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Simple Fishing
857.641 KB
2018年5月24日 7時58分
2018年5月27日 7時15分
3 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Simple Fishing

saftsuze 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Nomadic Lifestyle Selection
12 アイテム
Now you can fish Grand Fish! And Thinfish. And you can dry them on racks to make Dried Fish!

You need to research Simple Fishing (under Farming or get a blueprint), and you need to buy a Fishing Rod (to catch Grand Fish) or a Fishing Net (to catch Thinfish). You can get them where you buy travelling gear and from some fish stores. These items are used as building materials, just like the Sleeping Bag for building a Camp Bed.

All the fishing equipment can be built under the Camping menu and is grouped together as Simple Fishing (use arrows to find the stuff you want to build).

The two different drying racks and the pile of fish require no building materials (I consider them made up from whatever is found laying around).

As with other fishing mods, I can not restrict you from placing a fishing net in the middle of the desert. Same goes with the rod. It is up to you if you want to cheat or not.

Roleplaying tip: Thinfish is supposed to be fished in The Swamp, so only use the net in The Swamp and the connecting South Wetlands. Grand Fish I think you can find everywhere. Think of it as salmon: Both in the sea and in rivers. (In the base game it says that Dried Fish is just salted and dried Thinfish, but in my mod you can make Dried Fish from Grand Fish as well. Consider this insider knowledge between us fishermen :)

The building placement is a bit wonky, make sure to use the - key to make sure they are placed on the ground and not floating in the air.

I have tested this mod enough to release it, but please report any issues you might come across and I will try to get it fixed in an update.

- I might make the rods and nets craftable in the future.
- I might add a Fish Farm that is a bit more effective and works more or less like other farming.

I always wanted fishing to be a part of the game. And I was so happy when I found the mod Crow's World Gone Fishing and I have used this ever since. You can find his mod here:

However. The only thing I did not like that much with that mod, was the introduction of other fish and food items. I wanted a more vanilla feel to my fishing and I wanted fishing to use the original fish assets in the game (Grand Fish, Thinfish and Dried Fish), so I made this mod as an alternative. All the fish in this mod are the same as vanilla and can be stored and eaten in the same way as in the base game.

--------- MY OTHER MODS ---------
43 件のコメント
Lasershadow 1月19日 13時52分 
How do I automate fishing? They catch fish but never take any out to put into the fish pile or the dry rack so that the fishing pole is free to use to catch another fish.
Mook 2024年2月5日 15時23分 
Hello, was just wondering how I can get people to deposit the cooked grand fish? They just cook it until full and leave it there. I am a bit newer to automation :lunar2019piginablanket:
Gork 2023年4月15日 11時57分 
the drying rack of grand fish produces dried fish without fish
Everyone's #1 Fangirl 2022年12月31日 19時10分 
Awesome, thank you. I just didn't know if it did or not.
lizardmang 2022年12月31日 18時14分 
Yeah, it still works. If you have trouble finding the blueprint, you can research it at a bench instead. But it shows up in travel shops pretty frequently in my experience.
Everyone's #1 Fangirl 2022年12月31日 17時18分 
Does this mod work still?
KirrieD 2022年10月25日 10時10分 
Hi author, I decided to create my own build on Kenshi and I want to ask if I can take your mod for my own purposes?)
trm 2022年2月8日 9時26分 
Can't find the blueprint in any shop. Is this mod still working?
lizardmang 2022年1月9日 10時48分 
@bigcool3571 You need to purchase the Simple Fishing blueprint (found wherever Simple Fishing items are sold), which adds all of the items from the mod to the Camping category in the build menu. You can then "build" the fishing pole, using the fishing pole item as the material.
bigcool3571 2022年1月9日 3時55分 
Hi, this is a great mod, question tho (a dumb one) how do you use the fishing rod?
I'm standing right next to a pond/river and i'm clicking everywhere, but i got no option to use it, do i have to build something first?