I fell off my chair / you laughed and bought me a drink / I have a problem
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"#193 +(203)- [X]<screechon> call him up

<screechon> and tell him calmly to give you your money

<screechon> and if not

<screechon> take it to judge judy
#1341 +(303)- [X]<SPD-DMN> i wanna get a 6.5L turbo-diesel and like.. put it into a honda accord

<SPD-DMN> or is that.. put a honda accord into a 6.5L turbo-diesel?
#2104 +(667)- [X]<Tim_K> last time I jumped into a convertible.. I nearly got but-♥♥♥♥♥♥ by the gear shifter..
#4304 +(281)- [X]<K34R> im going to buy 6 monitors and a big metal rack and position them all around me

<K34R> so it will be like im captain of the starship ianprise

<K34R> on a mission to hack the gibson
#4629 +(462)- [X]<eldee> jedi kite.. that'd be a bad ass game

<friedegg> yeah

<boozie> HAHA

<eldee> fly kites in a park with other jedi.. try to light saber the other guys string

<boozie> oh.. i thought i was gonna be about jedi jews

<boozie> stealing nickels and ♥♥♥♥

<eldee> that'd be jedi ♥♥♥♥ you idjit

<boozie> ah.. thats right

<eldee> get your derrogatory slurs straight

<BombScare> man, every time i think someone in here cant get any dumber boozie steps up
#5275 +(445)- [X]<zymurgy> #define NULL NULL /* because I can dammit! */
#5362 +(287)- [X]<RvLeshrac> I wonder about stores that get shot up in movies.

<RvLeshrac> What do they say when it's all over with?

<RvLeshrac> "Hello, Mutual Insurance? Yes, I'd like to know if my policy covers gangland shootouts."
#5760 +(1135)- [X]<razorjd1> But i know what's first person shoter better than any body here!!!!

<razorjd1> why ppl think that 14 years old boy can't understand in computers???

<razorjd1> what the ♥♥♥♥ is ur prob, son tof the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥???

<razorjd1> i play UT all day and u say that i don't know what's first person shoter is???

<razorjd1> i overclock since i was 10 so don't call me stupid, i understand in computers better than any one here.

<razorjd1> Beware, or else i will hack to ur computer...

<razorjd1> ♥♥♥♥ u all!!!
#13339 +(2)- [X]<zRz> Hello a question... that I have to make to be able to write in color in the devil??
#14351 +(351)- [X]<malcolm> I would appreciate it more if I didn't have to set JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME and HILL_DEPTH and AVERAGE_LIFESPAN_OF_INSECT and NUMBER_OF_LEGS and DIRECTION_OF_PREVAILING_WIND and BIRTHDAY
#15046 +(169)- [X]<Gazhag> black ice defender is a good defender program, much better than firewall.

<Dzarg> lol :)))

<Dzarg> I could almost make that my quit message.

<Gazhag> oh, what's so funny in that? It's better than firewall, isn't it?
#16692 +(191)- [X]<JCDenton> i wasn't flooding............

<JCDenton> i was sharing
#22707 +(802)- [X]<burrahobbit> "Hi, my name is Tyson Vandagriff and, I am going to be your roommate next year at OU."

<burrahobbit> AND COMMA

#23166 +(216)- [X]<m477[Lain]> Customer: "I don't have a cdrom drive, and the CD is too big to fit in the floppy drive. And the software store won't take it back. So you have to help me install this, because it's all your fault. If you had sold me the version of Windows I wanted, I wouldn't have had to buy Windows 95."
#23886 +(550)- [X]slurpee: it's just wrong to be watching some random pr0nclip and it starts out with some hot, hot chick with a hot, hot bod...  then they start speaking german and you're thinking "wait a minute here" and then she lies down and some guy squats over her and WOAH COMMAND-W
#29663 +(287)- [X]<Olan> I haven't been in her for a while...

<nukem> i'm sorry to hear that
#34315 +(1026)- [X]<murder`> lol i just got the rot password to the linux machine running the network im on

<m0zzie> you mean root pass?

<murder`> yea whatever its called do u know some cool commands like to hack ppl?

<m0zzie> try this one.. rm -rf /etc

<phoenix> rofl

<murder`> that one just paused for ages and came up with a few forbidden msgs

<murder`> got any better ones?

<m0zzie> hmm.. try rm -rf /root

<murder`> that one just paused for a bit again, dont u know any to really hack someone?

<agent3> lol

<m0zzie> ugh, ok I guess you're gonna keep harrassing us until we tell you how to hack people aren't you?

<murder`> yep

<m0zzie> ok do this exactly without the quotes: "rm -rf /home" then do "shutdown -h now"

<murder`> k sweet man thx!!

[n] Quit [murder`]-[Read error: Connection reset by peer]

<m0zzie> I'm a bastard.
#36627 +(361)- [X]<+RushMore> got shouted at today... too hairy

<@chikster> no beards at school?

<+RushMore> no beards

<@chikster> gayness to the extreme

<+RushMore> This is a catholic grammar school

<+RushMore> run by nuns

<+RushMore> arent allowed long hair either

<@chikster> a catholic school what the ♥♥♥♥? jesus had a beard why cant you

<@chikster> he had long hair too

<@chikster> thats stupid as hell if jesus can you can i say
#37543 +(145)- [X]* DerianX sets mode: +m

<DerianX> Try to talk.

* DerianX sets mode: +v GWA

<DerianX> Now try.

<GWA> try what?

<DerianX> ...

<Gaz> It's mainly used for big channels tho

<DerianX> To talk.

<GWA> my mic is not setup lol

<DerianX> ...

<Gaz> rofl
#37952 +(239)- [X]* @Jaykul[GonCrazy] is jamming along to Winamp not started
#41306 +(75)- [X]<ryda> i dont think anyone wants to see my ♥♥♥♥ in his cute lil asss

<Gobbles> :|

<Gobbles> :S

<ryda> her

<ryda> lol

<Vindictive> His???

<Gobbles> hahhahaha

<Moose> HIS

<ryda> whatta bad typo
#42037 +(494)- [X]<Arno^QS> Intel Inside: The world's most widely distributed warning label
#42381 +(82)- [X]<decoder> can somebody turn of this heavy lag?
#44537 +(168)- [X]<xcabbage> C++ takes forever to compile

<richardt> xcabbage: you are referring to C++'s built-in coffee-refill time

<richardt> it's a feature.

<richardt> with C, there's no time.
#47032 +(201)- [X]*** julia_roberts was kicked by neotek (banned: spamming)

<@neotek> who would have thought that a successful actress like julia roberts would stoop to spamming her "phat pic site"
#50007 +(227)- [X]<Phylitsa> I think i found out how to get back on the forum! :D

<Phylitsa> I need to delete something called "my cookies"

<Phylitsa> unless the guy was making a perverted joke
#51356 +(-212)- [X]Now talking in #blackpower.

* ChanServ changes topic to 'NEW YORK (CNN) -- Jam Master Jay, the DJ of the longtime rap group Run-DMC, was shot in the head and killed Wednesday night in a Queens recording studio, according to New York police. Jay is one dead ♥♥♥♥♥♥. One less aids infected, syphallitic, dreadlocked ♥♥♥♥♥♥ in the world!'
#59243 +(629)- [X]<r-beretta> wow, rape porn pop-ups.

<r-beretta> that's a first

<[Knob]> ever got incest pop-ups?

<r-beretta> yes, incest is common for me

<r-beretta> IN THE POP-UPS I MEAN
#66238 +(209)- [X]allow ([email protected]) has joined #sleepwalkers

<hajjs> il is what country?
#71590 +(140)- [X]<Nikita> we got like a foot of snow today

<Nikita> it sucked

--> stef ([email protected]) has joined #lameindustries

--- LameServ gives channel half-operator status to stef

<Nikita> i shoveled the driveway and the stairs

<Iced_Eyes> hehe

<Iced_Eyes> i only got about 4 and 1/2 inches

<stef> argh! stupid dialup

<Rav3n> i remeber the good old days

<Rav3n> when i used to say that

<Rav3n> heh

<Nikita> stupid dialupt or only 4.5 inches?
#76684 +(81)- [X]<ogw-iii> but the normal windows aim client sucks balls

<Guyver3> right

<Guyver3> in that magical universe you live in

<Guyver3> amazingly in my universe, the real one, it does exactly what it needs to, IM other users
#78873 +(232)- [X]<["