Permanently Banned
즐겨찾기 해제
댓글 8
Nosferatu  [작성자] 2021년 5월 24일 오전 7시 09분 
Yes you're right, they can abuse terms of service and ban users with literally zero reason with the user violating the terms of service zero times.
Windows_9_8 2021년 5월 24일 오전 5시 32분 
you agree with the terms of servise, thay are in the right to do it
JackTheRex 2020년 12월 28일 오후 4시 11분 

sTaY sAfE oUt ThErE
Nosferatu  [작성자] 2019년 7월 9일 오후 12시 25분 
I literally have never even touched my file. I've never gone into my save file other than to copy it and then paste it elsewhere on my desktop in case the game erased my progress (a bug they had long ago). I've never even gone into the file.
Nosferatu  [작성자] 2018년 8월 20일 오전 5시 23분 
Nosferatu  [작성자] 2018년 8월 20일 오전 5시 20분 
Nosferatu  [작성자] 2018년 8월 19일 오전 8시 06분 
They never even told me if that's what is really why I'm being banned or if they somehow expect me of hacking legacy or bloodpoints or something.
Swevenfoxドリーミー狐 2018년 8월 19일 오전 6시 04분 
let me get this straigth. You being banned for making save files of your own progression especially after they themselves admitted that its the right way to secure your time with the WELL KNOWN SAVE FILE LOSS? God damn it BHVR.. :/