Fugl (鸟)

Fugl (鸟)

Learn to fly using your mouse and keyboard
由 F3ather 制作
so you just bought the game, but flying seems tricky? Say no more! Follow this guide and you'll fly like a pro!
So, why mouse and keyboard? Well,
  • I dont have a gamepad
  • I like the benefits M&K provide
What benefits? With keybird you can make sharper turns, while mouse provides you with precision needed to make cool moves such as flying through tight holes in the relief. It also allows you to fly using just one hand in case you have a cup of tea in the other one.
SHIFT or Right Mouse Button (RMB) - braking/hovering
SPACE or Left Mouse Button (LMB) - accelerating
WASD or mouse movement - steering
ESCAPE - menu
Y - reset
H - controls (in case you need a reminder in-game)

So... How do I fly?
Game starts with your starting bird (centipede) already in flight, so all you have to do now is mantain your flight. Accelerate when you start losing altitude, and stay away from the ground... Oh, whats that? A monkey on a tree? A duck in the water? A tight space? Gotta inspect them closer!

You probably crashed trying to do that, now what? Now, you need to get back in the sky 'cause thats where the birds (most of them) belong! Most birds in the game can't take off using just the acceleration button (unless you're on a tree or at the edge of a cliff), you first need to hover. Hold RMB to gain some altitude, and then start leaning forward using the S key. A few seconds after, start accelerating and boom! You're flying again!

Now for our next lesson, landing. I must admit, it is quite tricky - just slightly more speed and you've crashed. If you remember from the controls section, RMB is also a braking button, so when you fly closer to what you want to land on, hold it to lose your speed, and then carefully tap it to slowly descent to the ground. May not work on the first try, but keep trying! Practice makes perfect!
Okay, but *what* do I fly?
Generally, birds with huge wingspans are better at soaring. That means they are better at mantaining altitude without having to flap their wings, and smaller birds are more agile which allows them to steer faster. At least that's how it works in real life. The game may or may not be true to that, so keep it in mind.

If you moprh into a bear or a moose, you'll have a hard time flying, if you pick an eagle - you'll be better at soaring. Bugs and bats are agile, but also very slow, I'd say they're good at exploring caves. There's a lot of creatures and I don't have time to cover them all, and besides, it would ruin your pleasure of exploration and thats the whole point of the game.

Also, if you dont like current characteristics of your current bird, you can change them in the avatar editor and then upload your modified bird to the workshop! If you do though, it would be nice if you change its looks too.
Goodbye :')
You're pretty much ready now, go and perfect your flying skills in the starting biome or discover more creatures to morph into in other places!

Thanks for reading!
5 条留言
Queenofdragons6 2021 年 5 月 27 日 下午 1:35 
H no longer brings up the controls.
F3ather  [作者] 2018 年 10 月 31 日 上午 3:21 
not happening
dolly 2018 年 10 月 30 日 下午 7:15 
Thank you so much. I would love to see you making a guide about the avatar editor.
Tiney Sonic 2018 年 5 月 22 日 下午 4:50 
I always had a hard time trying to fly off the ground, this guide helped me so much :D
F3ather  [作者] 2018 年 3 月 16 日 上午 12:34 
Just as meaningless as this guide, love it