7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

84 ratings
Achievement Guide - The Easy WAY!!
By RedPowder
A quick achievement guide showing you the easiest and quickest ways to obtain them. Everything you will read your allowed to do on EAC servers and don’t have to worry about being banned. You will need to install the War On The Walkers mod for some parts of this guide to make things easier. If you have any questions feel free to message me on Steam or leave a comment and I’ll try my best to help you solve it.
Introduction to the guide


So to get started you will need to know a couple things. To open console you need to press ( F1 ) and console will pop up. There are two different keys that can be used to open the Command Console these are as following:

Key 1
press F1 for US and EU keyboards.

Key 2
press " for US keyboards.
press @ for EU keyboards.
press Ö/Ø/F2 for Scandinavian keyboards.
press Ñ for spanish keyboards.

So now you know how to open the console you can type the following command “ CM “ which will put you in creative mode and you will be able to spawn your own items.

Now to open up the creative menu you will need to press the letter “ U “ on your keyboard this will give you a window that looks similar to your backpack but with hundreds of more pages and all the items in the game.

Now you have that menu open you will see a search bar at the top click it and search for the following items. Make sure you take the whole stack by dragging and dropping it in to your back pack.

  • Wood - One full stack
  • Stone - One full stack
  • Plant Fiber - One full stack
  • Yucca Juice - Six full Stacks
  • Meat Stew - Two stacks
  • Iron - One full stack
  • Auger - High Quality
  • Gas - 5 stacks
  • 44. Magnum - High quality
  • 44. ammo - One stack
  • RPG + Ammo - Two stacks
  • Bed Rock - One Stack

Note: You will have to click the “dev” icon under the creative menu to find bedrock.

When you have finished getting your items open console one more time and type “CM” to turn creative mode off. You now can exit out of the game and load back in just to be sure that the creative mode is off because you won’t get the achievements if it’s still on.

Some Source information is from : GamePlay[gameplay.tips]
Starting Achievements
The most basic and likely the first achievements you will unlock from just playing the game.

Cause he's the Ax Man
Unlocked by crafting your first stone axe, as explained by the starting guide at the rop right corner of your screen every new game you start.

Good in the sack
Unlocked by placing your first sleeping bag. You can create one by pressing tab and searching for “bedroll” it should cost a couple plant fibers so once it’s done just place it down on the ground.

Playing Doctor
This achievement is easily unlocked by getting attacked (likely a few hits from a zombie) at which point an icon above your health meter should appear, indicating that you're bleeding out. After which you should apply a bandage (which you will spawn with).

Handy Man
This achievement also unlocks by following the starting guide, craft a wood frame. You will already have the wood to make the frames so you don’t need to go finding any now just follow the guide.

The Homestead Act
Start a game in multiplayer mode, and you will spawn with a land claim block, just place it and the achievement will unlock. Note: You don't need to have anyone on the server with you and you can just make it on your own PC by changing game mode to MP instead of SP.
Crafting Achievements
The achievements in this category are all self explanatory and will unlock after playing long enough or smart enough ;) . A tip for unlocking them faster is to spam craft wood frames, which take only a few wood each. You won't have enough wood to craft 5000 frames but don’t worry about it just spawn more and be sure to turn ''CM'' mode off and keep doing it until the last achievement pops up called Thomas Edison.

Note: This might take a while to get 5000 frames crafted so make use of your drink and meat stew which will also make another achievement down the line go a little quicker.

Alexander Bell
Craft 50 items.

Benjamin Franklin
Craft 500 items.

Henry Ford
Craft 1500 items.

Thomas Edison
Craft 5000 items.

Hidden Achievements
These achievements appear as hidden and without description but don't sweat it we got you covered and will show you how to get them with ease.

On top of the world
Reach the max height of the world. I did this by stacking wooden frames until I reached the top. You can use the frames you just created from getting the creative achievements. After you get the achievement take a couple frames off carefully so you don't fall and then build a small platform and place your ''bedroll'' sleeping bag and then make a chest and place them down on the blocks up there so you have them for later.
Note: This is easier if you find a big mountain to do it on to because you will reach the skybox faster than doing it somewhere low down.

Dig Deep
Reach the lowest layer of the world. Easily unlocked by digging as far down as possible. This is very simple just use the auger you spawned in from earlier and look down and dig until you hit bedrock and you get a horrible sound. It is easier with the ''Admin Digger Gun'' Which I will be adding a little guide on how to enable soon as I finish things up here.

The polar bare club
Unlocked by reaching a temperature that feels like 0°C. This one is kind of tricky as you'll experience hypothermia which will increase your temperature slightly. Easiest way is to bring Chrysanthemum tea into a snowy region, find a small pond and stay in the water for long enough. Drink the tea to lower the temperature faster, eventually you'll get to 0°C and unlock the achievement. Standing on the edge of a lake also works but don't go to deep just stand so your feet are in the water and you're getting ''wet'' and stay there for a while.

Dirty Larry
Kill 44 zombies with a 44. Magnum. Check the next section to find out how to get this achievement easy. We will be killing Zombies anyways so we can get two at the same time instead of me repeating myself and you having to do an extra step on the way.
Note: This is why we spawned the 44 and the ammo earlier.

Evil Knievel
Break a leg. Jump off a height and you'll easily break a leg. Find yourself a small house you can climb on to or use some of the wood frames you crafted eailer to make somthing around 20 blocks high and jump off it. DO NOT make it to high or you will just die and you won't break a leg you will break your neck.

Player and Zombie Killing Achievements

These achievements can be unlocked by using the War Of The Walkers (WOTW) mod[7daystodie.com]by spawning in the NPC or you can revert your game back to alpha 15 and spawn in the bandits. So now your ready to get the player killing achievements what you need to do is build yourself a giant box out of the bedrock ( bedrock doesn’t break ) make it around 5 blocks heigh and about twenty blocks in both directions so you get a square that’s 5 blocks heigh. When you have that done you will need to go in to go in to Debug mode by opening the console and typing “DM”.

Now you have that mode active stand on the side of your newly built wrestling ring and press F6 and check the one that says Spawn 25 and then find the NPC entity then click it a couple times while looking at the centre of the square you just made and they will spawn. F6: Entity Menu. Shows a list of spawnable entities (zombies, traders, etc). Careful - some entities can't be killed (TraderTest) and the Entity Spawners will stay in your map forever.

Now you have them spawned in go back to console and type “DM” to turn debug mode off. When it’s off you can now use your rocket launcher ( RPG ) to kill all 25 at a time without destroying the walls around them and them escaping.

Keep repeating this process until you have killed 50 players then do the same thing for the zombies. You can spawn more than 25 in at a time but be aware it causes a lot of lag so just keep trying it until you get the right amount you can spawn in without breaking your game.

You can now repeat this process just with Zombies until you get 2500 zombies killed which takes a while but a lot quicker than doing it in game if you're just trying to get the achievment quicker. I find it easier to spawn in around 50 zombies at a time kill them with the rocket launcher (RPG) and wait for the bodies to go and then repeat. Make sure you kill 44 of these zombies with the .44 magnum to get the secret achievment called Dirty Larry.

Here is the ring I built when I was bear fighting lol this is the genral idea of what you would be looking to make just incase you wasn't sure.

Kill 10 players.

Julius Caesar
Kill 50 players.

The Mortician
Kill 500 zombies.

The Funeral Director
Kill 2500 zombies.
Death Achievements
The Death Achievements take way too long from just playing regularly. I personally unlocked most of them by pillaring up in the sky and dropping to the ground a couple hundred times.

You shouldn’t of died yet so what you need to do is craft a storage box (Chest ) and a sleeping bag if you don’t have yours from before and wood frames if you don’t have them either.You should also have the tower from before that we built and left the chest and bedroll on top of so if you do you can skip the next part but if you don't then don't worry the directions are to follow. Build a two wide tower until you’re just about touching the sky then add a couple frames around it so you can put your bag and storage box down. Once you have put your sleeping bag and storage box at the top of the tower put all the rest of your stuff in the box and then jump off a couple hundred times until you get the achievements. You will keep spawning on the top of your sleeping bag so don't worry about having to keep climbing up and down.

Extra Help:
I just ran into the radzone and stuck my bedroll down. Respawn right into guaranteed death. rinse and repeat. - Red Eagle LXIX

Note: This achievement can take awhile due to the ''loading'' time of the death screen.

Bite the dust
Die 5 times.

Knock em Dead
Die 25 times.

Your Number's Up
Die 100 times.

Meet Your Maker
Die 500 times.
Wellness Achievements
This achievment might take a little while but not as long as it would playing regularly so what you need to do is go back in to creative mode ( CM in Console ) and then open up the creative menu and find vitamins take a couple stacks and put them in your inventory. Now you should have vitamins, meat stew and yucca juice that will all help you raise your wellness. You can help yourself by just running around and burning ''engery'' while you gain your wellness because you will get stanima from the food and water you will be using anyways plus the travel will help with the next set of achievements. Anyways just keep cycling from vitamins to stew to water and when your not hungry or thursty anymore just keep popping the vitamins. Be sure to turn creative mode off so you get this achievement because like every other achievement it will not work with “DM” or “CM” mode activated.

Extra Help:
F1 to open Console then type '' starve '' Makes the player hungry.
for Wellness: use Starve Command and eat Stew for quicker boost - Thanks to

Alive and Kicking
Reached 125 in wellness.

Fit as a Fiddle
Reached 150 in wellness.

Healthy as a Horse
Reached 175 in wellness.

The picture of Good Health
Reached 200 in wellness.
Travel Achievements
This achievment is one of the easier ones to get all you need to do is open up console turn on creative mode and spawn yourself some minibike parts and gas turn creative mode off and start traveling. You can also spawn a minibike via the F6 menu but you still need to go in creative mode and get gas anyways so its up to you which way you want to do it. Creative mode way you need to put the bike together but you can pick and choose the parts quailty and with the entity spawner you just get a random mini bike. Note: You will need a alot of gas so make sure you fill your inventory so you don't have to keep loading creative menu up. Oh and don't forget your food and water you will need to still survive.

Christopher Columbus
Travel 10 kilometers (10,000 blocks).

Ferdinand Magellan
Travel 50 kilometers (50,000 blocks).

Marco Polo
Travel 250 kilometers (250,000 blocks).

Neil Armstrong
Travel 1000 kilometers (1,000,000 blocks).
Score Achievements
You should get all these achievements from the Player and Zombie Killing Achievment part thats why I did that one first so just have a look over your achievements and make sure the following have been completed and if not then go back to that section and spawn some more zombies in until you get enough score.

Scored 10 in a single game (10 zombie kills + deaths times 5 and previous deaths).

Scored 50 in a single game (50 zombie kills + deaths times 5 and previous deaths).

Scored 250 in a single game (250 zombie kills + deaths times 5 and previous deaths).

Scored 500 in a single game (500 zombie kills + deaths times 5 and previous deaths).

Scored 1000 in a single game (1000 zombie kills + deaths times 5 and previous deaths).
Survival Achievements
No other option that I know of but to turn zombie spawn off and head for a dessert with water and food and live there for 1250 mins. If anyone knows if you can use creative mode to spawn food and water and then turn it off and then proceed to get this achievement let me know and I will update this section. I never risked it because thats a lot of wasted hours if it didn't work so I just started off with no zombies made myself a bunker and then went from there.

Brush With Death
Survive for 50 minutes.

Near Death Experience
Survive for 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes).

Cheated Death
Survive for 500 minutes (8 hours and 20 minutes).

Nearly Immortal
Survive for 1250 minutes (20 hours and 50 minutes).

Actual image of me waiting for the time to be up.
сашко 1 Dec, 2020 @ 3:23pm 
I've crafted like 100 axes and still cant get the achievement. bruh wtf
KKpuhrowpe 28 Apr, 2020 @ 5:50am 
Great guide! Please update the Wellness Achievements. Now in Alpha 18 it's really easy, just give yourself some skill points using giveselfxp 1000000 and then max out health to 10/10.
James101 14 Feb, 2020 @ 8:09pm 
emul, if you change the game to run on alpha 15.2 under the beta menu it works
Lach 17 Jan, 2020 @ 8:44am 
The Handy Man achievement seems to be bugged right now. Me and my friends played together and none of us got it.
MarioRaider18 3 Jan, 2020 @ 3:28pm 
Would I be able to download an earlier version of the game to get these achievements?
_T.Ξ.Ξ.M.Ø_LΛ_DΣVUL_ 28 Dec, 2019 @ 8:10pm 
thanks :) oh if any one feeling like dying 250 times on my server for a statrack nightmare M4A1-S skin on cs hit me up
RedPowder  [author] 28 Dec, 2019 @ 7:28pm 
Hello, Teemo_la_devul most of them was done using alpha 15 feel free to add me if you're in need of anymore help.
_T.Ξ.Ξ.M.Ø_LΛ_DΣVUL_ 25 Dec, 2019 @ 11:03pm 
what game version did you get the polar bear achivement?
YT|STicKS 8 Sep, 2019 @ 1:21am 
playing alpha 15.2 and gave myself some food and yucca juice. the time for the achievement does count up.
Zerrill 9 Sep, 2018 @ 6:59am 
Can't get On The Top of The World. Bugged at 194 m