Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

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An optimistically nihilistic view of Rainbow Six Siege that can help you
By God
A brief but informative discourse on why you shouldn't get frustrated at the game.
As an atheist I've come to acknowledge that nothing really matters. This is because I will die of an unknown cause some day and there won't be some wondrous afterlife waiting for me. I have come to this conclusion after looking at an overwhelming plethora of scientific evidence disproving modern religion entirely. Although, I do understand why people refuse to acknowledge this even though it is right in front of them. It's a hard decision to make, throwing away the hope of an everlasting life in paradise in exchange for living life believing in only what you see and know is true. It certainly took me a while, and even now some part of me wants to hope. It's downright depressing really, at least initially. But I think now it is a good thing. So what if you become the wealthiest man alive? Bill Gates is eventually going to die, he won't exist and will be forgotten in spite of his accomplishments. Likewise, it doesn't really matter, outside of your own temporary gratifying high you get when you win or make a play whether or not you succeed. Do what you enjoy doing and enjoy it thoroughly. Don't get frustrated because all that matters is that you enjoy it. ♥♥♥♥ it.