡‾)っ✂ ⋃ 11 Sep, 2018 @ 5:13pm 
Good guideline:smilingrisa: