liked her since high school / and now we are an 'item' / unpredictable
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"#125 +(342)- [X]<gloone> reptile is into older women.. and he gets his pics in #100%preteensexpix
#336 +(495)- [X]<nullgod> I'm not quite sure who slack is for, it's harder then REdHat, so it's not for newbies, it's less secure then FreeBSD so it's not for experts, and it's not pretty so it's not for desktops.

<DigDug> slack is for linux zealots :-D
#2019 +(257)- [X]<Schrieks> in a moment of inspiration whilst dining at the Y.....

<Schrieks> I spread her and said "SEGA"

<Schrieks> this was back in 94
#2425 +(47)- [X]<gb> tip of penis stuck to underwear after jackin
#3625 +(319)- [X]<nakke> !dictionary fellatio

<FillyJonk>  2 entries found for fellatio.

<FillyJonk>  fel-la-ti-o (f-l, -sh, f-) n. Oral stimulation of the penis. [New Latin, from Latin felltus, past participle of fellre, to suck. See dh(i)- in Indo-European Roots.]

<JibberJim> So billions is spent on making it possible for people to "chat" across the world, and access dictionary's and what do you do? - look up dirty words...
#5750 +(640)- [X]<TeNcHi420> i went to this store to buy a pipe, and there was only one left, and hes all "its unbreakable" so i was like thats pretty cool, but then he starts bangin it on the tble, and im like ok stop, but he says, "no look, you can hit it how ever many times and it wont break.." on about the 7th or 8th smack on the table the thing shatters....i almost knoked his dumbass out
#6546 +(497)- [X]<pimpDT> you need a nice phrase to tell women when they mention babies

<boXlor> "stfu" ?
#7588 +(239)- [X]<human> beethoven and mozart should have had a kid

<human> then marry this kid to enya

<human> then have their children play with a roland xp-30

<human> then you'll get some nice tunes
#8359 +(561)- [X]<Tantalus|RO> No one can resist hot monkey sex

<Tovart> Except hot monkey females with a headache.
#10892 +(485)- [X]<Random> "You're so sweet, and intelligent. What's your name?" "Jeremy." "Isn't that male?" "Yes." "AAAAH STAB STAB STAB STAB NEVER STOP STABBING I HATE YOU KILL YOU KILL MOMMY KILL KILL." <--- Online lesbians are fun.
#14600 +(200)- [X]<Wilik> i'd download the .txt version of the bible

<Wilik> but it might corrupt my computer
#14755 +(21)- [X]<morbid> shh we are sleeping.

<myn> morbid you awake?
#16529 +(1045)- [X]<t_h_e_o-> why do u use a period at the end of every sentence?

<dager> ROFL

<dager> BECAUSE

<dager> ITS A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SENTENCE
#17085 +(236)- [X]<StarlinVF> My mom watched me play Tribes2

<StarlinVF> she thinks I should go into the FBI
#17429 +(222)- [X]<BluBandit> hello kitty is one cat i'd like to violate
#29151 +(142)- [X]<SteveCase> what does one do here?

<hunnybun> jerk off to girls gone wild infomercials
#33574 +(291)- [X]:St0nerChild: One time I was getting rode and she peed on me

:St0nerChild: She didnt mean to though, she didnt even know it tell i told her, she was in the middle of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

:St0nerChild: That was when i lost my virginity

:CK_Jeans: you lost your virginity to a girl who pissed on you?
#37954 +(714)- [X][@Unknown_Source] : Dogs are weird and dumb

[@djjason] : Agreed

[@Unknown_Source] : I mean, wave the biscuit, and the dumbass dogs comes

* Unknown_Source waves a biscuit

[Join (#afterhoursdjs)] : [DJAngelicon ([email protected])]

[@Unknown_Source] : ...
#38485 +(428)- [X]<seven> hooked up with some chick at a party james invited me to last weekend. she comes back to my place, we're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ around, she gives me a handjob, my vesuvious errupts, I'm content and am ready to go to sleep. then like, 2-3 minutes after said erruption, she's back down there again, and I'm thinking "what the ♥♥♥♥, as if, the guy needs some time to recover", much to my surprise, she got it all back and working again, and lo and behold, a second eruption

<seven> so I said straight away "whoa, you're like, really good at that."

<seven> "do you have a little brother or something?"
#38719 +(274)- [X]*** ProgrammerX ([email protected]) has joined #vgmusic

<ProgrammerX> Hey, anyone in here want to cyber with a male?

<TriforceOfMusic> ?

<TriforceOfMusic> what do you mean?

<ProgrammerX> Cyber.

<TriforceOfMusic> ...?

<ProgrammerX> You know....cyber sex? sex over the internet?

<Shosuro-chan> jesus ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ christ, who advertized this place to an AOL chatroom
#41204 +(372)- [X]<SchoolyD> if women couldn't talk, i bet we would be living on mars right now

<Islamikaze> yes

<SchoolyD> but women keep nagging men

<SchoolyD> "leave those equations alone and mow the lawn!"
#42801 +(13)- [X]<@mcgyver> i went for a piss out in the bush once

<@mcgyver> there i was

<@mcgyver> wang in hand

<@mcgyver> (shut up you lot)

<@mcgyver> i looked up and there was one of those ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ birdf eating ♥♥♥♥♥ about 1 metre from me

<@mcgyver> i put my wang away quickly

<@mcgyver> :$
#46677 +(8)- [X](pantherqs) isnt there some gradeschool playground you should be stalking or something?

<Gusto> oh buddy

<Gusto> there are TWO, count em, TWO grade schools right beside my apartment

<Gusto> little jewish preschoolers running around

<Gusto> one day i'm going to snap a load on one of their beanies
#46839 +(157)- [X]<Trousers> Man.  Comments about sperm always quiet channels.  I still don't know why.
#50811 +(353)- [X]<KuAm-KuAm-KuAm-KuAm-KuAm> have you ever thought what it would be like masturbating while in a teletubby outfit?

<Fr00ggyzor> Which teletubby?
#58491 +(216)- [X]joerodZ3: ppl should chase their dreams

joerodZ3: it's the route to happiness

RGarza983: and jailtime
#62044 +(229)- [X]<hpr-vb6> $2 bills pwn

<Cracker`tv> KEEP THE 2S!

<[LIQuid]> why?!

<Cracker`tv> take them to strip clubs when you get older... strippers dont look too hard and they think they're twenties!!!
#62123 +(351)- [X]<Jim> what the ♥♥♥♥

<Jim> where did this porn get on my computer fro---

<Jim> oooh
#74702 +(213)- [X]<Black_Raven[CoS]> how would blasting cookies with fudge and marshmellows prove the xistance of elves?
#82024 +(197)- [X]<gopus> what does liking big butts and not lying have to do with each other?

<gopus> if I like big butts

<gopus> does that mean I can't lie?
#89296 +(8)- [X]<BuffDaddy>

<BuffDaddy> clone jesus... clone jesus now

<SteamedHams> yeah, like we need another jew
#89806 +(-142)- [X]<Bug^> is it the ♥♥♥♥ law u cant sell piss on good friday?

<Numloxx> Bug^ no, but jesus will cry if u do

<Bug^> ♥♥♥♥ jesus

<Bug^> i'll nail that ♥♥♥♥ to a stake if he complains

<Numloxx> that'll make him cry too

<Bug^> thats his problem

<BenZor> lol
#104341 +(971)- [X]<DocGonzo> i need to shoot myself in the face... i accidentally typed "the" instead of "teh", so i backspaced and fixed it
#118031 +(208)- [X]<aleisha_van> all of the puppets in the thunderbirds look vaguely like ernest borgnine. even the women. it's unnerving.
#219686 +(506)- [X]<harlequin> shut the ♥♥♥♥ up

<harlequin> all of you make me ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sick

<JewBagel> Im sorry

<harlequin> what has irc become

<JewBagel> ...I like bacon if that helps at all.
#233654 +(657)- [X]<spyder> ♥♥♥♥ it

<spyder> ima go kill myself

<spyder> bbl
#309198 +(735)- [X]«single_14yrold_male» any1 wanna cyber? im almost 16
#341825 +(213)- [X]<Fitteh> My cellphone has a clock in it though and that is what I use.

<ptj225A> Don't you have the Speaking Clock?

<MaxBack> Who doesn't? Here, let me just pull my time-midget out of my pocket and slap his bottom. Sounds like it's 2:24, and that's in the P.M.
#389536 +(1533)"