Counter-Strike: Source

Counter-Strike: Source

130 个评价
由 Tecca 制作
This guide to Jailbreak is to explain the basics to new players and curious players alike. I will focus around rules, maps, and more in the gamemode: Jailbreak.

Seeing as how you've happened across this guide, you are probably interested in the gamemode, Jailbreak on Counter-Strike: Source. Unfortunately, there is a vast variety of Jailbreak servers, each with their own rules and regulations. For this guide, I will be using the rules of Steamgamer's Jailbreak server ( Some servers may have wardens, deathgames, last request plugins, or more, so please keep this in mind when reading this guide.
If you could, please rate this up if it helped!

Aim of the Game
  • The aim of the game is for the Terrorists to successfully rebel against the Counter Terrorist's orders. Or for the Counter Terrorists to resist this rebellion.
Counter Terrorist
Playing as a Counter Terrorist
  • Your main objective is to control the Terrorists while you order them around to various places on the map. Depending on which map you choose, you can send the Terrorists to places like Soccer, 'Big Cage', Disco, Kitchen, Sauna, etc.
  • When you spawn, you will spawn in the armory; the room with all of the guns for the entire CT (Counter Terrorist) team. Below is a screenshot of the armory.

  • The armory is an auto-kill zone, however those will be explained later.
  • You have to work with your teammates to give orders. If the T's hear three different orders, then get slaughtered because of it, the CT's will be at fault. Make sure you have a plan before you say orders.
  • When a CT sees a T (Terrorist) disobeying an order, the CT is allowed to shoot them. However, this depends on how the T is disobeying or 'rebelling'. If you kill them right there, it is called a freekill.

    You send the T's to Soccer, but you see one stray off slightly, but discreetly. In this situation, you would issue a warning shot.

  • The warning shot is vital if you want to stay out of trouble on Jailbreak servers. When you see a T conduct a small misdemeanor, you can shoot them once with a secondary or primary gun. If you shoot them multiple times before they can react, you are subject to punishment.
  • There are various things that can issue a T a warning shot. Those include: Detouring, delaying, having a holstered secondary weapon after being asked to drop it and blatantly disobeying orders that were given.
  • Although there are many circumstances where you will find yourself giving out warning shots, you also have to realize that somethings the T's do can be considered auto-kill. Mainly, if a T has a secondary gun out, or a primary gun at all. Other auto-kill situations will be explained later.
  • Keep in mind that as a CT, you start out with guns and the T's do not. This means that from the beginning of the round, you have the upper hand, so feel free to go around and interact near the T's instead of watching from afar.
  • You are not allowed to tell a T to 'get away' or 'stay 5 feet from me'

    There is a freeday going on and a T is following you around. You warn him to stay at least 10 feet away or else you'll kill him. While in pursuit, he gets too close for comfort and you dome him. Congratulations, you've just freekilled.

  • If a T is in pursuit of you and air-knifes, that doesn't give you permission to kill them. Same goes if a T throws a grenade; you can only kill if it hits a CT teammate.
  • If you find yourself as the Last CT, then you have a different set of rules. For our purposes, the only difference of being last CT and being a regular CT is that there are no warning shots needed. This does not allow you to butcher every T you see.
  • Many time, you can be called out for not helping your team as a CT. This means that round after round, you fail to watch the T's and are in a completely different area of the map then the designated orders. Keep in mind that this can potentially be bannable if you continue to camp, round after round.
  • Exceptions, however include rooms that T's could teleport to. If you send the T's to a certain room that you know has a teleport in it, then you can go ahead and wait at the end of that teleport for any rulebreaking T's.
  • You must also realize what a freeday is and what is implied. When ordered, this means that the T's are allowed where ever they please, besides auto-kill zones. The CT's can restrict freedays by saying things like 'no soccer' or 'no past first cell'. Keep in mind that the CT's can revoke freedays and tell the T's to go somewhere else. However make sure you give the T's time to go to the new order's destination, because they could be anywhere on the map.

    You are having a freeday and you decide to revoke it to order the T's to go to kitchen. However, you see one T all the way across the map in pool, when all the other T's are already in kitchen. Give him some time to get to the destination before you shoot him.

  • Lastly, as a CT, you have to remember to have fun. Stats don't mean much in Jailbreak since the CT team starts off with guns. There is no need to play conservatively in Jailbreak since it won't be penalized. So feel free to watching your T's close up instead of half-way across the map the entire game.
Playing as a Terrorist
Playing as a T is much less harrowing than playing as a CT is. You have far fewer rules to break, however you are much more prone to death since you follow the CT's orders.
  • As a T, your main focus is to rebel and eliminate the CT team. However, this is not as simple as it sounds. The CT team starts with guns, whereas the cells where T's spawn usually don't have anything in them, except for the ever so often grenade or pistol.
  • At the start of the round, you should usually try to find any weapons, teleports, or vents in your cell and use them if deemed a good choice.

  • In the screenshot above, you can see that there is a gun already spawned inside the cell. Use this to your advantage anywhere during the round. But remember that a CT can order you to drop it if they see it!
  • Always make sure when you rebel, the time is right. This could mean that the CT's are preoccupied with another rebelling T, or just have their backs turned towards you. Even though you might only kill one CT before you die, that is one less CT for your teammates to deal with later. Plus, your team gets a gun in the process.
  • Many times in Jailbreak, it doesn't matter who is better at vanilla CS:S or who can get the headshot the most often. Instead, it is about getting the upper hand on your enemy. Keep in mind that you have teammates to help you call out enemy locations. The team work as a T is vital to winning the round overall.

  • Medic is not a privilege. Even though you may have been warning shot, it doesn't warrant you the ability to go to medic, so don't complain if a CT kills you on your way there without permission.
  • Also, there is a crossfire rule. If you find yourself between a rebelling T and a CT, get out. You can be killed in crossfire between the two and the CT will not be punished. So make sure you are aware of the situations around you!
  • Don't be a smart-Alec. If a CT orders you to pool and you clamber on down to a hot tub in a VIP cell, they have all the right to shoot you.
Auto-Kill Zones
Auto-Kill Areas
Many times throughout your Jailbreak game, you will find yourself with the option of entering an auto-kill zone in a map. This means that a CT catching you going into an Auto-KIll area doesn't have to issue a warning shot, but can instead immediately kill you. Whether or not you take it is your risk and should be thought out well.
  • The most common auto-kill areas are constant no matter what map. These include: vents, catwalks, and armories.

  • As you can see, this vent is clearly noticeable, and leads to armory, which is why it is Auto-Kill. Keep in mind that even vents that don't connect to armory are auto-kill zones.
  • On top of vents always being auto-kill, so are teleporters. No matter where they take you, a CT is completely allowed to kill you for taking a teleporter.

  • Above is a catwalk. These areas are usually crawling with CT's since it gives them a good vantage point of a majority of maps. A catwalk is defined as an area which directly leads into the armory.
  • Top of cells are never considered catwalk unless they do attach to armory.
Last Requests
Last Requests
Last requests are commonly given and requested when there are one to three T's left alive. This means that the T can choose from various games to play against a CT to live or not. Although LR's (last requests) are not mandatory. The T can choose from the below:
  • Deagle Toss (dt)
  • Knife Fight (kf)
  • Shot for Shot (S4S)
  • Spray contest
  • No-scope Battles
  • And various, less known LRs.

  • Every now and then, you might see a T request to 'continue' if they win their desired LR. This is completely optional and up to the CT's discretion.

    A T is the last left and offers a LR. He chooses a Knife Fight, then says ,'Heal and continue'. All the CT's say OK and the T kills a CT. The other CT's still have the right to kill him, although it is very unfair, but it is completely legit.

  • Some servers may have a !lr plugin, but if they don't, just type out what you want.

  • Above is an average LR room, full of places for fun LRs.
  • As a T, feel free to kill during a LR. If a CT gives you a gun for a Shot for Shot, feel free to kill him and take is primary. You will be KOS (kill on sight), but you will know whether or not to act.
As a CT, you can ask the T's if they wish to participate in a deathgame. On some servers you are allowed to force the T's to play, however, for our purposes you are required to ask. Like LRs, there are many different types of Deathgames you can choose. They can be:
  • Simon Says
  • First Reaction/Last Reaction
  • Trivia
  • Death Soccer
  • Spray contest
  • Roulette
  • Race
  • Mazes/Minigames (depending on the map)
  • Guess the number
  • Other various types

  • Above, you can see an example of a Deathgame area on a map. Here, you can play roulette to see who wins the deathgame.

  • Keep in mind that like Deathgames being mandatory on some servers, some rules of deathgame can change server to server, and even person to person. So always ask a CT to explain a deathgame before you participate.

    You decide to play a game of Simon Says. You are the only one remaining, but the CT is continuing the game. The CT says, 'Have a freeday', so you instinctively walk away, but then get killed by him. That was no freekill however. Simon never said.

  • The winner of a deathgame often gets a freeday, however the CT's can award whatever they wish to the winning T.

Extra Information
Now that you know the basics of Jailbreak, it's time for you to go off and find the right server for you. Here are some various rules which are common and can be replaced or changed in various servers that you should watch out for.

  • No wardens
  • Voice orders are equal or above text orders
  • Forced death games
  • Warning shots.
  • Last CT policy
  • !lr Plugins

    Again, thank you for reading through this guide and I hope it helped. Feel free to add me on Steam to request or clarify any information.
    Please remember that for the majority of this guide, I used Steamgamer's Jailbreak's rules.
    You can visit them at Steamgamers [] (

    ~ Unnamed Newbie
25 条留言
Timpro 2023 年 10 月 30 日 下午 7:30 
discord {链接已删除}
Timpro 2023 年 10 月 30 日 下午 7:30 New jailbreak server :)
Chaos Boss 2022 年 6 月 9 日 上午 10:54 
OystersForBreakfast 2022 年 5 月 17 日 上午 9:15 
which is a good server for jailbroke
Tecca  [作者] 2017 年 12 月 7 日 上午 9:03 
At that point, it would be up to the discretion of the server admins/rules. Some have more strict warden rules than others.
Brady Gunner 2017 年 12 月 6 日 上午 11:22 
Just gotten killed by several wardens when I left medic and then warden says "I told you to stay inside" after starting a debate if he did or didn't and he clearly didn't hence warden lied and warden cannot lie = guard ban possible?
Tecca  [作者] 2017 年 12 月 6 日 上午 11:20 

That's essentially up to the discretion of the warden. Usually you don't have to say, "stay in medic" - you just assume the T's will stay. I wouldn't say it's a freekill, but if you did I'd just ask for clarification for future orders.
Brady Gunner 2017 年 12 月 6 日 上午 6:42 
What if the warden tells you to "go to medic", you go to medic but then you instantly come out of there. He didn't tell us to STAY inside medic or AFK inside medic meaning we could come off, right? Freekill?
Chaos Boss 2016 年 11 月 2 日 上午 5:18 
hann 2013 年 5 月 31 日 下午 1:21 