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Hyper's tech mod (2.1.x)
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22 Feb 2018 @ 7:03pm
5 Jun 2018 @ 5:23am
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Hyper's tech mod (2.1.x)

The main focus of this mod is research convience, there are a bunch of techs for research, most are for increasing research speed, there is even a few for increasing available research alternatives. The First three techs have been nerfed over time, but then again, they were cheap to research and they stacked. They still stack, but for now, if you research all of the first three techs, the bonus stops at +2000%. There are more techs, but I won't spoil those.
There has been some changes since the last version of the mod. All techs are working as intended. For now. Give me suggestions for new techs, if you want to. Until I figure out more about modding, I'll be sticking with tech modding.
This mod might be incompatible with other mods that override the technology tiers.
Diskusi Populer Lihat Semua (2)
26 Feb 2018 @ 4:08pm
Hyperspearman.Swf - TheRyuSword
25 Feb 2018 @ 7:48am
Bug Reports
Hyperspearman.Swf - TheRyuSword
17 Komentar
Hyperspearman.Swf - TheRyuSword  [pembuat] 13 Des 2018 @ 4:05am 
But as a seperate mod.
Hyperspearman.Swf - TheRyuSword  [pembuat] 13 Des 2018 @ 4:04am 
I've successfully got the 2.2.x version up.
Hyperspearman.Swf - TheRyuSword  [pembuat] 5 Jun 2018 @ 5:30am 
I have tried to add a thumbnail, but for some reason there is an error stopping me from doing so.
Hyperspearman.Swf - TheRyuSword  [pembuat] 6 Mar 2018 @ 1:26pm 
Testing out a new tech.
Hyperspearman.Swf - TheRyuSword  [pembuat] 4 Mar 2018 @ 5:50am 
I was getting ready to murder someone, but I finally got the tech I was trying to make to work.
Hyperspearman.Swf - TheRyuSword  [pembuat] 27 Feb 2018 @ 4:32pm 
And I've figured out the last few parts of modding that I didn't know how to change. This mod is now forever. Until I die or the internet does.
Hyperspearman.Swf - TheRyuSword  [pembuat] 27 Feb 2018 @ 4:31pm 
Hmm... I'm gonna check something real quick...
Hyperspearman.Swf - TheRyuSword  [pembuat] 27 Feb 2018 @ 8:25am 
And they've been nerfed. Sorry everyone which has obtained tier 6 techs, but the tier 6 research tech was broken by how low the cost to research it was. As it stands, I'll probably be nerfing it within the week.
Hyperspearman.Swf - TheRyuSword  [pembuat] 27 Feb 2018 @ 8:17am 
I just checked in on one of the tier 6 technologies in this mod. And after reviewing it, I understand that it needs to be nerfed. So, what I'm going to do is make tier 6 technologies 10x more expensive, and new levels for those techs 3-10x more expensive as well.
Hyperspearman.Swf - TheRyuSword  [pembuat] 26 Feb 2018 @ 7:06am 
I'll probably nerf it later. But for now, it'll stay as it is.