Welcome to the Game II

Welcome to the Game II

157 ratings
Welcome to the Game 2 Cheat Sheet
By NubTheFatMan
This guide will help you deal with threats and just tell you how things work.
    There is a hint that is used ONLY ONCE to tell you that a hash is on a site. On the first wiki, and you click onto a site, after it loads, check your window. If it is now open, that means the site you're on contains a key. Check EVERYTHING.

    If you're a streamer, be sure to turn off nudity, as some sites will contain nudity, example here:

    It is best to keep your notes on your real computer Notepad, instead of the in-game one. This way, you can't loose them if you're hacked or lucas comes by.

  • Lucas becomes active after you visit a website with 2 hashes, doesn't matter if you find them. He also will around midnight if you have explored the deep web, wiki counts.

  • After you have all 8 hashes, you will need 250 DOSCoin to enter the Noir Tunnel.

  • The more hashes you find, the more active enemies become.

  • Put VPNs in positions where they light up green.

  • Backdoor hacks are the best way to earn money if you get hacked.

  • These websites don't exist:
    BathRoom Cams
    Black Market
    Burned At The Stake
    Cheap Surgery
    Chosen Awake
    Corpses for Sell
    Cotton Road
    Dream Place
    Family Drug Shop
    Father Donald
    Flesh Trade
    ???? You!
    Hail Satan
    Happy Family
    Hot Burners
    Little Friends
    Passports R US
    Roses Desctruction
    Secure Drop
    Snuff Portal
    Tango Down
    The 8th Sin
    The Butcher

  • These websites are only available at certain times:
    --xx:00 to xx:14--
    --xx:00 to xx:29--
    Borrow My Daughter
    Deep Journal
    Don’t Waste It
    --xx:30 to xx:44--
    Ave Satan
    Fifty Seven
    Number Station
    Your Data
    --xx:45 to xx:59--
    Fortune Cookie
    --xx:30 to xx:59--
    Brutal Underground
    Mortal Masks
    Red Triangle
    The Hall

  • Some sites are only available at certain times.

  • Be sure to lock your door at all times.

  • Don't leave the flashlight on, as it will drain the battery. There is no way to recharge it. When the power is out, use it in short bursts to see where you're going.

  • Check the source code of all sites. Check the site itself if it's in plain site. Hover over every image or text to see if there is anything clickable.

  • Buy everything from the Shadow Market as soon as possible. Later on, it will become nearly impossible as the Breather AND lucas will be active.

  • Practice all 4 hacks. Losing these can take lots of your DOSCoin and your notes.

  • On the second wiki, you will find a website called "The Rule of Three". This site will contain a puzzle. I will not help you with this puzzle, you're on your own. Solving this puzzle will give you the link to the 3rd wiki.

  • Check all pages of a site. Some people often ignor links on sites such as Contact, Purchase, or Sign in because they think it can't contain one.
  • Breather
    Only in the alleyway. He likes to get you while you try to get packages you order from the Shadow Market. He doesn't attack when you get the VPN Adam sends you at the beginning of the game. After that, there is a chance he will. You know he is coming if you enter the alleyway and hear 2 heavy footsteps that aren't yours. I haven't experienced him, but I have heard you can hear him breathe (or giggle) as well if you don't hear the footsteps. When you know he is there, hide in the little room at the end of the alleyway, and hug the door. He will try the door 8-9 times, two seconds each. To make the door appear locked to him, you need to click and hold left click on the door knob while he tries to open it. When he is walking away, make sure to wait 30 seconds, to be sure he is gone and not faking you out.

  • Lucas
    This guy is bald, and runs around in a tuxedo. He looks like Hitman 47 from the Hitman series. He usually arrives after you have been on two sites that contain a hidden hashes (it doesn't matter if you find them) or around midnight (unless you haven't explored the deep web at all, wiki counts!).He has arrived if you hear two quick honks of a car outside your window. He will picklock your door, which takes around 15-20 seconds. If you hear footsteps that appear to be on your floor, it's him and you should start turning off your stuff. You should here the knob make noises if he is trying to pick the lock, but to be safe you should get a motion sensor. When he is coming to your room, turn off your computer and all lights, and make sure to hide in the bathroom.
    • Failure to turn off computer: He is likely to steal DOSCoin and your notes.
    • Failure to turn off lights in main room: He searches for you longer.
    • Failure to turn off bathroom light when hiding: He will murder you.
    When he leaves, he will walk out, and lock the door behind him. Don't check the peep hole though, as he could be faking you out, and he will shoot you through it, so stay away from the door.
    Once he arrives, you should stay in your apartment, except when the power is out. When he spawns, and you order from the Shadow Market, it is possible that on your way back, he will kill you in the stairway from the lobby or on the 8th floor hallway. Make sure to do your shopping beforehand.

  • Noir
    It is best you turn off all lights except for the one by your computer, the switch by the bathroom. These people don't like you using the deepweb in the dark, and they will kill you. They do spawn around the apartment complex, but they primarily spawn in the window next to your computer. Be sure to check the window often. When wandering the apartment complex, be sure to open the door and check before walking through, because one could be standing behind it. When you see them, be sure to turn around for 20-30 seconds, and check. They should be gone.

  • Police
    At the beginning of the game, they are your primary enemy, as they will break into your apartment and arrest you if you're on a network browsing the deep web for too long. Be sure to change networks!
    • Free networks: Around 10-15 minutes.
    • WEP networks: Around 25-30 minutes.
    • WPA networks: Around 50 minutes.
    • WPA2 networks: Around 90 minutes.
    You aren't safe though if you go get a package delivered by the Shadow Market, as they will wait patiently on the 8th floor to arrest you.

  • Secret: Doll Maker
    He only becomes a threat after you visit his site, The Doll Maker. I am not sure if a hash will be on that site, but it is possible. After about 5 minutes of you just clicking on the site, you will hear music outside your apartment. Look through the peephole, and there will be a human sized doll. The Doll Maker will then grab it and walk away, and immediatly, the power will go out. You will be free to leave and turn it back on. However, on your walk back, you will be grabbed from behind, and a knife will be put to your neck. Here is his exact line that he will say:

    "Good evening. I...believe you've seen my work. I do hope you like it. However, I'm afraid this visit is not for pleasure. You see, obtaining the girls I seek for transformation has become...increasingly difficult, and I cannot risk my work by searching for new flesh myself. So...you will provide them for me. Find me a woman in this building and mark the door. I will do the rest. When I am ready for another, you will know. Do not fail me. Do not test me. And I will spare your life. Time is ticking. I left the marker on your door."

    Once he is done speaking, he will hit you on the back of the head and run away. He has left a doll head hanging on your doorknob. After that, you NEED to buy the LOLPY Disk from the Shadow Market. Once you get this, the disk will be on your computer desk. Grab it, and go to the computer in the apartment lobby. Place the disk in it, and begin finding women. The disk will hack the computer, and list everyone who is staying in the apartment. You need to find women under the age of 30, and place the doll head on their door. You will hear a thud and him laugh after he has done his deed. He will then place the marker on the door knob INSIDE your apartment room. You need to grab it and find another woman under 30. You have to do this until he stops putting it on your door. You should then get an achievement by completing his quest.
JizzMaster3000 21 Dec, 2024 @ 3:35pm 
lucas is a bald cunt
Ak_Duke 8 Jun, 2024 @ 4:47pm 
I don't know if someone said this already but The Doll Maker Site can have both a hidden hash on it and the Deep Wiki 2 link in the source code. Unless you're planning on doing the doll maker quest for the achievement it's recommended to just restart your run if you're forced to activate him early.
MRshaggyking 11 Sep, 2023 @ 3:22pm 
you are the best
FiyaTheOneAndOnly 28 Jul, 2023 @ 8:36pm 
I noticed speedrunners run and their power doesn't go out. What time does it start going out? curious
Feral_Desire 14 Jun, 2023 @ 2:07am 
Playing it for a second time in 2023 <3
s0_RoNerY 1 Apr, 2023 @ 12:24am 
I play this in 2023. WTTG 2 and WTTG.
s0_RoNerY 26 Mar, 2023 @ 1:08pm 
It’s sad you don’t.
real 18 Mar, 2023 @ 2:43pm 
pretty sad that noone plays this in 2023
Sayonara 28 May, 2022 @ 6:45am 
Just got the game xD and I can't wait to play it this guide will help me haha thank uuuu!!:steamthumbsup:
gicu 3 Nov, 2021 @ 10:16am 
how does the hacking work like the connecting and probe thingy i kinda need help :D