Rocket Valley Tycoon

Rocket Valley Tycoon

Otillräckligt med betyg
Tech trees
Av KingsGambit
I've made tech trees showing how many of each part you need to build the rocket. I've only included the final parts per page on the ingame tech tree and whatever is needed after that.

Please leave a comment if you have any questions about the tech trees and let me know if this is helpfull or not.
There's a legend in the lower left corner.
Example: you need 1400 basic circuit boards to start producing basic electronic boards, but then you produce a batch of 10. With 240 batches of 10, you can make 16 cockpits, wich are enough for 1 upper.

Other notes:
  • If you used enough tech points to get past 10% or 20% production increase, the batch size for the basic electronic board and electronic circuit board go up to 11 or 12 and you'll need a lot less of the more basic parts. For longer chains, this can really add up to significantly lower amounts earlier in the chain.

  • Don't be discouraged by the high numbers for the early parts. You can easily upgrade those chains later. For the first rocket (and there is no need for more then one) the cash you need for later parts is more likely to slow you down then the number of basic parts.

  • Don't reset the map. Just use a crystal to get 5% of the tech points whenever you can. Rebuilding after a reset will take a lot more time then you make up with the extra tech points.

  • There is a slight bug/exploit where you can use a chrystal to get x100 production from your extractors. If you use that and then use the big red button to increase production, you'll get way more production and cash then you should. I'm not exactly sure how much more, but it's at least 1 billion times.

Mars is basicly the same as earth, just different tech trees and slightly higher numbers

Asteroid field
Gameplay is somewhat different here, where you can only build extractors on the asteroids and factories can only be built in the space in between. You'll need the bots you sent up from Mars to build space frames for those factories. The frames get progressively more expensive, so you could quickly run out of bots.

Sending up new bots from Mars isn't very helpfull: the numbers are just too low. In the asteroid field you get a bot per second per area you've unlocked. You'll need to do more quests to get keys (25 for the 1st, 70 for the 2nd) and you won't want to build factories near every station because of the exponential increase in space frame cost. Rails and stations don't need frames, though.