Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World

35 vurderinger
Hunting Basics in MH: World
Af Unyke og 1 partnere
This guide is just a shortened version of the game's manual.

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Using your hunter's notes
You can view your Hunter's Notes by accessing Start Menu > Info > Hunter's Notes.

Your Hunter's Notes are chock-full of essential information on monsters and hunting. If you want to learn more about the locale you're in, the details and characteristics of monsters, or even check detailed notes on each weapon's controls, don't hesitate to give your Hunter's Notes a thorough read!
Using your scoutflies
Your scoutflies will react to objects you can interact with out in the field, such as gathering points.

Specifying a scoutfly target
If you want your scoutflies to focus on a specific target, open your wildlife map, select a gathering point or monster on the map with your cursor, and press "C" to drop a pin on it.

Large monsters will appear not only as icons on your wildlife map, but also on the list in bottom left corner of the wildlife map screen. You can drop a pin on a monster in the list to set it as your scoutflies' target.

Tracking large monsters
By examining the "traces" that large monsters leave behind, your scoutflies will pick up on the monster's trail, leading you to more of its traces, and eventually to the monster itself.

As you collect traces, you will develop a "research level" for each large monster. The higher your research level for a given monster is, the faster your scoutflies will react to its traces and pick up on its location.

You can increase a given monster's research level by reporting to the Ecological Research Center in Astera after collecting enough traces.
Utilizing the slinger
The slinger is a multipurpose support tool that serves all kinds of uses out on a hunt. You can load stones and pods found out in the field into it to fire as projectiles, and even use it as a grappling hook in certain situations.

You can only use your slinger when your main weapon is sheathed, unless using the sword & shield.

Finding and firing ammo

Keep an eye out for objects you can load into your slinger. Once you've found something, press "RMB" to load it. While holding down "V", aim with your mouse, then fire with "LMB".

If you try to load your slinger when it is already loaded with another item, the newer item will replace the loaded item, and the loaded item will fall to the ground. Fallen items can be picked up and reloaded into the slinger.

Each item loaded into the slinger has different effects, such as inflicting damage, or luring monsters to you. If you pick up some new slinger ammo, be sure to test it out!

Using the capture net

Loading the capture net into your slinger allows you to capture all sorts of endemic life.

First, load the capture net by selecting it from the item bar and pressing "E".
Once loaded, press and hold "V" and use your mouse to aim your net, then press "LMB" to fire.

- The capture net can only capture creatures designated as "endemic life".
- "Endemic life" can be placed as pets in your room.

Using the grappling hook

You can latch onto wedge beetles with your rope to swing across areas.
While holding down "V", aim with your mouse, and press "RMB" to hook onto a wedge beetle.
While swinging from your rope, you can jump by pressing "Shift".

If you happen to find a Mernos or other small wingdrake, you can use them as a mode of transportation. When a wingdrake is staggered, press "RMB" to hook onto it with your rope.

You will not be able to let go of the rope until the wingdrake has reached its destination.
Taking advantage of your surroundings
Utilizing the environment can give you the edge during a hunt. Pay close attention to your surroundings and think about how you can use them to your advantage.

By crouching in brush, you can hide yourself from monsters and avoid combat. Monsters will still be able to spot you in certain cases, so make sure you have a good grasp of your surroundings.

Useful Flora and Insects

There are certain flora and insects that provide immediate effects when interacted with. For example, Vitalilies will replenish your health, and Flashflies emit a bright flash of light that can temporarily blind monsters.

Terrain Awareness
There are certain areas that, when struck with a weapon or slinger projectile, will trigger boulders to fall. You can cause them to fall right on top of monsters with skillful timing.

Besides boulders, there are various other environmental traps you can use to your advantage. Examine your surroundings and utilize them wisely.
4 kommentarer
making mustard 15. apr. 2021 kl. 12:16 
sry no eng fix
Maximus 10. apr. 2021 kl. 7:33 
Екатерина 3. apr. 2021 kl. 3:41 
就是那个事 1. apr. 2021 kl. 11:48 