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Fancy Loading Logo (Lime)
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13. März 2018 um 12:43
1 Änderungshinweis (anzeigen)

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Fancy Loading Logo (Lime)

Simply replaces the Protectorate loading thing with a different loading piece. Enjoy.~
11 Kommentare
Jeremiah 7. Mai 2018 um 16:21 
Oh, you're right. I didn't see that.
Mobiteq  [Autor] 7. Mai 2018 um 14:00 
There is an ancient-styled one I've also made.
Jeremiah 7. Mai 2018 um 12:43 
I feel like a purple one would be the best since this seems to fit with the ancients because the ancients "main color" is purple.
Aeolith 26. März 2018 um 18:37 
yellow one :D
Maik 14. März 2018 um 14:47 
Mobiteq  [Autor] 14. März 2018 um 11:12 
@JCUnown Ancient one's up if you're lookin' for it
Maik 14. März 2018 um 5:12 
I wanted to ask that too JCUnown haha
pointbeing 14. März 2018 um 3:42 
@Mobiteq Thanks. Again, really great work on the animation!
Mori 13. März 2018 um 19:59 
Beautiful. Thanks.
Mobiteq  [Autor] 13. März 2018 um 19:21 
Now that's the sort of recommendation I needed. I could probably push out a purple and blue one as some people seem to desire.