Welcome to the Game II

Welcome to the Game II

49 ratings
Keeping your save forever
By Baxus
A quick guide to keeping your save file when you die.
This is my quick guide to keeping your save in Welcome to the Game II.

Note that game only saves every 15 minutes so even with this guide you will still lose progress depending on where you are within that time.

  1. Pause the game by pressing the Esc key
  2. Minimize the game and go to your desktop
  3. Open your 'Appdata' folder, you can use the shortcut command %appdata%
  4. Open your 'LocalLow' folder (Make sure you're not in the Roaming folder!) https://ibb.co/npWWcS
  5. Open the 'Reflect Studios' folder
  6. Open the 'Welcome to the Game II' folder
  7. Copy the 'WTTG2.gd' file and paste it where ever you would like to store it (I made a new folder and called it Backup Saves)

Now that you have stored your save file in a safe place, you may play the game again and if you die you just need to copy the backup save file and paste it into the Welcome to the Game II folder. Good luck and thanks for reading!
pro! 😌 17 Apr, 2023 @ 9:23am 
thx buddy! :) does this still work in 2023 I guess it has to! Just asking bud! Thx for the tips now I'll never be scared to get murdered ever again! xD:steamhappy:
pizza mozzarella 4 Nov, 2022 @ 8:09pm 
a year later and i fucking died again right after i backed up my save
Addie 8 Oct, 2022 @ 1:56pm 
Ahh! life saver! I've been scared to play only because if I die i lose all progress haha. You're awesome :>
pizza mozzarella 28 Dec, 2021 @ 1:47pm 
thanks, i need this guide because i'm trying to get both endings but already died 3 times because of the breather and lucas, lol
Baxus  [author] 2 May, 2021 @ 7:53am 
@Toxic Child Yes. You need to have the game open for this to work. If you close the game it will remove the files you will need. WTTG2OPTDATA.gd is not important.
Toxic Child 25 Jul, 2020 @ 6:25pm 
question: do you need to have the game open for the save file to work? also i have a file called 'WTTG2OPTDATA.gd', is that important at all?
chelesenielsen 28 Dec, 2019 @ 11:19pm 
Markiplier should see this. Might help him if he ever changes his mind on finishing the game.
DemirK2 15 Apr, 2019 @ 5:18am 
I don't think I'm gonna use this but this guide is very helpful
Baxus  [author] 29 May, 2018 @ 2:25pm 
Anytime :D
Hydra 29 May, 2018 @ 9:50am 