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Copyright Infringement Mod
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23 ago 2018, ore 9:22
27 dic 2018, ore 12:49
13 note di rilascio ( visualizza )

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Copyright Infringement Mod

Just a simple modpack that adds weapons and cosmetics from a variety of franchises to your world.

The weapons will just randomly spawn in chest and each weapon is balanced to be as good if not a little better than what you'd find in that tier normally with a lot of weapons having unique mechanics such as Nail the nail from Hollow Knight that you can pogo off enemies with or the NES Blaster that leaves a static explosion a set distance from where you shoot.

We're trying our best to make every weapon unique and make it function like in the original game. Our weapons aren't just durasteel broadsword's reskins.

If you have any suggestions for weapons or simple cosmetics to add then feel free to leave a comment, but realize that some suggestions are much easier to add then others.

To spawn an item use /spawnitem <ID> (you have to be in admin mode, do /admin)

The list below is a list of all the franchises and the items (plus their IDs if you want to spawn them) you'll see from them:

Super Mario
Mario's costume wmariocap, wmariochest, wmariolegs
Luigi's costume wluigicap, wluigichest, wluigilegs
Wario's costume wwariocap, wwariochest, wwariolegs
Waluigi's costume wwaluigicap, wwaluigichest, wwaluigilegs
Poltergust 5000 wpoltergust
F.L.U.D.D. wfludd

The Legend of Zelda
Master Sword wmastersword
Guardian Sword++ wguardiansword

BFG wbfg
Super Shotgun wsupershotgun
Doomguy's set wdoomhead/chest/legs

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Air Bending wairbending
Water Bending wwaterbending
Fire Bending wfirebending
Earth Bending wearthbending

Blue's cap wbluehat
Brendon's cap wbrendonhat
Dawn's cap wdawnhat
Ethan's cap wethanhat
Green's cap wgreenhat
Kris' cap wkrishat
Lucas' cap wlucashat
Lyra's cap wlyrahat
May's cap wmayhat
Red's cap wredhat

Bodvar's weapons and head wbodvarsword, wbodvarhammer, wbodvarhead
Queen Nai's weapons and head wnaispear, wnaikatar, wnaihead
Hattori's weapons and head whattorispear, whattorisword, whattorihead
Cassidy's weapos and head wcassidygun, wcassidyhammer, wcassidyhead
Gnash's weapons and head wgnashhammer, wgnashspear, wgnashhead
Orion's weapons and head worionspear, worionlance, worionhead
Sir Roland's weapons and head wrolandsword, wrolandlance, wrolandhead
Lord Vraxx's weapons and head wvraxxlance, wvraxxgun, wvraxxhead

Dave's head wdavehead
John's head wjohnhead
Rose's head wrosehead
Jade's head wjadehead
Broken Welsh wbrokenwelsh
Homes Smell Ya Later whomes

Night's Edge wnightsedge
Excalibur wterrariaexcalibur
True Night's Edge wtruenightsedge
True Excalibur wtrueexcalibur
Terra Blade wterrablade
Crystal Storm wcrystalstorm
Demon Scythe wdemonscythe

Ness' head wnesshead
Poo's head wpoohead
Paula's head wpaulahead
Jeff's head wjeffhead

Cave Story
Quote's cap wquotecap
Quote's vest wquotechest
Quote's pants wquotelegs
Polar Star (3 levels) wpolarstar1/2/3
Spur wspur

Gordon Freeman's head wfreemanhead
The Crowbar wcrowbar

Shovel Knight
Shovel Knight's helmet wshovelhelmet

Sly Cooper
Sly Cooper's cane wcoopercane
Sly Cooper's mask wcoopercap

Silver sword wsilversword
Iron sword wironsword

Samus' arm cannon warmcannon
Samus' helmet wsamushelmet

Mega Man
Mega Man's blaster wmegablaster
Mega Man's helmet wmegamanhelmet

Team Fortress 2
Cow Mangler (blue and red) wcowmangler, wcowmanglerb
Gibus hat wgibus
Pyrovision Goggles wpyrogoggles
Gibus hat & Pyrovision Goggles wpyroandgibus

Hollow Knight
Nail wnail
Knight's Mask whollowmask

Dead Space
Isaac Clarke's helmet wisaachelmet
Plasma Cutter wplasmacutter

Enter The Gungeon
Casey wcasey
Lower Case R wlowercaser

Diamond Sword wdiamondsword

Vault set wvaultchest/legs

Artoria's Excalibur wexcalibur

Castle Crashers
Purple Crasher's set wccpurplehead/chest/legs
Red Crasher's set wccredhead/chest/legs
Pink Crasher's set wccpinkhead/chest/legs
Green Crasher's set wccgreenhead/chest/legs
Blue Crasher's set wccbluehead/chest/legs
Gray Crasher's set wccgrayhead/chest/legs
Orange Crasher's set wccorangehead/chest/legs

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Jotaro's Cap wjotarohead

Shantae's Hair wshantaehair

Iron Helmet wskyrimhelmet

Needler wneedler
Plasma Sword wplasmasword
Master Chief's Helmet whalohelmet

Darkest Dungeon
Plague Doctor's costume wdoctormask, wdoctorchest, wdoctorlegs
Razor's Edge wrazorsedge
Long Crusade wlongcrusade
Caltrops wcaltrop
Ancestral set wancestralchest/legs

Sakuya's Stopwatch wstopwatch

Final Fantasy
Cloud's Buster Sword wbustersword

Kingdom Hearts
Sora's Keyblade wkeyblade

007 GoldenEye
Golden Gun wgoldengun

Widowmaker's Sniper Rifle wwidowrifle

NES Zapper wneszapper