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Cult of Morr (Doomsayer update)
タグ: mod, Units
48.808 MB
2018年1月24日 13時52分
2019年5月18日 10時31分
4 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
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Cult of Morr (Doomsayer update)

Mortal Empires version of my Total War: Warhammer mod.

Prepare to face devoted men of Morr in Warhammer 2. Cult of Morr mod adds 6 new units to Empire and 3 new units to Vampires. This mod aims to bring mid-tier sword units and high-tier melee cavalry to Empire and Vampires. More I worked on this more my apetite grew to make more varied army for Empire. All units are available for campaign and are compatiable with other mods (as far as I can tell), but are balanced according to vanilla game.

UNITS - Empire

Cultist of Morr (spear)
Cultist of Morr (bow)
Keepers of Shroud
Black Guard
Knights of Morr
Brothers of Raven

UNITS - Vampire

Fallen of Morr
Chosen of Morr
Gardeners of Shroud

NOTE that recruiting units happen from dedicated building chain for both factions. For Empire Garden of Morr with three buildings (Local Graveyard, Garden of Morr and Temple of Morr) and for Vampire Counts & Von Carsteins Defiled Garden with two buildings (Rotten Garden of Morr and Gate of Morr). Both can be found under military buildings.

Updated for The Resurgent release. Should be functioning without issues, but I wasn't able to do extensive playtesting. Please post possible bugs and issues in comments, so I'm able to fix them.

Not all locations can build the required buildings, I am trying to find the time to sort it out.

Still looking on possible unique lord for this mod, when time and intrest align. I have few ideas for both factions for a lord, but still need to find the time for it.
63 件のコメント
Sunface (Bardkiller Supreme) 2022年11月15日 3時02分 
This doesn't make much sense lorewise. They use death iconography sure but they're an anti-undead sub-faction in Warhammer Fantasy - they ensure the proper death and burial rites are observed and watch over the graveyards to prevent necromancy.
Morty Jhones 2021年10月29日 5時17分 
I am really enjoying using the line of buildings and its troops, but am finding that I am never building the last level of the line. and using the Knights.

the main problem is the limmit to buildings in a city/town.

is there any way of intergrating this into a single 'temple' line with the Shrine of Sigmar buildings? it would mean that it would be easyer to include in city builds
The_Inquisitor 2021年7月18日 15時59分 
SockDrawerMonster  [作成者] 2021年7月18日 10時19分 
Hey, I am away from my computer for over a month. Feel free to release it. I want to expand the mod in future and I'm certain to include you in the credits. Thank you for your efforts!
The_Inquisitor 2021年7月13日 23時04分 
Hey SockDrawerMonster, I have fixed the issue you were having with your mod. I can release it to the workshop with your permission or I could send you the updated file if you want
daminnous 2021年4月23日 13時26分 
updated please ?
VA1t3N 2021年2月9日 19時38分 
Cult of Morr fights aganist undead. They hate each other
SockDrawerMonster  [作成者] 2020年12月3日 10時47分 
@Deornwulf Thanks, I'll give it a try. Might take moment to find the free time and will to do it, but I'll get there.
Deornwulf 2020年11月27日 5時09分 
I looked under the hood of your mod and compared it to another similar unit mod and could not find anything to explain why the building chain shows up but the units do not.

If you have the time, you could try creating a new file and then importing all of the tables to the new file to see if it is a hidden issue.
SockDrawerMonster  [作成者] 2020年11月21日 0時44分 
I have tried to update the mod for sometime now, but I can't seem to find the cause for units not showing up in game. If somebody can extend a helping hand, I would be grateful.