Dota 2
1,642 értékelés
The way to customize dota! [Legacy,outdated]
Készítő: seven
Like many other source games, Dota 2 has also have the ability to customize it. Improving the overall game makes you happy, and the part of it too. Way to customize it, step by step!
  • The use of –override_vpk is no longer allowed in matchmaking games in order to prevent gaining a competitive advantage
  • So basically, valve just disabled this whole thing to make money. End of story. It was a long ride with tons of fun, but its over! (No, its not check youtube there is a way, but i want to keep this legal, so its over for this guide. Thanks for your love!)
  • Download section is now available
  • Updated Winter map informations
  • Old hero models now with download links
  • Fixed link to "Updated-new icons"
  • Added Background change to the Loading Screen section
  • Hud of the Dark Mysteries has been added to the 'Models' tab
  • Added 'Coming Soon' tab for future predicts
  • Added example pictures to Hero Portrait Positions
  • Removed 'Colorful names' tab, due it's not working anymore
Step One
All mods are client-side only, meaning that only people who have the mod installed will be able to see it.

To get your custom mods, you have to enable it manually. To do that, you need to add the following line to the launch options (right click to Dota and the Properties)


There are tons of other setting as well which you can use in this session
  • -console
  • -novid
  • -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -useforcedmparms
  • -high
  • -windowed -w # -h # -noborder

Loading Screen and Background
Tired of looking the same screen over a year? Time to change! Nothing easier, then replace the loading screen with your own, or some other cool pictures. You will need VTFedit[] with these settings:

It also depends what type of menu you use.
  • For the international version you have to save the name with "background01_int.vtf".
  • If its a standard dota style save it as "background01.vtf".

After you done with the saved .vtf navigate to Steam directory ("X:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\materials\console") and simply paste into it. If you don't have a 'console' folder just create it.[/b]

The way is almost similar, to get a new background. Since these files are in '.dds' format, you will need a plug-in to your software to be able to save it. I used Gimp with a DDS plug[]. All you have to do, is edit the originals, or create a new background.

Just like the loading screens, it also depends what type of menu you use.
  • If you're using international version you have to save as "dash_bg_dota2ti_2012".
  • If its a standard dota style save it as ""
  • These files are 1024*1024px sized, keep that in mind.

When you're done with your work, paste the file into:
"X:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\resource\flash3\images\dashboard"
If you don't have a 'dashboard' folder just create it.[/b]

Here is the two original Background:
Hero Icons
Hero icons arround the score in-game, are also variable. (It also works on the scoreboard, hero picks, in-game chat, profile stats) There is an example to show (click to enlarge)



To create your own, you need the original icons, which can find here. It also needs to be .png, jpeg bmp or tga is not working! After you done with the modify, you still have to resize it to 128*72 px. The name of the picture has to be the same as the hero! (for eg. skywrath_mage.png; antimage.png; phantom_lancer.png) Now navigate to "X:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\resource\flash3\images\heroes" and place them into there. You won't have those folders, so you have to create it!

Once again:
  • .png
  • 128*72
  • hero named files
  • create flash3\images\heroes folders

Here is an example:

"npc_dota_hero_antimage" "Anti-Mage" "npc_dota_hero_lina" "Lina"

As you can see at the left, the heroes are simple names without any interesting symbol. You have to follow these rules while giving the name to the picture.

"npc_dota_hero_sand_king" "Sand King" "npc_dota_hero_nevermore" "Shadow Fiend"
original source from dota_english.txt

In this case you have to take a look at the right side as well. These are the in-game names of the characters. If you made a new picture for Shadow Fiend you have to name it as nevermore.png instead of shadow fiend.png. Sand_king.png instead of sand king.png. The left side will be always the name of your files!

Spell/Ability Icons
Similar to heroes, you can change certain spell icons. Start with some visual instead of imagination:



As we did in the previous few minutes, we're still working with photoshop. These icons have to be 128*128 sized in .png form - without any background, if you're using alpha just like me in the example pictures. Just like before, the name of the picture has to wear the spell's name + the hero's name! (for eg. invoker_exort.png; witch_doctor_death_ward.png) Now navigate to "X:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\resource\flash3\images\spellicons" and place them into there. You won't have those folders, so you have to create it!

  • 128*128px
  • .png
  • named by hero + abilty/spells
  • create flash3\images\spellicons\ folders

So how the hell?!

You can find the hero's spells/abilities here. Lets pick Night Stalker. He's skill, void has a picture which you want to replace. We know the hero's name and the spell's as well. So it's night_stalker_void.png.

"npc_dota_hero_night_stalker" "Night Stalker" "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_night_stalker_void"

Or troll's Berserker's Rage. It seems a more difficult than the previous, but it isn't. Hero name with ability name = troll_warlord_berserkers_rage.png.

"npc_dota_hero_troll_warlord" "Troll Warlord" DOTA_Tooltip_ability_troll_warlord_berserkers_rage"
original source from dota_english.txt

You can use some source as well, here is Cyborgmatt's blog[] about the low violence ability icons.
Item icons
Last but not least the items. What about a Venomancer scepter? Maybe Akasha? Jakiro with blink? So much options to choose... Just create something epic, and use your own burtal item! Probably the easiest job to do this. Thats it! Pick an Urn, create something epic, and place it. And how to? Let's see..

Since these are only items, you don't have to search for the name. We still working with PS, in the same 'flash3' folder. To create improved items you can use the original source. The most simple way to get the name is to get it's url. (right click on the item, and copy the url)

For example we have a new Demon Edge idea. Lets pick the original picture, pimp it and save. So what's the name?
We copied the link so we know it has to be: demon_edge.png = http://.../items/demon_edge_lg.png'

I hope it's understandable. And now the important part.

As the previous mods, these are going to the same place too. "X:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\resource\flash3\images\items\" You still have to create the 'items' folder to get this working. They have to be in 85*64 pixels in .png formatum, just like the others. When you are done, just place the files into the folder.

Once again:
All Pick
Since you can edit your layout at the pick stage, you wanted to create something heavier right? While you started to make the draw you figured out its a bit harder as you thought. But help is on the way, use a custom modded site to make it much easier!

You can create your own, or download other people works from here[]. The options will help you to move the characters exactly where you want to. Use the keyboard, the mouse with the grid to make a fine layout. Save it and share with the others. Profit!

When you are finished changing your layout press the “Export Layout” button. This will ask you to save a layout text file somewhere. Put it in the following location:
"X:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg\layout\"
Once the file is in your layouts directory, load up the Dota 2 Client. Join a game and when you can select a hero go to the Grid Selection screen. Press the edit button, and then the Import button. This should bring a list of layouts, select the name of the one you just saved and presto – your layout should show up in Dota 2!
Old Hero Names/Portrait Positions
An other great thing, is to rename the heroes. No more Io instead of Wisp!

Navigate to: "X:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\resource\dota_english.txt". Open it with some kind of editor (notepad, word etc.) and search for the hero's name. It's gonna look something like this:

//Hero Names "npc_dota_hero_queenofpain" "Queen of Pain" "npc_dota_hero_antimage" "Anti-Mage" "npc_dota_hero_kunkka" "Kunkka" "npc_dota_hero_lina" "Lina" "npc_dota_hero_mirana" "Mirana" "npc_dota_hero_windrunner" "Windrunner"

Just edit the right side, give them something new like this:

//Hero Names "npc_dota_hero_queenofpain" "Queen of Boobs" "npc_dota_hero_antimage" "Magic Sux" "npc_dota_hero_kunkka" "Pirate Captain and not announcer" "npc_dota_hero_lina" "Hellfire ♥♥♥♥♥♥" "npc_dota_hero_mirana" "Who is she" "npc_dota_hero_windrunner" "Windows 95 runner"

IMPORTANT! - there are a tons dota_xxx.txt files, you have to edit the currently used language. For example you're Dota is operating with czech you have to edit dota_czech.txt.

You can also edit the other lines, such as the Paused texts, heroes lore, tooltips, item names etc. Just search for the title you want to edit, and replace it with something else. At the end just hit save [crtl+s] and start the game.

Keep in mind, that almost all dota updates change the .txt you edited, so make a copy of it. I think the 'read-only' versions can work, but i'm not sure.

You can also change the hero portrait position, in certain ways. To make it easier here is a txt[] which i'm used. You can place your hero far behind, or smaller. It's all up to you.

Simply copy it, paste into a txt file and save folder under
"X:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\scripts\npc\" with the name "portraits.txt". If you don't have the folders, just create them.

Left is the original, right is the one which was reworked.
Do you remember the greeviling? Still wake up beated by Rosh candies? Relive the moment! Play the old maps. May you don't know, but dota stored the winter, and halloween maps too. To get it just go to the "X:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\maps\ folders. You will see the original (summer?) style map called "dota.bsp" and "dota.gnv". There are two others called dota_winter, and dota_autumn. Just rename one of them to dota.bsp and dota.gnv and enjoy the season! BE SURE TO MAKE A COPY OF THE ORIGINALS!

We figured out today, that the old diretide/autumn/halloween map is not working for any reason. Also in the winter map, at the Dire-offlane Sideshop some trees are bugged, if you try to cut them off. Therefore the only possible change is the winter one. You also will need this to change the minimap:

dota_test { material overviews/dota_winter // texture file pos_x -8204 // X coordinate pos_y 8173 // Y coordinate scale 16 // scale used when taking the screenshot rotate 0 // map was rotated by 90 degrees in image editor zoom 1.05 // optimal zoom factor if map is shown in full size }

Save it as a dota.txt file, under folder
"X:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\resource\overviews\"

What do you think about the old models? Purple Lion, red Silencer and the others? Did you miss them? I say no sir!

Golden mortred with old Brew[]

Red Silencer[]

Purple Lion[]

Creating 3D models, and ripping into source are also a way to improve the game. However, it will only show for you, and you can't share it, you still have a great time with it. It will replace the original models, with new or older ones.
For example this pudge couirer will replace the original donkey with a mini-pudge:

Looking good right? To create these items i recommend to take a look at Vladimir >the implyer's guide.
@Some of you may notice, that i'm used this hud for some screenshot. What could i say? This is the best ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hud so far! Please help dude, SpeedFreak's awesome hud to get in the game! Vote, share, subs, do everything you can to make this happen! See you in the game, Mysteries!
These are some simple way to improve the visualization of Dota 2. Don't be afraid, it's all legit! Don't even think about VAC, these are just skins/mods. I hope you all enjoyed it, and having great fun with some new skins with awesome huds, and announcers! You're not done yet, go!

Valve eredeti hozzászólása:
If a user connects to a VAC-Secured server from a computer with identifiable cheats installed, the VAC system will ban the user from playing on VAC-Secured servers in the future.
Use caution when installing any game modifications, such as scripts or custom skins. Only download custom content from trusted sources. Hackers sometimes maliciously disguise their cheats to cause others to get banned.

P.S don't ask for huds, items or anything like that! Even if it's possible, still illegal. Use the store, or trade it!
Some of you guys, requested to make all of these downloadable, to get an example to your own hands.

Dota 2 Old icon pack[] - this one is from the begining, before TI2. Place it into folder
"X:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\resource\flash3\images\items\"
When you extract the files, you will see the name of the items, such us armlet, yasha, mekam, gem etc. In the next you also get all of the sources to grap more icons, so this pack will coming handy while you're searching for the names.

Updated-new icons[]

Scepter icons[]

Some other icons[]

Dagger icons[]


Mini pudge courier[]

Hud of the Dark Mysteries are offically realesed by SpeedFreak (@credits goes to him) for free. Check it out! Hud of the Dark Mysteries[]

Feel free to ask questions, requesting items, sharing with friends. Also don't forget to rate, and find the favourites buttons.

At the begining i didn't think this guide gonna be popular. The first few day's invites were okay, but this is ridiculous now. Still more then 30 pending friend req are too much. Guys, i cannot handle this type of attacks, so please instead of sending a request ask you questions here!

Coming soon:
No more secret...
387 megjegyzés
Officer Merlini 2016. jan. 24., 10:59 
in the english text data you able to find the names of all you need ;)
Der Löwe 2015. aug. 24., 14:10 
Anyone know the name of alchmist ult? Chemical_Rage does not work :(
kamikoshi sorawo 2015. júl. 29., 4:48 
Did valve just removed everything now? ):
Ashnod 2015. júl. 21., 9:05 
out of date, please remove and upload a new for dota 2 reborn & newest patch for dota 2 regular
明明鸡 2015. máj. 9., 19:51 
WhoDooVooDoo 2015. ápr. 13., 19:18 
°\(o_o)/°sorry 2015. jan. 22., 12:41 
donki 2015. jan. 14., 6:05 
Is there anyway to edit minimap hero icon?
Verax 2014. dec. 30., 5:19 
[A]ntony 2014. dec. 27., 10:42 