Call of Duty: WWII - Multiplayer

Call of Duty: WWII - Multiplayer

Laniakea  [author] 7 Sep, 2018 @ 8:41am 
Smixor where are you? Why don't you say anything anymore? Pussy....
AC-Assassin 7 Sep, 2018 @ 7:49am 
You retard you lost Hard aganst us in Monte cassino and came here to post your shit because of rage and pain in your ass :D your first post admits it . You are 5 years old trash idiot who can't get over the loss xD Ez win idiot ez :D and in Valkyrie we were in the same team idiot . we won and you lost :D
Laniakea  [author] 7 Sep, 2018 @ 4:11am 
I agree with you AC-Assassin, he is really stupid nob and sad person, Smixor u there? Say something or you agree with us about your personal character? :D
AC-Assassin 7 Sep, 2018 @ 4:10am 
Smixor you are the most retarded person I've ever seen . Ez game scrub xD
Laniakea  [author] 7 Sep, 2018 @ 4:09am 
Smixor is so sad nob that he comes to other people's profie to whine. Cry me a river :D EZ vs Smixor nob and sad joke
Laniakea  [author] 7 Sep, 2018 @ 4:02am 
"If you're on my profile to be a whiny bitch, I've pretty much already won that fight. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "
Laniakea  [author] 7 Sep, 2018 @ 4:00am 
Ez nob Smixor
Smixor 7 Sep, 2018 @ 2:50am 
and u badly need better education in your 3rd world country :(
Smixor 7 Sep, 2018 @ 2:50am 
Ez game, I won you lost, I recked you. It was sooo easy ^^ didn't even have to try hard
Laniakea  [author] 7 Sep, 2018 @ 2:25am 
Definitions of easy

achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties.
"an easy way of kicking Smixor 's ass in the game"

synonyms: rekt, noob, lamer, nob, scrub, easy pizi, izi, ez, low bob, tdm scum, easy as pie, a piece of cake, child's play, kids' stuff, noob kid,

"Smixor got rekt easily and now he cries"

synonyms: whiny girl, tdm trash, noob player, scrub

without difficulty or effort.
"yesterday I kicked Smixor in COD and he started to cry in my profile like a pussy he is"