Dota 2
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How to feed like pro
By WhatCanYouDo
This guide make you a professional feeder.
Just follow this steps and it will be an ez match
The first thing you gotta do when you feed on the match is not only just feed yourself. There is much more things you have to do, but be careful since this guide may give you a few reports. However that is not a big of a deal and you need around 7-8 reports to get low priority.
Step 1 - Feed Courier
The first thing and most important thing is to feed your courier to the opponents as it gives 150 gold to everyone on the other team.

All you have to do is simply buy courier and send it to one of the enemies or towers and after a while you can buy another one and then another one and this continues until you have your own luftwaffe of couriers and the best thing is that the couriers upgrade themselves after a while (I think 3-5 minutes or something) and that is good. However the best thing about feeding couriers is that if an enemy get the last hit of the courier then he get lifetime stats!
Step 2 - Feed Yourself
Your team force you to go support or they won't let you have your mid? Then there is 2 ways and that is either be a betacuck and listen to them or be the alpha and feed like a master.

The first thing you should do is buy boots of speed so that you can run to all lanes and feed yourself to the opponents. The thing is not only feed yourself to the same enemy, but feed yourself to midder, safelane carry and offlaner. This is to make sure that the enemy team win all lanes and not only mid or safelane. This is the first thing you have to do so just to this and you are on a good way to lose.

PS. Teleport Scroll also exist
Step 3 - Block Jungle Camps
Now that you have bought boots of speed and fed yourself to all other enemies now you must also make sure that your team gets no farm.

The thing you should do now is to block your teams jungle camp and that is with purchasing sentries and place them within the zone of the camp. The sentry ward last 4 minutes and there is 9 camps at the radiant side and dire side so to block all the camps on wherever the side you play on then you need to spend 900 gold since 1 sentry cost 100 gold. This is not hard to get as long as you just farm the camps before you block them and after you blocked them, then you can go and take farm from your carries.
Step 4 - Give Wards
The enemy team need vision and by doing that, you simply give them wards.

Just purchase wards and give them to the enemy support or something and make sure that the wards on your team is always out of stock, but be careful. When you buy wards don't just put it in your courier as others on your team can steal it which is bad for you. Make sure it is in your inventory and that you just put the wards under the enemy tower or something like that so your so called "allies" won't get them.
Step 5 - Flame And Blame
Now that you have blocked your jungle camps then it is time to flame and blame your team for everything even the smallest mistake like missing a last hit or not getting the rune.

Now that you have blocked your jungle camps, fed couriers and yourself and gave wards to the enemy. Then it is time to flame and blame your team for everything even the smallest mistake like missing a last hit or not getting the rune. To make sure that you are professional at flaming your team then it is time to look at what to say to them. Use google translate to translate words to them in their own language like if you talk to a russian they say "Suka Blin (you know the bad thing)" and stuff like that.

I am too lazy to post stuff now that is insulting to others and I will probably do it later, but not now.
Step 6 - Minion Feeds
This one only works with certain heroes because some heroes have the ability to summon minions like Nature's Prophet with his treants or Enigma and his Niggmas. The thing here is that if you are gonna feed on purpose then it is good to take heroes that has abilites that spawn those minions so you give the enemy extra gold and XP.

If you're not gonna take those heroes that does not have the minion ability, then you can always buy necronomicon and feed those delicious demons that is worth like 100-200 gold of each kill. The problem with this item is that you might not have gold to buy it when you continously have to buy wards, sentries, couriers and feed yourself and all of that will make you bankrupt which is kinda sad...

PS. You can pick IO and ulti your "ally" to the enemy fountain or Tiny and toss teammates to enemies.
Step 7 - Enjoy!
If you followed my guide completely then you have already lost your match and got a few reports which is not that bad, but be careful as you might end up in low priority
nily 31 Aug, 2019 @ 5:23am 
wp nugger