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This test you need to keep focus all the time, unless you dont wanna go swimming in goo. Made by peltinenheikki and hactar
5 comentários
Petutski 29 dez. 2017 às 8:52 
Nice fun challenging map. Thanks!
Yavie 18 nov. 2017 às 12:32 
Wow I hate moving platforms, but with sweaty palms, I made it to the end! Fun map (:
Expat 13 nov. 2017 às 4:05 
The stairs were pretty cool - got easier us you went up :)
peltinenheikki  [autor] 13 nov. 2017 às 4:03 
Nice job, it is so easy to make mistake when yo jumping those moving platforms. That timer makes it not so easy, you have to be fast. You like those "stairst" on end? Btw all your chamber are played through now Expat =)
Expat 13 nov. 2017 às 2:24 
I managed without dying once, though it was a near thing. Getting the first cube gave me a lot of trouble - seemed to depend on the sequence of portals placed or it would fizzle. Stil don't like moving platforms nor short, silent timers but these were tolerable. Thanks for creating.